9:42pm Sep 19 2009
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((Hmm... I was bored so this happened in between clickling stuff: For FelineLOVER's LoveClan RP New Prophecy Poem Water, earth, air and fire Three deadly cats with a vicious desire. They discovered their powers very soon, Under the glare of the bright full moon. Shiloh, a powerful tom Has a threatening demeanor to few, even some. Xejana, a strong she-cat Tackled her prey, a silver-haired bat. Xalora, a vicious female Attacks well and even impales. The new prophecy's words are true, They didn't just come out of the blue. Believe what has been told... About these cats from the old. The are powerful, deadly and strong. DjMan12545 ((I'm not good with poems, but I wanted to try. And it sucks. D: But whatever. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:42pm Sep 19 2009
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((I'm sorry for the lag page or lost post. Bump))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:43pm Sep 19 2009
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((Page lag, BUMP))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
10:46pm Sep 19 2009
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((That's really good :D! Ill save it on the first page if you don't mind, and use it when the leaders recieve the prophecy from Rippedstar.))
I'm Feline♥
9:00am Sep 20 2009
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((Only if the others agree. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:13am Sep 20 2009
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((Well I'm the only other person with a leader cat so...I say I like it! COuldn''t do better mahsel. Then again, I was never skilled in the art of poetry...))
9:31am Sep 20 2009
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((Me neither. XD I just like teh rhymes. 8D))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
11:04am Sep 20 2009
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Xejana blew on the ground. A puddle apeared. She blew on the puddle and it turned to ice. She put one paw on the ice and slipped. And overcourse, where she put her paw the ice got covered in snow. She put her head to the side. "Water, Ice, and Snow." (Can Lilly have her kits now? And can it be morning in the SunClan camp? I want Blackpelt to be done having to watch the camp.)
1:18pm Sep 20 2009
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((Yup, Lilly can have her kits. And if it is morning in SunClan camp, then it will be morning on the whole forest. So yes. The three cats have been checking their powers all night.)) Shiloh smiled. He looked up at the sky as dawnlight slipped out from the mountains and glittered light over the forest. His belly grumbled, and looked over his shoulder, expecting to hear prey. And he did. He used his darkness power and a shadow swirled around him, hiding him. He stalked the mouse closer, he was so close his whiskers touched the mouse's shoulders, and the mouse never sensed him there. He bit at its back and killed it, again with no mercy as blood splashed on the leaves. Shiloh brought his mouse back, now the sun was higher up the sky. He ate his catch hungrily. Lovestar blinked her eyes open and watched the sun glitter the camp outside the nursery. She glanced at Lilly who was next to her.
I'm Feline♥
1:59pm Sep 20 2009
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Silvertail and Brackenpaw were training all night. She panted, "Good job, Brackenpaw!" "Yeah? Well, thanks! you're not too bad yourself either!" he exclaimed, also panting. The two padded back to camp, tired and hungry. "i'll go fetch something for you to eat. Rest." she told him, smiling. "You worked hard." "No, you worked hard too. I'll go get something. after all, I still going to stay awake for a while." he said, urging her to the warrior's den. Silvertail smiled. She dipped her head "Thank you." she said, padding back with her tail swishing back and forth gratefully. Brackenpaw grabbed a squirrel from the fresh-kill pile and ate it. He would hopefully go hunting with Silvertail tomorrow, to repay whoever caught the squirrel and the vole for Silvertail. He murmured his thanks to StarClan and lied down in front of the pile. Brackenpaw tore the fur off carefully, only eating the delicious meat. He groomed himself afterwards. Brackenpaw dug a little hole and dropped the fur and bones of the squirrel in there. He picked up the vole and padded to the warrior's den. Silvertail was lying down, her front paws tucked under her. she smiled when Brackenpaw appreared with a brown vole in his mouth. "Thank you and thank StarClan!" she exclaimed. Brackenpaw smiled somehow and dropped the prey in front of his mentor. He trotted over to the apprentice's den and curled up in his soft, cozy nest. Brackenpaw yawned and fell asleep. Silvertail stripped the fur off and devoured it in quick, hungry gulps. She buried the bones ad fur where Brackenpaw did and pawed back to her nest. Silvertail yawned and stretched before padding around and around on her nest. She poked her head out of the warrior's den and looked around. The sun appeared over the horizon, and right now over the trees. The pale dawn sky was well mingled with the lively dawn chorus or bird chirps and clucks. she padded out, got some moss and placed it on her nest. Silvertail stepped on it and curled up again, finally ready to sleep.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
2:03pm Sep 20 2009
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((Can you use darker colors please? :3 It's kinda hard to read the blue and grey...))
