4:47pm Sep 18 2009
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((Panda: I said in the first sentence of the last paragraph that S, D, and F is taken by me. You did read it all, right? Oh, and I forgot to ask, do you like the idea or does it sound to much?))
I'm Feline♥
4:49pm Sep 18 2009
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I'm Feline♥
4:50pm Sep 18 2009
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((*Stretches paws and catches post, to then snap it back down*))
I'm Feline♥
4:52pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Oh. O3o Sorry. My brain doesn't exactly work right after school. So windy is mien then :3. I like the idea. Sounds good to me. So I'm asuming that at this point, they're already in the forest and all? ))
5:15pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Kind of, let's say they are now getting off of the ship now that the twolegs are gone. They are now getting out by curiousity. And I know what you mean, that happens to me too XD Anyway, here is BIO. Please use it though, Panda, 'cause It's easier for me to find the information and write about it in the first page and stuff. Its ok for warrior cats, but these evil ones need their BIO. Name: Nickname: Gender: Elements: Age: (They all start at young adult.): Personality: Picture:
I'm Feline♥
5:24pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Name:Xalora Nickname:Xal or windy for those who are trying to insult her or something
Gender:female Elements:wing, stone, earth
Age: young adult
Personality:Xalora in normally fairly calm and is very good at keeping her emotions hidden. She is easilly angered though and almost always finds a way to get revenge for something that has enraged her. Picture: 
5:30pm Sep 18 2009 (last edited on 5:31pm Sep 18 2009)
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Name: Shiloh (Shy-loh) Nickname: Shilly as an insult.
Gender: Male
Elements: Storm, Darkness, and Fire
Age: Young adult Personality: Proud, fierce, blood-thirsty, and quiet.
Picture: tle="Click for a larger view" width="426" height="359" />
I'm Feline♥
5:34pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Xalora sat quietly on the boat, twisting her head slightly to scratch behind her ear. Her stomach grumbled. It hadn't had anything to eat all day since the mice that used to be here were all dead. With no humans, that meant there were also no free meals. She lifted her head back up and looked around as though execting to find a mouse of some sort suddenly dashing out in front of her. No such luck happened though and Xalora remained hungry. She hoped that Shiloh decided they could leave soon. They didn't need to be on the boat anymore anyways. There was land to be on now and prey to hunt.
5:58pm Sep 18 2009
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Shiloh sighed, and he lifted his big body towards the exit of the ship. "Come on, both of you. Its useless being in here anymore, we need food to eat, and water to drink." His m*censored*ive paws thumbed on the wooden ground as he went his way down the slippery exit that led the way to the ground. The floor was sandy under his paws, and he smiled. He hadn't touched anything soft in moons after that ship. Shiloh padded under an immense tree that looked like a Weeping Willow. The leaves fluttered as the wind pushed them, and he sat below it. "This looks... Nice. C'mon, lets hunt." He thumped his way out and crouched, expecting to hear a mouse at any moment. He heard something nibbling, and moved his head to the noise. It looked like a mouse, but more orange-like with a huge fluffy tail. He sprang at it, but then he noticed it wasn't as easy as mice. He would have lost it if he hadn't had his long claws that clung to the tail of the squirrel before it could run. Abrutably he grabbed the squirrel with no mercy and killed it. The screech died away and the squirrel layed limp on his mouth.
I'm Feline♥
6:42pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 1,966
(Can I have the water, ice, and snow?)
6:45pm Sep 18 2009
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Xalora followed Shiloh. She was interuiged by the strange mousy creature with a fluffy tail. " What is it? I havn't seen a mouse like that before. Not even a rat. " She padded a bit closer to Shiloh and stretched out her head to sniff the strange creature. It smelled worse than a mouse... It was probobly edible though and that was good. She was so hungry she would gladly eat this extra furry mouse.
6:57pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Name: Xejana Nickname: Bod
Gender: female
Elements: Water, Ice, Snow
Age: (They all start at young adult.): young adult. xD
Personality: mean, rude, loud, always angry, ambitous, blood-thirsty Picture: 
(But with Icy blue eyes, or with completely white eyes.)
7:11pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Shiloh shook his head, "I don't know." He meowed, his voice low. He layed the mouse at Xalora's paws, "You can eat that. Ill bring more," He mewed simply, dull-hearted. He later arrived again with another of those furry animals and a normal mouse he managed to find. He pushed the mouse over to Xejana, and without saying anything he ate the furry mouse and stared at nothing infront of him while eating. "I think we should settle here for the night. It seems like a nice place to live in, I guess." He meowed almost to himself.
I'm Feline♥
7:22pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
" Yeah. And prey seems plentiful. Only problem I see is mabye these other cats I smell. Theres a lot ofem here. Wonder why. " Xalora said as she ate the furry mouse, avoiding the tail and it's mess of fur completely. She did get a few of them in her mouth and began to spit and walked about, trying to find something she could lick to get the rancid taste of the creatures tail fur out of her mouth. She kenw that the tail of that beast would never be even touched by her again. She finished the furry mouse, leaving the normal one for Xejana.
7:26pm Sep 18 2009 (last edited on 7:27pm Sep 18 2009)
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((Alice: This pic works better.... ??))
I'm Feline♥
7:43pm Sep 18 2009 (last edited on 8:07pm Sep 18 2009)
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(OK, thanks. :)) Xejena took a giant leap of the side of the boat, not wanting to take the exit like weak cat would. Once she reached the ground she spit in the gra-ss. She followed Shiloh and Xalora. She grabbed a mouse that had been recently killed and took hungry, famished bites. Blackpelt twined her tail in his. She rubbed her cheek to his. "Let's go see how Thunderpaw and Twilightpaw are doing." she purred, and ran ahead gracefully to find the two apprentices. Once she found them, she said, "Okay, put some of those in the nursery, and put the other in a pile infront of the medicine cat den. Understood? Tomorrow we'll practice hunting."
7:45pm Sep 18 2009
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Shiloh sighed, "We'll just be here for a night." He tried to convinse himself. He finished his fuzzy mouse and padded below the Weeping Willow, to lay down and fall alseep. Dreams dumped on him hard, making him twitch fiercly. ((The dreams for the cats are tonight, the dreams for the leaders the next night.)) He saw swirls of fire being drawn into his mouth, storms of all kinds hit him like a fox scratching at his fur, and darkness danced around him, making him feel dizzy. Then he saw himself standing infront of Xejana and Xalora, looking forward with wise-filled eyes that narrowed. Flames, darkness, and storms filled his side. He looked at his back to see what Xejana's and Xalora's reaction would be.
I'm Feline♥
7:48pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((So is he still dreaming or did he wake up? Should my cat go to sleep now?))
7:53pm Sep 18 2009
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Thunderpaw and Twilightpaw nodded, and Thunderpaw's ball of moss fell. Twilightpaw giggled, and picked it up for him. They padded to the medicine den and left all the moss there, and both grabbed as much as they thought the nursery might need. They padded to the nursery and moved the moss around the den, making fluffy nests are the kits, Darkenedstar, and Oranges.
I'm Feline♥
7:54pm Sep 18 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((No, he is still dreaming. Your cats can sleep too and join the dream...))
I'm Feline♥