1:02pm Aug 16 2009
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Starwalker nodded and said " No clan should go without a medicine cat. Besides, if I don't, theey'll drag any injured cat into Loveclan camp so I can help them. " She was going to be fair on this. Even if Sunclan was a rival clan, they still deserved to have a medicine cat to take care of them. Nutstrike smiled at Lovestar as she looked at her. Her glowing fur sort of attracted attention so she knew she shouldn't let these other cat's stares bother her much. *Sunclan camp* Darkeendstar just kept feeling more and more uncomfortable. she was also gettinf fairly restless. she knew it would be best foer her if she stayed laying down, but she couldn't help getting up and pacing.
1:02pm Aug 16 2009
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((Oh joy...))
1:02pm Aug 16 2009
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((My post left...))
1:18pm Aug 16 2009
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Sunset sat down, "Darkenedstar, you should go to the nursery. The den is made for she-cats expecting kits. It will help, i promise. It is much, much, more comfortable there. My kits wont bother you, but if they do I will send them out to bother Jacklefur." Gathering.~ Lovestar closed her eyes, then looked back at Starsong. "Okay, Starsong. Starwalker will go to your camp tonight, and she will stay there for a week. After that week, she will go back to my camp. Then again in another week go back to yours. She will stay longer if something big happens, like a she-cat having kits or a seriously injured warrior, or harmed kit. Once Cinnamonkit is Cinnamonpaw, she will follow Starwalker everywhere, even when she has to come to our camp. Do you both agree?" Lovestar asked Starsong and Starwalker. Starsong sighed in relief and nodded.
I'm Feline♥
1:27pm Aug 16 2009
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Starwalker nodded. She hoped this Cinnamonkit was medicine cat material. Otherwise, she wasn't sure what she would do. The two other kits didn't sound like they could be medicine cats at all... Nutstrike watch the cats talk. This was all so interesting! When they said the word kits though, her mind flew back to Darkenedstar. Nutstrike and Darkenedstar were good friends so she was worried for her of course. Her mind wandered off onto wondering if Darkenedstar was doing fine. Stripedpaw listened to all of this, not getting most of it. He liked to act like he was paying attention though. *Suncln Camp* DArkenedstar nodded, getting out of her own den. She had found it comfortable until yesterday and today. Did kits change how she felt when she slept? Thinking of this, she ppadded into the nursery. Jacklefur meowed to Sunset " Hey! Don't make them bother me! Have them bug Lunarsight to tell them a story or something! " He didn't want to be bothered with kit watching tonight. He wasn't great with kits.

1:56pm Aug 16 2009
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Sunset giggled, then lead Darkenedstar to the nursery. She grabbed the extra moss piled on the corner, and stretched it around next to her moss bed. She backed a bit to let Darkenedstar lay there. "Would you like some water-soked moss, Darkenedstar?" Sunset asked. Twilightkit sat beside Sunset, staring wide-eyed at Darkenedstar. Gathering.~ Lovestar smiled. "Ok. Now it is my turn to present my clan. You all know I am Lovestar. Nightshadow is my deputy, and Starwalker our medicine cat you already know. We, at the moment, have no apprentices. But soon I hope there will. Nether do we have Queens, kits, nor Elders. But we are as strong as ever. Here at the gathering is BlossomPetal, Sunpelt, and Fernleaf. Crownedpaw will be turned back to CrownedLion, as his punishment has already ended." She finished. "Do you think we should let them know each other as the last thing for this gathering?" Starsong suggested, and Lovestar nodded. Sunpelt padded to the group of SunClan cats, his attencion was brought to the glowing cat. But he instead turned to the cat beside her. Lovestar jumped off the log, and so did Starsong. She headed towards the glowing cat. "Hello, young warrior. You are Nutstrike, right?" Starsong padded towards Nightshadow, "Hi, Nightshadow. I guess it is time we meet." Fallenrain hissed, "I know what you did to Sunset." His voice was lower than a growl, and he backed away a bit. He wouldn't want to meet the cat who betrayed his adoptive mother.
