7:56pm Jan 11 2011
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((I need someone to catch me up. o: I've read the posts, but I'm a tiny bit confused. o:))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
10:55pm Jan 11 2011 (last edited on 11:30pm Jan 11 2011)
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((Myst- Eh, All of my charries and Serenity's charries are at camp. Karrie and Matth just had an awkward moment.)) The impact of Owen sprawled Avery on the ground, her flimsy body standing no chance against his. She opened her eyes, a slight grimace on her face. "Uh, no problem. Although, if you could help me up...?" She asked, able to get up, but inable to let the bump-er leave her, an unsuspecting bystander, grounded. She smelt the faint poison of blood on her hands, and groaned. Good thing I am experienced with this sort of thing. -------------------- Matthew peeked an eye over the magazine he was reading. "Well, you don't say. It's sister number one. Your 'twin' said you wouldn't be coming," he hummed. "But I guess you are more of the agressor, anyway. Probably don't do what she wants much, huh?" He chuckled dryly under his breath, the whites ofhis teeth flaring.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:41pm Jan 12 2011
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Owen was surprised when the girl fell over. He didnt think that the girl would just comepletely fall and sprawl herself out. But then again the girl was alot smaller then he. "Uh, no problem. Although, if you could help me up...?" Tje girl said expectantly. "Oh yueah sure." Owen said feeling stupid as he reached out his hadn to help the girl up. "So are you alright?" - - - - - - - - - - - - "Well, you don't say. It's sister number one. Your 'twin' said you wouldn't be coming." A masculin voice said drawing her out of her book.She looked up at the owner of the voice and rasied an eyebrow. "But I guess you are more of the agressor, anyway. Probably don't do what she wants much, huh?" He continued. She sighed. "Well obviously you know nothing about me." she said as she returned her eyes back to her book. "I only came because I like the lake. But let's get something straight Mr. Lifeguard-" she said looking up from her book momentarily. "If a kid starts to drown its on you, there no way I'm diving. This is my favourite book." she said before she brought her green eyes back to the page.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:15pm Jan 12 2011
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"Nothing a few Dora bandaids couldn't fix," Avery chuckled. "And yeah, I'm fine," she said, arm spewing blood now. She ripped a peice of her bandanna and wrapped it around the cut. "Now, I am no etiquette freak, but I suppose when someone tries to kill you, you should at least know their name. I'm Avery, nice of you to ask," she warmly offered, her smile vivid. "And this is... Raena," she said, consulting the girl's generic name tag. "Not one for remembering names," she apologized. ------------------- He raised an eyebrow tesingly, a boyish grin on his face, when she called him Mr. Lifeguard. "Well, I don't suppose I should. I knew you barely five minutes before you ran off," he retorted, hilarity in his voice. "Number two, the name 'Mr. Lifeguard' doesn't do me much justice. And numero tres... I can swim enough to save ten people at once." He glanced over at the lake. "Eh, maybe nine." He analyzed her words better, and started musing. "Oh course, you'd prefer to read. One of those book-y types?" He laughed.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:49pm Jan 13 2011
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"Well, I don't suppose I should. I knew you barely five minutes before you ran off," the boy started talking once again. "Number two, the name 'Mr. Lifeguard' doesn't do me much justice. And numero tres... I can swim enough to save ten people at once." She heard him pause. Show off... She thought herself not bothing to look up from the words on the page. "Eh, maybe nine." she heard him talk again. "Oh course, you'd prefer to read. One of those book-y types?" Jessica sighed, looking up from her book. "No not one of the booky types, do I look like one. No, I'm one of those kids who will pretend to read a book so I don't have to talk to the likes of you." she retorted. "Is there anything else you need me to clarify(sp?) Mr. Lifeguard?