7:44pm Sep 17 2009
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Shiningkit, getting spooked by Bonekit's ex pression, squealed and ran. After a bit of running, she hid under Darkenedstar's tail. after all, it was common logic that if you can't see them, they can't see you. DArkenedstar turned her head at Slpashkit's owwing. she saw it was nothing big and turned her head back around just in time to see a frightened Shiningkit darting under her tail and hiding there.
7:46pm Sep 17 2009
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((I have a idea :3))
7:47pm Sep 17 2009
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((It's about an evil rogue cat who will attack any cats found alone in the forest around night... I just think it might make things a bit more interesting to have a cat who's out there, trying to hurt the clan cats. A decent threat is good every now and then.))
7:54pm Sep 17 2009
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(We could pretend that the evil rohue cat is the one that made the hole in the nursery bigger! And that he or she has black and white fur, just like the clumps of fur sticking to the edges of the hole in the nursery too. :D Maybe the evil rogue cat could even someday use the hole that they had made in the nursery, and drung the night, kidnap one of the kits?)
7:55pm Sep 17 2009
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(I g2g. Till' tomorrow! Plus, I would've gone on earlier, but I had soccer practice- (Mondays and Thrusdays))
8:03pm Sep 17 2009
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((*waits for felines opinion on idea*))
8:23pm Sep 17 2009
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Eclipsekit giggled, "Yah, what a clan" She rolled her eyes. "Anywhoo... Ill leave you with your, um, clan of acorns, and go to the nursery and check out what Ashkit's doing..." She akwardly padded to the nursery, and looked around for Ashkit. "Ashkit?" Fallenrain smiled, then kept padding back to camp. "I wanted to know if you'd like to be my mate."
I'm Feline♥
8:32pm Sep 17 2009
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Ashkit, who was busy shreading a butterfly, ignored Eclipsekit at first. After the bug stopped twitching, he looked up and asked " What? " A bit of the butterfly's wing was still stuck on his muzzle but it was knocked off by one movement of the paw. ((So you like my idea?))
8:32pm Sep 17 2009
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((But there must be something special about the cat... I mean, clan cats are the strongest. Especialy SunClan cats, who have powers. This rogue could have the four elements, water, earth, air, and fire. He would be male, and just like Alice said, white with black markings. We also need a prophecy, which Lovestar and Darkenedstar could hear in their dreams. Something about that they must unite, and attack this cat with both clans. Something like.... That rhymes... It can start with, Water, earth, air, and fire.))
I'm Feline♥
8:35pm Sep 17 2009
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((I'm not good with rhymes O_o. I can try to make something though. I can likely make a profecy but not one that actually rhymes...))
2:30pm Sep 18 2009
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Blackpelt froze. A million thoughts went through her head at the moment. "But what about Nutsrike?" she asked. As much as she wanted to, she new how close the two were. Or how they had been.
3:26pm Sep 18 2009
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"Nutstrike is just a friend, Blackpelt."Fallenrain mewed, "Im decided now that I want you to be my mate, not anyone else." He felt a bit nervous when Blackpelt froze.What if she said no? He would sink into deep melancholy for moons.
I'm Feline♥
3:36pm Sep 18 2009
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Blackpelt swallowed. "Yes! Yes of course!" she jumped up and down happily. She smiled and padded closer to Fallenrain, a big smile on her face.
3:55pm Sep 18 2009
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Bonepaw laughed, then sat down, "I wont hurt you, Shiningkit. I wouldn't even hurt a butterfly...." And Blizzardpaw bounded over, "You wouldn't hurt a butterfly, eh?" She giggled, "You've probably killed many already when you were a kit." And Bonepaw grinned, "Yeah, but you get the point, don't you, Shiningkit?" ((Ok, im wiritng the plot. Next post is where you'll find it in a moment.))
