5:51pm Aug 15 2009
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" I'm soory. I havn't thought about it to much. I've had this horrible head ache and I don't know why. You're definatly going. Just throw together a group of cats to go, not our two prisoners, and take them. I don't care who to much. " Darkenedstar stood up, since she had been sleeping in an attempt to get rid of her headache, and left her den. She was going to get some fresh kill. Stripedpaw had learned by now that he was supposed to get food for Lunarsight before he got some for himself. He grabbed a mouse, and took it to Lunarsight. Lunarsight turned to look at Stripedpaw as he came into the edler den with her food. She purred and thanks and ate it when he set it down in front of her. It was nice to have another cat in here. It was so lonely in here. There were no other elders to talk to. There was something good though, her paw had stopped hurting. Probobly because she didn't have to run and walk about quite as much as she used to. Nutstrike hid behind a tree, waiting for Fallenrain to p*censored* by so she could pounce on him. She felt like playing.

5:52pm Aug 15 2009
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((Noooo :O Fail lag is makingthis rp has fail!))
5:53pm Aug 15 2009
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((Why do this to Loveclan/sunclan?! DX))
6:12pm Aug 15 2009
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Starsong hesitated for a bit. Head ache? Maybe the next thing could be vomiting. He felt sorry for her. Then he padded to the center of the camp where he could observe all cats. MoonFall pas-sed infront of the fresh-kill pile and picked up a thrush Starsong had cought. Starsong joined him, picking a water vole. They silently ate, until Starsong finished and broke the silence. "MoonFall, Darkenedstar can't go to the gathering today. I will take her place for her tonight, and so I want you to come to the gathering. Bring Stripedpaw." MoonFall finished his Thrush, then nodded and padded to the Elders' Den. Stripedpaw had given food to Lunarsight, he noticed. "Very well, Stripedpaw." He purred as he entered the den. "Today you are coming to the gathering Starsong will lead to the Shadow Forest. Has Jacklefur explained to you about it?" He meowed. Fallenrain picked a pigeon from the pile, and holded it with his teeth. His head went up happily as he trotted to the entrance of the Warriors' Den. He slowe as he padded infront of a tree. The scent of the fresh-kill didnt let him notice someone was waiting for him behind the tree. Starsong thought for a moment. MoonFall, Stripedpaw, who else? He had to leave someone here. He decided he would bring Nutstrike. And leave Fallenrain and Jacklefur to guard. But then he knew Fallenrain would be mad at his. He wouldn't stand being so far from Nutstrike.
I'm Feline♥
6:18pm Aug 15 2009
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((I'll be here for an hour. :] ))
I'm Feline♥
6:22pm Aug 15 2009
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Stripedpaw looked at Moonfall and answered " He told me about it but he didn't say what it was. Why are we going to the Shadow Forest anyways? the name is ominous. " He gave some unessicary emphasis. Nutstrike smiled and meowed " Rawr! " as she lept onto Fallenrain, claws sheathed. She wsa sure she would land right on his back. Darkeendstar took a vole and ate it quickly before returning to her den to get some more sleep. Her head hurt so much... She wished there was some way to make it stop but she didn't know how and there was no medicine cat. That made her think of something, she went back to the entrance of her den and said to Starsong from there " Don't froget to ask Loveclan for help with a medicine cat. I don't think Sunclan can go on forever with no medicine cat. " She returned to her sleeping spot and curled up, mind focused on one thing. Head ache removal.
6:23pm Aug 15 2009
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((I am so hungry...*stomach roars*...Nutstrike totally just glomped Fallenrain O3o))
6:36pm Aug 15 2009
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Fallenrain was totally gotten by surprise. White feathers scattered everywhere as Fallenrain felt the thump and rolled to the ground. He stood silent for less than a second as he thought about what just happened, and then pulled Nutstrike's ear playfully. He stretched his paw to grab the now featherless pigeon infront of him. "Atleast now i dont have to take the feathers off," He muttered, a big smile on his face. Starsong nodded, he already knew this though. He would bring both, Fallenrain and Nutstrike. He would leave Jacklefur on guard. What could happen anyway? LoveClan couldn't attack today. And if Darkenedstar had her kits... Sunset would be there anyway. She would know what to do, right? MoonFall rolled his eyes. "It's just a name. Call it the 'dazzling fairy forest' if you want." He mewed sarastically. Then padded out of the den. "You'll understand it when you get there. Just do as I say."
I'm Feline♥
6:39pm Aug 15 2009
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"Nightshadow," Lovestar called as she padded after him. "Get Sunpelt, Fernleaf, BlossomPetal, and Starwalker ready for the gathering, please." She meowed. Sunpelt padded out of the Warriors' Dem at the call of his name.
