8:47pm Aug 29 2009
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" Hey! Get back here! " Nutstrike said, having stopped at the training grounds. She sighed and shook her head. He probobly wouldn't listen to this. She ran on, going full speed now and streched her legs to their fullest, carfully to avoid getting her paws snagged in a few of the above ground roots in this area.
9:22pm Aug 29 2009
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9:22pm Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 9:22pm Aug 29 2009)
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(Nope? Okay. Never mind.)
9:24pm Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 7:47pm Aug 30 2009)
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Ashpaw laughed mockingly. "Such a clumsy cat. I may be an apprentice, but I'm still older than you."
9:36pm Aug 29 2009
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Nutstrike snorted, slowing down. If that thing honestly expected her to race after him then he had another thing coming. She sat down after slowing to a walk and began to lick her paw, waiting for him to trip or get in trouble with Loveclan.
9:54pm Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 7:47pm Aug 30 2009)
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Ashpaw sat down and waited for Nutstrike. "I'm not moving." he answered.
9:54pm Aug 29 2009
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2:27pm Aug 30 2009
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5:32pm Aug 30 2009
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((Alice: Could you be a bit more, realistic? I understand that Ashpaw has rebellious personality, but Nutstrike is a full warrior with much more knowledge. She should have been faster... Anyway, don't change it just leave it like that, just don't do it again please. LoveClan/SunClan have been lurked more than usual these days X3 Panda: How about Alice roleplays Splashkit, I roleplay Eclipsekit, and you roleplay Ashkit and Shinningkit? My post shall be below in a moment. And im using my braces for a year and a half only :D Yay.))
I'm Feline♥
5:38pm Aug 30 2009
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Starsong smiled and licked the kit's head. He then padded out, lookingat Fallenrain with his apprentice. "Right. Okay. First ill take you around the territory so you may see it all, and while we do that I will also tell you about the warrior code." Fallenrain mewed at Blackpaw. "Follow me. Behind, not infront, not beside." He meowed and padded out, heading towards the borders as if in a border patrol. "These are the borders. Now, tell me what you can smell. Be smart, I know you can scent me and wet moss, but what else, besides the obvious?" Starsong sighed. He knew Nutstrike might have some problems with Ashpaw, since he has such a strong personality. He promised himself he would talk with him later.
I'm Feline♥
6:54pm Aug 30 2009
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" Neither am I unitl you get your stupid tail back over here! I for one don't plan to cling to you like a tick! " Nutstrike angrily yolwed at him. First hour and she was already immensly annoyed by him. Darkenedstar began to lick her kits, not wanting dirty kits. She began by bringing her rough tonguedown on Shiningkit, soon going on to Eclipsekit. Shinningkit melwed disdainfully as he felt something rough and somewhat wet roughly likc his fur. He was glad that it didn't last long thanks to his small size.
7:12pm Aug 30 2009
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(Okay. Sorry, Feline. I wish I could undo it now.)
7:27pm Aug 30 2009
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(So do I get to play Splashkit? xD) Blackpaw smiled happily. "Okay! I'd love to!" she bounced up and down. She followed Fallenrain. "I smell... prey! And SunClan scent! Are we close to the SunClan scent marks?"
7:43pm Aug 30 2009
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7:48pm Aug 30 2009
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Ashpaw suddenly collapsed on the ground. He felt to weak to get up. He realized that he shouldn't have run like that. "To... much." he panted.
7:50pm Aug 30 2009
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Nutstrike sighed and padded over, obviously taking her time getting there. She didn't care much for Ashpaw. " I should have guessed you would kill yourself somehow. " She stared at him for a few moments before asking " You wanna go back to camp now? "
7:57pm Aug 30 2009
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"Yup! Very well." Fallenrain purred. "LoveClan scent marks two fox-lenghts away, and close here you can scent the SunClan borders. As a border patrol, we must refresh the scent border marks. If you ever see a tresspas-sing cat, challenge him or her. Only SunClan is allowed to be in this territory, unless the leader or deputy allow the visiter to come in. Also, make sure the prey you kill is only to be eaten. Thank StarClan for it once dead. Okay, ill refresh the border marks, I expect you to be here in a few minutes with prey in your mouth. Which I mean while I refresh them, you hunt. Bring a squirrel, remember to jump on it at the last minute. Also bring any bird you find. Don't eat it though, prey must first be fed to the elders, queens, and kits before you or any other cat. Good luck, now!" Fallenrain meowed. He padded over to the scent marks, and reshreshed it all until he felt too far away and came back to wait for Blackpaw. Eclipsekit squeaked, wriggling her tail as if uncomfortable.
I'm Feline♥
8:14pm Aug 30 2009
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Darkenedstar soon decided that Eclipsekit was clean and moved on to Splashkit. Her tongue rasped over the kit's pelt as she worked to get dirt off of it. Crystal yawned and got to her feet. How long had she slept? Eh. Didn't matter much to her right now. It wwas time to go jump on things and she was probobly late! Phione waited in the kitchen for Crystal to get there. Crystal had been sleeping forever... Phione was beginging to think about going along and messing with things on her own, when the farmiliar pelt of Crystal was seen entering the kitchen. " Sorry I was late! " Crystal said, immediatly getting to work and going to the sink which had unwashed dishes piled up in it. She carfully walked around the pile, sniffing for scraps of good food on it. She sneezed when she found something that had a large amount of pepper on it and moved on. Phione followed her sister and did the same, soon swallowing a delectable peice of chicken.
8:22pm Aug 30 2009 (last edited on 8:22pm Aug 30 2009)
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"Yes." Ashpaw groaned. "Very much." Blackpaw nodded. She spotted a mouse sitting next to a root. It's no squirrel, but It'll do. She padded over to it from behind. And she pounced., landing on the mouse. She bit the mouses neck, making it limp in her jaws. She quickly burried her prey. She scented the air. Thrush! She followed the scent. A thrush was peckig at a seed. She ran over to it at full speed, confident that she would catch it. But at the last moment, the bird took off. Blackpaw had no time to stop herself. She rammed into the tree. "Mouse dung!" she spat angrily. She scented the air. Rabbit! she quickly took off toward the smell. Then she saw it. A plump, rabbit. She stood there, frozen. Then the rabbit started hopping toward her, obvioulsy comeplety oblivious to the fact that she was there. A few more hops! she cheered in her head. And she pounced! She landed perfectly on the rabbit, quickly she aimed a blow at the rabbits head, killing it. She dragged the rabbit back to her mouse. She dug the mouse out of the ground, and dragged both the mouse and the plump, oversized rabbit toward her mentor. "I know it's not a squirrel or a bird. I couldn't get any." She dropped the rabbit and the mouse at Fallenrain's paws, Her head low. Splashkit squeeked. He jumped onto Darkenedstar's tail. "Take that LoveClan warrior!" He grabbed his mother's tail inbetween his teeth, and shook it.
8:31pm Aug 30 2009
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Darkenedstar watched for a moment, amused, before gently picking the kit up by the scruff of his neck and pulling him back closer to finish giving him his bath. Nutstrike nodded and said " Want me to drag you, carry you, or bring other cats here to do it for me? " She gave these choices because one, she liked the idea of dragging him to camp, and two, she didn't exactly want to be the one to have to carry him. She would if she had to though.