7:26pm Sep 15 2009
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7:26pm Sep 15 2009
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(*sings song for post to show up-if there is one*)
7:27pm Sep 15 2009
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11:04pm Sep 15 2009
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Lovestar purred to Sunpelt, "Yes, I am expecting your kits." She mewed proudly. Sunpelt grinned, "Im so happy! Im going to tell the clan!" And he bounded outside. Lovestar sighed, then looked back at Lilly. "Kingkit. I love that name..." She meowed dreamily. "And yes, kits' names should end with 'kit.' Apprentice's names end with 'paw', and leaders with 'star'. Warriors' names depend on what their leader chose for them. Like me, I used to be Lovekit, the only kit, of Rippedstar. Then turned into Lovepaw and I was apprenticed by my own father, Smokefur. Finally, my mother named me Lovegaze, and when I was old enough and had my apprentice, she named me her deputy. I remember Echopaw.... Rippedstar died when I still had my apprentice, actually, and then I turned to Lovestar. Then Echopaw died..." She meowed, with the blurry images in her head. "I didn't tell you about the clan directly, but hearing my story kind of helps you to get an idea of it. Later when you are an apprentice, you will learn more detailed stuff, like the warrior code." -------------------------------- Starsong looked down at Splashkit and licked his head, "Your mommy lost one of her nine lives, dear. It's ok though, she is still here to take care of you." He then sighed and got to his paws, "I have a meeting to finish," And with that, he left. Eclipsekit nodded, although she didn't get it one bit. She didn't care, as long as her mother was alive everything would be fine. She purred and nuzzled closer to Darkenedstar. Twilightpaw raised his nose, and could scent the fox. He would remembered this clearly."Got it, thanks Blackpelt." He meowed, and then turned his head around as he saw Starsong jump back on the fallen log. Starsong took a deep breath, and began. "And finally, Griffin, you will be known as Owlpaw. Sunset will mentor you." He then, now completely worn out, lazily jumped off the log. "I need a nap," He murmured to himself and padded to the warriors den. "Owlpaw! Owlpaw!" The clan cheered. Then the noise dropped as cats kept on with their duties.
I'm Feline♥
6:54am Sep 16 2009
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Nutstrike began to grab some of the bloody moss so she could take it out of here. She didn't care if moss was an apprentice thing. It still needed to be cleared out and replaced. She was there already so why not work on the moss? Lightpaw and Prismpaw saw that Nutstrike was clearing out bloody moss. They knew there had been a fox attack simly because one tgime, a fox go into their House Folk's yard. Both padded over and asked Nutstrike " Can we help? " They wanted to be the best apprentices Sunclan had ever seen! Just because they were once kittypets they didn't have to act lazy like most Kittypets. " Sure. Grab some dirty or bloody moss and follow me. " Nutstrike replied She wen on with taking away that moss while Lightpaw and Prismpaw got into the nursery, their small size helping them move around in the slightly cramped area, and grabbed as much bad moss as they could findand hold before leaving. Stripedface left the nursery. He had no more buisness there. He decided he would start training his apprentice tommorrow. He had some imortant work to do that involved him, and sleeping. Darkenedstar continued to lick and comfort her kits that still wanted that very thing. They had only been alive for two or three days now and already foxes have attacked, the camp has been flooded with strange new apprentices, and their mother lost alife. That was a lot for ones so young to go through so fast. Shiningkit dropped the moth beside Darkenedstar in case she wanted it and bounded away in search of something fun. she for one did not need a bath at the moment. At least in her eyes. She wanted to go play and have everyone start being fun again. She didn't like thinking about what happened to Dartkenedstar so she simply used distractions to get the bad thoughts out of her mind.

9:49am Sep 16 2009
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Starsong padded into the warriors den and curled in his moss, quickly than ever falling asleep. Bonepaw padded to Shiningkit, "Hey, Shiningkit!" He mewed playfully, "Is Ashkit bothering you again?" Twilightpaw stayed where he was, sitting beside Blackpelt. "Come over, Thunderpaw," Fallenrain called his apprentice. He wanted to be with Blackpelt as much time as possible, and so why not train their apprentices together? Thunderpaw padded over, and Fallenrain padded to Blackpelt and Twilightpaw. "Wanna train our apprentices together? They can hear about the warrior code, or learn about the territory..." He suggested. Once Blizzardpaw saw Stripedface again, she padded over to him, "What are we doing today, Stripedface?"
I'm Feline♥
2:23pm Sep 16 2009
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"I think that would be great!" Blackpelt purred. "But I was going to show Twilightpaw how and where to get moss. I think Nutstrike's going to need it, since she's helping with the bloody moss in the nursery. You want to come with us?" Lilly nodded. "Thats nice. I'm tired." she yawned. "I'm going to take a nap." Owlpaw padded over to Sunset to touch noses with this new mentor.
4:11pm Sep 16 2009
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Sunset touched noses, "Congratulations," She purred. "Of course," Fallenrain blurted out.
I'm Feline♥
2:09pm Sep 17 2009
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Blackpelt eyed Fallenrain suspicously. "Okay...?" then she turned to Twilightpaw. "Come on, follow me." she trotted foward, toward an uprooted tree a little east from where they were standing. "Twilightpaw, Thunderpaw, why don't you look underneath the trunk of the tree." she pointed her tail. Underneath the tree you could see a bunch of moss. "Once you have a pile, roll them up into two balls, put one in your mouth, and tuck the other underneath your chin."
