8:34pm Sep 10 2009
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" Sorry, but there isn't enough prey as there is around these part. I'm sure there is some place outside of this territory that has prey that you can hunt in it. I would recomend just returnign to your housefolk though. " Fernleaf said.
8:37pm Sep 10 2009
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Posts: 3,469
((Even if I can't join, then free bump!))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
8:39pm Sep 10 2009 (last edited on 8:41pm Sep 10 2009)
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Posts: 3,469
((Okay...what happened to my post?*Nevermind. You know, if this is a problem, you should make a continuation thread of this. It gets to the point where it takes many posts to get it to change,and it isn't worth it because by time you get to character posts, then you have to post more to get the next page to show.))
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
9:17pm Sep 10 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((I don't know if everyone here would like that. I mean, maybe its better if we tell a staff to fix it? It don't think its very hard. Anyway, you may join. Aqua used to come but she hasn't come back in a while so ill delete her characters. SunClan joined in a few rogues and kittypets to the clan, because they used to be very small. You can make a rouge/loner/kittypet that were taken in. Right now the outside cats are sleeping wherever they chose on the camp, then Darkenedstar the next morning which is almost now will name them and give each a mentor.)) Sunpelt hesitated, he turned to Fernleaf. "Maybe its better if we let Lovestar handle this." He then turned to the kittypet. "The border marks are made to keep other cats from hunting or scaring the prey inside the territory, which is clearly a no. Follow us," He demanded the last words, and took one of the sides of the kittypet to shove her to the camp.
I'm Feline♥
9:20pm Sep 10 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Fernleaf hesitated, wondering if she should tell Blossompetal and Crownedlion that they should go ahead and take the prey back. She decided she should just do as Sunpelt wwas doing. She wasn't quite so rough though. She was a horribly mean cat.
10:44pm Sep 10 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Sunpelt nodded, as if he could tell what Fernleaf said. "Crownedlion, Blossompetal,take the prey back to camp. Me and Fernleaf will lead this kittypet into the camp." He meowed, and then went faster into a trot. Always eager to see Lovestar again.
I'm Feline♥
6:50am Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Fernleaf sped up to math Sunpelot's pace. He always seemed so excited about something whenever he was headed towards caamp. Crownedlion and Blossompetal nodded. Crownedlion had planned on telling Bllossompetal to help her with ths anyways but she guessed it was to late for that now. Blossompetal grabbed as much prey as she could and began to pad back towards camp at a swift pace so she could come back for what she knew would be left quiuckly. Crownedlion grabbed as much prey as she could hold as well. Four cats worth of prey caught can't be carried all that easily by two cats. There was some left where it was as Crownedlion followed her sister back to camp.
2:17pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Lilly let these strange cats lead her to their camp. "Another eason why I can't go back is because... my housefolk would take my kits away from me when they'd be old enough to live witout me." she spoke to the too cats.
2:58pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Cinnamonpaw nodded, "Ok! So what first?" A flash of Sunset poked Sunpelt's mind. He didn't care for her at all, but still wondered a bit of her kits. He then shrugged the thought off, as if it were some boring thing to think about. Then arrived to LoveClan camp, and let Lily in. "Lovestar? We fished out this kittypet on our territory," Lovestar turned her head and padded over, "Hmmm. What is your name?" She then noticed that this she-cat was heavy with kits. Lovestar had noted that she, herself, would have Sunpelt's kits, but hadn't told anyone yet. She was afraid, and didn't want to be in the nursery all day. Especially alone. When this she-cat arrived, accepting her into the clan would give Lovestar company and make LoveClan stronger.
I'm Feline♥
3:10pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 1,966
"Who are you?" Lilly asked Lovestar. "Who are all you? I haven't seen you around in the towlegplace before. Did you know, this cat doesn't have housefolk? Ridiculous right!"
3:17pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Lovestar sighed. Looks like she would present the clan first. "This is LoveClan. I am Lovestar, the leader of all these cats. They follow my orders and we live togethere here in a group. No twolegs come here, not even housfolks. We aren't cared by those ridiculous creatures, we hunt for ourselves and fight for our territory. Take care of each other in the coldest nights of leafbare. On your sides you have Sunpelt and Fernleaf. Now, will you tell me your name? And your intentions here. You don't look like a threat, and I might let you join LoveClan."
I'm Feline♥
7:09pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 1,966
"I'm no threat." Lilly shook her head. "My name is Lilly. Back at my house is my mate, King, wo is a white cat with green eyes, and my sister, Dream, who is a silver cat with blue eyes. My housefolk are planning to take my kittens away from me, I know it. They took away Dream's kittens, and gave them to another family. It broke my heart, and I'm pretty sure it broke Dream's heart too. I cam here to see if I could find another home. And although I love my housefolk very much, I know I will always love my kittens more. Please don't make me leave." her stomach growled with hunger. "I don't think I could take it having to explore for places much longer," she noted.