I'm Feline♥
2:11pm Aug 16 2009
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" Nah...oh, hi Twilightkit. " Darkeendstar meowed. She had layed down and then rested her head on her paws. It was more comfortaable in here...and her head ache had disapeered again for some reason. *Gathering* Nutstrike avoided Sunpelt as well by stepping away some. Sunset had also adopted her. She wasn't going to have anything to do with this cat who abandoned his mate when she had kits. She nodded at Loverstar and said " You're Lovestar. I think it's nice to meet you. " She didn't want any enemies, besides Sunpelt, so the best thing to do right now was be really nice. Stripedpaw, who knew nothing of why the other two were angry at Sunpelt, smiled and said " Hi! I'm Stripedpaw. " " Hello Starsong. " He did not know what else to say, so he left it at that. He waited to see what Starsong wished to talk about. Blossompetal and Fernleaf began talking excitedly, walking around without paying much attention to where they were going. she-cats did this kind of thing occ*censored*ionally after all. Without relizing, they socialized all the way to where Moonfall was. " Hi! " Both said before continuing their conversation that really didn't have any point, but was entertaaining.

2:26pm Aug 16 2009
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Twilightkit smiled, "Is she okay?" He squeaked. Sunset nodded. "Yes, Twilightkit. Why dont you go with your littermates to visit Lunarsight? I bet she has some interesting stories for you. I heard MoonFall saying something about pixies this morning," She mewed, and layed down. Bonekit smiled and ran off, Twilightkit and Cinnamonkit behind. They burst unside the Elders; Den. "Lunarsight, Lunarisight!" Bonekit mewed, he stumbled to where Lunarsight was sitting. "Your pelt is very interesting, Nutstrike. It glows brilliantly. Do you have it like this since you were a kit?" Lovestar asked, sitting down infront of her. Sunpelt smiled at Stripedpaw. Atleast he had some kind of friend in SunClan. "Hey, Stripedpaw. You look very excited to be part of SunClan. How was your training been?" MoonFall smiled at the she-cats. Both of them were beautiful. "Hello, what are your names? They must be as beautiful as you are." He meowed. "Um..." Starsong thought for something to talk about. "Is prey running well on your territory? I have noticed twolegs dont come much here... I wonder why."
I'm Feline♥
2:35pm Aug 16 2009
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Darkenedstar smiled , unhappiness slightly showing through the happy mask. " You mean I'm going to have to make and take care of those type of things? " She said this sort of jokingly. She knew she would get used to the energy kits have quickly. Just look at how well she got along with Nutstrike after all. Lunarsight look at the kit and asked " What are you here for? " She was going to let them tell her what they came for. She hoped it was to pracctice getting out ticks for when they were apprentices. She had one on the back of her neck and Stripedpaw wasn't here to pull it out. She had him pull out a differeent one earlier today. He was pretty good at it for a cat lacking mouse bile. He pulled ticks out easier than thorns! *gathering* " Really good! Earlier today, Moonfall taught me all about the warrior code! It's cool! " He meowed happiy, completely ignorant of the other cats dislike of Sunpelt. nutstrike thought for a moment and said " Yep. It actually stopsglowing so much when I go to sleep. Jacklefur told me so. " Nightshadow nodded. " I don't wonder why they aren't here. I'm just glad they stay away. I would hate to have them come and scare off all of the prey. " In his mind her uttereed a curse at humans and their clumsiness. Blossompetal and Fernleaf both giggled at the compliment. " I'm Fernleaf and this is Blossom petal. Who are you? " Fernleaf asked. This cat seemed nice.

9:43pm Aug 16 2009
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"We want to hear a story!" Bonekit squeaked, "Yeah! Will you tell us one please?" Cinnamonkit added, "About you!" Twilightkit finished. They all giggled as they rolled around to find a comfortable spot. Sunset giggled as she lay down, "Yeah, but you see it another way. You never think you could ever hold so much love until you hear them calling you ''Mommy.' " She sighed, and smiled. "They can get so energetic, but you get used to it as the love you have for them covers everything that should bother you. And you will feel more protective then you ever had." Sunset meowed. "But if you ever need help, Darkenedstar, you know you can always count on me. And you will have the father of your kits here, helping you out. I am very sure Starsong will be very happy to be a father." Gathering.~ Sunpelt chuckled. "It's nice to hear that, Stripedpaw. Have you thought of your future powers yet? You don't decide them, but wondering about must be fun." Lovestar smiled. "So what's your power? I heard Sunpelt's--" She felt a few cats flinch at his name "--Power was turning invisible. But his powers faded when he joined LoveClan. But he seems very happy here, and has made new friends." "Yeah, me too." Starsong agreed. "This is a very nice territory to live in. I heard Rippedstar was Lovestar's mother, who was leader of LoveClan when she moved to this territory. Do you know the full story of when she found it?" MoonFall smiled, "I'm MoonFall. It's nice to meet you, Fernleaf, Blossompetal. Where were you headed right now? I saw you a bit distracted."
