7:21pm Mar 8 2009 (last edited on 2:29pm Mar 9 2009)
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Name: Foxfoot Rank: Warrior Eye color/pelt color:  Personality: stubborn, and sometimes cheerful, brave, loyal Gender: male Mate: looking Has an apprentice/mentor: Looking for an apprentice
Age: Adult Other: nope.
10:29pm Mar 8 2009
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I'm Feline♥
11:06pm Mar 8 2009
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I'm Feline♥
2:30pm Mar 9 2009
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Foxfoot walked up to Lovestar. He bowed his head."Is ther anything you wish for me to do?" he asked. (Does Lovestar have a mate?)
2:34pm Mar 9 2009
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((Nope. ^_^)) "Yes. Thank you, Foxfoot. Take Echopaw's lifeless body out into the camp, everyone must know what happened. And they might want to share tongues with him for the last time." Lovestar replied, narrowing her eyes at nothing.
I'm Feline♥
2:53pm Mar 9 2009
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Foxfoot nodded. "Of course, Lovestar." Foxfoot bowed his head once again before leaving. Foxfoot pressed his nose into Echopaw's fur. "He will be honored my StarClan." Why would there be death berries in the medicine cat's den? Foxfoot lifted Echopaw's lifeless body and put it in the center of the clearing. Foxfoot sat down and rested his nose of Echopaw's flank. Echokit and Willowkit tumbled out of the nursery. Oakcloud ran up to them, and when she saw Echopaw's lifeless body, she pulled her kitscloser to her body with her tail. "See, that, young ones?" she murmured. "That is a dead cat. Unless you care very careful, that will be you someday." Echokit and Willowkit stared up at their mother. Their eyes were wide, and horrified.
3:26pm Mar 9 2009
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((join ^^)) Name: Dasyflower Rank: warrior Eye color/pelt color: blue eyes and black pelt Personality: Easily offened, snappy, nice when you get to know her Gender: female Look: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Mate: rockpelt Has an apprentice/mentor: hoping for one Age: 4 years Other: nah ----------------------------- Name: Rockpelt Rank: warrior Eye color/pelt color: Grey with green eyes. Personality: nice, but if you threten someone he loves or is his friends WACH OUT! Gender: male Look: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Mate: dasyflower Has an apprentice/mentor: hoping for one Age: 4 years Other: no. ------------------------ Name: tigerkit Rank: almost apperetice. Eye color/pelt color: orange with blue eyes Personality: has to think before she does things. Gender: female Look: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Mate: to young Has an apprentice/mentor: hopefully eather rockpelt or dasyflower Age: 6 moons Other: gets into troble often XD

3:41pm Mar 9 2009 (last edited on 3:43pm Mar 9 2009)
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(Feline- I think Foxfoot would like to mentor Tigerkit xD. I think I want Willowkit and Echokit to be made apprentices.)
3:49pm Mar 9 2009 (last edited on 3:50pm Mar 9 2009)
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((can my charitures mantore willowkit and Echokit?))
3:58pm Mar 9 2009
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Starwalker was shocked at them for thinking she would do uch a thing.Why in Starclan's name would she ever do THAT?!She then turned to Lovestar and said"I didnt do this.When I came in I saw his leg bleeding him to death and for no reason i could figure out he had a death berry in his mouth.Why Im very much unsure.All I know is that know we'll have to always warn the apprentices of death berrys."She felt bad for leaving those out.She only kept them in case there was somthing tey needed dead like a rampaging dog that they couldnt kill on their own.A last resort sort of thing.
4:53pm Mar 9 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart let his fur lie flat but still gave Starwalker a suspicious look. Finally he spun around and stalked off into the forest. Sagepelt knew Shadeheart wanted to cool down. He was loyal but let his temper get the best of him. She decided to talk to him, make sure her brother was really okay. Murmering a quiet goodbye to Lovestar she walked to the camp entrance, only to stop beside Echopaws body to wish him good luck on his next journy over. She bolted into the forest. Sagepelt wandered the forest for what seemed like a moon. "Where are you Shadeheart!" A rustle behind her made her spin around, pelt bristling. A yowl of fear ripped from her throat before dripping fangs closed in.
4:54pm Mar 9 2009
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Starwalker heard the yowl."Oh Starclan dont let that be the crys of another dying cat!"She then ran off to go see what hapened.
6:27pm Mar 9 2009
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Lovestar was camly licking Echopaw's unmoving body. She believed, obviously, what Starwalker had said. Lovestar was so angry she could say anything at that moment, but now all she wanted to do was lick her best apprentice's fur. "Oh, Echopaw... I miss you so much. I missed you since i saw your black and white body not moving in that den."Lovestar murmured. "You were a great apprentice. I was hoping to make you a warrior that day, but... but, you died." Lovestar cried. A loud yowl took her out of her thoughts. What now? Well, this time Lovestar wont let another cat die in the same day. She'll do whatever she has to do, even if it means all her nine lives will fade away. She ran into the forest desperatly looking for Sagepelt. Lovestar gasped. What she saw was exactly what she didnt want at this very moment.
I'm Feline♥
7:19pm Mar 9 2009 (last edited on 7:33pm Mar 9 2009)
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Foxfoot ran toward his leader. He storked Lovestar's flank with his tail. "Lovestar, its alright." he murmured. "You can't protect everything in the forest..." His voice broke. He relized that this was the second death in the Clan in one day.
"STARCLAN!" Oakcloud screeched. "StarClan have given up on us!"
(Oakcloud is a queen, she's jsut worried for the sake of her kits' lives. T_T)
7:27pm Mar 9 2009
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((We dont know what even happened yet.Stop yowling out that they died.They might have lived.))
7:27pm Mar 9 2009 (last edited on 7:30pm Mar 9 2009)
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Name: Fawnfoot Gender: Female Rank: Elder Age: ... elder oldest cat in the Clan Personality: Grumpy, in a way. Looks: golden pelt all the way, green eyes. Kits: Foxfoot and Oakcloud. Mate: dead. Fawnfoot walked out of her den, blinking her eyes. "Why all the noise?" she demanded. Then she saw the dead cats. "Great StarClan, I hate being the only elder. I'll have to drag and burry both those bodies." (Dead Cats: Echopaw, and that other cat (I THINK it is dead)
7:32pm Mar 9 2009 (last edited on 7:32pm Mar 9 2009)
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((Pandameg has a point, alice. Sagepelt started this plan, its for her to say what her cat saw...Or if it died or not... You can delete that first post. Please, no bad feelings.)
I'm Feline♥
7:33pm Mar 9 2009
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(I ave not a single clue how to delete a post. )
7:40pm Mar 9 2009
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(g2g dudes. I'll be back on at 1:30 res time.)
7:46pm Mar 9 2009
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((Okie ^_^ Bye!))
I'm Feline♥