2:08pm Sep 1 2009
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"Griffin, control yourself, will you?" Fallenrain growled, then turned to Blackpaw. "You were murmuring 'Griffin' in your sleep, rememeber? Well, he's right here infront of you, the one you just called filthy tom." Fallenrain mewed. Eclipsekit sighed, "It's ok, Splashkit!" She squeaked, "She's just going to be there for a few minutes, remember she's clan leader!" Then she bounced on Splashkit, pulling her ear.
I'm Feline♥
2:10pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 19
Ghostpaw trotted out to touch the cats, but then they dissolved into the air. They weren't real. She sighed and wondered When will I stop seeing these ghost cats? Ghostpaw glumly walked to the fresh-kill pile and ate a mouse. She went back to the apprentice den and lied down.
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
2:54pm Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 3:49pm Sep 1 2009)
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Name: Lilly (Warrior name will be Lillyflower Gender: Female Age: 16 moons Rank: Kittypet Clan: Hopefully will be accepted into LoveClan Mate: Unknown Other: Pregnant 
3:26pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 19
((Urmm... Alice? If he's a male than he can't be preggie.))
I'm gonna be like, gone and POOF! back again.
3:48pm Sep 1 2009
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4:27pm Sep 1 2009
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"I'm sorry Fallenrain, but no. It isn't. I'd know my kit anywhere. Trust me." Blackpaw said, annoyed. "Anyway, my mother was a white she-cat with blue eyes." Griffin said, matter of factly. Lilly stared at the forest from her fence. Earlier she had seen some cats that she had seen in the twolegplace leave, only to be escorted by a three big cats into the forest. She looked longingly into the forest. It was so large and open. She could here the noises of prey coming from the forest. I could go down there. she thought. She looked back at her twoleg nest. Inside the nest was her mate, King, and her sister, Dream. I'll be back before they know I'm gone. she thought. She jumped onto the ground on the otherside of the fence. She padded into the forest. She smelled the scent of many cats.
4:31pm Sep 1 2009
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(Feline, Panda- Would this be a good picture for Eclipsekit? You said that she was black and white- http://www.freewebs.com/moonstarsgraphics/BlackWhiteKitten.jpg)
4:40pm Sep 1 2009
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((Actually I said she had dark fur like Darkenedstar's and black spots like Starsong.)) Staarwalker smiled at Cinnomonkit and meowed " Yep. I plan on making you my apprentice today. " She smiled, glad that she would have an apprentice and would be able to give Sunclan their own medicine cat soon. She didn't pay attentiont ot he surprised kit.
Darkenedstar nodded and said " That's good. I think that now sunclan is big enough according to the amount you seem to havebrought in. More are coming as we speak. Yes. I will talk with them. I can trust Sunset enough to let her watch my kits while I do this. " She gave her four kits each a lick on the head and set them near Sunset. " Stay here while I go taalk to the new cats. " She padded out of the nursery, leaving her kits in the care of Sunset.
Shiningkit listened, eyes still closed, feeling miserable about his mother leaving. Mom was the only one who made everything fair. He knew that Ashkit would pick on him while she was away since he was so small. Ashkit had been the first to push him out of their way after all. He scooted closer to sunset when he was set down, hoping this would keep him safe. He squeaked with surprise as suddenly his eyes opened and everything was surprisingly bright. It hurt his newly opened eyes which blinked furiously unltin he moved into Sunset's shadow, where he continued tot bl ink and look around him, not able to understand what all of this was. Which of the things here were cats? He guessed the furry ones that moved about and had tails. He wondered what the rest of this stuff around and under him was.
Ashkit had had her eyes opened for quite a few minutes and was used to the whole brightness ad color of the world by now. She laughed as Shiningkit as he was surprised by the light. She hadn't reacted nearly as bad as that! He looked so stupid, blinking furiously and looking around him with a dumbstruck look of awe on his face. She should had expected such a reaction from the tinniest kit in the nursery. She also though of his as the ugliest, even though his gleaming silver fur matched him well.
Crystal and Phione happily bounded after the cat, to excited to care about the thing they were p*censored*ing. Phione, unaccostomed to having to move around so much, soon tired though. Crystal wasn't willing to leave her sister so she slowed down with her. " You okay? " She asked as she began to lick her sister's forehead encouragingly. " Come on. We just have little bit farther to go. I can smell the other cats. " Phione huffed and flopped onto the ground, feeling retched. It had to be that bad fish. It just had to be. She had been fine for a while but now it had hurled its discomfort back upon her. She just blinked as Crystal tried to get her to continue on. She wasn't moving until she had had a little bit of time to rest.

5:12pm Sep 1 2009
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(Oh, okay. I thought it was white with patches of black. Sorry. D: Can I pick the color of Splashkit's eyes? And also, what does Splashkit look like?) Splashkit whined. "Mommy!" he wailed, over and over again. He ran over to Sunset. "Will she ever come back! Will she die!" he asked dramatically. He burried himself in Sunsets fur, next to Shiningkit.