3:56pm Sep 17 2009
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After clearing out the filthy moss, Nutstrike, Lightpaw, and Prismpaw all went out to find a tree with plenty of nice moss on it. Nutstrike first took the apprentices to the tree Darkenedstar and her had gotten a lot of moss from when the camp was made. It turned out that the tree had even more moss on it now that the first time she had gathered moss from it. She began to pull moss off of the tree and put it in a pile. Lightpaw and Prismpaw began to grab the moss as best as they could with their mouths. They were only recently introduced to warrior stuff so their skill of moss collecting weren't the best. They would get better over time though. Stripedaw closed his eys as though in thought for a little bit and said " Well, since so much has happened today and I'm exausted from fighting a fox, so I think today we'll get some rest and get ready for tommorrow. " " No, not really. He is being boring though. Wanna play? " Shiningkit asked. Although she was very smalll for even a kit, she wasn't detered from playing simply because all the other cats around her were bigger.

4:21pm Sep 17 2009
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Twilightpaw and Thunderpaw rushed underneath the root, and both clawed abrutably at the moss. "No, no." Halted them Fallenrain,and he scooted them over to show them. He smoothly rubbed a paw over the moss and unseathed his claws at the bottom, then took it out and left it between the two apprentices. "Like this," He ordered and backed away again. Twilightpaw tried carefuly and cought amost as smoothly as Fallenrain had. A few minutes later the two apprentices collected enough for all four cats to carry. Thunderpaw and Twilightpaw did as Blackpelt said, and ran along to the camp. "You can run along ahead," Fallenrain gave permission to the apprentices. They glanced at each other, then ran farther to the camp. They learned quickly the rout back home. "Blackpelt, may I ask you something?" Fallenrain mewed, his head a bit down as he walked. Blizzardpaw nodded, "Okay!" And she joined Bonepaw. "Hey Bonepaw." She purred, and when she sat beside him she heard him say to Shiningkit, "Okey, what do you wa- Oh, hello Blizzardpaw. Wanna play with me and Shiningkit?" Blizzardpaw looked down at Shiningkit, "What are we playing?"
I'm Feline♥
4:45pm Sep 17 2009
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" Uh... " Shiningkit said, staring off into space. She hadn't thought about that... So she did what any kit who didn't know the answer to such a questions would do. She ran forward, tapped Bonepaw with her paw with a loud meow of " You're it! " and ran off.
5:36pm Sep 17 2009
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Bonepaw wagged his tail while Blizzardpaw cheerfuly bounced off. He stalked Shiningkit until he reached with his paw to touch her tail, "You're it!" And he quickly ran off before being swiped at in a second. Blizzardpaw narrowed her eyes playfuly as she waited for Shiningkit to choose who she would try to tag first.
I'm Feline♥
5:47pm Sep 17 2009
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Shiningkit tried to retag Bonepaw but he leaped back before she could. Seeing as Bonepaw was going to fast for her to have even a chance of keeping up with him, Shiningkit went for Blizzardpaw.
5:53pm Sep 17 2009
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Blizzardpaw noticed Shiningkit look at her, and she stood up and prepared for the run. She was a clumsy runner as she had been a kittypet, so she knew she would have to run pretty fast.
I'm Feline♥
6:13pm Sep 17 2009
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Shiningkit ran towards Blizzardpaw, intent on tagging her. The small and silver kit was strangly fast for her size and was getting close to Blizzardpaw fast.
6:53pm Sep 17 2009
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Blizzardpaw ran as fast as she could, and, while running, she looked back at Shiningkit to see if the kit was catching up to her, but before she realized, she bumped to the wall of the apprentices den and fell, dizzy. Her head swirled as she looked at the little hole she made in the den. She stood where she was, expecting to be tagged by Shiningkit now that she was cornered.
I'm Feline♥
7:02pm Sep 17 2009
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Shiningkit pounced on blizzardpaw, smiling at the fact that she had gotten her. She hadn't really exect to catch her once she saw how fast blizzardpaw was going. She got her though! Darkeneddstar, deciding she had finished licking her kits to calm them, looked around. she just now realized that Shiningkit was goone. A brief flash of anic came over her before she saw a flash of silver fur as the kit raced after something. She calmed down instantly after that. She got up and moved to the entrance of the nursery so she could keep an eye on Shiningkit.
7:23pm Sep 17 2009
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Blizzardpaw giggled and smiled, then raised her tail and ran playfuly out of the way, and ran in circles until she snatched her own tail. She raised her ears and looked at Bonepaw, instantly crouching with her rear up and her tail wagging. She wriggled her back to gain her balance, and pounced and fell over Bonepaw. They rolled playfuly until she dropped to the floor, exhausted. Then she realized, and pawed at Bonepaw's shoulder. "Tag, your it!" She mewed and bounced off. Bonepaw smiled evily and leaped towards Shiningkit.
I'm Feline♥
7:31pm Sep 17 2009 (last edited on 7:46pm Sep 17 2009)
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Blackpelt turned to look at Fallenrain. "Sure, anything," she shrugged. She scented the air. Mouse. "Hold on." she turned and ran toward the scent. She found the mouse and quickly killed it, and then brought tit back to Fallenrain. "Scrawny, isn't it?" she poked it with her paw. "Not the best catch I've ever made." she scowled down at the mouse. "But it's still fresh-kill." She picked it up in her mouth. Splashkit ran toward Eclipsekit. "Come on! We have Epicacorns leader ceremony!" He said, running over to the pile of acorns at the back of the nursery. He stared at the hole in the roof, and he noticed it had grown bigger. There where a few clumps of black and white fur. "Weird." he shook his head. "Anyway. Dah dum, dee dum, dah dah dum! Epicacorns leader ceremony! Woodstar is telling me that he is too old to be the leader of AcornClan. He is making Epicacorn the leader of AcornClan? What will this bring? Death of every cat in the Clan? Or Epicstar's cats will be comepletly sad for all of eternity?!" A big, fat acorn fell on his head."Oww!" he cried, leaping backwords.