6:23pm Sep 6 2009
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" Then tommorrow night at the half moon, we must travel to Moon(?)pool to be accepted by Starclan. " Starwalker meowed, touching noses wwith Cinnamonpaw.
6:27pm Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((uh oh. Looks like somebody must have used the laginator 3000...*looks at brother suspicously*))
6:29pm Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((*Joins Alice's song for posts to show up*))
I'm Feline♥
6:31pm Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Grr...*mauls brother to make him bring the post back*))
6:34pm Sep 6 2009
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((It'a the MoonWaterfall, just crossing the dark forest and LoveClan territory. Check thee map :3)) Cinnamonpaw smiled, "Ok, Starwalker. Thank you," She touched noses with her, and bounded off to join her brothers. "What are you doing today?" She asked them, "Dunno." Bonepaw replied. "I don't think we'll start today, Bonepaw. The day is almost ending," Twilightpaw said, trying to make his voice like a big warrior. "Congratulations, my dears!" Sunset called from the nursery, unable to leave Darkenedstar's and Starsong's kits.
I'm Feline♥
9:50pm Sep 7 2009
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I'm Feline♥
5:45pm Sep 8 2009
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((Everyone just dissappeared! Aaaa....))
I'm Feline♥
6:48pm Sep 9 2009
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(I'm sorry for not being on a lot. I just restarted school and my teachers have overwhelmed me with homework, so I am never able to get on during the week. I try, but it's still hard. I'll post after I've read everything, I promise. ;)
7:17pm Sep 9 2009
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Blackpelt touched noses with her apprentice. "What do you think we should do first?" she asked Twilightpaw. "I think I should show you the territory." she stared at her apprentice. Lilly continued her treck into the forest. She was awhere of the different smells of the forest. They warm, sweet scent of prey, the woody smells of the forest. She could hear the sound of prey in the undergrowth, and the rustling of the wind in the trees. This appealed to her, very much.
7:28pm Sep 9 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Starwalker followed Cinnamonpaw and said " I'm returning to Loveclan soon. Do you want to come with me or would you prefer to sleep here tonight and have me come get you tommorrow? " She didn't really care. It was her aprpentice's choice. She could stay here for tonight if she wanteed since Starwalker didn't plan on doing anything tonight. Even a medicine cat needs sleep every now and then. Darkenedstar, seeing all was done, returned to the nursery. " Come along my kits. " She said as she hearded the over to her nest with her paws and tail. Shinningkit went to her mother's nest with her, feeling strangely tired. She was soon asleep. Ashkit went with Darkenedstar, wanting to be able to fool around a bit longer. While the other kits had been playing with each other or exploring, he had been messing with a spider.
3:44pm Sep 10 2009
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Sunpelt whipped around, reaviling an orange tabby she-cat heavy with kits. "What are you doing here? Couldn't you scent the border?" He growled, pulling his lips back in a hiss. Eclipsekit bounded over to her mother, curling up her tail over her nose and falling asleep. "Ill come!" Cinnamonpaw mewed excitedly. "But it seems late... Ooo, can you tell me about that warrior code my mother used to talk about?" Twilightpaw meowed.
I'm Feline♥
4:41pm Sep 10 2009
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" Okay. Follow me. " Starwalker meowed, heading out of Sunclan camp and turning towards the direction her own after doing so. She looked behind her to make sure Cinnamonpaw was going to follow before she continued. Darkenedstar curled up around her kits, pulling a disobediant Ashkit back into her nest. Ashkit received several rough lickings after that as a sort of semi punishment. Not to mention somehow the kit had gotten himself filthy recently. Ashkit squirmed and whined about being bathed. He didn't need cleaning! He was perfectly fine! Darkenedstar continued to lick though and he tired himself out eventually, falling al=sleep with his brothers and sissters.
6:15pm Sep 10 2009
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Cinnamonpaw stretched her front paws towards Starwalker, then easily catching up with her. She was excited to see LoveClan. She knew it would be hard though, being accepted properly in. She knew they wouldn't, of course, accept her in with treats and welcome kisses. But somehow she would eventually be liked in there, and hopefully Starwalker would help her. Cinnamonpaw was serving LoveClan as well, after all. The sun softly rose upon the sky, at this time Cinnamonpaw was already in LoveClan camp. She was going to wake up in a few, eventually. Sunpelt didn't care the sun already coming out, he would somehow finish this patrol by chasing this intruder away. Unless Lovestar would accept her in, just as he thought SunClan might be doing. Were they preparing for battle?
I'm Feline♥
6:22pm Sep 10 2009
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Starwalker woke up with a great yawn and got onto her paws, stretching as she tried to go over in her mind what she would be doing today. She guessed tath she would teach Cinnamonpaw the medicine cat side of the warrior code and then show he a few simple do's and dont's.
8:09pm Sep 10 2009
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Lilly shook her head. Scent markers? "Is this your teritory?" she asked the tom. "Who are your housefolk? Mine live over there." she pointed with her tail toward the twoleg place. "Their names are Albert and Catherine. They have a twoleg kit named Bernie. I live with King, my mate, and dream, my sister. But I don't understand. Why would you and your houselfolk live here? In the forest?" This cat is strange. she thought. Very strange. Why does he look so thin? He looks as if he hasn't eaten in days! Maybe his housefolk don't feed him enough. "I have some leftover food at my home. Do you want some?" she blinked her wide green eyes. My, his teeth and claws are huge! I sure wouldn't want to live with him! He'd scare the hell out of my kits. I hope they'll never have to see him. (God, she's so wrong. xD)
8:24pm Sep 10 2009
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Fernleaf, realizing her colors were making her blend in to much, moved to a place where she could be seen by the kitty pet. " We don't have Two legs. " She meowed. " We don't need you're food but thank you for the offer. " She kenw that this kitty pet was only offering what she thought would be a nice thing. She constantly attempted to remind herself that this cat knew nothing of the warrior code and it's restriction about kitty pets and everything to do with them.
8:25pm Sep 10 2009
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Sunpelt stared, amused. "Wha..? ...We don't have a housefolk. No twolegs come around here, we live alone and take care of ourselves. " He mewed, then lowered to a growl. "And yes, this is our territory. And if you haven't noticed, you're intruding in it. So you better take your butt out of here, before this gets bloody," He wouldn't, of course, attack a queen with kits. Not harm her at all, but if this was the only way to get her out of here.... Cinnamonpaw blinked her eyes open, "Starwalker?" She called sleepily, "What are we doing today? I feel so tired after walking and walking...." Her voice faded and her eyes closed. Then realized and flashed them open at once, waiting for the answer.
I'm Feline♥
8:27pm Sep 10 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((I'm guessing it'd be a little late to join, huh?))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:30pm Sep 10 2009
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" I'm going to teach you about the medicine cat's side of the warrior code and then...uh... If we have time I can teach you a few simple things. " Starwalker exlpained, wondered where to start on her warrior code thing.
8:31pm Sep 10 2009
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Posts: 1,966
"But..." Lilly thought for a moment. "I don't want to leave. I want to be able to hunt prey. Please? Pretty please?" she pleaded. "I won't get in the way, I promise." (I g2g. Good night!)