5:51pm Aug 23 2009
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((I saw the movie but I didn't like it...to mushy and romancy for my taste...)) Nutstrike left the nursery, seeing as she was done looked at Darkenedstar's kits. She was glad that they were going hunting. She was starving! The fresh kill pile had been so low this morning, she hadn't eaten so the others could get something. Stripedpaw padded around camp, wondering if his mentor would teach him more today, or just send him hunting.
6:05pm Aug 23 2009
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San pawed Moonfall in the sholder. "May I go see Darkenedstar'skits?"
6:38pm Aug 23 2009
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7:11pm Aug 23 2009
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7:19pm Aug 23 2009 (last edited on 7:21pm Aug 23 2009)
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Moonfall hesitated, "Okay... But ask if you may enter before you do." He meowed, then padded over to Starsong. "I cant guard the prisoner as I have to keep up with my apprentice," He meowed. "Ok, thanks for guarding them this morning. Go get Jacklefur, he can guard." Starsong meowed. Moonfall nodded, and padded over to Jacklefur. "Starsong wants you to guard the prisoners," He mewed, and without waiting for an answer he padded over to Stripedpaw. "Hey, Stripedpaw. Up for some battle training?" Starsong led Fallenrain and Nutstrike out of the camp. He was doing well, a very organized clan. He padded to a tree, kind of small, but good to catch that pigeon above. He lowered to a crouch. Seconds later, he arrived to where the prey was being piled up and landed his pigeon there. ((Oh. I loved it, actually, and read all the books and seen the movie XD))
I'm Feline♥
7:23pm Aug 23 2009
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Jacklefur nodded padding to where the prisoners were kept. He kpt a close eye on them. They hadn't befriended him yet, so they couldn't expect the same treatment he had given to Stripedpaw, who had won him over easily. " Definatly! " Stripedpaw said, dashing back and forth excitedly. Nutstrike, despite the bright glow of her pelt, was easisly catching prey right now. She trotted back to the gathering pile of fresh kill and set down a finch and two voles.
7:43pm Aug 23 2009
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San purred happily. Sye raced off to the nursery. "May I please come in to see the new kits?" she meowed.
7:55pm Aug 23 2009
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Starsong had a mouse dangling from his teeth as he stepped into some bushes, that let him enter to Bluelake. His jaw dropped down with the mouse as he stared to the lake. White, big, no, huge, birds in huge groups swam and flied over the lake. Some were brown, pale orange, light yellow, or dazzling white. One of these could feed three big Warriors! "Fallenrain, Nutstrike, come and see!" He shouted, his tail waving back and forth between the gra-ss. Fallenrain dashed over, "Shh!" Starsong spat, "Stay close, or you will scare them all." And Fallenrain lowered his head to the ground. "Are those ducks?" He asked, wide-eyed, "Gosh! Those things are huge! I though I wouldnt ever see one of those before." Starsong replied. He had seen these birds before, years ago back in his old home, but he never remembered those things names. "I think they came because of greenleaf. Wow. Imagine that! Having this much of food in this season." Fallenrain meowed. "Yeah... We just have to learn how to catch one. We would need two warriors to stalk one, that is." Starsong replied again. "O-Kay!" Meowed Moonfall, "C'mon," He kept meweing until they were out of the camp to a little prefect hollow for training. "Ok, how would you attack me?"
I'm Feline♥
8:07pm Aug 23 2009
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Nutstrike dashed over, nearly tripping in surprise at the huge bird. " Woah... " Was all she managed to say. Her muth began to wateer. JMust one of these could feed the entire clan! They HAD to catch one.
8:13pm Aug 23 2009
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((Umm... Could you also roleplay Darkenedstar and Stripedpaw?))
I'm Feline♥
8:15pm Aug 23 2009
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Stripedpaw folowed and said " I dunno. Probobly somethin like this. " Stripedpaw leaped forward suddenly, pouncing upon Moonfall, making sure his claws were sheathed.
8:18pm Aug 23 2009
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((T.T' Panda, take it seriously. A bigger post helps.))
I'm Feline♥
8:19pm Aug 23 2009
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(Can you play Darkenedstar? San's waiting for permission to go see her kits. And Feline, I posted on your banner thread.)
8:26pm Aug 23 2009
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((I'm sorry...I have a lot of roleplays goingright now and its getting late where I am. I'm trying.)) DArkenedstar, who had been focusing on her kits more, finally noticed San and remembered her question. " Well.... " She said, unhappily squishing her tail back and forth. She didn't want this strange cat anywhere near her kits. She guessed that this cat wouldn't dare hurt her kits though, seeing as she must know by now that Darkenedstar could easily kill her if needed. " Fine. But I swear, should you try ANYTHING, you will be dead before you know what happened. "
8:36pm Aug 23 2009
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(Now your making me feel guilty! D:) San purred happily, oblivious to Darkenedstar's threat. "Shiningkit, Splashkit, Eclipsekit and Ashkit are suchy beautiful names! Your kits are beautiful. They will grow to be amazing warriors. I hope they'll open their eyes soon though. I think Shiningkit would look nice with blue eyes. Askit would look nice with amber eyes, and Eclipsekit would look wonderful with green eyes. And maybe Splash kit will have amber eyes too! It's exciting!"
8:37pm Aug 23 2009
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(Woah. Sagepelt got banned?! I never knew that!)
8:39pm Aug 23 2009
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Darkenedstar doubted that Shinningkit would get blue eyes. She enjoyed the fact that her kits had been complimented, but she was still very nervous about letting San so close to her kits. She wrapped her tail around her kits. Shinningkit and Splashkit were aasleep right now.
8:45pm Aug 23 2009
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Sunset padded closer protectivly to Darkenedstar. "Ok, you two will hunt one together," Wether you like it or not, Starsong added to himself. He noticed, maybe a bit late, but he noticed that they were in some kind of quarrel that would let them talk to each other anymore. "Follow my orders. Nutstrike go to the far left end, while you Fallenrain go to the far right end. Closer and closer you two will stalk that white one over there with the black beak. Dont scare them all, if I notice they will I will help." Moonfall wirggled the cat to the floor. "No, Stripedpaw. Try harder, dont just attack. Try to find a way to distract me, I want to know what you know first."
I'm Feline♥
8:48pm Aug 23 2009
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San backed quickly away quickly out of the nursery, getting the message.
8:55pm Aug 23 2009
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Sunset's gaze fell to the ground. What had she done? Guilt flamed in her chest, almost feeling emberrased. She sighed and backed to the den, "Im sorry San, I didnt want to be so harsh. Please, come back in."
I'm Feline♥