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Nothing a few Dora bandaids couldn't fix,and yeah, I'm fine," Owen watched as the girl ripped her bandanna and wrapped it around the cut. "Now, I am no etiquette freak, but I suppose when someone tries to kill you," when she said that he felt a little embarrased. "You should at least know their name. I'm Avery, nice of you to ask," she smiled before looking at the other girl that Owen didn't notice.. "And this is.." she checked the name tag. "Raena. Not one for remembering names," Owen smiled slightly at that. "S'alright. I'm Owen." he said as he reached out his hand once more, this time for her to shake.. "Pleasure to meet you both." His eyes trailed down to where she had be cut. He figured she must have been cut by a rock or stick or something. But the point was that it looked kind off nasty. "Maybe you should was that out. You know, maybe put on some Polysporin and maybe a real bandage?" he suggested smiling slightly. "I'm not sure who well your Dora bandaids will do."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:54pm Jan 14 2011
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Alpha smiled, stretching his broad arms, the sun glinting off of his alabaster teeth. "Actually, yes. I'd like to know when you and your sister decided to hate my guts," he joked rhetorically, arching his eyebrows imperceptibly. "And, since I really doubt you'd bother answer me..." He dove into where the cliffs of the lakeshore were steeper, his sunkissed arms outstretched to resemble a spear penetrating a seemingly unbreakable substance. The cerulean water was clean, a rarity for the lake, as it was constantly filled with the dirty bodies of adolescents. He strained his well-trained eyes to see precious beauty amidst the clearwater depths, lake water brushing against his full eyelashes. The water felt like a glove, clinging elastically to his chiseled body. He ascended mournfully, water hanging to the folds in his eyelids like tears, and broke the flustered surface of the water. "By the way, it's Matthew. Of course, if Mr. Lifeguard is a sentimental name for you..." He laughed boisterously. ------------------------------ Avery laughed apologetically at Owen's embara.ssment, a distant warmth in her glance. "Aw, no need to blush. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Seriously, I get cuts all the time..." She babbled, extended her hand to enclose his, and applying a firm grasp, then retrieving it. She shrugged, a smile on her face and her ivory eyes dancing. "Eh, it'll be alright. I am sure the camp nurse," she pointed hintingly at herself, "will be able to fix it. Peroxide is the cure for everything. I can apply ointment on an as needed basis. If the peroxide bubbles, I will likely need some gauze, and if bleeding persists, I can use a vitamin to bleed out the wound. God forbid, if it's muscular, heat and ice will help that, and if it pain continues, Ibuprofen or raw Acetaminophen is my best bet. Aspirin might numb it too much," she considered aloud, and then blushed. "There I go again. Sounding like a flight attendant."
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:07pm Jan 15 2011
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"Actually, yes. I'd like to know when you and your sister decided to hate my guts, and since I really doubt you'd bother answer me..." Jessica looked up just in time to see the guy leap into the crystal waters of the lake. She raised an eyebrow as she watched him swim around in the water beofre looking back down into her book. She looked for a moment, the way he was swimming around he looked like he was try to show off. God, he acts as if he's on Baywatch or something. She thought as che closed her book, and put it back in her bag. She then pulled out a People magazine, she started flipping through the pages. The life guard apperently re-surfaced considering she heard his voice once more "By the way, it's Matthew. Of course, if Mr. Lifeguard is a sentimental name for you..." Jessica sighed and ran her tongue across her back teeth, something her and her sister both did when annoyed. She looked up from her magazine. "Look I don't give a sh-t about what your name is, I will call you whatever the hell I want got that?" she said her olive green eyes cold. She raised and eyeborw before she looked down her magazine at a picture of some celebrity. - - - - - - - - Owen lsitened to the girl go off about some medical stuff he didn't understand. "Well thats good to hear." he said nodding slightly. "So you're the nurse? I don't think I've ever seen you here before. Is it your first summer here?" (Fail for Owen. Hey did you see Grey's Anatomy?)
