[Whats happening to the fresh-kill!] LoveClan [I havent eaten in sunsets!]

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8:00pm Sep 18 2009

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Nutstrike, Lightpaw, and Prismaw all padded into the camp with their mouths full of moss.  Nutstrike waved with her tail for them to go set up their own bed in the apprentices den.  she headed to the nursery to see if any moss was needed, even though she could see cats already in there setting moss.  A little extra moss wouldn't hurt anyone.

Darkenedstar watched shiningkit absentmindedly, her tail occasionally moving position.  She was now laying down with her head rested on her paws.  She meowed a hi to Nutstrike as she walked by.

Nutstrike was now in the nursery, setting down the moss she had.  She made it to where there was no moss of hers left by sticking some of her extras in the smaller cracks.  the hole in the nursery that the foxes had entered through would need some work done on it.  Nutstrike planned on doing that tommorrow.  It was starting to get a little dark after all.  she was going to need some sleep soon.

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8:05pm Sep 18 2009 (last edited on 8:34pm Sep 18 2009)

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Posts: 1,966
"Good job." blackpelt murmured. "Now get some rest. You will need it. Tomorrow- Dawn, sharp. Hunting. Good night." she turned around and whisked off to join Fallenrain.
 Xejana sudenly felt herself being plunjed into sleep. everything in her vsion started to grow white-ish, as if nothing had color. Her pelt started tingling, and the wound she had gotten from a rat bite started aching, really badly.She stared at it, and was surprised to see that instead of blood streaming down from the wound, there was water. The water quickly froze and and turned to ice. Inside her body she could feel her heart chilling. It was so cold that she thought that her heart was made out of pure ice. She closed her eyes tight, and when she opened them, the pain was gone and she stared down at her paws. But what she saw was her paws burried in clumps of snow. She suddenly felt herself slipping away. When she shook her head, she realized she was staring at Shiloh, who's fur looked starnge.
(What about mist? Does that count too?)

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:06pm Sep 18 2009

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Posts: 1,966
(*Sings for post to show up*)

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:09pm Sep 18 2009

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Posts: 1,895

Xalora, not wanting to sleep on the ground in case there were snakes around here, clawed up the tree and curled up in a fork in its branches.  There, she fell asleep.  The only movement she really made while she slept was the twitching of an ear as a bug landed on it.  It soon flew away.

Xalora didn't know exactly where she was.  Suddenly, she was getting buffeted by unimaginably strong winds and pushed about by rocks.  The wind seemed to whip up a sand storm and now dirt and sand began to claw at her fur like an angry cat.  When it was over, Xalora found herself mostly unchanged except for a bit of lighter skip in her step and the feeling as though she were sort of floating.  Her eyes looked a little more carefree.  In front of her was Shiloh and nearby, Xejana.  Shiloh looked somewhat changed but Xalora just couldn't point out one certain thing that had changed for sure.

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8:20pm Sep 18 2009

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Posts: 2,220

((Water? Of course water. Xejana's elements are water, ice, and snow. And mist... Well, I don't think mist could really work.))


Fallenrain purred as Blackpelt joined him, then padded into the warriors den. "Good night," He purred and pressed his cheek to her's. Then curled in his moss, and closed his eyes, smiling. Thunderpaw and Twilightpaw padded to the apprentice's den, and curled in there to fall asleep. Eclipsekit squealed as she tried to make her safe comfortable on Darkenedstar's belly fur.


Shiloh felt heat spred through his body, like water sinking into dirt. He opened his eyes in a flash, and was gasping as if he had run thousands of miles around the world. He stared back at Xejana, "You, too?" Then his gaze forced him to look at Xalora. His gaze swiped down to his paws, and fire soaked his paws in flames. Darkness blurred his gaze. Was the dream actually forcing him to dream? ...This is the last time ill sleep in my life!

