9:10pm Aug 21 2009
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Darkenedstar started shivering, although not from any cold. She continued to meow in pain, trying to keep herself quiet though so she didn't wake up to many cats. Although she was in a large amount of pain, there was no blood or anything. The kits would be born fine. The first born was a little girl who looked like Starong, but had slightly longer fur that was rough like Darkenedstar's. Starwalker watched, often saying encouraging words to Darkenedstar to help her from p*censored*ing out or trying anything stupid. She appeared to be in a large amount of pain right now, but sadly, Starwalker no longer had any herbs to work with pain. She had used what few she had left already. She knew she should have gone out to gather some more herbs today while she had the chance. Darkenedstar was still shivering but she had stopped meowing. She gently pulled the first kit to her stomach and started lcking it. She was still hurting a lot and she made this known by occasional whimpers and having her ears flattened against her head. Again, she was trying to keep from upseting someone. The kits in particular. The second kit looked like he first one, but had a darker overall color to it's pelt. It's fur was short like Starsong's. Darkenedstar gently pulled that one to her stomach as well, licking it too. She screwed her eyes shut at the next wave of pain. This experiance was almost as bad as getting the more painful of her lives. The third kit looked exactly like Darkenedstar. The only difference was they had Starsong's eyes. Darkenedstar moved and licked this one. The last kit was smaller than the rest and hadn't hurt as much to be born as the other three. Darkenedstar carfully took care of that one. It's pelt was plain and had the silver color on Starsong's pelt. It mewed quietly, somehow making itself easier to here than the other three which were all mewling rather loudly. Darkenedstar was worried about this kit. She had a feeling they shouldn't be so small... Nutstrike watched, hoping that nothing would go wrong. She almost let out a sigh of releif when she saw all the kits were born without a problem. She just wished Starwalker had done a little more than talk though. She could have done that and likely done it better! She said nothing though, and focused on resisting the urge to go over to Darkenedstar and talk to her and comfort her after that painful process and tell her how cute the kits looked... Starwalker smiled and murmurmed " Well done Darkenedstar. Four healthy kits... " She helped lick the kits dry since she knew Darkenedstar couldn't get all of them warm and fluffy at once.

9:10pm Aug 21 2009
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((Where mah post go?))
9:11pm Aug 21 2009
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((Oh...it's just lag.*draws*))
9:30pm Aug 21 2009
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Sunset also licked the kits, fluffing their fur up. She smiled and looked at each kit, thinking of each one. They were all so beautiful, just like their parents. She layed back a bit, letting some space for her. She remembered the pain she also felt in this moment. Starsong fidgetted uncomfortably outside, shifting his gaze everywhere. He padded lightly clouser to the den, the noticed there were no mews of pain. He could hear the breathing of every cat, and the smallest breathing of the four new ones. He entered the den, that could have been a dashed into the den.He sat down and layed his chest to the floor, padding closer to Darkenedstar and licking her ear. It all went right. The happiest moment of his life. Starsong got up a bit, and looked down at their kits. "Welcome," He purred, looking at each kit individualy. He could look at them forever. They were so cute... And beautiful. He wondered what their names would be.
I'm Feline♥
9:36pm Aug 21 2009
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Darkeendstar said " They're lovely aren't they? " Before laying her head down and falling asleep, exausted. The one looking like Starsong mewled loudly at him as he spoke, as though replying. The tiny kit, which was all fluffy now thanks to darkenedstar, crawled closer to her stomach and curled up, enjoying the warmth her dark fur held in it.
9:52pm Aug 21 2009
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Purring, Starsong layed his head on Darkenedstar's shoulder. He he was so relieved, so happy, so exhausted, so comfortable.... He felt like sleeping here for a moon. A smile held on his face while he sleeped. Sunset curled next to her kits, at the corner of the nursery. Her kits seemed so huge next to Darkenedstar's kits. Three big kits that seemed so big for the nursery. They were 5 Moons by now. One more, and they would be apprentices. It sounded so nice. Lazily, the sun rose once again upon the sky. The glittering golden light melting over the forest. It sank to the warriors den, waking Fallenrain and Moonfall. They both yawned. It had been a long night....
I'm Feline♥
10:07pm Aug 21 2009
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Darkenedstar woke up finding all four of her kits were snuggling up against her. They must have slept there. She saw Nutstrike sleeping in front of the nursery. She must have fallen asleep there when coming to see her kits.... A new thought cam to her mind. She hadn't thought of it yet. What were their names going to be? She thought har dover this but couldn't think of what she would like to call them. She eventually decided the smallest kit would be named shiningkit.. She hadn't expected them to live through the night actually, since they were so small. Their silver pelt shone in the light that was fliltering into the cave. That helped give their name. The main reason DArkenedstar wanted Shiningkit for them was because their will to survive shining strongly like the sun did at mid day.
10:35pm Aug 21 2009
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Starsong lazily blinked his eyes open. "So have you decided names for them? ...I like Eclipsekit, if you want to name one by that." He purred lazily. Moonfall padded out of the den, with Fallenrain behind. He over-heard some conversations repeating 'Darkenedstar's kits' So he might have quessed what happened last night. He would go over to see them, later atleast. Not now, he might interrupt something. It looked like Fallenrain agreed to that when he nodded. Was his mind so obvious?
