8:25pm Aug 31 2009
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(('Kay, Bye! ^^)) Moonfall hesitated, "Um, yeah. We are SunClan warriors, and proud. Fallenrain, explain why we are here, besides protecting our borders." Fallenrain nodded. "SunClan has few warriors, though not weak. But our leader wishes to join some outside cats to be apprenticed and later be warriors. You have two choices, come with us and become one of our apprentices, or never come back again. Ever." Moonfall smelled a new scent. Familiar, though not SunClan.
I'm Feline♥
8:29pm Aug 31 2009
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((HOMAIGAWD!!! Kittypet invasion!!! Oh noes D: Lemme get this right. Frost and Honey are being taken to SunClan camp, not talking to the kittypets. Moonfall and Fallenrain are alone talking to Phion, Crystal, Blizzard, and Thunder. Honey, Frost, and Jacklefur are at SunClan camp. Moonfall suddenly stumbled upon a kit,))
I'm Feline♥
8:31pm Aug 31 2009
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((Aqua: Please turn your last post into a bump, so that none of that can confuse us... D:))
I'm Feline♥
8:32pm Aug 31 2009
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"Blackpaw padded out of the nursery. She grabbed a piece of fresh-kill from the fresh-kill pile. She ate the mouse quickly, leaving nothing but a some bones. She quickly scarped some soil over them. She didn't want a kit to choke on them if the kit decided to put on in it's mouth.
Ashpaw turned to Nutstrike. "Bring me to the camp." he ordered.
(Bossy. Cat :P)
8:35pm Aug 31 2009
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(And Griffin is not a kit, he is 11 moons old. xD He will take that very offensively.)
8:35pm Aug 31 2009
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Moonfall hissed, "Shhh!" He then looked back down, realizing what he saw. "What in StarClan's name-?!" He growled, fluffing his fur. Fallenrain ignored them, waiting for the kittypets' answer. "Quiet, Icicle!" Hissed Oranges, currently spying with her kit at the warriors.
I'm Feline♥
8:38pm Aug 31 2009
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Griffin stared up at the warrior. "He fell from the sky!" he jumped up and stumbled for a moment. He shook his head. "Woah, what just happened? Who are you?"
8:46pm Aug 31 2009
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"Who the hell are you!? Since when do cats fall from the sky on warriors!?" And so Moonfall has his crazy moment. "Fallenrain, stay there. You take the kittypets to the clan if they decide choice one." And Fallenrain nodded. Moonfall padded along some trees, hissing when he realized the familiar smell. Oranges. The she-cat who had accidentaly brought the whole family of badgers right into the camp. And her kit, Icicle. "Griffin, Oranges, Icicle. Follow me." Moonfall roared, and heavily padded to the camp. Starsong and Darkenedstar would have lots of naming to do, if all accepted the idea of being apprentices. Oranges sighed and followed, her kit innocently bouncing next to her mother.
I'm Feline♥
8:50pm Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 8:52pm Aug 31 2009)
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"Cats have fallen from the sky since I was born. see?" Griffin raced up a tree and jumped off one of the branches. "Whee!" He turned to face Oranges and Icicle. He shrugged, pointing with his tail to Moonfall. He grimaced and followed the grumpy tom. "How do you know my name?" he asked.
8:55pm Aug 31 2009
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"San." Moonfall mumbled, "Actually, Blackpaw now. You have no idea how many times she mewed about you in her sleep. She explained how you looked like, your name, everything. I used to guard her when she was our prisoner. She'll be happy to see you."
I'm Feline♥
8:58pm Aug 31 2009
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"Who is San?" Griffin asked, ovfiously not remembering. "My mother died when I was borm. My father said so."
9:05pm Aug 31 2009
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"Well, your father was wrong. San is your mother, you'll see." He meowed, moments later arrived to camp. ((We should stop now. Tomorrow when Panda and Aqua are back, we'll keep roleplaying. Just for tonight so we can clear up the confusion.))
I'm Feline♥
9:10pm Aug 31 2009
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(Kay. I have to go now anyway. Bye Feline!)
"No, You'll see." Griffin mutered under his breath. "My mother had a white pelt andblue eyes. That's what my father told me. And her name was Cloud, not San. Get your facts strraight." he said to Moonfall. Hejumped up into the air, his paws hovering a few inches off the ground.
