8:35pm Aug 30 2009
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"I'll walk." Ashpaw panted. He stood up, walked a few steps, and then collapsed again. "Ewww!" Splashkit complained. "I don't want a bath!" he added, squirming.
8:35pm Aug 30 2009
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(*Waits for post to show up*)
8:36pm Aug 30 2009
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8:43pm Aug 30 2009
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Darkenedstar continued to clean Splashkit until she detirmined she had finished and let him go. She moved on to Ashkit then, waking up the sleeping kit with her rough tongue. Ashkit squealed unhappily at being woken up at the same time as getting bathed by her mother.
8:47pm Aug 30 2009
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Nutstrike rolled her eyes and said " I don't think walking is a good idea. How about I get you some water? " She knew that doing things after you over work yourself by running was a bad thing to do.
11:20pm Aug 30 2009
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((So the kits can talk now? Oh.)) Eclipsekit giggled, she cuddled closer to her mother. Fallenrain hesitated. "I understand its your first time. Anyway, you did excellent work! Plump rabbit, big mouse. It looks fine to me. You did really good, follow me along the borders while we refresh it and I keep on with the warrior code." He meowed. He dug up a whole a instert there the two pieces if prey. He trotted along the border, refreshing it along. "Never kill it a cat unless it is necessary...." He murmured all the rules of the warrior code. When he finished mewing about the warrior code, he changed direction to where he had hidden the fresh-kill. "I hope you understood it all. It is the code we have followed for generations before, and for generations to come." Fallenrain meowed, and they soon arrived to where he picked up the rabbit and he waited for Blackpaw to pick up the mouse.
I'm Feline♥
6:37am Aug 31 2009
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((Not talking so much as making high pitched noises X3))
8:23am Aug 31 2009
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Blackpaw nodded. "It holds SunClan together. I know it's important." She picked up her mouse. "Do we bring it back to camp?" she asked.
1:03pm Aug 31 2009
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Fallenrain nodded, "Yup. We pile it up on a fresh-kill pile, and wait until the elders and queens with their kits eat. Once they have, we may dig in and eat too." He mewed through his mouthfull of rabbit. He padded along the invizible trail up to the camp. He pas-sed through the camp entrance, and dropped the rabbit on the new fresh-kill pile. He saw a vole at the side, filled with ants. "Blackpaw, look. This vole was brought by the sunrise hunting patrol. Since no one ate it, it has now turned into crow-food. Always check the fresh-kill pile for crow-food before you drop your kill. Now, pick it up and dig it inside a hole outside camp, deep enough for no kit to find." He meowed, and sat down.
I'm Feline♥
1:11pm Aug 31 2009
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Blackpaw nodded. She padded up to the poisoned fresh-kill. "Ehk. It reeks." she muttered before grabbin its tail in between her teeth, careful not to touch the ants. She found a small hill with dirt that looked strange, as if it was not packed in. She started digging, until her paws scraped against fur. "Fallenrain!" she called, afraid. "There's a dead cat burried here!"
1:22pm Aug 31 2009
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Moonwhisper, was the first thing that touched Fallenrain's mind. He rushed out of the camp to stand beside Blackpaw. This was his fault, he should have told Blackpaw about that. "No! Blackpaw, dig it up again! Never, never, try to dig where something has already been burried. Moonwhisper was our medicine cat, she died moons ago already. That's why Starwalker comes, she is LoveClan's medicine cat, not ours." Fallenrain meowed, and he picked up the crow-food Blackpaw had left while digging the hole. He dragged it quickly to the other end, and dug up a hole faster than a normal cat would. He dropped it in, and dug it up. Blackpaw was supposed to be putting the dirt where it belongs again.
I'm Feline♥
1:36pm Aug 31 2009
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Blackpaw quickly scraped earth back over the body of Moonwhisper. "I'm sorry Moonwhisper. Please go back to StarClan." she said sadly.
1:48pm Aug 31 2009
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Fallenrain sighed, then stood beside Blackpaw. "Its ok, lets go back to camp." ((I think you need to roleplay Ashpaw, Nutstrike is waiting for his reply.)) Fallenrain padded inside the camp, and looked around at the clearing. "Take a few pieces if fresh-kill to the nursery, Blackpaw. Darkenedstar and Sunset will appreciate it." He meowed, then padded beside the warriors den. Moonfall padded inside the apprentices den. "Stripedpaw, could you check on Lunarsight and give her some fresh-kill? Don't worry about the queens, Blackpaw already is taking them fresh-kill." LoveClan. Lovestar sat up, she had been resting in the sun spot, but now that Starwalker was here she would go over to her. "Starwalker?" She called from outside the medicine cats den.
I'm Feline♥
2:09pm Aug 31 2009
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"Water." he panted. "Water. Yes, water would be nice. Go get me water." he spit.
2:16pm Aug 31 2009
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Blackpaw nodded. She couldn't take the image of Moonwhisper out of her head. She grabbed the mouse that she had got earlier and dragged it to the nursery. "Hi Darkenedstar, Sunset." she nodded. "I brought a rabbit for you two to share. I caught it myself!" she said proudly. Splashkit stumbled over and sniffed the piece of freshkill.
3:01pm Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 3:02pm Aug 31 2009)
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"Thank you very much, Blackpaw." Sunset purred, she then turned her head to Splashkit. "I don't think thats for you, Splashkit. Your teeth arent strong enough...." She mewed with a hint of a purr. Cinnamonkit stumbled over next to Splashkit, and sniffed it, too. Bonekit and Twilightkit followed, their now huge-bodies-for-the-nursery bumbing over the moss as they pa.ssed. "Can we eat?" Bonekit meowed, his voice now strong enough to not be a squeak anymore. "Ask Darkenedstar, she might be a bit more hungry." Sunset replied, and Twilightkit turned his head to Darkenedstar, "Can we? Can we?"
I'm Feline♥
4:13pm Aug 31 2009
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"I can get you three a mouse if you want." Blackpaw purred.
4:15pm Aug 31 2009
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DArkenedstar licked ashkit a few more times before saying, " I think that I should probboly get my food before you three. If you go first there might not be anything left for me! " Darkenedstar said with a smile hinting on her face as she took a few bites of rabbit. Nutstrike bounded away to the nearest source of water. A small bit of water that wasn't nearly big enough to give water to an entire clan, but would work for a few cats. She grabbed a chunk of moss from a nearby tree and used it to soak up some water so she could bring it to Ashpaw. He might be a jerk but that didn't mean she was just going to leave him for dead and make up something. She wasn't that sort of cat. She soon returned to Ashpaw, mouth holding soaked moss. She dropped it by his head muttering " Enjoy... "
4:24pm Aug 31 2009
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Cinnamonkit grinned, "Of course, queens need to eat first!" She corrected her brothers. Bonekit nodded in agreement, but then smiled wider at what Blackpaw said, "Yes, please!" He meowed, excited. Twilightkit's tail wagged, "Yay!" ((Panda: Don't forget Stripedpaw and Starwalker...))
I'm Feline♥
4:26pm Aug 31 2009
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Ashpaw quickly suck up all of the water from the mouse. "It tastes like dirt." he said. "Why didn't you get cleaner water for me?! You could've done so much better." He stood up and stumbled a few feet toward the direction of camp.