7:09pm Aug 28 2009 (last edited on 7:15pm Aug 28 2009)
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7:14pm Aug 28 2009
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Blackpaw eagerly touched noses with her mentor. "And I promise, I'll be the best apprentice SunClan willl have ever seen!" Ashpaw touched noses with Nutstrike. He looked at his mentir, waiting. "Well, now what?"
7:14pm Aug 28 2009
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9:07pm Aug 28 2009
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Fallenrain grinned. "No doubt you'll be!" He mewed, then got to his paws, twisting his head around. "Now, lets what we can do first. You've hunted before as a loner, right?" Starsong padded into the nursery once again, "Did I do it right?" He asked Darkenedstar.
I'm Feline♥
9:12pm Aug 28 2009
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" Well...do you know the warrior code? " Nutstrike knew that she couldn't train this cst if he didn't know about the warrior code. She was still excited, but Ashpaw's lack of enthusiasm toned down her happiness a bit. Darkenedstar nodded and said " In fact, I think that mabye you should do this more often. I was actually thinking of something. Sunclan has beeen accepting plenty of rogues and loners in lattely and I'm actually beginign to like it. It makes Sunclan stonger. I think that either today or tommorrow you should send out a patrol to search for rogues and loners and ask them if they would like to join Sunclan. "
1:09am Aug 29 2009
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Starsong smiled, "Thanks. And I love the idea, how about tomorrow? I wan't first for Fallenrain and Nutstrike to get a chance to know well their apprentices. Talking about apprentices, shouldn't your kits, Sunset, be apprentices now?" And so the three little pairs of ear shot up. "Yay!" Squeaked Twilightkit. Sunset giggled. "Yeah,I think so. How about when Starwalker comes again? That way she can make Cinnamonkit an apprentice herself." She meowed. "But that might take forever!" Bone kit wined. "No, no. She'll come, she has to check on Darkenedstar still." Sunset *censored*ured them. "And have the kits been okay these days?" Starsong asked Darkenedstar now ignoring Sunset, "I wonder when their eyes will open. Im sure they'll be as pretty as yours.." He looked up at her, and grinned. ((Today I got braces... DX I. Hate. It.))
I'm Feline♥
1:23am Aug 29 2009
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((I ish a lurker virus.Fear ME!!!.Or gives me Gooey cookies wiff milkz))
8:25am Aug 29 2009
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((Gah...I hate mine too. They've been a source of pure pain and agony since I was 12....I got mine on my birthday...at least I cn be comforted in the fact that they're getting removed soon...)) DAarkenedstar purred at the compliment. " Tommorrow, we can send out apatrol for newSunclan warriors and, if Starwalker comes back, we can also make Sunset's kits apprentices." She smiled at thekits who now seemed extremely excited. She was happy to know that Sunclan had more warriors coming that could fight along side the rest of the clan. Splashkit mewled loudly at Starsong, attempting to stand up and walk towards him, but instead flopping back onto the ground and falling asleep. ((So...should I control all of the kits forever or do you want to control some? All I know is Shinningkit is definatly mine...))
11:01am Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 11:05am Aug 29 2009)
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"Rogue." Blackpaw corrected. "Yes, I've hunted before. When I was young I learned how to hunt fish and later on, how to hunt in forests." "No." Ashpaw answered. "Is it important?" (Can I play one off Darkenedstar's kits?)
11:04am Aug 29 2009
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(I got my braces tightened last Monday. I couldn't eat hard food for a few days. It hurt. :( )
11:19am Aug 29 2009
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" Well it is in a clan. Do you want to learn about it? If not then I'm not really sure what we can do... guess if you don't want to learn it we'll both end up bored. " Nutstrike didn't know if Ashpaw even gave a rat's tail about clan life. Seemed like he just wanted to stay until some body just let him leave. ((I just p*censored*ed my rubber band phase *Shivers*So...much...pain....))
11:40am Aug 29 2009
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(My fried just p*censored*ed her mental spring phase. xD It looked weird.) Ashpaw sighed. "Okay, okay. What is it about?"
11:50am Aug 29 2009
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Nutstrike closed her eyes as she began to recall how Darkenedstar told her the warriors code. " Well. One of the more important ones is you HAVE to be loyal to Sunclan and Sunclan only. You can have friends in Loveclan but nothing more. You also can't hunt outside of Sunclan territory or go into Loveclan territory. You can't eat before Lunarsight and the queens and kits have eaten. you can't kill prey for sport. Only kill what you will eat or feed to the rest of the clan. Got everything so far? " She wasn't going word for word how Darkenedstar told her, but she guessed this was a good way too.
12:41pm Aug 29 2009
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Ashpaw nodded."So, do not hunt or tresp*censored* on LoveClan's territory, you may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle, queens, elders, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors, prey is killed only to be eaten. Yep, got it so far." he replied. bored.
2:14pm Aug 29 2009
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" Okay. And don't sound so bored by this. It might not be so exciting,but you could at least act like you cared at all. Well, anyways, you must always help kits that are in danger and do nothing to cause them harm, even if they're from a different clan. What Darkenedstar says goes. You can't go against her word and same goes for Starsong at them moment since he's filling in for her. You must also never ever go to the life of a kitty pet. Last would be to never kill another cat unless absolutely neccessary. " Nutstrike stopped talking then. There were a few smaller details but she wasn't going to drone on about them when she knew he would even listen.
6:23pm Aug 29 2009
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"So, do not hunt or trespa-ss on LoveClan's territory, you may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle, queens, elders, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors, prey is killed only to be eaten, no warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan, the word of the Clan leader is the warrior code, an honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win his battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or it is necessary for self-defense. Got it." Ashpaw recited.
7:35pm Aug 29 2009
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Nutstrike thought for a moment and said " Well I dunno what to do now really. you wanna explore clan territories or learn battle techniques or something? " She flicked her tail in a bored fasion, wishing that Ashpaw could be a bit more excitingg. All this cat appeared to be was dull dull dull...
7:42pm Aug 29 2009
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(lol) Ashpaw kicked his mentor. Ashpaw smiled unpredictably. "Battle training." he answered.
8:35pm Aug 29 2009
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" Kay. " Nutstrike bounded out of camp, headed in the direction of the hunting grounds. If he wanted battle training, he would have to be able to keep up with her first.
8:44pm Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 7:46pm Aug 30 2009)
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Ashpaw raced behind Nutstrike. He never managed to p*censored* her, but atleast he didn't drag behind. His legs were aching already. I can't show any of them weakness. he growled in his mind. He suddenly sped up and ran right past Nutstrike. He ran a few foxlengths infront of her. "Catch me if you can!" he laughed. He ran right past the training ground. He stopped. He knew that if he took one pawestep to the side, he would be in LoveClan territory.