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:30pm Jan 15 2011
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"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Matthew murmured, slightly annoyed. "Seriously. It might do you some good to try to see the good in people. I haven't dismissed you as a mean, hateful..." He held back the long string of swears he longed to exploit. "I thought your sister was bad. But man, now I can see why she's the social butterfly. Compared to you, she is perfection," he muffledly whispered, clenching his teeth and pursing his lips, his brow furrowing. "I didn't do a single mean thing to you. Not one. And you just turn around and treat me like crud. Did I not get the memo that this was 'hate a random stranger' day?" He said coldly, and dove back into the water, which looked suddenly murkier than it had moments ago. He sat at the bottom for a seemingly unrealistic amount of time, trying to clear his mind of the vile things he thought. Pond scum slowly gathered at the surface of the water. Oh right, he remembered, I need a bunk mate. ---------------------------- ((Yeah. <3 That show.)) "No," she murmured. "I am just not a memorable person, I suppose," she compensated. "I don't really... talk to people unless I have to." She had a flashback to summers past, how she'd aways sit in the corner of the cabin, had no bunking mate, and cried at night, hugging her teddy bear viciously. She wanted to jog Owen's memory, to remind him she was the corner girl, the introverted little girl who kept her mouth shut, but Avery was ashamed of her childish ways. "Well," she chirped, "We better figure out our cabin placements. I better head to the Girl Counselors' cabin. I need to find someone to bunk with..." She muttered dryly.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:27pm Jan 20 2011
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((Sorry for taking so long.)) "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," She heard the guy mutter. "Seriously. It might do you some good to try to see the good in people. I haven't dismissed you as a mean, hateful..." She raised an eyebrow at days, but the boy soudned like a goody goddy considering he didn't his rant. She was about look back down at her magazine when he started again. "I thought your sister was bad. But man, now I can see why she's the social butterfly. Compared to you, she is perfection." Jessica looked up. "You shut the f-ck up right now." She said her teeth clenched. "You can say whatever the hell you want about, cuase I really couldn't care less. But you leave Kari out of this you know nothing about her, or what she's done to keep-" she shook her head trailling off, not wanting to tell the boy about their touchy family life. She shook her head once more and looked down at her magazine. "You know what, forget this. Forget this." She muttered as she sunk into her beach chair and reached over and grabbed her ipod from her bag and put one of the earbuds in her ear and pulled her magazine closer before muttering something that sounded french. - - - - - - - "No,I am just not a memorable person, I suppose," Owen tried to think but he didn't really remember her face. "I don't really... talk to people unless I have to." She paused for a moment. "Well, We better figure out our cabin placements. I better head to the Girl Counselors' cabin. I need to find someone to bunk with..." Owen nodded, still trying to remember the girl, but he didn't, probably because he never went to the nurses station much. Snapping out of his thouught he realized what she was talking about. "Oh, yeah I need one too, I'll come with, the girls cabin is on the way to the girls." (Wait is it?)
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:36pm Jan 20 2011 (last edited on 12:08am Jan 30 2011)
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Matthew rose from the water, shaking off Jessica's outburst. He really didn't care what she said, or what her problem was, or whatever. He was glad to be admittedly selfish. It meant he was't phased by others' drama. But... He glanced over at Jessica's now vegetative state, and grimaced. He hated making enemies, if he ever made them. He watched her for a second, knowing she wouldn't bother glance up. He lightly thudded on the ground, and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry,' shaking his head, before he got up and jogged to the boys' cabin. ---------------------- (Yeah.) "Alright," Avery agreed nonchalantly, disregarding the open sores that covered her extremities. She slung her napsack over one shoulder, and started off, observing the fragrant scents and fragile sights of nature. A thought occured to Avery. "You make any friends yet? That are guys, I mean?" She chuckled kindly. "Lord knows I am not one to make friends that are actually girls," She grimaced, rubbing her right arm so that it was bright red, then glancing at the rashy skin, a scowl of distaste littering her ex pression. "I'd probably end up bunking with a dude, if it wasn't, y'know, weird..." She thought, and blushed, her cheeks blotchy with embara.ssment. Stupid, stupid, stupid. She didn't know why she was so embara.ssed. He was just a guy. Just a guy. It didn't take her long to see what was wrong with a girl thinking 'Just a guy.'
