10:26am Mar 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart heard the yowl and instantly relized it was his sisters! He whirled around and bolted to where the scream came from. As he broke through some tough brambles his heart almost stopped beating. In the clearing in front of him stood four huge foxes. Two adult ones and two middle aged cubs. The largest of them stood over a unmoving body, his muzzle glistening in blood. He looked more close at the body praying it wasent Sagepelt. It was. Cold fury swept through Shadeheart, it was just like with the rouge attack in his kithood. Only it was his mother who was killed not his sister. Without thinking he let out a furious yowl and leapt at the nearest fox. He scored his claws down its flank, drawing blood. Sagepelt was walking along a sandy bank, clear blue water for as far as the eye could see swirled at ther right. 'This is our birth place.' She thought. Over to the left were sandy dunes, and in the side of one of the gently sloping hills was a cave. She looked longingly at it. 'Thats weremother kept us, me Shadeheart and...' she looked down at her paws '..and Amber. My poor little sister.' She jumped into the den and lay down among the debris left in the cave. A sudden cold gust of wind broke through her miserable thoughts. She looked up and gasped. Standingin front of her was a beautiful silver queen and a lighter silver tabby she cat. "Mother! Amber!" Sagepelt jumped forward to greet the other two cats. "I know how hard it is for you and your brother to adjust to the life with so many other cats after what you've been through. But want you to know how proud I am of what you've become, Sage, the deputy of Loveclan." Her voice was like the wispering wind throught the trees. "As am I sister, live for both of us." With that both cats were gone. "Wait! Dont go!" The sound of battle broke through the blackness that was fogging up her eyes. A stab of pain, greaster than anything she felt before strucker her shoulder. She cracked open her eyes and was horrified by what she saw. Her brother was getting beat, baddly, by the foxes that attacked her earlier. 'Please mother, send smeone to help!' Then blackness over took her again.

1:14pm Mar 10 2009
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What Lovestar had seen was one of the foxes, but she did not see Shadeheart there. A few moments later she saw a tomcat on the fox's back. Shadeheart, of course. And Lovestar jumped on the fox. Atleast Starwalker was here, to help anycat who was neer to death... Like Sagepelt! Lovestar suddenly gasped on her thoughts. She saw the half dead body on the floor. And an innocent cat will become a 'star' Lovestar remember the prophecy, as she jumped down off the fox's back and she took a long stare at Sagepelt. What StarClan ment is that... Sagepelt and Echopaw will become StarClan warriors. or... Echopaw will become a StarClan apprentice. If Sagepelt had still pocibilites of living, she might survive. But how? And Lovestar's eyes grew wide. Maybe... What StarClan ment... Is, That Sagepelt will become Sagestar, the leader of LoveClan. But that would mean that Lovestar would die, or she chosed to be a warrior again.
I'm Feline♥
1:32pm Mar 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart had never been so relived to see anyone as he was to see Lovestar leap out of the bushes. He fought harder than ever to avenge his sister, or maybe both sisters. He didnt know. The fox he attacked fled. Searching for his next opponent he noticed Lovestar looking at Sagepelt. Her eyes were distant. He leapt over to her side incase a fox attcked her. "Lovestar! Snap out of it. Nows not the best time to think." He slashed his claws across the muzzle of a fox that got to close. The darkness opened around Sagepelt to show her a clearing bathed in moon light. "Where am I?" She questioned. Suddenly a large black tom stood in front of her. She squeaked and leapt back, fur on end. The large tom chuckled. "Hello Sagepelt. You dont remember me, do you? You were tiny then." She looked at him curiously. "I am Night. Your father." She gaped at him. He looked just like Shadeheart, only a little older. "We need to speak with you." "We?" Sagepelt asked. He flicked his tail behind her. She turned around and gasped. Echopaw stood there, looking strong and alive.