I'm Feline♥
6:48pm Aug 15 2009
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Stripedpaw then said to himself " Kay. Going to the ominous sounding forest...wait...what's a pixie? " Lunarsight shrugged. She had no clue at all. Stripedpaw left the elder den. Nutstrike smiled, since she ofund this amusing. Her tail was held up with a slight curl on the end as she got off of Fallenrain. She batted at his tail with her paw, for some reason she didn't exactly know. LOVE CLAN Nightshadow nodded, heading to the warrior's den first. He looked inside and saw Blossompetal. " Gathering. Your going. Tonight. " He padded to te medicine cat's den to get Starwalker. Blossompetal watched Nightshadow leave, wondering why he made it so simple. Did he think she was stupid or something? Oh well. The mind of a tom cat was impossible for a she-cat to understand. It was a fact she had come to accept. Nigghtshadow peered into the medicine cat's den and said " Hey Starwalker, you're going to the meeting tonight. " He then set off, searching for Fernleaf. Where was that she-cat? Fernleaf was gathering up her catch from a hunting trip she had taken. She was trying to fit a mouse, crow, and a finch into her mouth all at the same time. Not an easy task.

6:59pm Aug 15 2009
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((I have to leave already T_T Will come back later... In about 4 hours, i think.))
I'm Feline♥
10:27pm Aug 15 2009
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MoonFall hadn't heard what Stripedpaw asked. As he was already out of the den, by the entrance of the camp. Fallenrain flicked his tail, putting the tip on Nutstrike's nose and making her sneeze. He smiled and got up, picking up his un-appetizing pigeon. Starsong padded over to the two cats. "You two are going to the gathering tonight, Darkenedstar can't come-" His gaze looked down at his paws-"And so I will be on her place tonight. Eat that pigeon, Fallenrain, and Nutstrike get something to eat fast. We will be going in a bit." Then he padded over to Jacklefur, who seemed infront of the Warriors' Den. "Jacklefur," He meowed, "You will be here on guard tonight. Stay guarding Darkenedstar's den, get her anything she needs. If she wants Sunset, bring her to her immedietly."
I'm Feline♥
10:39pm Aug 15 2009
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Jacklefur nodded, knowing exactly what this meant. He wasn't a kit after all. He could tell this had to do with Darkeendstar, and kits. No more details were allowed to swim about in his mind. Nutstrike sneezed several times, laughed a little bit and went to the fresh kill pile. She picked a mouse and it was soon gone. She was now ready to go to the gathering. While she waited for the other cats to get ready and go, she began to make her fur clean. Stripedpaw padded into the camp clearing, waiting for the group to go to that one ominous sounding forest. He was styrangly excited. He guessed it was because he felt the light heartedness of most of the cats around him. DArkeendstar shifted into another position, unable to get herself comfortable.
10:44pm Aug 15 2009 (last edited on 10:46pm Aug 15 2009)
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Fallenrain gulped down his pigeon, and padded next to Starsong. Starsong nodded, pleased, and padded to the entrance, flicking his tail for others to come. He was so very worried for Darkenedstar. Fallenrain trotted lightly, getting himself into the group of cats. Starsong began padding, a bit faster than a normal padd, and got the cats into the trees. Heading North, to the Shadow Forest. Lovestar, too, padded to the entrance. "Everyone ready?" She called, as Sunpelt padded close to her. A bit closer than necessary. But she felt comfortable about it.
I'm Feline♥
10:56pm Aug 15 2009
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Nightshadow looked around and said " Fernleaf isn't here. " Of course, at that moment, the green and brown cat stepped into the camp with some prey, setting it down onto the fresh kill pile. She looked at Nightshadow and said " I heard my name. " " That's because I said. You're coming to the gathering. " Nightshadow meowed, annoyance hinting in his voice. Fernleaf nodded and asked " Okay. So when are we going? " Blossompetal just waited for when theyset out, wishing her sister couldcome with her. She had been missing Crownedpaw so much. They never got to sleep together anymore and they normally hadd tasks that seperated them. She hated it. Starwalker waited patiently for the group to get going. Stripedpaw and Nutstrike followed Starsong, Nutstrike wondering what Starsong would say to Lovestar at the garthering. Her tail was curled slightly at the tip in her thought as she walked. Darkenedstar finally gave up, deciding that mabye if she walked around a little bit she would feel better. She brought herself to her paws and paced back and forth for a few minutes, finding that this simple task made her tired for some reason. She layed back down. One thought p*censored*ed through her mind in a mocking tone. At least the headache's gone...