I'm Feline♥
3:59pm Sep 18 2009
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Fallenrain smiled and licked her ear, "Im so glad!" He purred, loudly than ever before. This was what he wanted more than anything, and he felt so happy at the moment. He padded close to her until they reached the camp, and joy fluttered in his heart as he entered the camp with Blackpelt.
I'm Feline♥
4:16pm Sep 18 2009
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Shiningkit, still somewhat startled, nervously removed herself from the spot under Darkenedstar's tail. Seeing Eclipsekit was gone, Ashkit started searching for more butterfly and moths and such that he could kill. He found this activity quite entertaining.
4:32pm Sep 18 2009
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Actually, one evil cat doesn't really seem much to the clans. Best if it were three cats, one that Alice plays, one that Panda plays, and the last is the one I play. The first thing that can be like the 'introduction' can be a twoleg ship, which arrives at the corner of SunClan camp near to where the wild horses are. In the ship twolegs arrived with three half-kittypet and half-roguecats, that are kept there to hunt the rats in the ship. Then the twolegs are no problem because they head straight to the twoleg place and stay there, leaving the clans harmless, except for that they scared all the ducks that were found long ago in SunClan's lake. But there is one thing, the three cats stay, and no cat notices them. But then they feel hungry for blood, as they notice that the three of them get three elements for each. One gets Storm, Darkness, and Fire. Another Water, Ice, and Snow. And last gets, Wind, Stone, and Earth. Abilities Water, Ice, and Snow: With water you may drown any cat to death within seconds, blowing effortlessly the water. Though this cat gets thirsty alot more usual than a normal cat, his or her power is dangerous to all cats, except for the two other elemented cats. With ice you may freeze cats to death, letting them frozen on the ground and letting you to escape. Although the ice melts and the enemy revives. With snow you may create small kinds of blizzards, or also bumping balls of snow on cats, it can be playfuly done or serious. Storm, Darkness, and Fire: With storm you may create all kinds of storms, from ice storms, snow storms, rain storms, lightning blazing from the sky to an enemy. This cat is the leader, who usually makes the hard decisions with his or her allies. With darkness you may hide even in the sunniest days or in a white storm. You will be able to shadow the forest for an hour to give you time to escape. With fire you can't use playfuly, as just a little light of flame can burn a cat as it stretches along its fur. One thing fire cannot do, is burn a forest, unless another cat with the same element of fire helps him. Wind, Stone, and Earth: With wind you can turn a dull day into the windiest parts of the planet. Cats better unseathe their claws, because the wind can take any cat blown away. With stone you may create a wall of stone, protecting you from even the furiest attack. It covers like a half circle around you and those you want to protect, and it can also cover around your own body and leave you like a perfect statue on the whole battle. Earth lets you make earthquakes, but not much else. Storm, Darkness, and Fire will be me, so that one's taken. Now, at first the cats are harmless, but they see each one, one night in their dreams, themselves using the power and looking at themselves attacking even the fiercest family of fox with their powers. These cats don't act like SunClan cats though, they use their powers constantly every single time. Even for hunting, or just making a bed to sleep in. They settle below a tree on the beach of Bluesea, in between the the borders of SunClan and LoveClan. And as in the leaders, they see themselves in the same night standing on StarClan's hunting grounds, and Ripplestar tells them about the prophecy at the same time to Lovestar and to Darkenedstar. You may choose which three elements you want.
I'm Feline♥
4:34pm Sep 18 2009
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Bonepaw flopped to the ground, "Im too tired already, anyway." He meowed lazily. Blizzardpaw giggled again, she liked this cat alot. "Have you eated fresh-kill yet?" She asked Shiningkit.
I'm Feline♥
4:43pm Sep 18 2009
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((Can I has the other storm, darkness, and fire? If not then the wind, stone, and earth cat.))
4:45pm Sep 18 2009
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" Not yet. I've caught a moth though. It tasted bad... " Shiningkit said, her words becoming mummbles near the end as an ant that was crawling on her paw caught her attention. She was greatly intruiged by the tiny animal. How did it get so small?