9:10pm Aug 31 2009
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" I wanna be a warrior! " Crystal said, nearly bouncing around with excitment. Phione hesitated before saying " If Crystal's in than so am I. " She was going to stick to her sister to the end. Even if the end was ina few seconds, although for some reason Phione felt oddly safe around these warrior cats. Starwalker padded into camp, no taking long to figure out that things were the same here. She smelled new cats that scent's hadn't been here the first time she visited. And they weren't kit scents. What was happenening in sunclan? Shrugging away her thoughtss, Starwalker padded into the nurery after setting her herbs down at the medicine cat's den. " Are the kits doing good Darkeedstar? " " Yes. They're the healthiest ad most perfect kits any cat has ever seen. " Darkenedstar purred, giving her kits a few loving kits. So what if one was a smaller than it should be? Shinningkit was still just as healthy and hungry as any other kit, even if he was a bit quieter. Starwalker smiled and said " Good. If you see them start coughing or acting wierd or anything at all, just come to me. I'll give you some more herbs so you can make plenty of milk for them. " She padded to the Medicine cats den just in time to see a Sunclan warrior padding into camp with two cats who obviously weren't warriors. They were outsiders. That explained the strange scents. Sunclan was accepting rogue, kittypets, and loners into their clan! She had to tell Lovestar the second she got back to camp. For now though, she had a new queen to take care of. She padded back ito the nursery with herbs for Darkenedstar, eyeing the strange cats suspicously.

7:33am Sep 1 2009
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Splashkit walked toward Starwalker. He sniffed her front leg, and that turn tail and ran back to Darkenedstar, afraid. The her scent smelled different than all the cats that had visited them before. (He's talking about Starwalker's LoveClan scent, and the cats from his Clan that had visited him before. Panda- Can they open their eyes soon?)
9:33am Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 12:10pm Sep 1 2009)
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Posts: 19
((My last post? Ghostpaw sees weird stuff from her imagination. 'Cuz she's Ghostpaw.)) Frost looked around at the camp. It looked pretty nice. She sat down and wondered if they ever fought foxes before, not that she did. Frost turned to Jacklefur and Honey and wondered if they ever fought badgers before. She stared at the place, there were alot of things. There was a pile of food, but she restrained herself.
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
11:51am Sep 1 2009
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((Aqua: Raven? you mean Frost, right? O.O Your other post where Frost talks to kittypets never happened, because she's not there. Where Ghostpaw sees cats I guess happened by her imagination. X3 Alice: I think they opened their eyes already, since they are able to meow also.)) Moonfall padded inside the camp entrance, and shoved Griffin, Oranges and her kit into the prisoners den. "Stay there, ok? Darkenedstar will mew to you about a few stuff. Don't worry, we mean no harm. You can always just leave if you don't like the idea about what Darkenedstar, our leader, will mew about." He mewed. "Frost, Honey, come over here please." Starsong padded into the nursery, smiling down at Darkenedstar. "We have lots of kittypets and rogues out there, Darkenedstar. I think it's better if you go there, because they know you are leader and will show more respect. Sunset, you'll take care of the kits for a moment, right?" He added, and Sunset nodded, "Of course." Fallenrain grinned. Thunder jumped in excitment, "Me, too!" And immedietly Blizzard nodded, "Sounds great." And with that, Fallenrain got to his paws and lead the way back to camp. "Follow me. Don't touch anything, just follow." He meowed, and began with a trot. He rushed into the camp's entrance, leading the cats close to where Griffin, Oranges and her kit stood. Suddenly Fallenrain remembered, "Blackpaw? There's someone you might want to see." He called, and sat down. Cinnamonkit leaped, "Starwalker! Guess what! Im 6 moons now! I can't wait to be an apprentice!" She mewed, her mew excited and beautiful. "There is going to be a meeting today for the rogues, so I guess you will be all apprentices today." Sunset meowed, and looked up at Starwalker. ((This part is getting a bit hard to roleplay XD))
I'm Feline♥
12:07pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 19
((ACK! Not here too! I am used to using the name Raven for stuff, so sorry. XD)) Frost followed the tom and sighed. She wondered if she would make friends here. Frost thought about so many things that they bugged her so much she abandoned all of the thoughts.
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
12:45pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Aqua: Lol, it's ok X3 Panda: Sorry, how did Eclipsekit look again? I want to find a picture on google to post on the first page for her.))
I'm Feline♥
1:43pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Blackpaw appeared out of the elders den with mouse bile in her jaws. "Yes? I was treating Lunarsight for ticks." Blackpaw hurried over to her mentor. "Yes Fallenrain?" She stared at the cats in front of them. In the middle of them was a black tom with green eyes. "Oh my!" she gasped. "You reek! You should clean you fur you filly tom!" She turned to Fallenrain. "What?" Griffin spit at Blackpaw. "I could say the same thing about you." He growled. "Don't go mommy! Stay here!" Splashkit squeeked. Ashpaw spit at the ground. "I said, take me to the camp!" he whined. (What color is Splashkit's eyes?)