8:27pm Aug 25 2009
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Ash licked his paw and drew it over his left ear. San sharpened her claws in a rock at the back of the den. She was lost in thought, thinking about Griffin. Griffin, her precious kit. Her only kit. But he had dissapeared a few moons after his birth. (When San becomes an apprentice, can she keep her name?) Name: Griffin Gender: male Age: 11 moons Rogue 
Kin: Ash (uncle), San (mother) Other: Sans "dead" kit. History: When he was three moons old, his father had taken him away from San. His father tought him battle moves and how to deffend himself and how to hunt. 6 moons later, Griffin's father died in a rogue attack. Now Griffin searches for his mother and his uncle.
8:28pm Aug 25 2009 (last edited on 8:39pm Aug 25 2009)
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(Do you see the resemblense between San and Griffin? They both have black pelts and green eyes. :D Hopefully someday he'll find her.)
8:37pm Aug 25 2009 (last edited on 8:37pm Aug 25 2009)
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(*sings for posts to show up*)
9:07pm Aug 25 2009
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10:12pm Aug 25 2009
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((Sorry but no... San needs to get an apprentice name. And yes, im here. And also yes, San looks very much like Griffin ^^)) Starsong nodded. Right. He padded out of the nursery, and padded to the prisoner's ground. It looked muddy and dirty. Of course no apprentice would put them moss or anything. He tried not to get so near, then sat down. "I need to talk to you, San, Ash." Fallenrain's head and front paws were outside the warriors den while the rest of his body layed inisde. He glared at Nutstrike from were he layed. She had seemed like a perfect mate to Fallenrain, like someone he would like to spend his time with. But he was wrong, he would never live with such easily-offended big-mouthed she-cat. He looked down at his paws, now lost in thought.
I'm Feline♥
6:36am Aug 26 2009
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Nutstrike could almost feel some cat glaring at her. She lifted her head to see it was Fallenrain. She sighed, leaving her sun spot and going towards him. " Fallenrain. How long areyou going to be acting like this? It was one little fight. We don't have to be friends annymore but I would appreciate it if you could just stop glaring at me as though I were an enemy. " She didn't like how things were going between her and Fallenrain. So what if she had told a cat he liked her before. Almost every cat with eyes could see it. It wasn't as though she were letting out some huge secret.
1:21pm Aug 26 2009
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Fallenrain sighed and narrowed his eyes, still not looking at her. "Whatever you say." He muttered and got to his paws, padding inside the warriors den and layed on his moss bed. Moonfall pounced easily off, and grinned. "Very well!" He purred. "Enough for today. Lets go back to camp, and check to see if Lunarsight has any ticks or if she wants her moss bed changed. Since you are the only apprentice you need to work lots in the camp."
I'm Feline♥
1:25pm Aug 26 2009
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((Can you repeat please the gender of each of Darkenedstar's kit? Im posting them on the first page.))
I'm Feline♥
4:04pm Aug 26 2009
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((Shiningkit, girl. Ashkit. boy. Splashkit, boy. Eclipsekit, girl.))
4:11pm Aug 26 2009
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Stripedpaw leaped onto his paws, hapy that he had done it right. " Mkay! " He excitedly bounded back towards camp, not really toned down in mood by having to help Lunarsight. It gave him something to do and the she-cat always praised how well he did with ticks without that nasty stuff he had heard about. Nutstrike looked at her paws, wondering if she had said something mean in that. She had tried to be nice enough to avoid him getting angrier at her. He only seemed angrier now. She hadn't even used her upset or angry voicce. Wonering how she kept on screwing things up between herself and Fallenrain, Nutstrike padded back to her sunny spot to think it over.
8:22pm Aug 26 2009
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Moonfall smiled and padded inside the warriors den, staring down at now depressed Fallenrain. He stared in sympathy, then lyaed in his own moss bed. "Is everthing ok, Fallenrain?" He asked, and Fallenrain just deepend his head on his belly fur. "Oh nothing." He replied, almost sarcasm in his voice. Moonfall sighed, and curled up to let darkness take him over. Starsong was with the prisoners, so there wasn't anything next to do. Starsong waited for his answer.
I'm Feline♥
8:36pm Aug 26 2009
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Darkenedstar, although she attempted tos tay awake just a bit longer, fell asleep, oddly exausted after her day of laying here and doing almost nothing. The four kits slept with her, very please with the warmth and softness of their mother's fur.
9:01pm Aug 26 2009
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((Im waiting for Alice.))
I'm Feline♥
9:29pm Aug 26 2009
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((I remembered I had a kittypet and some rogues.)) Honey mewed at her housefolk, her mew high and beautiful. She smiled as the paws of the twoleg handed over a bowl of food. She smashed her face into it, eating all she could. When she finished, her tongue rasped over her fur, making it shine in its pretty tan brown. Then hoped to the fence, of the towleg's garden. She looked far beyond it, looking at every tree. It seemed so nice. "Why dont you go? It'll be such a relief!" A voice behind her meowed darkly. "Go. Away." She snarled, it was Bear, the tomcat who used to live in this house alone before she came. Honey rolled her eyes. The sadness swept over them, but her eyes widened as she felt claws tumble her over to the other side. She cried and rolled, her fur fluffed. "Why'd you do that!" She hissed at Bear, "You know I can't jump all the way up there without help!" And then she noticed. Bear bounced on the fence, glaring down at her. "You were never ment to be here, Hun. You're a mistake, and now im correcting it. Go." He smiled darkly, and hissed. Then pounced off to darkness. The sun shone its last ray, and deepened into the mountains. She felt scared, and confused, as she stumbled her way South. She couldnt scent any border marks from any animal, so she just padded until two different scents touched her nose. Honey halted to a stop. Different cats had made each mark, and she couldn't make out much difference of the intentions. "Help? Help!" She cried, closing her eyes tightly. She just padded into a forest, that seemed darker than the rest of the territories. She sighed and curled up near a pond that would last barely for tonight.
I'm Feline♥
9:36pm Aug 26 2009
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((And then theres Crystal and Phione and Smokey, though I don't know what to do about them...)
12:03am Aug 27 2009
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((You know, it would be really akward if we just make SunClan accept all the bunch of rogues and kittypets. LoveClan would attack then... Just like ShadowClan wanted to attack ThunderClan because Firestar was accepting in tons of kittypets and loners. Something more reasonable would be, although LoveClan still would have right to attack, is that Darkenedstar sends a patrol in search of rogues and kittypets to add to SunClan to grow stronger. Instead of just keeping any cat prisoner and adding them as if nothing.))
I'm Feline♥
12:10am Aug 27 2009
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((Can I join?))
6:56am Aug 27 2009
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((That makes more sense. In the morning then! Just acuz Darkenedstar is oh so nice and decided to give kitty pets and rogues a nice little clan to be in.))
10:48am Aug 27 2009 (last edited on 10:53am Aug 27 2009)
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San krept out of the den. She sat down on her hunches, with her brother next to her. "Yes?" Ash asked. "What is it?" San finished. She was curious for why the SunClan deputy had called her and her brother out from the prisoners den. Had they done something wrong? Where they going to punish them for being in SunClan territory? San unsheathed her claws.
7:22pm Aug 27 2009
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