1:53pm Mar 10 2009
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Foxfoot ran over to his leader. He leaped into the battle with a yowl of pure fury. He leaped and lamded on the fox's back, and dug his claws through the fox's throat.
2:12pm Mar 10 2009
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((Echopaw's my character even if he's dead. But i guess its ok you added him in Sagepelt's dream...... Or nightmare.)) Lovestar nodded and launched herself at the 1 fox left in the place. Echopaw smiled as he looked down at Sagepelt. "Greetings, Sagepelt." He meowed, and dipped his head like a real warrior. "We were waiting for you."
I'm Feline♥
2:19pm Mar 10 2009
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Meanwhile, Willowkit had ventured out of the nursery. He ran into the clearing, where the cats were fighting bravely. "Don't worry Lovestar!" the kit yelled. "I'll save y-" the kit let out a squeal as the remaining fox sat on him. When the fox had sat up, Willowkit had been squashed flat.
2:38pm Mar 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt looked at Night then at Echopaw. She shackily dipped her head as well. "What do you want?" Night stared off into the distance. "Your mother, Sayna, and your sister Amber did not get this decision. And I brought Echopaw to maybe waver your choice." He sighed. "Echopaw did not get to live out his full life like he should have. He would have been a great warrior, maybe go on further. But now he wont. I give you this choice to either go on living in the world below with Loveclan, and your brother. Or you may now join Starclan, to be with your mother, and get to know me. But there is concequences to returning to the living world, because its not natural for one with only one life to die then live again." The remaining fox fled with wounds scoring it body. Shadeheart ran over to his sisters side and lay a paw on her side. It was still, she wasnet breathing. "Starwalker!"
3:39pm Mar 10 2009
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Starwalker was rushing back.Sshe had dashed back to the camp to grab some supplies.She instantly started to attempt to save The nearly dead cat.She listened for a heart beat.Very faint and it was seeming to fade.Getting slower and softer.She immediatly started to work on stopping the deadly wound fro bleeding anymore.She saw a fox trying to come up and retreive its prey but she looked up then yowled in aan ungodly tone at it.The fox was gone almost instantaniously.She then continued to work on the wound.
5:36pm Mar 10 2009
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The kit gasped. He had never thought a fox would sit on him before. Oakcloud poked her head out of the nursery. "Has anyone sean willowkit?" she asked.
10:51pm Mar 10 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt gaped at her father. She had to chose between her mother or her brother which she loved." Whats the consequences?" She asked shakily. He looked startled, like he was expecting her to stay. "You will be a sort of messanger between us, Speakers of the Sky, and the Clan you live in now. It is almost like the job of a medicine cat, but you do not heal. Instead you will translate the dreams we give you. Is this still what you want?" Night looked at her hopefully. "Yes, send me back to Loveclan." H ewalked forward and placed his nose atop her head. "It is done!" His voice sounded like hundreds of other in one but so clear it sounded like just him speaking. A blinding flash of light stunned her, then pain filled her world. She gasped and looked into the worried eyes of her brother. Shadeheart stood beside Starwalker as she examined his sister. He kept making pitiful wails in his throat as his sisters life ebed away. He jumped when her body consloved. Sagepelts eyes flickered open and looked at him. A weak purr escaped her lips. Shadeheart pressed his nose into her fur. "Thank Starclan!" 'And Speakers of the Sky' He thought.

1:28pm Mar 11 2009
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Starwalker continued to work on the wound.She put some things on it to prevent infection seeing as strangly it stopped bleeading and partiely healed itself at that moment when she came back.She stepped back and asked"Are you feeling ok?"
2:28pm Mar 11 2009
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"Willowkit!" Oakcloud yowled. "Where is Willowkit?" (Willowkit was sat on by a fox, trying to be brave and help Lovestar)
4:38pm Mar 11 2009
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Posts: 443
The deputy stood up shakily and nodded her head "A bit stiff, but feeling better." She admitted. A yowl outside the den made Sagepelt stumble to the edge of the den. "You should not be doing that. Come back over hear and lay down." Shadeheart growled. She glared over her houlder. "Im fine, I want to know whats going on." Her brother walked beside her so she could lean on his shoulder. They looked outside together. "Where is Willowkit?" They heard Oakcloud yowl. "Willowkits missing?" Shadeheart asked worried. Inside, he always had a soft spot for kits. "What?! When?" Sagepelt questioned.
4:50pm Mar 11 2009
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Starwalker was already busy searching while thinking about how hard today was being for her.Fernleaf was also searching.
3:15am Mar 12 2009
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Lovestar hadnt seen anything about what happened. She was in the camp, being kept there by the questions about whats happening from the other cats. Lovestar let out a small growl for them to shut up and let her go back again. While looking for the place where the war had been, she stumbled upon a kit. "Willowkit? Is that you?" Lovestar narrowed her eyes. "What are you doing here!! You could have been killed!" She gasped. Lovestar grabbed the kit by its scruff, not waiting for an answer, she burst into the clearing where the group of cats were. "I found Willowkit." She meowed. Her eyes widened and her heart lifted when she saw Sagepelt alive. "Your alive! Your alive!" She murmured and licked Sagepelt's ear. "Thank you StarClan!"
I'm Feline♥
1:13pm Mar 12 2009
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Starwalker came back and said"well that saved me and the others a good bit of searching."Fernleaf then came up and asked"Why did you come out here?Im pretty sure you knew that there were foxes at the time."She asked Willowkit this.
1:59pm Mar 12 2009
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"I wanted to help Lovestar!" Willowkit choled. "I wanted to show her I was as good as any cat. I wanted to prove to her that I was brave, and that I'd make a good warrior." "Willowkit!" Oakcloud gasped.
2:52pm Mar 12 2009
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Lovestar felt sympathy, angry, and dissappointed. "Willowkit!" She hissed. "Dont ever come to a fight again! Never! You'll get hurt and die forever if you do! Promise me that you will never come into a war like this until your a warrior or a warrior lets you when your an apprentice." Lovestar felt really angry. Why do kits want to be in a war so much if they know they can be easily killed? She thought.
I'm Feline♥
3:03pm Mar 12 2009
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Willowkit flattened his ears to his head. "But I wanted to help you..." he wailed. He turned around and let his tail drag on the ground. His head bent low, he walked back into the nursery.
3:47pm Mar 12 2009
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Fernleaf followed and continued talking with Willowkit."Im sorry that you dont see why that was bad but imagine if we had lost another cat today?The clan would be crushed!Just try not to do anything moubrained again okay?It makes cats wonder about you."She hoped that would help Willowkit understand why they were upset better.