4:56pm Aug 31 2009
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New post?
I'm Feline♥
4:56pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Yes, no?
I'm Feline♥
4:57pm Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 4:57pm Aug 31 2009)
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Nope, no post T_T
I'm Feline♥
4:59pm Aug 31 2009
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((Oh yeah)) " Sure. " Stripedpaw said, grabbing a vole from the fresh kill pile and taking it to Lunarsight, also planning on removing any ticks she had. He loved doing this for her since she always praised how well he did it. Starwalker looked up from what she was doing and at the sight of Lovestar said, " Yes? Do you need anything? " Nutstrike rolled her eyes. She couldn't get everything perfect you know.
5:03pm Aug 31 2009
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Moonfall smiled, "Very well." And padded back next to Starsong and Fallenrain, with the boy talk. Lovestar smiled and entered her den, "Good morning, Starwalker. Is SunClan ok? I mean, did you have to cure many cats? We don't need anything here at the moment, if you wish to go back there."
I'm Feline♥
5:16pm Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 5:29pm Aug 31 2009)
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Posts: 19
((Join?)) Name: Frost Rank: Warrior Eye color/pelt color: Green-ish eyes, black pelt. Long fur. Personality: Play it out Gender: Female Look:  Mate: None (Open) Age: Young adult Other: Loner ((I hope the pic doesn't stretch the page. -^.^-))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
5:24pm Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 5:33pm Aug 31 2009)
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Posts: 2,220
((Aqua: Sure C: But can you join Frostclaw as a kittypet/rogue/loner, please? And then as the roleplay goes, SunClan will find her and join her to the clan, since LoveClan has plenty of warriors already. If you want her name can be Frost, and when part of a clan Frostclaw. Also, your signature say you're leaving for five months, if you really are then don't join because we cant wait for you.))
I'm Feline♥
5:30pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
((No, no. My sig is a joke! XD Yus, I'm fine with that.))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
5:38pm Aug 31 2009
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" They're doing pretty good. The only things that really involved me was a queen giving birth. It was Darkenedstar if you're wondering who. " She shook her paw, flinging a blue berry that had gotten sstuck to her claw at some against the ground.
5:53pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
Frost padded around, mumbling "I'm weak..." to herself. She collapsed on the ground, the Twoleg black stuff making her bleed. She choked, and got up to continue on her journey for a home. There was a forest in front of her. Frost padded in and slept in front of a tree, it's fragrant bark and limbs surrounding her. She pawed over to a cobweb and smoothed it over her chin. "I hope this will stop my bleeding..." she murmured, rubbing it softly against the bleeding spot. Her fur was tangled and dirty. She hadn't eaten for a long time. When Frost woke up, she was hungrier than ever. She pawed over to a mouse and tried to catch it, but she was too weak and missed. She snarled weakly and chewed on tree leaves. She coughed and spat them out. Cats are not herbivores. She found a badly injured deer and took it down withg a swift blow to the chest. She ate it hungrily. Her fur was mangy-looking and a grey kittypet ran away from her, fearing attack. Frost sighed and continued on eating the very badly injured doe. It was weak, like her and it wouldn't be very filling, but it was enough for her to continue living. Frost napped. She woke up again, hungry. I must find a home first. she thought firmly. Frost padded into the forest, she saw a cat or two and didn't call out. She was afraid of them. If they hurt her, she could die. Frost choked and her stomach growled with protest. She crawled closer to the cats, and fainted. Frost was so weak that she couldn't walk far enough to say something.
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
6:03pm Aug 31 2009
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((Oh ^^' . And thanks, ill add Frost to the first page now.)) LoveClan. Lovestar nodded, "You may go check on her right now, if you want." She meowed, SunClan may not be her friends, but a queen with new kits would always appreciate having a medicine cat close, who knows what could happen. Especially to such delicate little bodies, that need extra attencion. "Also, I think Cinnamonkits going to be apprenticed any day now, as Starsong had said." Lovestar hadn't really noticed why, but she had been thinking of kits more these days. She was feeling warm-hearted for it, as she remembered how much all her life she had wanted kits. Without waiting for Starwalker's answer, she twisted around out of the den, her belly rounder than usual. SunClan. Starsong stood on his paws, now looking over to Fallenrain, "Darkenedstar told me she wanted SunClan to grow stronger, and have more cats. Its going a bit slower than she thought, so she ordered me to take a patrol out in looking for kittypets, loners, and rogues who can be apprenticed and added to SunClan. Im waiting for Ashpaw to come back, I will talk to him. How about you, Moonfall, and Jacklefur take on with the patrol? We need strong warriors to go, since any kind of battle could brake with a rogue." Both Fallenrain and Moonfall nodded. "Jacklefur?" Moonfall called from outside the warriors den. "We need you for a patrol,"Fallenrain added, and then looked back at Starsong. "May I bring Blackpaw, too?" He asked, and Starsong nodded, "Yes, but be careful."