By Me
I'm Feline♥

8:30pm Sep 18 2009

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Posts: 1,895

Xalora looked around herself, suddenly feeling something that felt as though rock were just being absorbed into her or something (it's a very unpleasant feeling, I asure you) and she squeazed her eyes shut.  After a breif flash of a severe head ache, she opened her eyes again.  Around her, the air seemed to swirl and move.  you couldn't see it really but you could definatly feel it if you were close enough.  The ground jutted up around her in a circle slightly.

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8:34pm Sep 18 2009 (last edited on 9:09pm Sep 18 2009)

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Posts: 1,966
(Water wasn't sopposed to be there in my post only the mist question. xD)
Blackpelt rolled her eyes. "Night!" she called. Did he forget that she was already a warrior? That they slept in the sme den? Oh well. She had to keep watch over the camp for the whole night until the leader relieved them from their job. She climbed up the hill that led to the entrence. She sat there and stared at the netrence to the camp, keeping watch silently.
Xejana ran in circles trying to get rid of all this creepy stuff. She screeched.
Blackpelt leaped up. But she listened intently. But since she heard nothing after, she decided to sit back down and and keep waiting.

Adopted from Archaeus.


10:46pm Sep 18 2009

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Posts: 2,220

"Calm down!!" Shiloh yowled in pain, his voice softened a little after. "Does anyone of you also feel the fire buning in their paws? The darkness blurring your sight? And storms alarmed in your ears?" He asked, terrified. What if they all /didn't/ have the same thing? Same feelings?

Shiloh dropped to the ground, his breathing was no longer breathing, but gasping for breath. 

By Me
I'm Feline♥

8:36am Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 1,895
" No.  But I do feel air swirling around me.  And it feels like someone just shoved a rock inside of me... " Xalora meowed unhappily.  She now got another really bad head ache, but she was used to ignoring pain.  It wasn't as though she hadn't been tossed about on that ship during bad storms.  She had stayed standing and awake even that one time her paw got twisted really bad.   She wasn't quite as scared as Shiloh was at the moment.  she was just curious.  Was this a dream or was this all so real it seemed like a dream?  Wondering what exactly she could do in this dreamish situation, Xalora tried to make the ground around her go up a little more.  Just a bit of a test to seee if she could do something.  After a few seconds of as much concetration as she could muster in her situation, the ground that made a circle around her did go up a little.  And it wwent down when she tried to make it do that.  This was amazing!  she could control the ground!  Well...at least make it move, but that was good enough for her.

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10:03am Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 1,966
"NO. But my heart feels cold, ad I have water pouring down my rat wound." she gasped. "And, wherever I put my paws, clumps of snow burry them." she lifted one paw, and then put it down again. Snow apeared, burrying her paw in snow. She shivered, but not from the snow. And strangly, she noticed that her paws didn't feel cold, not one bit. But she felt heat radiating from Shiloh, and she backed away. The heat didn't make her feel good.

Adopted from Archaeus.


7:08pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 1,966
Bump :3

Adopted from Archaeus.


8:08pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 2,220
Shiloh closed his eyes. Then stood up again, and looked at the two she-cats. He noticed each one of them had done something not any cat could do. He tried to take the sound of storm in his ears, closing his eyes abrutaply and consentrated. He thought the sky was clear from clouds, but then hesitated on that when he heard rainpour down in a flash. A lightning broke and, when he looked down at the ground, the first thing his eyes gazed at was a big rock that suddenly broke in two. His eyes were wide with alarm. Then the rain stopped abrutably as if someone had ordered it to.  He noticed that everything was wet, except for his friends that were dry, and him. Was it supposed to be like that on purpose?

By Me
I'm Feline♥

8:15pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 1,895
Xalora, knowing somehow that Shiloh had caused the storm, decided to test her own powers a little more.  So for her own amusment, she made the ground directly under her go up.  She made a illar that caused her to sit higher than the other cats here, which really made her happy.  Who cares if she had a bad head ache and was starting to feel somewhat dizzy?  She had moved the ground!  Alot!  No that her concentration failed though, the ground began to slip back into it's place.  Not fast enough to make her fall.  Just sort of sliding back into it's original place a little slower than it had gone up.  She decided to see what she could do with her wind powers.  She tried to make a nice breeze, and of course it worked.  The trees, bushes, and the gr*censored* were all blown somewhat by the wind she had created.  Her two friends though, didn't even get their fur rustled slightly.  She was the only one here with constantly moving fur that was caused by the constant swirling of air around her.