11:11pm Aug 15 2009
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Sunset sighed. San didn't seem really awake. She padded out of her den, noticing that only her, the prisoners, her kits, and Jacklefur were here. Oh, and Lunarsight. She was worried for Darkenedstar, so sorry for her... She padded next to Jacklefur. Then without waiting permission, she got inside the den. "Darkenedstar, I understand of what you are pas-sing through right now. I want to stay here until Starsong comes back, to keep you safe. I'm no Medicine Cat, but I have been through this before." Then she noticed her kits were alone, but then shook the thought off as she remember they were asleep with San. They were safe, in other words. Starsong entered the clearing, and sure enough LoveClan hadn't arrived yet. He pounced on top of a log, similar to Darkenedstar's, but much, much, bigger. He thought this would be the right place. The moonshine glittered lovely over the forest, glittering all cats to a pale silver. Fallenrain sat to a corner, nearest to MoonFall. Lovestar waved her tail, and padded out of the camp. She looked back, and the group cats were following. She trotted lightly infront, with her deputy beside. Her eyes glittered amber as her flowing fur and lithe body entered the clearing, Shadow Forest. Her pale eyes shone, and her gaze flowed over the group of SunClan cats. This was first time to all of them.
I'm Feline♥
7:31am Aug 16 2009
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*at the gathering* Nutstrike did her best to not seem aa little bit scares. Loveclan did have more cats with them. That didn't matter much though did it? Sunclan had powers which meant they could easily protect themselves. Stripedpaw smiled at the new cats. He would have run over to talk to them if Nutstrike hadn't quickly grabbed the scruffed of his neck and held him back. She was pretty strong. Stronger than Stripedpaw had expected. *in sunclan camp* lunarsight had fallen asleep by now. Jacklefur let her go into Darkeenedstar's den. He didn't try to stop her, for fear of facing the wrath of the she-cat. Darkenedstar looked up as sunset entered. She nodded slightly when Sunset finished talking and simply replied " My head ache came back." She didn't know why. It's just that when Sunset had started talking, her head had decided it would start hurting again. *gathering again* Nightshadow carfully examing the Sunclan catts. Why was that one glowing? Eh...these cats were all freaks anyways. What did it matter if one decided it can glow? Blossompetal smiled at the Sunclan cats when she realized that Nightshadow was glaring at them. After all, any enemy of Nightshadow's was a friend of hers. Fernleaf looked at the Sunclan cats, finding the one that glowed to be rather interesting. She wondered if the cats could talk to each other yet. She wanted to meat the newest cats in the forest.

12:27pm Aug 16 2009
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((Agh. I made such a huge post but then the page suddenly refreshed and I lost EVERYTHING. Now I have to write it all over again... ))
I'm Feline♥
12:34pm Aug 16 2009
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((Aww...I'll give you a hug if that can help...))
12:54pm Aug 16 2009
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((Aww <3 Thank youuu! I feel much better now <3)) Lovestar jumped on the log, sitting next to Starsong. "So SunClan has powers, am I right?" She meowed, looking down at Nutstrike. The she-cat's fur glowed so brilliantly. "Yes, Lovestar. But may I speak first? I want to you to meet SunClan." Starsong meowed. "Go ahead," Lovestar meowed. She was very kind at the moment. "I am Starsong, deputy of SunClan. Before you may ask, I tell you that it is none of your buissness that Darkenedstar did not come." Starsong began, "Two new warriors have been made, Fallenrain and Nutstrike. A new apprentice has been added, Stripedpaw, and MoonFall has decided to mentor him. One of our queens has had her first litter of kits." His gaze stared at Sunpelt, "Cinnamonkit, Twilightkit, and Bonekit." "Lunarsight joined the Elder's Den yesterday. And Lovestar, Darkenedstar has personaly told me to ask you something," Starsong meowed, his gaze now on Lovestar. "Ask me," She demanded, though kindness still flowed. "Our medicine cat, Moonwhisper, has joined StarClan. We will miss her as she was a great medicine cat. But now, we dont have a medicine cat, since Cinnamonkit hasn't reached 6 Moons yet. She has told her mother that the path of the Medicine cat is for her. But we have no one to mentor her, Lovestar. Would you agree on sharing Starwalker until Cinnamonkit turns into a full Medicine Cat?" Starsong meowed. Lovestar looked down at her medicine cat, then at Starsong. "Is that all you have to say, Starsong?" "Yes, Lovestar, you may speak now. But please, answer my question." Starson added. Lovestar sighed, "Starwalker, do you agree on all this?"
I'm Feline♥