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:23pm Jan 28 2011
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Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
5:35pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 1,682
((Ugh. Sorry for not replying. Too much stress as of the moment. Will reply sometime soon, hopefully.))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
5:46pm Jan 29 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Oh sorry for not posting, I'll have a post soon XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
12:03am Jan 30 2011
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((*Waits* XD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
3:09pm Feb 1 2011 (last edited on 3:10pm Feb 1 2011)
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((Bumping for my post...Wait a god damn minute. It didn't post. Dammit, I'll have another post up later XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:57pm Feb 1 2011
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Jessica pretened to ignor the boy as she shook himself out of the water and walk away. She noticed he stoped for a while, probably to flip her off while she wasn't looking before he started walking away again. When she left she looked up from the picture of Leonardo DiCaprio and watched him walk of for a moment before turning back to the magazine. Hmm...Kari will like this page. She thought to herself smiling, before she flipped the page. She looked back in the direction he was going then she turned her eyes towards the now peaceful lake. "Geez, well thats the first person who hates me. Wonder how much more people I will terrorize." She muttered to herself as she rested her elbow on the arm rest and rested her chin against her fist. - - - - - - - Owen fell into step with the nurse girl. They walked in silence before she piped up, asking him if made anyfriends, before she rattle on. "I'd probably end up bunking with a dude, if it wasn't, y'know, weird..." she continued, her face suddenly going red. Owen smiled and shook his head. "You are really nervous aren't you. You sound like Kari on a really bad day." He said laughing slightly at the last part. He looked up from his feet back at her. "I'm sure a guy would jump at the chance to bunk with you, well really girls in general." He shrugged, suddenly feeling as awkward as her. He looked back down at his feet unsure of what to say. ((Fail for Owen))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:12pm Feb 1 2011
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((Hehe. I LOL'd aloud at Owen's comment about dudes and girls. That made my year. XD)) Matthew opened the door to the counselor boy's cabin slightly, glancing in with one eye. Some new counselors milled about, tripping over their suitcases clumsily, red blush consuming their faces. He couldn't help but chuckle. The other boys warmly regarded him, and he returned their smiles. If only girls were so easy to get along with. Matthew carefully pulled the rope drawstring on his hunter's orange knapsack, and grabbed a shirt and shorts. He headed to the stalls briskly, and rushed into the shower, getting ahead of another shower-eager teen by a half-second. Ten minutes later, Matthew emerged from the stall, his clothes changed, his wet shirt clinging to his chiseled chest. His ran his hands through his m*censored* of dampened hair, and shook it out violently. Then, he laid down tiredly on the bottom bunk of a bed. New counselors glanced over at the vacant top bunk, coveting it greedily. Of course, they were intimidated by Matthew's height, age, and experience to just walk up and say 'hi.' No, that'd be too easy for Matthew. He'd have to wait for a counselor who wasn't entirely new to be brave enough to bunk with him. As if Matt was anything to be afraid of... ((Owen and Matthew should be friends. They'd make a good pair. ;D)) ---------------------------------- Owen's comment never exactly stopped her blushing. Guys never went for the quiet, nerdy tomboy with all AP cl*censored*es. And that girl was her. "You'd be surprised," she mumbled quietly, trying to keep up the humor, but not exactly doing well. She stifled a regretful sigh, and traded it for a half-hearted laugh. Two distinct ha's followed a mournful ex pression. Avery shook it off, as she always had, and wore a makeshift smile. "Who's Kari?," she inquired, subconsciously hoping that wasn't his girlfriend. She didn't know why, but lord knows how awkward the situation would be.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
4:25pm Feb 3 2011 (last edited on 4:37pm Feb 3 2011)
