5:18pm Aug 18 2009
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"If you already know I see no reason why I should tell you." Fallenrain had snapped. But now he was inside the warriors den, it was so quiet in here. His eyes closed, and found himself alseep. Starsong sped out of the den as he heard Darkenedstar. He approached her, and licked her cheek. "Darkenedstar, you look so sick..." He murmured, almost ot himself. "The meeting went perfect. Lovestar is sending Starwalker to us. She will be here at any minute, and re-organize the stocks of medicines to be ready for tomorrow. Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" He offered, pressing his cheek to her's.
I'm Feline♥
5:19pm Aug 18 2009
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Evil post-eating monster.
I'm Feline♥
5:19pm Aug 18 2009
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Post should be here right about now...
I'm Feline♥
5:26pm Aug 18 2009
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Nutstrike fellt hurt then muttered sometrhing. She dashed out of camp to go cry somewhere that other cats wouldn't find her. She ran and ran and soon went up an old tree that appeared to be squatting down and was fatter and shorter than most tree around it. She climbed up the branches and lay on one, thinking and letting herself feel unhappy. " If you want to. I've actually been feeling fine except for the occasionaly pang of hurting aand the head aches. " She wanted this all to get on with itself already. She was glad there was at least a medicine cat who would be able to come here and help her some.
5:46pm Aug 18 2009
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"Ill stay with you," Starsong decided, "Lets get some sleep now. The gathering was very long..." He meowed, and padded beside Darkenedstar back to the nursery. The sun rose slowly up the mountains, iluminating the camp with bright shines of gold. Fallenrain woke with a yawn. His fur puffed when he felt colder at where Nutstrike should be. What had he done? His paws dragged him out of camp, not letting him eat, or explain anything. Flames burned on his paws again, but this time instead of red dark flames of anger they were some kind of a turquoise, that touched him colder. He stuffed his nose to the ground, tracking Nutstrike all the way. Then he felt a bit of regret when he looked up and found her. What if by finding her everything would go worse? He sat down, and stared at her from below. Why does she have to be the hurt one? And me the one to save it... He thought, Why shouldn't I be mad if someone I trusted in so much had to blurt out a deep feeling as if it was just some random thing? A senseless thing. And then she gets mad when I try to defend myself, when I couldn't just say things like that. Couldn't just blurt them all out, letting all cats know, I just don't. That's just not me... I... He sighed. She wouldn't understand. Starsong tiptoed out of the den, cautiously not to wake anyone up. He picked up two mice, and dragged them back to the nursery. First thing in the morning, Darkenedstar had to eat. Second, be treated by the medicine cat. Third... Um... Who knows? Lovestar woke up and stretched her claws, blinking her eyes as she got out to the sunshine. It wwas such a bright day, she almost felt blind. Was it greenleaf already?
I'm Feline♥
5:49pm Aug 18 2009
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I'm Feline♥
5:53pm Aug 18 2009
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Darkeendstar sleepily opened her eyes. She just layed there for a little bit, letting herself gradually wake up. When her senses finally started running decently again she realized that a mouse was nearby. It was dead of course. She could tell that. She pushed herself onto her feet, shaking herself slightly and twisting her head around to bite at something tat was making her itch. She turned to the mouse once she was done with this. Nutstrike had fallen asleep in the tree after forgetting why she had been so upset last night. She didn't even know Fallenrain was there. She was still sleeping. Fernleaf opened her eyes, squinting against a ray of light that directly struck her eyes. She yawned and got up, wondering if patrol were getting set up. Nightshadow was still sleeping. It was stillll kind of early after all.
6:02pm Aug 18 2009
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"Nutstrike?" Fallenrain mewoed, "Nutstrike, wake up." "Starwalker!" Starsong called from the den. Why didn't she come in already? "Nightshadow," Lovestar called as she was infront of the warriors den. "Its time that you wake up now."
