7:09pm Aug 31 2009
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"Me?" Honey had asked, but she was now looking at the three clan cats. "And my name is Honey, I.... I used to be a kittypet, actually..."She mewed, her eyes shinning bright. Moonfall stared, looking from Frost to Honey. "I think you've found your destinies." He meowed, dipping his head. Then looked at them again. "Jacklefur, take them to the clan. They aren't going to be prisoners, so treat them well. Take them to the prisoners den, which is empty and is all we have for now. Ill meet you at the far corner of the twolegplace. Good luck."
I'm Feline♥
7:10pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,220
I'm Feline♥
7:11pm Aug 31 2009
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((*Sings Alice's song for post to appear*))
I'm Feline♥
7:14pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
Frost heard a mouse scuttle by. She stared at it hungrily and leaped at it, the brown mouse behind her screamed a mousey scream. She ate it and sighed contentedly. Frost blushed under her fur as she turned back to the cats. Frost cleaned her fur as she listened to one of them introduce themself. Her fur was clean and shiny again. Frost turned to Jacklefur and dipped her head. "Pleasure to meet you." she said.
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
7:15pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 62
(( *lurks* this is a long Rp! ima try to read it all ^^ ))
7:16pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
(Whoa. Really? O.O))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
7:17pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 62
(( yup, here i go *disappears to first page* ))
7:17pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
((Good luck! ^^))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
7:23pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Jacklefur smiled and said " Let's show you two lovely felines the way back to camp. " He trotted off towards Sunclan camp, happy that he was the one who was getting to take them to camp. His tail was held high showing his good mood. Crystal leaped off the fence meowing " Come on Phione! I wanna go see the clan cats again! " Her tail was held high as she happily bounded towards the forest. Phione groaned, not wanting to go up to those scary cats again. she followed her sister, knowing that if anything happened to her and she decided to stay back while this happened, she would never be able to live with the guilt.
7:32pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Wow, good luck Scourge :D)) Blizzard and Thunder followed curiously behind. "Are we like, going to just meet these wild cats?" Thunder stammered, looking everywhere. "I think so." Blizzard mumbled. Moonfall padded along the border to the corner, he could scent two kittypets approaching it about two miles away, and another pair of kittypets with a bit scent of rogue followed. He looked at Fallenrain, who nodded. "Yeah, they're heading down over here." He mumbled.
I'm Feline♥
7:37pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Crystal lead Phione into the trees and through the forest, doing impressivly well at navigating for a kittypet that was only about 6 or 7 moons old. in fact, her chosen route was almost exactly the one taken on their first trip out here. Phione followed her sister, trying hard to keep up. Crystal always had been the more athletic one.
7:42pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
Frost didn't want to leave the tom, but she followed Jacklefur anyways. She looked back at him and her heart fluttered. Would he ever like her? She sighed and padded on. ((I am creating a new character. Soon. X3))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
7:47pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
((BTW I hafta go at 9 'cuz mom ish naggy. X~X))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
7:52pm Aug 31 2009
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Moonfall waited impatiently for Jacklefur, and the kittypets to arrive. Blizzard leaped forward, attempting to run. Thunder leaped after her, stumbling over some leaves. Moonfall's fur fluffed up, and padded at the very end of the border, narrowing his eyes at the running cats. He arched his back, demanding them to stop. Blizzard halted and rolled over her back, then stared wide-eyed at the full-grown warrior. Thunder did too. "W-who are they?" He stammered. Moonfall's eyes softened, and flattened his fur. He looked over them to see other kittypets arrive. "Whoa. Today is 'Lets invade SunClan' day. One loner, three kittypets, and two kittypet-rogues. Hmm...." Moonfall sighed.
I'm Feline♥
7:54pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 19
((*eats double post* Here's da new char!)) Name: Ghostpaw Rank: Apprentice Eye color/pelt color: Yellow-ish eyes and light silver-white pelt Personality: Kind, shy, loyal, friendly Gender: Female (She-cat) Look:  Mate: N/A Age: 6 moons Other: LoveClan apprentice ((I want to have a cat in LoveClan XP))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
8:04pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Okay. Fernleaf will be her mentor.))
I'm Feline♥
8:07pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Crystal looked at the warriors, wide eyed with awe. Phione just stood there hoping she wasn't eaten. " Are you guys warriors? " Crystal asked, obviously finding being a warrior a wonderful thing that one could oly hope to be. Then again, she had never been given the cahnce to see how many cats were warriors.
8:15pm Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 12:08pm Sep 1 2009)
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Posts: 19
Frost wondered if she would make friends in the strange place. She wasn't used to all of the things around here. Ghostpaw pounced on a ball of moss. "Fernleaf?" she called out, sitting down on her nest. She groomed herself, looking at the she-cats outside. Ghostpaw padded over to them. She looked at them and rushed back to her nest. ((I gtg. Bye! You guys are awesome. X3 G'night.))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
8:22pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((ii thought Jacklefur was taking Frost and Honey back to camp O_o I'm confused. And who did Ghostpaw see? There aren't any strange cats hovering around Loveclan territory...))
8:23pm Aug 31 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Griffin fell out of a tree, right infront of Moonfall. "Ouch." he said. You could see his ribs underneath his fur.