8:34pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Lovestar's eyes glowed in sympathy."Of course," She meowed, warmhearted. "Lilly, you will be one of LoveClan's queens. You'll stay in the nursery. Your name will stay as Lilly for as long as your kits are apprentices, then you will be Lillypaw, and train with them. Fernleaf, please take Lilly to her bed in the nursery and pick her some moss. I need to speak toStarwalker," Anddipping her head to Lilly, she padded away and joinedStarwalker with her apprentice, Cinnamonpaw. "Hey, Starwalker. Got any news?" Starsong woke up with a yawn, padding over to the nursery to check if Darkenedstar and their kits were fine. Also if she wanted him to do the naming ceremony, or if she felt fine about it. "Darkenedstar?" He whispered.
I'm Feline♥
9:01pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Fernleaf nodded, walking towards the nursery and signalling for Lilly to follow with a tail flick. Starwalker looked up when she heard Lovestar's voice. She hadn't expected her to come here to ask her about this. " Well yes, actually. Let me do something before I tell you. Cinnamonpaw? I want you to go and interact with the cats of Loveclan. If you're going to be spending time here, you need to know their names and such. " Not only would it get Cinnamonpaw a sort of part in Loveclan, but it would give Starwalker a little bit of time to talk with Lovestar alone about her news.
10:46pm Sep 11 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Cinnamonpaw nodded, pleased. She padded around, "Hi! Im Cinnaompaw!" She would say to random cats. Lovestar smiled as she saw Cinnaompaw run along, then her face hardened when she remember the apprentice was SunClan. Shrugging, she looked back at Starwalker, "Is there any big news?"
I'm Feline♥
8:34am Sep 12 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Starwalker began " I guess you could call Sunclan accepting any old rogue or kitty pet into their clan is big news. I tell ya, they've got about ten new cats there or something. I'm not sure why they're doing this, but if they continue to accepet cats left and right like this, they're going to get bigger than Loveclan in only a few moons! " DArkenedstar blnked herself awake as Starsong came to the nursery. "I'm supposing you're here about today's meeting? I would like you to handle those ones. I'm exausted from yesterday. " She then closed her eyes and fell asleep again.
8:49am Sep 12 2009
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Posts: 3,662
((Can I please join?))
9:00am Sep 12 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Lilly smiled at Lovestar. "Oh, thank you!" she mewed. She turned to follow Fernleaf into the nursery.
9:53pm Sep 12 2009 (last edited on 9:57pm Sep 12 2009)
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Posts: 2,220
((Okay, ok. Lauren may join :3 As It'll be easier if you join as someone's kit. Perhaps Blosompetal could have kits in LoveClan if pandameg wants, or you could be one of Lilly's kits when they are born in LoveClan if alice wants, or also Oranges in SunClan could find a kit in the forest without a mother, and ask Darkenedstar if she can keep it.)) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lovestar hissed, "Ill talk to Darkenedstar in the next gathering, this is clearly against the warrior code. Although, I do understand they were a miserably small clan. But if they start accepting more and more cats all moon until it is even bigger than ours, then we will attack, before any cat gets training." She declared. "Do you agree?" Starsong nodded, and silently backed to the fallen log. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather around for a clan meeting!" Blizzard, Honey, Thunder, Oranges, and her kit padded over to the deputy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are all the outsiders now surrounding Starsong. I need panda to tell me which names she wants for Phion and Crystal and who their mentors will be. And alice to name Griffin and choose him a mentor. Also tell me if you want anything changed. Name. Gender. -Clan Name-Mentor's Name
Phion. She-Cat. Crystal. She-Cat.
Blizzard. She-Cat. -Blizzardpaw-Stripedface
Honey. She-Cat. -Honeypaw-Starsong
Thunder. Tom. -Thunderpaw-Fallenrain
Oranges. She-Cat. -Not yet, until her kit is an apprentice.
Griffin. Tom. Icicle. She-Cat. -Iciclekit-Not yet.
I'm Feline♥
10:13pm Sep 12 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Phion-Lightpaw-Moonfall? Crystal-Prismpaw-Nutstrike(Ashpaw got kicked out right?) )) Starwalker nodded. " I can understand why Darkenedstar would want to do this but I think if she take things to far we should definatly attack. "She actually was very worried about this entire thing. The ammount of cats she had seen... If all of them became apprentices and eventually warriors of Sunclan, Loveclan would be very out numbered. Would it be a horrible idea for Loveclan to accept a few more cats into it? lovestar probobly would think so. But if things continued like this, would they even have a choice? Crystal, Phione, Lunarsight, Stripedface, Jacklefur, and Nutstrike all came over to where the meeting was being held. Nutstrike was slightly surprised by te large consentration of cats that now sat in this place. Why, only a few days ago there was just about half this many cats sitting around this area Lunarsight was carful not to step on any cat's tails as she went to her spot. She ended up sharing her space with Crystal and Stripedface.