I'm Feline♥
6:06pm Aug 18 2009
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Nutstrike yawned and looked down from the tree. " oh...hi Fallenrain. " Her tail swished back and forth. Starwalked stumbbled into the camp, tripping over a few things she had brought. She went ot what she supposed wwas the medicine cat den by the scent of herbs which was starting to fade. She set down what she had brough tin there. Nightshadow yawned and got up, stretching a little bit before asking " should I go ahead and set up patrols? "
6:22pm Aug 18 2009
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"Yes," Lovestar meowed, "Only the border patrol. I'm going to lead the hunting patrol. I am only taking SunPelt with me." She decided and padded off to where SunPelt sat. He had clearly heard, because he was sitting at the camp's entrance. Starsong padded out of the nursery, licking at Darkenedstar at her cheek in a bye. He padded infront of the medicine cat den. "Starwalker, thanks so much. Take good care of her, im going on a border patrol." He announced and backed to the warriors den. "Jacklefur, MoonFall. Border patrol, come now." And with that MoonFall stumbled out of the den. They would probably see LoveClan at the borders. Fallenrain's tail twitched. "I think we should talk."
I'm Feline♥
6:34pm Aug 18 2009
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Nightshadow nodded, thinking of what catts would go on the border patrol this morning. He wasn't going to choose anyone who wasn't paying decent attention this morning to go. he decied that he would go with Boarfur and Warmheart. He could trust those cats... He padded to where the two were and said " Morning patrol. You're coming. " Boarfur and warmheart, who had been grooming each other moments before nodded and finished up before getting to their feet and following Nightshadow, who was already leaving camp. Jacklefur came out of the warriors den, padding over to Starsong. He felt strangely happy that he was going to get to go on the morning border patrl. Starwalker nodded, looking at Darkenedstar. A cat who was going to have kits soon. Grand. That meant she would be returning sooner than she normally would. She grabbed a few herbs she guessed would help. Something for head ache, something to help her make milk so when her kits did come, they would have plenty to eat...well drink. She also got a few poppy seeds in case DArkeednstar was suffering from any other pains besides head aches. Darkenedstar ate the mouse that Starsong had gotten for her, watching Starwalker closey. This cat was from oveclan and Darkenedstar knew that even though she was here to help, she might also be doing a bit of spying for Loveclan. It was a small but completely real posibility. Starwalker shoved the herbs over to Darkenedstar and said " This one's for headaches. This one you just need to eat. The poppy seeds are if you start hurting. " She pointed out each one with her tail as she told what they did. Darkenedstar ate the one for headaches and the one she was just upposed to eat. She ate a poppy seed as well just in case some random pain came that she wasn't prepared for, she wouldn't hurt as much from it.

6:54pm Aug 18 2009
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Lovestar and Sunpelt headed out,all the way to the hunting grounds silently. Then she broke the silence. "Sunpelt, be honest. Why did you join LoveClan?" Lovestar asked, and sat down. Sunpelt hesitated. "Yes, Lovestar. It is what you think." He finally said. Lovestar nodded. "Right." She mewed, and headed off to hunt. Sunpelt blinked. This was all? He shook his head, as if to shake off the thoughts away. Soon he brought two ducks, who were here because of greenleaf, a mouse, and a thrush. He piled them up and waited. "Nutstrike, please." Fallenrain pleaded. Starsong smiled and lead the cats out. They padded silently to where the borders lay. They hadn't gotten there yet, since they examined all scents, checking that there has been to trespa-ssers. Lovestar arrived with a duck, a squirrel, and two water voles. She dumped them on the pile. All of a sudden, Sunpelt urgently broke the silence. "Lovestar, do you want to be my mate?" Sunpelt asked, hoping for a positive answer. Lovestar looked down from his gaze. "I guess so..." She mewed, then looked up. She grinned. They grabbed both all the prey, and padded back to camp. Sunpelt was smiling al the way. This was what he wanted all along.
