10:31pm Sep 12 2009
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((Lol. Yeah, kind of. XD So Nutstrike's available for another apprentice.)) Lovestar nodded, "Don't worry, they wont get away with this." She *censored*ured her, then Cinnamonpaw blinked into her mind. "And what about your apprentice? Did it all go well on that part? She looks eager." SunClan. "Phion, we welcome you and your sister greatfuly into SunClan, and let you learn our ways. You will be known as Lightpaw, and your mentor will be Moonfall, as he did very well with Stripedface. Crystal, you will be Prismpaw, and Nutstrike will be your mentor." Starsong meowed to all cats below. "You may touch noses." When Starsong saw them do so, he moved on. "Blizzardpaw, from now on until your warrior name is given, Stripedface will be your mentor. Thunderpaw, your mentor will be Fallenrain." Starsong swept his gaze from one apprentice to another, then kept on. "Honey, you will be Honeypaw now, my apprentice. I will train you well and show you the ways of SunClan." He then looked down at Oranges with her kit. "Icicle will now be known as Iciclekit until he has earned his apprentice name. Oranges, you will be as Oranges until Iciclekit has turned into an apprentice, then you are free to be one of SunClan's apprentices as Orangepaw." He then looked down at Griffin, trying to remember the name he would give this young cat. ((I mistaked Iciclekit's gender. He is male, not female.))
I'm Feline♥
10:32pm Sep 12 2009
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I'm Feline♥
10:32pm Sep 12 2009
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I'm Feline♥
10:46pm Sep 12 2009
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Sunset stood up and shook moss from her pelt, and licked Darkenedstar's ear. "I have to join the warriors den now, Darkenedstar.You can trust Oranges, she's a really friendly she-cat. She'll stay with you here and give you company." With that she padded out of the nursery, and squished through the group of cats. She was the only warrior with no apprentice, so it was obvious the last cat would be given to her.
I'm Feline♥
7:10am Sep 13 2009
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Darkenedstar heard what Sunset said, but kept herself in her sleeping position. She plannedd on going back into real sleep after she heard the meeting had gone well. Shinningkit woke up and after a quick bit of milk, began to wander in the nursery some. He didn't feel like leaving today. He smelled something scary and he didn't want to come in contact with it. Lightpaw ran over to her new mentor and reached up to touch noses like Starsong had said, but was just a bit to excited and sort of rammed her nose into Moonfall's ending up with her no longer excited and a few steps away from Moonfall. Her eyes were getting tears as she rubbed her now hurting nose with a paw. Prismpaw managed to touch noses with her mentor without quite as much trouble as her sister. Nutstrike smiled at her new apprentice. She could definatly tel this one would be different. She touched noses as she tried not to laugh at what Lightpaw just did. She for one found it highly amusing. Stripedface touched noses with Blizzardpaw, surprised by the faact that he was already getting an apprentice. Not to surprised though. There were a lot of cats coming into the clan after all and it was obvious that every warrior would have to get an apprenticee. He still felt special that he had been chosen to be this cat mentor. Just him! " Yes. Things are very good with Cinnamonpaw. The cermony went great and she looked like a good medicine cat apprentice to me. In fact, either tonight or tommorrow I'm taking her to see Starclan and truely become my apprentice. " Starwalker said rather proudly. She was proud. Proud that she found such a perfect apprentice at such a good time.

12:27pm Sep 13 2009
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Lovestar smiled, "Its nice to hear that." She meowed. "By the way... I think im expecting kits, maybe I should join Lilly in the nursery." She mewed, her voice was lower by now. Eclipsekit sat at the entrance of the nursery, looking straight forward at the gathering. She imagined herself there, being called Eclipsepaw, being given a mentor... Moonfall smiled, and sat down again after touching noses. He then looked up again at Starsong, waiting for the gathering to end so he could begin training his apprentice. Honeypaw stretched her hind legs, so she could reach to touch noses with Starsong. He lowered his head and touched noses, then straightened up again to end the gathering by naming Griffin. Blizzardpaw touched noses with Stripedface, then giggled by the strange feeling. Her eyes glittered with excitment, then sat down again, trying to hide her feelings. Fallenrain padded over to Thunderpaw, who was all the way to the other corner. They touched noses, and then sat down again, next to each other. Thunderpaw was more curious than excited. "Honeypaw! Lightpaw! Blizzardpaw! Prismpaw! Thunderpaw!"