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8:47pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 2,097

((I must join the longest active RP on Res! :D Join?)) 

Name: Silvertail

Rank: Warrior

Eye Color/ Pelt color: yellow-ish/ Silver tabby longhair

Personality: RP it out

Gender: Female

Look: -Bottom-

Mate: None but is looking for one

Age: Adult

Other: Nothing, really

Name: Brackenpaw (Brackenfur)

Rank: Warrior

Eye Color/ Pelt color: Bright blue/ Brown tabby shorthair

Personality: RP it out

Gender: Male

Look: -Bottom-

Mate: None but is looking for one

Age: Apprentice

Other: Nope

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

9:00pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 2,220
((DJ: Erm, okay. Just a few things, Silvertail has to be Brackenpaw's mentor in LoveClan, and you must read the three last pages. 125, 126, and 127. Everything, so you understand the new plot that we have figuered out. :3))

By Me
I'm Feline♥

9:01pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 2,097
((Okay! Just... wait. XD))

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

9:06pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 2,220
Shiloh smiled. "I think we all know what's happening here." He mewed, and looked serious. His gaze went wild with emotions, his adrenaline went high. He looked wild as he used one of each of his powers. Flames burned in his paws and swirled around his body. "Fire," He narrowed his eyes and whispered. Then it went off with a flash. A block of darkness surrounded him and made him dissapear. "Darkness." Then he looked up at the sky, and his eyes glowed. A snow storm began to come down, then it turned to rain, and at last to sand. Before it got close to the ground, it flashed away. "And Storm."

By Me
I'm Feline♥

9:09pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 1,895
" Well I sure hope so.  If somebody doesn't understand what's going on here, I truely will begin to worry, somewhat, about their mental health. " Xalora said.  An idea popped ito her head.  If she controled Earth, mabye he controlled stone to!  So she began to focus hard on the rock that Shiloh's storm had broken and it sort of floated a little bit as the peices of the rock reasembled themselves.  Once that had hapened, Xalora found out tat she was able to move the rock around, raise it up, and drop it down. " Wind, Earth, and Stone. " Xalora mewed in amazment.

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9:20pm Sep 19 2009

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Posts: 2,220

Shiloh turned his head to Xejana, expecting her to tell what her powers are.

((Lol, Panda XD mental health.))

By Me
I'm Feline♥

9:31pm Sep 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,097

((Done! Finally. XD))

Silvertail got up and looked around, tail swishing back and forth. She saw cats walking around, and then she padded into the forest so she could go hunting. A squirrel chattered in front of her, eating an acorn. She held her breath behind a log and pounced. the bushy-tailed creature yelped in terror before going limp when Silvertail bit its throat. she carried it back to camp, mumbling her thanks to StarClan.

Brackenpaw stepped on his cozy nest. He saw his mentor leave camp so he waited patiently for her. The apprentice yawned and rested his head on his front paws. then sleep came.

The forest was lush and green, like his home. He saw a butterfly flutter by. Brackenpaw chased it and caught the butterfly. Then he was about to eat it when--

"Brackenpaw!" Silvertail yelled from outside the apprentice den. She padded in, and poked him with her nose a bit. "Huh?" he murmured, waking up. The brown tabby got up and saw his mentor. "Oh its you. What're we doing today?" he asked, stretching. "Battle training." she replied, padding out of the den. She and Brackenpaw padded over to the training grounds and did some battle training. "Whup!" he exclaimed, dodging Silvertail's swipe. Brackentail tackled his mentor, who somersaulted on his belly. They trained for a bit before going back to camp.

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
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