8:01pm Sep 1 2009
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Ashpaw trotted over. (Sorry, I always have to at the wrong times.)
8:01pm Sep 1 2009
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((Her, Panda, you mistaked Shinningkit's gender again D:))
I'm Feline♥
8:37pm Sep 1 2009
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Crystal and Phione nodded, going to where the other cats were. Phione went a little more slowly than her sister normally would go, but Crystal was determined to help her sister. They sat down with the other cats. Darkenedstar, seeing all the new arrivals were apparently there, started to talk. " As some of you might know, you have been brought here to be offered a rare chance at something. Sunclan offers you the chance to become an apprentice here to learn our ways and live in the safety that a clan prodvides. I would like you all to know that you are not required to join Sunclan. You have every right to leave if you wish. You won't however, get this chance again. And should we ever spot you on our territory if you leave, things will probobly get bloody. I need not say more. In this clan you will be given shelter and should any of you she-cat have kits, a safe place to raise your young. When you grow to old to catch your own food and to fight, you will remain in the safety of te clan, living out the remainer of your days peacfully in the elder's den. In my eyes this seems like a great offer that is a once in a lifetime chance, but again, if you don't want to join Sunclan, that is entirly your choice. I will give you till tommorrow to make up your mind. you can choose wether you wish to be with us before then if you wish. " She took a few deep breaths, having been slightly winded from all of that talking. She didn't normally have to talk that much at once. " Any questions? " Nutstrike lay down grumpily in a sunny spot, in a foul mood after having to deal with her apprentice. As in the way of most she-cats minds, she began to go over the goods and bads of the day, soon having her mood worsened by the larger numbers of bads then goods.

8:39pm Sep 1 2009
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((Nuuuuuu!! *nails sign to head*Must not confuse genders!! DX))
8:59pm Sep 1 2009
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Starsong showed his teeth with anger, "Ashpaw, what's wrong with you? Do you think you are the precious king of the world? If so, then you are most then definetly wrong. You are a stubborn apprentice that has no right to treat warriors like this. Nutstrike is a nice loving cat, and she will be the only cat to be kind to you. For an entire week, you will be cleaning dens, feeding the elders and queens, and taking the ticks out of Lunarsight. You asked for this, so you better be good and listen. You are here to obey as an apprentice, understand? If I know you are still being stubborn, your out of this clan. Not accepting any excuse." Blizzard stared. "I accept." Thunder blurt out. "Im with my brother. Id love to live in this clan," Blizzard mewed. Oranges looked down at her tomkit. She then looked up at Darkenedstar. "I accept, me and my kit, Icicle. Thank you so much, Darkenedstar." Honey's jaw fell. "Yes! I really want do! It'll be an honor!"
I'm Feline♥
9:18pm Sep 1 2009
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" I wanna join! " Crystal blurted out as soona s possible, and was soon joined by Phione. The two son began to shak ewith excitment at the thought of becoming Sunclan apprentices. They could have easily p*censored*ed for two clan born kits who had waited for this moment their entire lives. Darkendstar smiled and said " That's wonderfu. Your apprentice ceeremonies will be held tommorrow after I have everybodies answer. For now, i think your first priority should be finding a place to sleep for tonight. Queens can come on ahead into the nursery if any of you are expecting or already have kits. The rest of you must find a place to sleep on your own. " Darkenedstar was going to hold a few warrior ceremonies today and let Starwalker do her thing. by the time she was done, there most likely wouldn''t be much time to apprentice all these other cats. They would have to come tommorrow. nutstrike watched with some interest, wondering if she should share her nest with another cat. It would eb to bad on her. In fact, she just now decided that she would go and fetch some moss for the new cats so that the clan cats didn't have to share their nests and sleep in the cold. She trotted out of camp, watching very carfully to make sure that that horrid cat Ashpaw wasn't following her.