5:46pm Sep 1 2009
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5:48pm Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 5:50pm Sep 1 2009)
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((LOL, Alice XD And cute cat pic :3 Darker gray fur, black spots. Eclipsekit. This looks like her, Panda? )) Sunset giggled at Splashkit. "Silly. Of course not, she'll be here in just a few minutes." Then Sunset purred and looked down at Shinningkit. "Don't worry, hunny, it's just your first time opening your little eyes. You'll get used to it," She soothed, licking the kit's forehead. Eclipsekit padded over with her tiny paws barely touching the ground, and lay close to Shinningkit. "Isn't it amazing?" She asked, amazed at looking at him in such awe. Starsong lead the way out of the nursery. He sat down next to Darkenedstar. "Thunder and Blizzard," He pointed over to the beautiful white she-cat, and a dark brown tabby to with white underbelly. "They are brother and sister." He said, and turned over to a bright ginger she-cat with her white kit, "You know already Oranges and Icicle, who had brought the badgers accidentaly right into camp." He sighed. "Frost and Honey, Honey was a kittypet that was beside Frost, a loner." He then pointed over to the black she-cat and tan-brown she-cat beside. "Crystal and ph--" Then he noticed, "Agh, I told them to follow me! Blackpaw, please search for a she-cat and tomcat far north in the forest. They smell like kittypets, please bring them back safely." Moonfall rolled his eyes and padded over to Blackpaw. "Okay, whatever you guys say so. Just do what Fallenrain says, Blackpaw. And Griffin, don't start any trouble please." He then sat down, still guarding the group of outsiders. Icicle sighed, "Mommy? Why have these weird looking-cats collect so many other cats? I mean, why can't they use their own?" Icicle squeaked, and now it was Oranges who sighed. "I don't know, Icicle.... Lets wait and see." "Yay! Mom, can we go out? please? I smell so many outsiders!" Cinnamonkit mewed, and Sunset nodded, "Run along. Be safe." She mumbled. Bonekit, Twilightkit, and Cinnamonkit all bounded out leaving Sunset with the four kits. They padded all to a corner, waiting for Darkenedstar at any moment call their names. Bonekit hoped the deputy would be his mentor. He would be so happy to have the deputy as his mentor! "Stripedpaw, I hope you aren't sleeping!" Moonfall called, "Come over, there will be a meeting soon. You really won't want to miss this." ((Sunset is now able to have an apprentice, Panda, so that might help. I think there might not be enough mentors for all apprentices, you can ether add them as kits for a while until a new warrior is made and is able to apprentice a cat, or give some cat two apprentices... Unless you come up with a better idea.))
I'm Feline♥
5:51pm Sep 1 2009
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((Yes. They have to look sort of like Darkenedstar or Starsong's eyes though. That means you can't have purple or amber eyes. Darkenedstar's eyes are green. Starsong has a pic up on the firstpage. Splashkit looks like Starsong.))
5:55pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Can Stripedpaw become a warrior now since he was only an apprentice to learn the ways of the clan? He's good with the warrior code and all those fighting technique things now so can he be a warrior? It might help with the to many cats thing.))
5:59pm Sep 1 2009
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((Actually, yes. And Blackpaw should too. Definetly not Ashpaw though, sorry Alice. D:))
I'm Feline♥
6:27pm Sep 1 2009
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((Panda: You said Shinningkit was female and Ashkit male D:))
I'm Feline♥
6:56pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Wha?...switchem around or something I guess then...sorreh. It's sjust I be a feeling that I gottem mixed up. It just fits better to me.*gender confusion*))
7:39pm Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 7:56pm Sep 1 2009)
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(Haha. No, I understand. Ashpaw most definatly will not become a warrior any time soon. lolz xD) Splashkit stared at his brother. His wide green eyes had opened hours ago, before any of his littermates' did. He took pride in that. Blackpaw nodded. "Of course." she raced off into the forest, soon finding Crystal and Phione. "Are you alright?" Blackpaw asked, concerned. "Wait, stay here." Blackpaw ran over to a nearby stream. She grabbed moss from a tree. She dipped the moss in the water. She carried the moss back to Phione. She dropped the soaked moss in front of here. "Thats water. Lap it out." she ordered. Once Ashpaw had gottenback to the camp, he staggered a few feet. "Bellyache." he gasped.
7:54pm Sep 1 2009
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((I thought you controled Splashkit...)) Phione nodded, begining to lick the water from the moss. She felt much better once she had gotten as much water as possible from the moss. She smiled in thanks at the cat who had brought her water. " Thanks! She hasn't been feeling good ever since she ate that fish and I had no idea there was water nearby. " Crystal purred to Blackpaw. She helped her sister back onto her paws. Phione was a little unsteady, slightly dizzy from when she had fallen over for some reason. It quickly cleared though. Mabye she had just been thirsty or something... Shinningkikt, no longer blinded by the sudden light, took great interest in exploring and got up, begining to wander about in search of iteresting things. He stopped hiss search when he found a particuallarly interesting creature that looked sort of like the bush branch it stood upon. It had lots of legs that all moved in a wave-like fasion. The small bug had long hairs sticking out from it. Shinningkit reached a paw to it, unaware that carterpillars such as this oe could be deadly to a kit of his size.

7:58pm Sep 1 2009
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Starsong narrowed his eyes at the two cats entering the camp. He saw Nutstrike's eyes, and soon noticed she had a bad time with Ashpaw. His fur fluffed, but he immedietly flattened it. He bounded over to the apprentice, "Ashpaw, come here, now." He demanded, now under a tree where he could talk privately with him.
I'm Feline♥
8:00pm Sep 1 2009
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Ah. Sorry. I got mixed up. Because in another roleplay I have an Ashpaw, and in this roleplay I have an Ashpaw too. ) Blackpaw purred. "You can lean on me if you want. The camp is right through there." she pointed with her tail to the camp. "Come on." She directed the cats into camp. "You can sit there." she nodded to where all of the other newcomers sat. "The one speaking is Darkenedstar, the Clan leader."