4:07pm Mar 2 2009
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Starwalker padded over and said"Yes that appears to be so with every cat.Eat this.It should get rid of that nasty rat.But make sure you eat it away from he camp.Youll cough up the rat and we dont really need rat chunks in the camp."Already she had sent off a few cats to get rid of their rat they had eaten.
6:53pm Mar 2 2009
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Posts: 443
Since she diddnt eat any rat Sagepelt rounded up the few cats who were alright to go fetch some fresh moss for some of the sick cats, and sent the other few to find some decent fresh kill. Shadeheart flinched in pain as his stomch spasmed again in pain. He lay down beside Lovestar while waiting for the herb to help him recover.
12:08am Mar 3 2009
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Lovestar looked at Shadeheart. Then at the medicine cat. She got to her paws and padded slowly out of the camp with the herbs on her jaws. Tail down, and head down. Pain flooded all over her from stomach to head, from head to tail. When she was finally far away from camp she layed down and crunched up the herbs. Five heartbeats later she vomited all the rat, and it looked all red and horrible with a stinking smell. She got up to her paws when she felt ready to come back to camp, and entered her den. Sleep took her away, and a voice kept murmuring on her ears every breath she took. "Love will meet the light of the sky. Two will become one. And an innocent cat will become a 'Star' " The voice kept murmuring. Sunset shone above and she got to her paws. No more pain to suffer! She though happily. She got her piece of prey, a water vole, and joined to eat next to Sagepelt and Shadeheart. "Hello, may i eat with you?" She asked.
I'm Feline♥
12:26am Mar 3 2009 (last edited on 12:27am Mar 3 2009)
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I'm Feline♥
4:12pm Mar 3 2009
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Fernleaf at that time padded into the camp."Filthy rats took forever to get rid of."She muttered.She spit out some rat fur and immediatly began to groom herself.Still full from the rats that hadnt gotten her sick in the morning.She wanted to get rid of as much dead rat smell as possible.
6:13pm Mar 3 2009
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Sagepelt lay down beside her brother who still looked abit ruffled from the rat sickness and started to groom his matted fur. He lay his head onto him paws, tired. 'I dont think I should bug him right now, but I need to know if I should stay deputy.' She thought. Summoning up her courage she asked. "Shadeheart, do you thinbk that Fernleaf would make a good deputy?" He jerked his head up and gaver her a startled look. "What? Why do you ask? Your not planning on leaving are you?" He looked panicked. "No! But im not sure im cut out to be deputy, I keep making stupid mistakes, and annoying Lovestar." He opened his mouth to reply when a voice spoke up in front of them. "May I eat with you?" Lovestar asked. "Sure Lovestar." Sagepelt replied rather quickly. Shadeheart shot her a annoyed glance. He wanted to finish this conversation, it worried him.
12:55am Mar 4 2009
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Lovestar picked up her water vole and padded closer to them, she layed down and ate her piece of fresh-kill. "So... What are you talking about?" Lovestar asked curiously. The only words of their converstation she heard were 'Annoying Lovestar' But she kept herself quiet, not showing how worried she began to feel.
I'm Feline♥
8:24pm Mar 4 2009
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Posts: 443
"Oh its nothing Lovestar. We were just talking about how..uh..all the problems that have been going on, such as the missing fresh kill and the rat attack. And how they are annoying all of use, and expecally you since your leader" Sagepelt finished lamely, she laughed nervoulsly. Shadeheart shot her a disapproving look. "She thinks Fernleaf would make a better deputy." He said plainly. "Sagepelt looked down at her paws, ashamed at being so weak around her leader.
10:12pm Mar 4 2009
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Lovestar was eating camly when Sagepelt explained, but when Shadeheart told the truth she jumped to her paws, eyes wide with shock. "Yes, Fernleaf could be a good one, but never as good as you, Sagepelt. Really, i know you'll be a great leader, maybe even better than me." Lovestar purred. She layed down again and ate her food. Did Sagepelt really mean that Fernleaf is better? Lovestar thought nervously. Echopaw was licking his wounded leg, he was alone in the medicine cat's den. She must be collecting herbs or something... Echopaw thought. Suddenly, his heart began beating faster and blood splashed out of his leg. Echopaw gasped with pain. "Help! Blood, here!" He screeched. Nobody came. "Please, help me!! my leg!!" He cried again. His heart kept beating faster as he tried to lick all the blood, but it was impossible! Echopaw screeched again. Starclan, please! leave me here! He thought. Next to him was the organized piles of herbs and berries. Echopaw tried make his paw bring some of anything to calm him down. He rolled a berry, one he had never seen before, maybe in the forest, but he didnt remember. It looked delicious anyways. He gulped the berry. He felt worse. "Im going to die!!" He cried. No one came. His heart began beating slower and slower. Until suddenly Starwalker burst into the den. Two more heartbeats, and Echopaw's heart stopped. The brightness of his eyes died. His mouth was open of a frozen screech. And a death berry layed on his mouth.
