3:36pm Sep 4 2009
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((Alice: Blackpaw is supposed so say, 'I do.' ;] And YAY, I finished my project. I have 3 full freedom days before school starts. Which means i'll be on alot to roleplay! X3))
I'm Feline♥
3:37pm Sep 4 2009
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And so my post went, *poof!*
I'm Feline♥
3:38pm Sep 4 2009
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And suddenly, poofed again to the next page!
I'm Feline♥
3:55pm Sep 4 2009
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(Ah. Sorry.) "I do." Blackpaw nodded.
3:56pm Sep 4 2009
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Posts: 265
((*Lurks* 119 pages?! wow))
"An asteriod is a fiery ball of fire." Carol R, my sis XDD My cousins coming over for a few days so I might not be on as much. Early in the morning, most likely (cause she's a late sleeper) :D
Offline ]< for nao...
4:00pm Sep 4 2009
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4:22pm Sep 4 2009
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((Alice: You want Blackpaw to be Blackpelt, right?))
I'm Feline♥
4:37pm Sep 4 2009
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Eclipsekit padded over to Splashkit, "An acorn?! Cool! Where'd you find it? I wanna see!" LoveClan. Lovestar padded over to Crownedpaw. "Your punshiment is over, Crownedlion." She smiled, "You may take on once again with warrior duties. Your name is no longer Crownedpaw. And talking about warrior duties, why don't you take on and lead a hunting patrol, and take Fernleaf, Sunpelt, and Blossompetal. Ill wait here until Starwalker comes back, probably with her new apprentice." She meowed.
I'm Feline♥
6:43pm Sep 4 2009
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(Yep. :D) Splashkit turned and rounded on Eclipskit. "It's not for you! It's for Shiningkit!"
6:49pm Sep 4 2009
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"But I wanna see it!" Eclipsekit wailed. Then made her puppy eyes, "pretty please?" Sunset giggled and rolled her eyes, "Why not all three of you?"
I'm Feline♥
7:20pm Sep 4 2009
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"No!" Splashkit wailed. "It's for Shiningkit! Eclipsekit can get her own!"
7:26pm Sep 4 2009
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Eclipsekit's eyes shone, "Really? Where?!" She squeaked.
I'm Feline♥
7:42pm Sep 4 2009
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Splashkit dropped his acorn. "Come on! I'll show you!" he raced off to the back of the den. "See right here! Look! There's a whole in the roof of the den? There's a branch just above it. It has loads of acorns on it! The acorns fall, and go through the whole, and then go down there." he pointed with his tail at a small acorn pile that was starting to form on the floor. "My acorn's name is Woodacorn! He likes mice and he wants to be a warrior acorn when he grows up! Then he'll be Woodstar!"
8:23pm Sep 4 2009
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"Awww-some!" Eclipsekit squeaked, and bounced over to the pile. At the very top layed an enourmus acorn. "Its epic! Ill name mine Epicacorn! And then he'll be deputy and murder Woodstar! Haha! And it'll be Epicstar," She raised her chin with pride.
I'm Feline♥
8:59pm Sep 4 2009
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"Not if I kill him first!" Splashkit screeched. He jumped on Epicacorn. "Haha! Take that! And that!" ...And Epicacorn lost his shell. How tragic... "Haha! No acorn can be a winner without his shell!" Splashkit mewed proudly. "Now bow down to me my humble servents." He turned to Eclipskit. "The acorn's talking Eclipsekit! The acorn's talking! We must do what he says!" Splashkit bowed down to his acorn. "From now on, the acorn names me Splashclaw! And he names you Eclipseloser! Whopee!"
9:03pm Sep 4 2009
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((Shinningkit is offically a guy mkay? I have decided that X3)) Shinningkit watched, quickly becoming bored. He wasn't interested in acorns. He wanted to fight a real cat. He was going out to go find and fight a Loveclan warrior! He quietly sneaked out of the nursery, trying not to be seen. Darkenedstar continued. " Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name, Blackpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Blackpelt. StarClan honors your strength and helpfulness and we welcome you as a full warrior of Sunclan. " Crownedlion nearly sighed with releif. She hadn't expected herself to be so releaved when this moment came, but she was. It made her feel good to be a warrior again and to do warrior things. " Yes Lovestar. " She left her current sitting spot, to go search for ht ecats who were going with her. It took no time to find Fernleaf and Blossompetal, who had taken to gossiping with each other. She then trotted about, searching for Sunpelt.
9:08pm Sep 4 2009
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Blackpelt raised her head high with pride.
9:11pm Sep 4 2009 (last edited on 9:12pm Sep 4 2009)
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"Shiningkit must be warrior too!" Splashkit mewed. "My acorn names him Shiningawesomness. We must congradulate him! And Ashkit too! My acorn names him Ashmeanie. He will for ever live in the dirt place." Splashkit jumped up and down. "We must escort him to his new home."
9:14pm Sep 4 2009
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Ashkit bared her teeth at Splashkit. She disliked Splashkit almost as much as Shinningkit. Mabye even more. She lashed her tail back and forth a few times with annoyance. She left the two kits to their playing. Shinningkit, relizing nobody had seen him, dashed to the camp entrance, eager to go fight against some Loveclan warriors. And win.
9:23pm Sep 4 2009 (last edited on 9:27pm Sep 4 2009)
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(Shinningkit is being a dumb kitty right now. Good luck Shinningkit. And may the force be with you! MWAHAHAHAH!) Splashkit ran out of the nursery. "Mommy! Ashmeanie was being a big fat meanie!" he wailed. ஐ