I'm Feline♥
1:37pm Sep 13 2009
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" You can go to the nursery whenever you think is the right time. When you're stuck in there though, you will need someone to run the camp. I recomend putting Nightshadow in charge while you're in the nursery so he can handle ceremonies and all of those things that you would normally do outside of the nursery. " Starwalker replied. Darkenedstar sniffed the air. She could sense Shinningkit's wariness and wondered what was causing it. Suddenly, as the winds changed course, the strong scent of fox his her nose. He cough and sneezed from the wretched stentch. Just as he finished her little fit, two very angry and hungry foxes enter the nursery. They were in one of the spots in the nursery that couldn;t be seen from the outside. Darkenedstar prayed to Starclan that other cats smelled them as she yowled loudly and leapt at them. Unfortunatly, the nursery was to small for her to go into her powered up form. Shinninkit sqealed in tterror as did Ashkit and both tried to run out of the nursery. They wer econfronted by a fox that had a slightly madened look to it's eyes. Shinningkit squealed louder and reatreated to the part of the nursery that was fox free. Ashkit however, leapt at the fox. He attacked it's muzzle fircly by biting and clawing anything his little teeth and paws could touch. Darkenedstar fought with one fox, unable to do anything about the other. She yowled in pain as the fox's teeth cruch down on her shoulder which crunched as Darkenedstars leg there became usless. The furious queen did not give up her attempts to kill the fox though. She continued to attack as vicously as she could. She knew that even if she died here and noww, she would still be able to come back. She had no reason to make sure she didn't get killed. Her kits on the other hand had only one life to lose. She had to protect them to the end of her nine lives. Sttripedface and Nutstrike bounded over to the nursery the second they smelled fox. Just as Ashkit began to attack one fox, they entered the nursery. Both yowled furiously and leaped on the fox that was tryingto kill Ashkit at the moment. The fox, having not been expecting two cats to leap on it's back, collapsed onto the ground with an angry sounding nosie of some sort.

2:49pm Sep 13 2009
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Starsong leaped after Nutstrike and Stripedface, suddenly nothing of the gathering important. He noticed one of the foxes pinned down by the two warriors, and he fiercly grabbed Ashkit and put him with his littermates before attacking the other fox. He bit it's snout and shook it in a quick movement, then scratched deeply on its shoulder. It fell with a thump on the nursery, and at that second Fallenrain somehow managed to squish inside and grab the fox by the sruff, helping Starsong pull it out. The fox's eyes were wild with anger, but already defeted, ran out of the camp and didn't come back. When he was in the nursery again he saw the two warriors struggling with the fox, "Use your powers!" He screeched. He glanced at his kits and at Darkenedstar, and padded over to them, "Is anyone hurt?" Fallenrain sat still at the group of cats, mostly all wide-eyed. "I understand." Lovestar meowed, and with that padded over to Nightshadow. "I have to talk to you..." She looked down at her paws. Sunpelt knew something was wrong, but he kept his distance inside the warriors den, out of earsight.