I'm Feline♥
3:54pm Mar 5 2009
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Starwalker had ran as fast as she could at the distresed calls.She had been helping a cat who had gotten a particularly bad bit of rat when she heard it.She dashed into her den almost ramming into the wall before turning to see what had happened.She stared with shock.She wanted to help him but knew it was far to late.One of the few death berries she ever kept in here was gone...and in his mouth.She just couldnt beleive what happened.She tryed to ignore the fact that he was most likely dead."What happened?!"She yowled looking at his leg"What did you do?!What cause this?!"She continued on.Something like this hadnt ocured in all of her days as medicine cat in this clan.There was little that she knew.He had eaten a death berry.His leg woul have blead him to death with or without it.
7:12pm Mar 5 2009
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Sagepelt was about to reply to Lovestars faith in her when a screech split the air. She jumped up and bolted to the medicine cats den where the howl originated. Shadeheart was beside her while Lovestar was already in the den. She burst in and was horrified by what she saw. Laying there was Echopaw, not moving.
7:20pm Mar 5 2009
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Starwalker just stood there wide eyed and speachless.What could she saw after all?She acame in here and suddenly echopaw died.What was there to say?!besides the obvious...."They died..."
10:29pm Mar 5 2009
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"Nooo!! Please, nooo!!" Lovestar cried. Her first apprentice, dead. She hurried and layed down next to Echopaw's motionless body. She fearfuly licked him. "Echopaw!!! Why? Nooo!" She kept crying. But he did not move. She, since she entered, knew he was dead. But she couldnt get used to it. "How did he die?" Lovestar asked, her body wwas trembling with fear. But before Starwalker could answer, Lovestar saw the Death berry on his mouth. "Did you give him that?"
I'm Feline♥
5:44pm Mar 6 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt shivered at the mourning wail. Shadeheart pressed into her side. Never had she seen her leader like this. Lovestar was always strong and looked after the clan. Now it looked like it was going to fall into her paws for the night. "Did you give him that?" The words scorched the air. A low rumble sounded in her brothers throat. She looked at him. In Shadehearts eyes there was murder. 'Shadeheart whats going on. Oh no! Please not again.' She thought, remembering last time. 'If this miserable excuse for a cat feed Echopaw a death berry, she will pay dearly. How dare she hurt Lovestar and weaken the clan like this.' Shadeheart unsheathed his claws. "Answer her! Did you, or diddnt you feed him the death berry." He snarled. He had only felt like this one time before in his life. I was when the rouge group killed his mother and his other sister. And he hated it. The feelof no control.
12:53am Mar 7 2009
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I'm Feline♥
1:26am Mar 8 2009
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I'm Feline♥
2:28pm Mar 8 2009
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I'm Feline♥
3:22pm Mar 8 2009
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Posts: 597
((OKay i'm way confused. Sorry felineLOVER. Would you fill me in with a little information?))

Click him, <3 I won't be on much today. - 6-17-11.
4:04pm Mar 8 2009
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((Sure! But, call me feline X3 Well, Echopaw was attacked by a fox a few pages ago, and his leg broke. Now he died, because the medicine cat wasnt there when he tried to keep the blood from splashing out of his wound, and he ate a death berry, he didnt know it was a death berry, but since it was kinda next to him he thought it was a medicine that he could use while Starwalker, the medicine cat, came. Now Lovestar thinks that Starwalker gaved him the death berry to Echopaw. We are waiting for PAndameg's character, Starwalker, reply. And also a small rat pack attacked, and some cats ate the rats. The rat are now gone, but some cats are sick in Starwalker's other side of the den. Lovestar got sick, but she is now healthy. You may read the last few posts if you want. Oh, and, look at my new roleplay: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/-four-clans-otachie-zenirix-each-in-meragon-and-tesuri-a-different-planet-/~page/1/ ^_^))
I'm Feline♥
7:02pm Mar 8 2009 (last edited on 7:17pm Mar 8 2009)
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(Join? This looks exciting!) Name: Oakcloud Rank: Queen Eye color/pelt color:  Personality: caring, helpful, and really nice Gender: female Mate: Looking for one
Has an apprentice/mentor: none Age: Adult, 4 years old. Other: Her old mate died/dissapeared, but she already has the kits. Kits: Name: Willowkit Gender: male Age: .... kit Name: Echokit Gender: female Age: kit... Willowkit's picture Echokit's picture