9:28pm Sep 4 2009
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9:28pm Sep 4 2009
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(*sings for post to show up if there is one*)
9:28pm Sep 4 2009
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9:38pm Sep 4 2009
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" I'll be there in a minute Splashkit. " Darkenedstar said, wanting to finish the meeting before she went to deal with her kits. She neede some time here. Why wasn't Sunset dealing with the kits anyways? Shinningkit bounded out into the forest, feeling proud that he had gotten this far.
9:43pm Sep 4 2009 (last edited on 8:57pm Sep 5 2009)
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Splashkit stared up at his mother. Then he turned and ran back to the nursery. He stumbled over to Sunset and nuzzled in her fur. "Ashmeanie was being a meanie." he mumbled, before falling asleep.
7:14pm Sep 5 2009
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12:44pm Sep 6 2009
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Eclipsekit rolled her eyes. Sunset got to her paws, gently moving Splashkit to the side. She looked around, Ashkit was playing on his own, Eclipsekit staring at Splashkit, Splashkit sleeping. But where was Shinningkit? It was harder than she thought to take care of four rebellious kits. Sunset bounded out, making sure no kit followed her. She flattened her belly to the ground and sneaked out into the forest speedily, until easily could she scent Shinningkit. Finding her just a few fox-lenghts away, she leaped infront and picked Shinningkit up before waiting for excuses. She sighed before entering the camp, again sneaking without interrupting the meeting into the nursery. She dropped Shinngkit on the nursery floor. There. All kits inside healthy and protected inside the nursery. She layed her back to the floor, intensly looking from one kit to the other. Sunpelt blinked and padded over to Crownedlion, "Congratulations!" He purred, caring much about his clanmates. "Hunting or border patrol?" He hadn't cought all of the words Lovestar meowed. Bonekit and Twilightkit fidgetted uncomfortably next to each other, waiting for Darkenedstar to lay eyes on them. Cinnamonkit glanced from Starwalker to Darkenedstar.
I'm Feline♥
12:51pm Sep 6 2009
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Shinningkit retreated to a corner to be unhappy. She had been so close to finding a Loveclan warrior. She just knew it! If Sunset had interrupted her she could have chased them out of the territory!((She imagined them just so you know)) Darkenedstar looked at Bonekit. " Bonekit, it's your turn to come over here. " She meowed, smiling at the nearly an apprentice kit. " We're going on a hunting patrol. I for one plan on catching more prey then any other cat going on this patrol. " Crownedlion said in a sort of challenging way before leaving camp to start the patrol. Fernleaf and Blossompetal followed, eyes and ears open for signs of prey.
1:04pm Sep 6 2009
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"Ive smelled so many rogues these days. And kittypets, I guess its normal'cause its greenleaf," Sunpelt meowed,and then heard a starling that attracted his attencion. Minutes later he arrived with the starling, a mouse, and two water voles. When he dropped his prey, he turned around abrutably as he felt an intruder on LoveClan territory. ((Lilly)) Bonekit's eyes grew wide, as he padded closer to his leader and groomed a bit his chest, then looked up higher.
I'm Feline♥
1:12pm Sep 6 2009
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Fernleaf padded over to Sunpelt after dropping her catch in the current hiding spot. " You smell that? " She asked him, taking another whiff. Was it one of the scent just drifting over from Sunclan territory, or was it coming from this territory? " I am honored to say that Sunclan's own kits are becoming warriors. It shows that even after long journeys and hardships in seetling, we continue to grow and become stronger. Bonekit, from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Bonepaw. " Darkenedstar meowed. ((who should mentor?))
1:29pm Sep 6 2009
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((Jacklefur, Bonepaw. Blackpelt, Twilightkit. :])) Bonapaw smiled, showing his bright white teeth in happiness. He wondered who his mentor would be, and unconsiously looked around at the warriors behind him. "Bonepaw! Bonepaw!" His littermates the loudest cheered through the camp.
I'm Feline♥
1:49pm Sep 6 2009
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((Mkays.)) " Jacklefur, you are ready for an apprentice, you will be Bonepaw's mentor. I know you will p*censored* on your all of your knolledge and talent to Blackpaw, and teach him the skills that will make him a brave warrior of Sunclan. " Darkenedstar said, waiting for the two to touch noses. Jacklefur walked forward calmly, having expected to get an apprentice with all of these cats that were going to need mentoring. He found it very nice though that his apprentice was from his own clan. Darkenedstar now turned her gaze to Twilightkit, showing that she was next with a smile. It seemed like she smiled so much more often then she used to these days. Was this one of the effects of having kits? She guessed so.
2:03pm Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 2:09pm Sep 6 2009)
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Bonepaw padded over to Jacklefur, pressing his nose his. "I will be a great apprentice, I promise!" Twilightkit grinned at Bonepaw, happy that his brother had a great mentor. He knew his brother would want Jacklefur. Twilightkit himself didn't care, just as long as he/she were a nice cat. He then looked up at Darkenedstar, and puffed his chest fur in pride. He smiled back.
I'm Feline♥
2:16pm Sep 6 2009
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" Twilightkit, you're turn. Twilightkit, from now on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Twilightpaw. " Darkenedstar meowed. How wonderful it was that Sunclan was getting these new warriors!
" Blackpelt, I want you to have an apprentice. You will be Twilightpaw's mentor. I know you will p@ss on your all of your knolledge and talent to Twilightpaw, and teach him the skills that will make him a brave warrior of Sunclan. " Darkenedstar watched for Twilightpaw to touch her new mentor's nose.
2:32pm Sep 6 2009
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Twilightpaw padded over to Blackpelt, and touched noses. He smiled at his new mentor. Cinnamonkit stared at her paws as she waited for Starwalker to take place.
I'm Feline♥
2:35pm Sep 6 2009
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Darkenedstar left her spot, happy that she had gotten through all of the ceremonies so quickly. STarwalker stepped over and looked at Cinnamonkit, motioning he over with a flick of her tail. She wanted her new apprentice as soon as possible so she could get back to Loveclan camp and tell Lovestar a few things.
3:11pm Sep 6 2009
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Cinnamonkit's eyes shone, and lightly padded over to Starwalker. She dipped her head. Sunset smiled through the den, looking like a proud mother at her kits. Once again, wishing Sunpelt had been there with her.
I'm Feline♥
5:00pm Sep 6 2009
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" Sunclan. As I expect you all should know by now, you are lacking a medicine cat. I am willing to accept Cinnamonkit to be my apprentice. I have chosen her because not only does she wish to be a medicine cat, but I beleive she haas certain quialities that will make her a very good medicine cat. " Starwalker meowed, looked to Darkenedstar so she could add he little part. Darkenedstar somehow knew how a medicine cat ceremony of this sort would go. " Cinnamonkit, do you accept the post of the apprentice of Starwalker? "
5:23pm Sep 6 2009
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"I do." Cinnamonkit meowed, looking at Starwalker with glittering eyes of gratitude. Bonepaw looked up at his mentor, "What are we doing today?" Twilightpaw just patiently looked at his sister.
I'm Feline♥
6:05pm Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 6:06pm Sep 6 2009)
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I'm Feline♥