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((Psh XD And Matt and Owen should totally be friends. But he shouldnt know about Owen's relation to Kari and Jessica.)) "You'd be surprised," He heard her mumble before making a sad attempt at a laugh. HE shrugged it off anyways it was none of his buisness and he didnt want to press the subject. "Who's Kari?" Owen heard her pipe up once more. He grinned slightly, as he though about his answer. "She's a councilor here." He said trying to sound nonchalant. "Yeah, she's something else." He said, not really wanting her to know it was his sister. It'd probably be better for him if people didn't know she was his sister, even if she was only half. Then soon people would catch on with Jess and her and they'd soon realize that the camp terror was his sister too. Plus, if there happened to be any guys interested in them,-well Kari at least,- they wouldn't come after him asking what they (or she) liked, why doesn't she like them, why is she such a b!tch. Things would be better if no one knew. At least for his sake. Owen saw the girls cabin he hadn't realized they had reached so quickly. "Hey well here's your stop." He said smiling slightly. "Well I'd better hop tp it before all the tops bunks are taken. I'll catch you later." He said. He jogged away before she could mention anything more about his sister. He bound up the steps to the boy cabin and entered quickly. He nodded and said to a few of the faces he knew and the others he didn't. He saw there was still a couple of unclaimed bunk, and one of them was with that weird ginge kid. His eyes went a little wide when the kid waved him over. He shook his head and pointed to another one with a guy sprawled out on the bottom. He made his way over to that one and say it was it friend from years before. "Hey what's up Matt." He said as he neared, grinning. "This bunk taken?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:09pm Feb 5 2011
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Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:29pm Feb 5 2011 (last edited on 10:31pm Feb 6 2011)
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((Yep. Cause that would make their friendship wierd. I think Matt and Owen are compatible for friends, though.)) Avery frowned a bit, but not especially conspicuously. A camp counselor, she thought, wanting to emphasize her pout. Well, at least he never said she was his girlfriend. She smiled inwardly, glad that he didn't. Either this 'Kari' girl was not yet his girlfriend, he was embara.ssed to be her boyfriend, or he didn't feel that way about her at all. Otherwise, he would have said she was his girlriend. All guys jump at the opportunity to announce they aren't single. It's a status thing. Then she wondered why she cared. What reason does she have to hate someone she has never meant? What right? She never really took a good, long look at Owen. Since he was just a friendly stranger, she didn't see the need to. She glanced at him briefly, and realized something: Owen was hot. It made sense. It's why her hands were sweating. It's why her face was redder than a stop sign. It was why she felt nervous when she spoke to him. And, it was why she was jealous of Kari, whoever she was. So this is what it's like to realize you like someone, she thought glumly, branches cracking under her meager weight. I hate this. Liking people sucks. For some reason, she felt the unshakable desire to hold Owen's hand. Of course, he wouldn't want that. She just met him, and she was a total dork. So she quietly refrained. She looked around, and saw that the girls' cabin was just on her left, and the boys' was on her right. "Well, I guess I'll see you around...?" She murmured, her heart thankful it would get a break from beating so fast. She hadn't noticed, but by then, he was already gone. -------------------------------- Matthew grinned, his lifeguard wristband still adorned across his arm. "Hey dude. I hoped you'd show up. Oh, and be my guest," he said, gesturing up to the top bunk. He eyed Owen mischeviously, and all of a sudden, a thought occured to him. "Meet any chicks since you drove up? I met two, but one was over-dramatic and whiny and the other was just plain mean. Although they weren't that hard to look at..." He mused, laughing quietly. "The mean one is the other lifeguard. And the other chick is the arts and crafts lady. It's gonna be a long summer." ((Owen and Matthew bunking together ftw. ;D And sorry for making Avery such a drama queen. But drama adds amazing-ness to the roleplay, does it not?))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.