I'm Feline♥
10:02pm Aug 16 2009
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Darkenedstar nodded, guessing that must be true. She flinched as a sharp bit of pain went through her, but she ignored it for the most part. Lunarsight thought for a moment and said " Fine. Did anyone tell you why Sunclan came here? About the battle between Whirlclan and Sunclan? " *Gathering* Stripedpaw shook his head then said " I have no idea what power I'll get. Hope I get camoflauge though! " He then made a big grin and did a shifty eye thing. He could spy on other cats withj camoflauge. " My power is...uh...well I don't know what you call it. Sometimes though, I can't really control it yet, I make a special bite that glows and then killing what I bit within seconds, wether it was a seveare bite or just a small nip. " Nutstrike said. Now that she described it to another cat from nother clan it made her feel really powerful and proud! Nightshadow shook his head. " I lived as a loner here when Loveclan came. They let me join them though and eventually I worked my way into being deputy. " He didn't like it that he wasn't clanborn. It urked him. He always tried his best to make up for his minor detail thogh. " Oh...I dunno. Here or there...or somewhere. " Fernleaf replied. She and Blossompetal had just been talking and walking really with no goal in mind.

10:37pm Aug 16 2009
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"Any day now you will have the kits," Sunset meowed, "They seem big enough." Twilightkit snuggled beside Bonekit, who had Cinnamonkit. All of them shook their heads. "Nope," Cinnamonkit squeaked. Gathering.~ Sunpelt smiled. "Seems nice." He meowed, practically ending the conversation if Stripedpaw didn't have anything else to say. Lovestar's eyes widened in amusment. "Wow." Fallenrain didn't have anyone to talk to, so he just enjoyed the conversation Lovestar and Nutstrike had. Lovestar suddenly looked at him, up and down. "Hello Fallenrain," She meowed, then looked at Nutstrike. "Is he your mate?" Fallenrain blushed, he hadn't expected that question from Lovestar. Starsong smiled, "I'm Moonwhisper's youngest step brother. I miss her so much." He sighed. That was all he had to say, to he waited if Nightshadow had anything else to say or the converstation would end. "Well, Fernleaf, Blossompetal, i'll go back to join my clan. Hope to see you soon again, and good luck on going to here,there, or somewhere." He meowed, a hint of a purr on his voice.
I'm Feline♥
10:38am Aug 17 2009
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I'm Feline♥
4:22pm Aug 17 2009
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Nutstrike shook her head meowing " No. I think he would like that though. " She smiled, knowing she had read all the signs of this correectly at the very moment when Fallenrain looked a little bit embarressed. She could see it in his eyes. " Well I should probobly go back to my clan, seeing as most cats are returning to their own now. " He then bounded to where Sunclan was going to gather again into their gorup and leave. Nightshadow meowed " Well even though I don't know who she is, I hope you get past that soon. Emotion truely can ruin a life. " With that, he got up and left. Fernleaf and Blossompetal both meowed " Kay! " Before going to where Nightshadow was standing. Once there, they sat down and continued the coneversation they had before talking to Moonfall. Nightshadow glanced at them with bordem playing over his features. * Sunclan camp* ((Can We just pretend like she told the story of that battle since I'm feeling to lazy to actually type it all out?)) Darkenedstar nodded, her eyes closing. She was really tired now. She soon fell asleep. Jacklefur looked around. His clan would be coming back soon.