I'm Feline♥
3:25pm Sep 13 2009
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" Uhn... " Darkened meowed. It was all she really could meow at the moment. Her shoulder was bleeding. A lot. The fox must have hit an artery or something. She felt lightheaded and suddenly fell on the ground even though she felt like she was floating at the moment. Shinningkit had hiden under the moss so she didn't get to see the sight of Darkenedstar getting ready to lose her first life. Ashkit looked in horror at the bloody Darkendstar. Even though he didn't like Shinningkit, he hd in the moss next to him, not wanting to see her die. At his age, he hadn't yet learned that Darkenedstar had more than one life and would come back to life. He thought she was going to leave and not come back. Ever. When Darkenedsstar colsed her eyes in the nursery she didn't open them. Her breathing stopped as did her heart and everything as she lost her first life. When she opened her eyes again, she was at the meeting place where the cats who had given her her nine live were. She blinked, thinking for a moment that she was now in Starclan forever, before realizing she still had other lives left. A cat came towards her. It was Finch, her mother. The two cats touched noses and Darkenedstar closed her eyes again. After a strange feeling p*censored*ed through her, she opened her eyes back in the nursery. Her shoulder wound was healed and she was no long bleeding, though there was still blood on her pelt. ((I forgot if that's what actually happens when a leader loses a life. I have just *censored*umed since I'm to lazy to go look it up X3))

3:00pm Sep 14 2009 (last edited on 7:30pm Sep 14 2009)
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(I think the the Clan leader would see themselve in StarClan, but a very faint ghostly form that strengthens each time as the leader continues to lose more lives. When the leader fully dies the cat in StarClan (the copy) is fully a StarClan cat.) Blackpelt ran to the nursery. She had grown an affection for Darkenedstar's kits. She slipped into the nursery, and went straight to Darkenedtstar's kits.She swept the kit's closer to her a covered their little eyes with her tail. She waited anxiously for Darkenedtsar to wake up. Splashkit hudled closer to Eclipsekit, wailing "If by some miracle mommy lives and StarClan keeps her here with us, I'll make Epicacorn the leader of AcornClan." he whimpered. into his sister's ear. A moment later the truth of the sistuation hit him. "I told you she was going to die! I told you! She gonna die! No ne will be able to take care of us! Ashkit's gonna wipe all of us out! No one will stop him! We're all gonna die! mommy's gonna die!" he kept wailing on and on like that, over and over.
3:49pm Sep 14 2009
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((Ya know, Darkenedstar just sort of died and her kits don't know yet that she has more than one life. Not to mention foxes just broke into the nursery and attacked. You'd think that Splashkit might just be a tad more scared.))
7:28pm Sep 14 2009
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(Ah! Sorry. D: I'll edit it. And Griffin's name will be Featherpaw. And for Griffins power can he fly?)
8:51pm Sep 14 2009
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((No, no flying O.O I see that too powerful for a warrior.)) "Stop that!" Eclipsekit wailed through tears to her brother, "We aren't going to die! No one is dying! Please!" Then calming herself down, "Father, mommy isnt going to die, is she...?" Starsong looked at his kits, hidden behind Blackpelt's tail. "Darkenedstar is ok, dont worry. She is meeting StarClan, but will come back soon. Its ok, its ok. She has 8 lives, my kits." He said, then lowered his belly to the floor and stared sympatheticaly at his mate. LoveClan. Lovestar padded into the nursery, greeting Lilly with a dip of her head. "Im expecting kits, too. When do you think yours are coming, Lilly?"
I'm Feline♥
2:01pm Sep 15 2009
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"With this rate, a few sunrises I suspect. My sister, Dream said there would be more than two kits born." Lilly said happily. "Who will be the father of your kits?" (When the time comes, can someone pick a power for Griffin? And can his name become Owlpaw instead?)
