9:02pm Aug 23 2009
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"No. I'd rather not." she answered. She turned around and half walked, half ran toward the prisoners den. (I know, short posts. Anyway, has any of you read Bluestar's Prophecy yet?)
9:02pm Aug 23 2009
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(*sings for post to show up*)
9:03pm Aug 23 2009
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(Yay! My post showed up!)
9:26pm Aug 23 2009
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DArkenedstar felt much better once San left, wether it was a mean thing to feel or not. She layed her head on the ground and closed her eyes, planning on going to sleep. Nutstrike nodded, not wanting to disobay the deputy. She went to the side she was told to go on, carful to make sure the bird had no way of noticing her. She wasn't sure if birds could actually smell, but she was carful with where she scent blew as well. Stripedpaw nodded. These clan cats had really complex fighting systems apparently. As a rogue, battles had consisted of mauling the other cat until one of you either fled or stopped moving.
9:52pm Aug 23 2009
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((Alice: Nope, not yet. I bought it already from amazon.com though. It should get here in a few days... Have you?)) Sunset growled under her breath. Oh well. She nuzzled her kits closer, and dipped her nose under her tail. Moonfall smiled. "Ok, ill attack now. When I jump on your back, you roll. Simple. When you roll and im still there, you kick. I bite your neck, you wriggle it off. I lift a paw to hit, you back off. You jump on my back, hold tight. I fall, you win. Got it?" And not waiting for an answer, he jumped on Stripedpaw's back. Fallenrain sighed, and did the same thing. He flattened his ears, lowered his tail, and pawed over to the duck. Stalking. He was so close to the floor, his ears could almost touch it. Once close enough, he lounged at the bird Starsong showed. He hoped Nutstrike had jumped too.
I'm Feline♥
6:42am Aug 24 2009
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Nutstrike leaped at the bird which squaked angrily and attempted to fly away. Nutstrike had clawed onto it's back though, making it to heavy for flight. She clawed and bit her best and the strange bird which angrily slammed it's beak against herr to make her get off. When Moonfall jumped, Stripedpaw had instinctivly slid to the right really fast, though not avoiding getting hiit and stummbling. He smiled sheepishly. He was supposed to stand stil so Moonfall could jump on his back and all those other things could happen.
9:15am Aug 24 2009
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(I've read a few chapters. Bluestar's father is mean. :P)
12:05pm Aug 24 2009
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Moonfall sighed. "We have to fight and practice, Not run away for your lives." He groaned. "Now leave your butt there." He meowed, and stretched his front paws to jump at Stripedpaw's back in an attack. Fallenrain bit at the bird's neck, smashing it down to the ground with a crack. He pinned it down until it was unmoving. The bird seemed dead.... So he left his grip. "We have it, Starsong!"
I'm Feline♥
3:48pm Aug 24 2009
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Nutstrike stood normally, now standiong on the bird with her front paws in case it somehow came back to life and flew away. It was a strange bird so she wasn't about to take chances with it getting away with some silly trick.
3:51pm Aug 24 2009
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Stripedpaw nodded, now forcing himself to stay still. He thyought that avoiding injury was much better than risking so to try and hurt your opponent though. When Moonfall hit his back, he did his best to stay standing, but he obviously wasn't used to carrying the weight of two cats, and collapsed in and attempt to roll.
12:37am Aug 25 2009
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Starsong came running to them. "Wow. Sure is big. Come on, lets take the prey to the camp. Darkenedstar has to see this." Moonfall fell, hard. Not the roll, but just a thump to the ground.He sighed and got up, shacking his pelt to get the dirt off of it. "Okay, Stripedpaw. You attack me thise time, watch well as I roll. Then try the same thing when I attack you. Ok?"
I'm Feline♥
6:35am Aug 25 2009
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Stripedpaw nodded, getting up and shaking himself. Fighting was definatly easier as a rogue. So once he decided he had thought enough, he leaped ontop of Moonfall. Nutstrike nodded, trying her best to lift it with teeth, but fining that usless except for pulling out feathers. So soon she just squirmed under the bird and tried lifting it with her back. Much easier.
6:02pm Aug 25 2009
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Fallenrain padded, not willing to help her. Starsong sighed and kept padding, until back to camp. "Darkenedstar, you'll never guess what we just found!" Starsong purred, and grabbed the bird from Nutstrike's back and dragged it into the nursery. Moonfall layed his chin on the ground, and rolled on his back. Once he was there, he rolled back to his feet. "Ok, your turn. Simple, huh?"
I'm Feline♥
6:31pm Aug 25 2009
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Nutstrike snorted unhappily. Fallenrain had purposly lefther to do all the work. she struggled her way back to camp, the bird so heavy it made it nearly impossible for her to walk. When Starsong took the bird from her, much to her enjoyment, and showed it to Darkenedstar, Nutstrike peered over the bird, waiting for Darkenedstar' surprised reaction, which she soon got. As the darkly colored queen woke and saw the bird, her eyes widened. She had seen bird like this, but never really caught one. " How in the world did you come to catch something that big? " Splashkit and Ashkit woke at the sound of other cat's voices and started mewling loudly. stripedpaw nodded, stepping back and waiting for himself to get leaped on. He was ready this time and knew he was going to get it right! Or at least close to right.
7:24pm Aug 25 2009
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Moonfall pounced, landing on Stripedpaw's back. Starsong purred, trying to calm the kits with the soothing sound. He then looked back at Darkenedstar, "I didn't, but Fallenrain and Nutstrike followed my orders correctly. And so catched it. They only come in greenleaf, thousands, no billions, of ducks fly across it and swim around it. It looks beautiful. You should see it one day...."
I'm Feline♥
7:30pm Aug 25 2009
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Darkenedstar imagined what Starsong had described. it sounded nice, but also a little bad. That many huge birds would no doubt end up scaring away prey. sunclan had better eat what they can while they can. " can you send out a few other cats to practice catching these birds? " She could only hope that Sunclan didn't go ointo starvation because of these ducks. It was greenleaf though, so no doubt the prey couldn't be gone for more than a week after the birds came.
7:39pm Aug 25 2009
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(Can Ash and San become apprentices to SunClan soon? Unless I'm not sopposed to ask.. then sorry. D:)
8:05pm Aug 25 2009
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((Nah, its ok. Ill see what Starsong can do.)) Starsong grinned. "Of course," He mewed, and dragged the bird outside at full-view. He then entered the den. "Before that, Darkenedstar, I want to speak to you about the prisoners. They can't be held here forever, you know. The punishment seems now history by the way they act. Do you want me to offer them to be added to the clan, as apprentices?"
I'm Feline♥
8:05pm Aug 25 2009
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((Panda: What happened to Stripedpaw after Moonfall pounced on him....?))
I'm Feline♥
8:25pm Aug 25 2009
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((oh...i forgot about him X3 btw, my shift key have issues apparently today so ignore accidental lower case letters that should be capital.)) Darkenedstar thought for a moment before saying " well...i guess so. i for one don't seem to trust them as much as the other cats in the clan, but i guess it's fine if they become apprentices in sunclan. " nutstrike smiled proudly, trotted to a sunny part of camp and laying down, where she began to lick her fur clean. she had done a really good job hunting today! Especcially since she managed to get that bird. Stripedpaw quickly turned over onto his back, feeling a bit nervous but refusing to let himself hesitate. he kicked out with his paws to get moonfall off of him.