6:36pm Aug 17 2009
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(I'll post in a sec. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. We spent the day at the beach, and my parents didn't allow me to use the comp. And I just got back from camp. So I'm just going to read through the posts, and then I'll post.)
7:39pm Aug 17 2009
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San decided to visit Sunset and Darkenedstar. She slowly raised her head and walked out of the den where SunClan held prisoners. I think my brother knows an herb that can relieve head pain, she thought. She knew that Sunset would be able to hear her thoughts. She was talking through thought so she wouldn't wake Darenedstar.
12:44pm Aug 18 2009
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((Panda: Of course. Alice: Okay, don't worry.)) Sunset glanced at Darkenedstar, and noticed she had fallen asleep. She raised her head as a voice whispered in her head. Okay, San, She thought, But Darkenedstar is sleeping right now. Thanks, though. You can tell me tomorrow, so I can remember and give her the medicine first thing in the morning. She will be very pleased, Sunset finished, and layed her head on her paws. She closed her eyes a bit, and waited for her kits to come back and sleep. Cinnamonkit smiled, but her eyes closed as she fell to her side. She shrugged and got up. "I'm so sleepy..." She squeaked. Bonekit nodded, "Me too." And Twilightkit smiled, "But it was a great story! Thanks, Lunarsight! Lets go back to the nursery," He added. The three kits stumbled out and padded with their short legs to the nursery. They cuddled next to Sunset, and soon they fell asleep. Gathering.~ Fallenrain flushed. Why did she have to say that? He looked down at his paws, now angry with her for the emberrasment. Sunpelt nodded, and he padded away to join his own clan. The clan he loved, he was loyal to. He would fight for his life to protect, especially the leader of it. Starsong smiled and nodded, "Okay, Nightshadow, See you soon." And with that he bounded off to SunClan. He hoped no one turned out really good friends because a fight could happen any day. MoonFall padded over to his clan. "Everyone ready?" Starsong called.
I'm Feline♥
4:12pm Aug 18 2009
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Njutstrike heard this and said " Well I guess I have to go. See you next gathering! " she then bounded over to the gathering Sunclan group. She was ready now. " Ahm ready! " Stripedpaw said, eager to return to camp. He was still very excited about being in Sunclan and he made sure everyone knew it. Nightshadow waited for Lovestar to say they would go. He wasn't going anywhere until she gave the signal. He wasn't leader after all...yet. *Sunclan camp* Lunarsigh rwatched them leave, and layed her head down so she could sleep. Telling that long story had been hard to remember and had made her tired. Being an elder seemed to cahnge her life so much! She must have ignored how easily exaustion came over her as a warrior until she became an elder...
4:44pm Aug 18 2009
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"Farewell, Lovestar." Starsong meowed, and dipped his head under the tree. He trotted back to camp, reapeting the scene of what just happened to remember everything 'till tomorrow. He heard all pawsteps behind, easily keeping up with him. "Okey, lets go." Lovestar demanded, and she flowed through the trees to the LoveClan territory. Sunpelt was the closest to her, not counting Nightshadow. Why did this cat always stay so close? She really liked him but... Did he really joined the clan just for her? The thought clicked in her mind. Then we must be ment to be together... Starsong flowed inside the camp. All the warriors padding around, looking for something to do. If they planned not to sleep. He padded into the warriors den, and made himself comfortable. Fallenrain padded after him, with MoonFall behind. They were all so exhausted... Lovestar stepped through the bramble screen, entering the camp. She kept thinking about Sunpelt. She would talk to him in the morning, she was sure of that. She dipped inside her den, and fell to the ground. Falling asleep in less than a cat could imagine.
I'm Feline♥
4:50pm Aug 18 2009
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Darkeendstar woke up as she heard the catts coming back into camp. Eager to see Starsong, she got up and slowly made her way out of the nursery. " Hi Starsong. " She muttered approaching him. She was happy to see him, it was just her headache had once again returned. Lunarsight and Jacklefur were both asleep now in their right den. Nutstrike walked beside Fallenrain the entire way back. " I can tell you didn't like what I said back there. it's true though. I know you like me. Why don't you just say so? " She ttruely wondered this. Any cat with eyes could se eFallenrain liked her. He just never seemed to admit this fact.