I'm Feline♥
6:09pm Aug 31 2009
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Jacklefur dashed over to the cats asking " Are we going now? " He wasn't ready for going on a patrol. A tom like him needed to look somewhat decent before trottingg around at the borders. Crystal and Phione had finally eaten anything of interest in the kitchen, and after Phione throwing up a bad bit of fish, they went out through through an opened window. Smokey yawned, getting up and stretching. He jumped off the couch and began to pad around, looking for something to do. He was begining to like it here at this house and felt like he just might retire and live the rest of his life here. He wasn't exactly all that youngs after all and wasn't heading towards a younger age at all.. He had his mind made up. He would stay with these two legs where he could live an easy life of free food and comfortables nests.
6:21pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
Frost choked, she opened her eyes halfway and still saw cats. She heaved herself a tail-length farther. She choked and threw up some water. "Ugh..." she choked, dragging her body closer to the cats. She let out a meow, higher than usual. It was a cry of pain. She got up and stepped across the water vomit and fell down again. She closed her eyes and let out a meow, higher and louder this time. Then, she was unconscious.
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
6:23pm Aug 31 2009
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Starwalker nodded, grabbing a few things and heading out to Sunclan camp. She was unaware of what was going on there at the moment so she didn't bring anything more than some poppy seeds, cobwebs, and a few other commonly used herbs.
6:31pm Aug 31 2009
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"Yes. Now." Moonfall hissed, and swished his tail as he padded out of the entrance. Fallenrain hesitated, maybe it wasn't a good idea to take Blackpaw. He shrugged, and changed his mind. Blackpaw wouldn't come. He then trotted beside Moonfall, leaving Jacklefur behind. Thunder and Blizzard fidgeted at the corner of the twoleg nest, boredom taking them away. Blizzard rolled her eyes and padded after Crystal and Phion. Thunder followed, curious. Honey blinked her eyes open, still in that shadowy forest. She then turned her head, to notice a black she-cat dropped unconscious on the ground. Honey was just an innocent kittypet, and she didn't see that this cat would mean any harm. She bounded over, and licked the she-cats head. "Hello? Please don't die! You're the only cat i've seen in days!" Honey begged, looking down sadly at the she-cat.
I'm Feline♥
6:38pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Jacklefur gave his pelt a few quick licks which made it better but not as good as he wanted, and dashed after te two other toms. He had no plan on being left out on this patrol. Hewasn't going to seem lazy because he simply wasnt. Crystal stared out from her perch on the fence. She looked curiously at the forest which was close yet far. She wanted to go there again! Phione knew her sisters look. She wanted to go into the forest dcidn't she. Oh well. Phione would follow Crystal even if she went into the forest with the scary clan cats in it.
6:41pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
Frost twitched a bit. "Honeybee, is that you...? she mumbled, flipping over and back. She opened her bright eyes which seemed to glow in contrast to her dark fur. She stared at the she-cat. She blinked. "Honeybee?" she mumbled, reaching out a paw to touch the cats fur. She jerked back when she touched it. "You're not Honeybee! You're alive!" she exclaimed, trying to sit down. She closed her eyes again and fell backwards on the gras-s with a leg sticking up. Frost opened her eyes halfway and murmured "I'm Frost... weak... hungry... been traveling for ten moons... thirsty... wounded..." before falling back down, breathing softly.
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
6:55pm Aug 31 2009
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Honey sat down and shared her warmth with Frost. "Im so sorry for you!" She cried, "Ill stay here until you feel better, I promise." She meowed, and buried her nose into her fur. Moonfall leaded the patrol north, but not north enough too where the twolegplace lay. He searched around the clearing, and spotted two cats, one step far from the border. "Fallenrain, Jacklefur, follow me!" He meowed, trotting over to the two she-cats. One was golden-tan-brown, the other a dark black, the prettiest she-cat Moonfall had seen. Attempting to growl, Honey looked up at the three huge wild cats. "Who are you?" She blinked.
I'm Feline♥
7:02pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
Frost (who was still asleep) mumbled "Yes... Okay...". Had she heard Honey? Frost opened her eyes halfway. She got up, struggling. She stared at the golden-furred she-cat and said "It's you." She paused. "The first cat I've seen in ten moons."Then, relising that there were others, she turned to the Clan cats. Frost dipped her head curtly, and lied down. She stared at them all, interested. "My name is Frost." she said, looking around.
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
7:05pm Aug 31 2009
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" I'm Jacklefur. " Jacklefur meowed, not explaining much. He wanted the others to start off with saying what they were here for, besides this being part of Sunclan territory. His tail tip curled slightly with curiousity. These cats seemed pretty interesting and no doubt could make fine warriors or queens in Sunclan.