10:19pm Sep 1 2009
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Honey bounced off under a tree, she didn't wan't to bother any cats. Blizzard and Thunder thought it was a good idea and so followed, all three curled their bodies and fell alseep withing seconds. And Oranges, instead, padded into the nursery. She saw Sunset with four kits around her. "Sunset! I haven't seen you in a long time. Wow, it sure was long. You already have another litter of kits just when your kits are now apprentices!" She gasped the last sentence. Sunset smiled, "Oh no, Oranges. These are Darkenedstar's and Starsong's kits. Splashkit, Shinningkit, Ashkit, Eclipsekit. And it nice to see you again, I see you wanted to join SunClan." Sunset mewed. Icicle padded over to the for new kits, "Hey! Im Icicle!" He squeaked. He was about three moons old, a bit older to the other kits. Oranges grinned and layed beside Sunset. Cinnmonkit padded pridly closer to Darkenedstar, her brothers followed.
I'm Feline♥
6:40am Sep 2 2009
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Crystal and Phione decided they could fin a place to sleep later. For now, they had some extra energy and planned on playing. Crystal bounded after Phione, growling playfully but keeping her small claws sheathed. After a few pounces and play fights, both cats flopped onto the ground,exausted. It was there, on a pile of leaves, that they fell asleep. Darkenedstar smiled when she saw that the cayts were starting to find their plaaces to sleep in. She gave her fur a few quick licks and then jumped up onto the Fallenlog. " All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather in frot of the Fallenlog for a clan meeting! " Time for a few apprentices. Shiningkit, still facinated by the furry bug, ignored Icicle as he prodded it with his paw. He had been lucky. This bug was a faker and wasn't deadly at all. He continued to mess with it.
2:32pm Sep 2 2009
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Splashkit jumped onto the bug. He growled. "And Splashkit kills another enemy of SunClan!" he sunk his tiny claws deep into the bugs body. Blackpaw ran after Nutstrike. "I'll help you!" She panted. She scratched at the moss from a fallen tree. She quickly had a pile of moss. She rolled the moss into to round balls. "I'll take these to camp, okay Nutsrike?" she carried one moss ball in her mouth, the other under her chin. She padded into the camp, and put her moss balls at the entrence of the warriors den. Ashpaw agrilly spat at Starsong."Nope. I won't. I don't care about this Clan at all."
4:16pm Sep 2 2009
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Nutstrike smiled, glad that Sunclan had found such a wonderful cat to be trained as an aprpentice. She kneww that Blackpaw had to end up a warrior soon! She got her own huge clump of moss and ran back to camp, wanting to get beds for more cats before night fell completely and things got to cold out here. Once in camp again, she heard Darkenedstar calling a meeting and set down her oss, immeddiatly going to stand in front of the Fallenlog. Darkenedstar waited for all of the cats to come. Lunarsight yawned, having been sleeping. She got to her feet and padded out of the elder's den, going to stand by the Fallenlog. Her eyes were hardly kept open as she fought back sleep. Jacklefur heard the meeting call aand padded over to see what was going on. He doubted it was anything bad. More likely just some information on all of these strange cats that were here.
4:50pm Sep 2 2009
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Blackpaw padded over to where Fallenrain was sitting. She sat down next to her mentor.
2:32pm Sep 3 2009
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7:24pm Sep 3 2009
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Fallenrain smiled, and leaned closer to Blackpaw. He was so proud of her. Moonfall padded over to the clan meeting, followed by three bouncing kits. Sunset wouldn't leave Darkenedstar's kits, so she just stared out from the nursery. "Come over, Stripedpaw." Moonfall meowed, a hint of a pur. Starsong arched his back and hissed, "Then you better get your butt out of here!" He growled, "Get. Out! Or this'll get bloody," He fluffed his fur, glaring down at Ashpaw.A few cats could easily hear his growl, as he had raised his voice. Ashpaw had no right to be here, he was an adult grown cat that would make just the clan miserable.
I'm Feline♥
7:50pm Sep 3 2009
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Darkenedstar ignored Starsong's angry meowing at Ashpaw. She disliked that cat as well so she obviously was glad some cat finally decided to yell at him. Stripedpaw came over, wondering what this meeting was going to be about. He had learned to get excited about meetings by now. Especcialy if darkenedstar called them when she had kits to be caring for. Darkenedstar smiled, seeing the cats she wanted were here. " as you all know, Sunclan has been acceepting kitty pets, rogues, and loners. They will be trained as apprentices here to help make Sunclan stronger. The next thing I would like to say is that we are getting several new warriors and aprpenticces today. First, Stripedpaw. You've worked hard to learn clan ways and I beleive you have earned the right to be a warrior. " "I, Darkenedstar, leader of Sunclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice . He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Stripedpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life? " Stripedpaw nodded meowing " I do. " " Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name, Stripedpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Stripedface. StarClan honors your faith and detirmination and we welcome you as a full warrior of Sunclan. " Darkenedstar smiled, resting her muzzle on Stripedface's head as he lick her shoulder. She turned to Blackpaw then. She smiled to show that she was next in this naming ceremony. Starwalker waited patiently for Darkenedstar to get the cats she wanted dealt with so she could get her apprentice.

8:18pm Sep 3 2009 (last edited on 8:44pm Sep 3 2009)
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(Can you make it Blackpelt?) Ashpaw hissed at Starsong. He bared his teeth whiskers away from Starsong's nose. He growled at Nutsrike. He ran toward the exit of the camp. Splashkit poked Shiningkit with a tiny claw. "Well? You still there?" (These mighthelpful for stuff. If you guys want it:
8:38pm Sep 3 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Alice: Thanks, ill post that to the first page tomorrow. I think this'll be the my last post for tonight. Sorry, I have a huge project to finish tonight.)) Starsong bolted over, and made sure Ashpaw left fully the camp. "If we spot you in this territory ever again, your will pelt used for our mossbeds before you know it! Now go." And with that he backed away off the camp entrance, dipped his head politely to Darkenedstar and joined the meeting. "Stripedface! Stripedface!" Many cats in the crowd shouted. Moonfall quickly padded over with a boll of moss in his mouth. He pressed his muzzle against Stripedface's, and pas,sed the moss to him. "You were such a great, helpful apprentice, Stripedface. Take this moss Ive collected for you, see you tonight at the warriors den!" He said and quickly ran back over to the meeting.
I'm Feline♥
9:01pm Sep 3 2009
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Blackpaw rushed over to Stripedface. "Wow! A warrior! So soon! You must be a great cat!" she said with awe in her voice. Ashpaw ran as far as he could go, as fast as he could go.
9:06pm Sep 3 2009
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(I g2g. 'Till tomorrow. :)
9:27pm Sep 3 2009
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Stripedface smiled, glad to be getting so much attention. He took the moss andd headed for the warriors den, wanting to get his nest set up before it got to cold out here. " Okay. Blackpaw. get over here. It's your turn. " Darkenedstar said, begining after that. " I, Darkenedstar, leader of Sunclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice . She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Blackpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life? " Shinningkit back away from splashkit, wanting to do things that didn't involve fooling around with a cat nbigger than him. He wanted to explore. Not play fight like he could tell would come soon if he didn't do something. So quickly, he began to walked towards the entrance of the nursery, tripping once over his large feet. They were a little to big compared to the rest of him, like most kits.
12:52pm Sep 4 2009
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"Wait! Don't go!" Splashkit wailed. He ran after Shiningkit. "I found an acorn for us to play with!" Blackpaw padded up to up to Darkenedstar. Her pelt tingled with exctiment.