4:27pm Sep 15 2009
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Darkenedstar finally got up. She felt alittle tired but that was to be expected in a queen who had just fought foxes and lost a life. The first thing she could think of was how filthy the nursery was now. It would take for ever to get all this bloody dirt and moss out of here. Oh well. She had more important thing to think about. Like her kits. Shinningkit had taken a tentative glance out of the moss when Starsong said she wasn't going to die, and saw her stand up. She squealed with delight. She felt exhilirated and before she relized what was happening, the small kit was bounding to her mother and burying herself in Darkenedstar's fur. Darkenedstar purred and began to lick Shiinningkit. She was the closest at the moment so therefore she got the first bit of comforting. Ashkit, hearing Shiningkit's squeal of delight, looked out of the moss as well. He smiled when he saw a living Darkenedstar. He didn't exactlyrun over but he didgo over to Darkenedstar and sniff her a bit to make sure she was real. Couldn't be to careful with a cat coming back to life after all. At least in his mind.

5:13pm Sep 15 2009
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Lovestar smiled, "I don't know how many ill have or when, but I do know mine wll be born after yours. And their father will be Sunpelt, he used to be from SunClan. But he has showed more than loyalty to LoveClan, and anyone could trust him. I love him so much," She meowed as she layed her belly to the soft moss. Sunpelt knew what was going on once as he saw Lovestar pad inside the nursery. He bounded over and quietly entered the nursery, "Lovestar!" He purred and grinned. He felt uncomfortable in there, but the happiness inside him was too much to feel anything else. ((When Owlpaw is a warrior, you will choose his power. Just make him discover it in a battle, and that's all. Blackpelt should discover hers too. It doesn't have to be in a battle, it can even be just by collecting moss X3)) Eclipsekit ran over after Shinningkit, rubbing her cheek at her mother's belly. "Moomy!" She cried, "What happened?" Starsong purred in delight, looking down at their kits padding around happily. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't have 9 nines..." He murmured to Darkenedstar.
I'm Feline♥
5:19pm Sep 15 2009
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Shiningkit, being young and forgetful, sound found herself bounding after a dieing moth that weakly fluttered just in front of her paws. After about a minutes or pursuing her prey, Shiningkit caught the moth and picked in up, bringing it proudly over to Darkenedstar with her tail held high. " Look Mommy! I got you some fresh kill! " She meowed through the moth. DArkenedstar smiled and said " That's very nice Shinningkit. " As she licked the other kits who had come over to her. She was glad that Shinningkit seemed to have recovered from that event so quickly. She didn't want them scarred for the rest of their lives by what they had seen after all.
6:12pm Sep 15 2009
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((So Darkenedstar just ignore Starsong and Eclipsekit?))
I'm Feline♥
6:55pm Sep 15 2009
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((I decided that she didn't know whaat to reply to Starsong so she said nothing and I forgot about Eclipsekit X3.)) Darkenedstar looked at Ecplisekit and said " Well I lost to much blood and died. Since I'm the leader of Sunclan though, Starclan had given me nine lives. I only lost one life when I died and then came back. "
7:22pm Sep 15 2009 (last edited on 7:26pm Sep 15 2009)
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Splashkit stayed where he was. He was to comfused with this. He dug his claws into the ground, trying to find out what had just happened. Instead of running to his mother, he ran to Starsong. "What happened, Daddy?" Blackpelt got up from where she had sat with the kits. Seeing that Darkenedtsar was okay, she padded out of the nursery. She padded over to Twilightpaw. "Sorry." she mewed. "Do you know what just happened? Foxes came to attack the nursery. The foxes must've been hungry to attack the camp when there were so many cats around... Try to memorize the scent. So in the future, you'll be the first cat to know if a fox is near." she mewed. Griffin's pelt was bristling. Foxes had been here! He calmed down when he realized that the foxes had gone. He smelled the air. Blood. Lot's of blood. he thought. Freaky. And it's not all fox blood! A cat must've been hurt! Not that I care or anything. Lilly smiled at Lovestar. "That's great!" she purred. "I know that one of them is going to be named King. In honor of his father. Or King-kit? Is that what they're soposed to be named?" she tilted her head to the side. A few moments later, she asked, "Can you tell me about being a Clan cat? Or the warrior code? I've heard some of your warriors talk about it."