I'm Feline♥
10:44pm Aug 21 2009
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Darkenedstar thought and said " I like that name...The dark one with spots can be Eclipsekit. I think the smallest one should be called Shiningkit. For the one with fur like mine I think Ashkit would do. " Now they just needed one more name and the kits would be set to go. Unless Starsong thought the names should be switched around between the kits some. Suddenly, Darkenedstar was very hungry. She must have just realized it. She nearly got up to go get something to eat when she remembered she was supposed to stay wth her kits. She made it look as though she was just shifting to get more comfortable. She ended up actually getting a little more comfortable than before which she thought was rather pleasant. One of the kits let out a quiet mewl and Darkenedstar felt some squirming. They were probobly having a bad dream of some sort or waking up. The kit didn't show itself though, so she guessed it had just had a bad dream.
12:11am Aug 22 2009
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"Splashkit will do. Shinningkit, Ashkit, Eclipsekit, and Splashkit. I love it." Starsong purred. He heard Darkenedstar's belly grumble. Why hadn't he thought of it before? He carefuly moved off and shoved outside, bringing two heartbeats later a vole and a big fat pigeon. He gave the pigeon to Darkenedstar. "The kits are so cute, Darkenedstar. Im really happy for you, and excited for the kits. It has all been so right and perfect..." He mumbled as he ate his vole. He wondered when Starwalker would come back.
I'm Feline♥
8:59am Aug 22 2009
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Starwalker had returned to Loveclan camp. She needed to gather herbs today and felt she wasn't needed to much at Sunclan camp. Darkenedstar had had kits perfectly fine. No problems. There was no reason for her to be needed today. Tommorow she planned on returning with a few herbs for Darkenedstar to eat but today was reserved for gathering herbs. She set down a few things she had gathered in her den before leaving the camp once more in search of marigold and poppy seeds. Darkenedstar hungrily ate her vole, swiftly making it nothing more than some fur and bones. She looked back at where the kits were. A few muffled mewls were coming from the pile of kits as the smallest one squirmed and struggled to get out from under the rest of them. Darkenedstar pulled it out from the pile and watched as it went to a place on her stomach that wasn't blocked by three sleeping kit. Darkenedstar watched for a moment as the kit got some milk before laying her head down. She wanted to be rnning right now and walking and doing all sorts of things, but something held her here. She planned on staying with her kits wether she wanted to run or not. Nutstrike woke up and yawned, wondering why she was in front of the nursery. She suddenly remembered and looked it to try and see Darkenedstar's kit. Seeing as she was at the wrong kit viewing angle, she asked " Can I see them? " DArkenedstar turned ehr head to Nutstrike. " Sure. I warn you though, they are incredably adorable. " She smiled and watched as the glowing cat bounded over. " Awwww. They're so cute! " Nutstrike said, watching as the other three kits started waking up.

10:47am Aug 22 2009
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After eating a mouse, Fallenrain padded into the nursery, not looking at Nutstrike. MoonFall followed, entering two heartbeats later. "Aww! What are their names? They look adorable," Fallenrain meowed. MoonFall smiled next to him. Cinnamonkit, Bonekit, and Twilightkit padded to where Darkenedstar's kits were. "Wow, they look so small." Bonekit mewed. He never imagined a cat smaller than him. "And they havent opened their eyes yet!" Cinnamonkit exclaimed. Twilightkit just smiled. Sunset was eating silently her thrush at the corner of the den where she had slept last night.
I'm Feline♥
10:54am Aug 22 2009
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" Shiningkit is the smallest one. The dark one with spots is Eclipsekit. The one with fur like mine is Ashkit. The one that looks like Starsong is Splashkit. " Darkeneedstar said. Thee rest of the kits had woken up due to all of the meowing. Now tey were all meowing back at the visiting cats even though they weren't saying any word. Just meowing. They were finally quiet when they joined Shinningkit in getting milk from Darkenedstar.
11:16am Aug 22 2009
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All three kits smiled. Seeing this was great. "When can we play with them?" Twilightkit squeaked excitedly to Darkenedstar. Fallenrain smiled, then padded out of the den. With MoonFall behind. The two warriors were very good friends, and they followed each other alot. They noticed the prisoners didnt have a guard, so they both guarded them silently. The day has been so calm and quiet.
I'm Feline♥
11:23am Aug 22 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Darkenedstar shook her head and said " They're to small to play and they can't see. You could hurt them on acccident. " Shiningkit decided it had had enough to drink and squirmed about until it ended up near Darkenedstar's head. It let out a mewl and Darkenedstar began to lick the kit which squeaked a little bit before falling asleep.
11:27am Aug 22 2009
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Bonekit sighed. They padded near Sunset. "Told you so," She laughed and grinned at her kits. "You will be apprentices before you get the chance to lay with them," She finished. ((I can't think of anything else that could happen today in the roleplay.))
I'm Feline♥
2:36pm Aug 23 2009
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I'm Feline♥
2:40pm Aug 23 2009
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Darkenedstar looked around, bored. She had nothing to do... She was glad that she had kitts and was able to care for them, but she normally ws able to run around and hunt and do all sorts of things. Now she had to just lay here and...welll....do nothing.
2:40pm Aug 23 2009 (last edited on 2:40pm Aug 23 2009)
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Posts: 1,895
((Ew...double post*Swats with giant fly swatter*))
5:48pm Aug 23 2009
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((Have you seen/read Twilight?)) Starsong padded out of the nursery with a sigh. The clan was so calm and quiet. You could barely hear the fading song of birds, and the breathing of any cat near. And the faint breeze.... He saw the fresh-kill pile, which was empty. "Fallenrain, Nutstrike! Hunting patrol, now." He called, his voice akwardly ringing through the camp. It felt uncomfortable after all the silence.
I'm Feline♥