I'm Feline♥
7:58pm Aug 18 2009 (last edited on 7:58pm Aug 18 2009)
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(Panda- feverfew for headaches, borage to help queens' milk come faster and stronger, poppy seeds to help sleep and calm cats. I'll post in a moment.)
8:03pm Aug 18 2009
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(okay. Here I go.) San padded out into the camp. She slowly walked toward the nursery. She approached Darkenedstar and said, "Darkenedstar? May I please go hunting for your Clan? I'd like to at least help while you are ill. Sunset to come with me. We could hunt together!" she turned to see Sunset. "If you want to..." Ash followed San into the nursery, but instead walked up to Starwalker. "Can I help?" he asked the medicine cat. "I know some things about herbs."
8:14pm Aug 18 2009
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8:55pm Aug 18 2009
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((That's not what I remember from the books -.- Oh well...I guess I should have looked up a list or something...*Hates bad memory*)) Darkeendstrar shook her head. " Sorry. You're still a prisoner and Sunset has to stay here and watch her kits. " She turned and padded back into the nursury. Starwalker shook her head and said " I'm suposed to be the medicine cat around here. I doubt that I need help unless it's with gathering herbs. " She shook herself, seeing as she felt so tense in this other clan's camp, and returned to the medicine cat's den. ((It's monsoonin here O3o)) Nutstrike got up andbunched her hind quarters before leaping down from the tree. It wwas short enough that she did this with ease. " What do you wanna talk about? "
9:45pm Aug 18 2009
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Posts: 2,046
Can I join? Im pretty sure Im way late, but I just want to play as a blind rouge. Is that alright? He might become a clan cat. Depends. Or am I too late?
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
11:39pm Aug 18 2009
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((Sorry WolfMoon, we have enough roleplayers here. And it is late... Too late.)) Sunset felt a bit sad for San, and then shrugged the thought off. She had been such a good friend to her, but her kits were first. And so was Darkenedstar, she had to stay here for Darkenedstar. "Can we go play with San? Pleeease mommy?" Cinnamonkit begged. Sunset glanced at Darkenedstar, then looked back at her kit. "Of course, Cinnamonkit. But shouldn't you ask San too?" Sunset meowed. Cinnamonkit grinned at San, "Can we?" She pleaded. "Please?" Twilightkit added. Lovestar arrive to the camp, with Sunpelt beside her. Their tails twined together. She felt a bit uncomfortable at the unsual stares... It was wrong to stare at their leader, right? She hesitated, then dropped her kill at the pile. Sunpelt did too. Lovestar kind of expected for some she-cat to want to talk to her about this, or something close to that. Fallenrain's tail drooped. She sounded as if nothing happened, as if each other hadnt been hurt in any way. He shook his head, "Nothing, nevermind." He muttered, then padded into the bushes. Once he wasnt close at all, he began to ran and stumbled inside the camp. He padded into the warriors den, and curled on his moss bed. ((Panda: Roleplay the cats who are going to the border patrols, please.))
I'm Feline♥
11:06am Aug 19 2009
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Posts: 2,046
(( That stinks........ ))
OFFLINE: Have school to keep up with, but I\'ll be online later. \r\n ![]() http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1555/1555491thptl28wlg.png
4:05pm Aug 19 2009
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Nutstrike watched him leave. She feelt saddened by this and decided to take her mind off the current events by doing a bit of hunting. She stalked arouond, searching for a prey animal. Nightshadow padded to the border at a fast pace, slowing only when he thought he smelled or heard something suspicous. Boarfur and WArmheart were having a bit of trouble keeping up with him. " Hey! Wait a second for us will ya?! " Boarfur meowed unhappily at Nightshadow, who kept going at the same speed despite the angry meowing. Darkenedstar lay into the nursury, tying to keep herself awake should something happen in camp. She felt bad right now, but she was feeling a little better thanks to those things Starwalker had her eat. Jacklefur scented for anything new. Most of the patrol had been pretty boring. Suddenly, the scent of Loveclan drifted to his nose. He sneezed.