I'm Feline♥
2:24pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Okay. I will use this and I will use this.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
2:28pm Sep 20 2009
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Xalora looked towards the sun, just now realizing that day had come. She also ust realized she was very hungry. She set out to get something to eat when Shiloh did. She stalked around for a little bit before finding herself a finch. She accidentally scared the bird inot flight, but she used her power of wind to blow the bird back on the ground forcefully. She dashed forward and killed the bird. After that, she walked back to the temporary sleeping place and began to eat it, carfully pulling out the feathers so she didn't have to eat them. Darkenedstar yawned wide as she woke up. She blinked sleepily before looking around some. Seeing there was nothing amiss in the nursery, she layed her head back down and decided to try and get a bit more sleep. Nutstrike woke up and got onto her feet, shaking her fur before stepping out into the camp's clearing. She remembered that she had an apprentice to go get and headed for the apprentice's den. " Prismpaw. It's about time you get up. " Prismpaw, used to sleeping forever at her old home, was startled when she woke up. She was wondering how she got into a moss nest in a den, before remembering she was an apprentice in Sunclan. She got onto her paws, eyes clouded with exaustion. She wished she had gotten a bit more sleep but another call from Nutstrike made her stay on her feet. " Come on Prismpaw. We don't have all day and I have to go show you the territory. " Nutstrike meowed at the very sleepy looking Prismpaw. Prismpaw was a little surprised to see that it was a glowing cat that was telling her to get up. Then she also remembered that her mentor was a glowing green cat. She yawned and tretched before padding out of the apprentices den. " Can we see the territory a little later while I wake up? " " Oh fine. Well, while you're waking up you might as well get yourself clean. " Nutstrike meowed, moving away from the appprentice's den and begining to clean her own fur. Prismpaw followed her mentor before sitting down and licking her own fur. It tasted like moss. She didn't know what moss tasted like before this moment. Quite and interesting tsate compared to her normal fur's taste really... Jacklefur and Stripedface both woke up at roughly the same time. Jacklefur headed for the apprentice's den and called for his aprentice. Stripedface soon followed and did the same. Lunarsight, sort of having the ability to feel bad things, woke up with a feeling that was horrible. Like a bad mouse sitting in her stomach like a rock. There was something bad and it was in the territory. She wanted it out.

2:33pm Sep 20 2009
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Brackenpaw slept well, then he felt something. He jerked up, thrashing about. The griup of butterflies fluttered up, then landed on him when he rested. Brackenpaw's ear twitched, startling a butterfly. Then the flying insects flew off. Silvertail yawned, and something went into her mouth. A butterfly. She swallowed it and shuddered, wanting to retch. She restrained herself from throwing up as she curled up again.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:04pm Sep 20 2009
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Bonepaw padded out of the apprentice's den, he saw Jacklefur calling him. But he had something else in mind. He padded towards Jacklefur and dipped his head respectfuly, "Ill be back in a moment," He mewed and padded towards the warrior's den, not entering it though. At the moment Sunset padded out, she almost bumped into her son. "Oh, hello!" She purred. Bonepaw looked seriously at her, "Who was my father?" Sunset widened her eyes, and she gulped. "Sunpelt was..." She murmured, and looked back over her shoulder. Bonepaw frowned, "A LoveClan warrior, you say?!" He growled. "He was SunClan, but then he left me, you and your littermates." She meowed, she didn't care if Bonepaw turned out to hate him. After all, she did. "Why?" Bonepaw asked. Sunset sighed, "He took their leader, Lovestar, as his mate. He said he never loved me, and just left me just when I was expecting you and your littermates." She meowed, then padded past Bonepaw to the apprentices' den, "There's nothing to worry about. I have an apprentice to train, I can't talk to you now." Bonepaw sighed, and followed to where Jacklefur was. Twilightpaw padded out of the apprentices' den and looked for his mentor. Bonepaw padded to his brother, "Can you believe a LoveClan warrior is our father?" He meowed in disgust. Twilightpaw shook his head, "No, I didn't. But I don't care anyway.I just want to make my clan proud!" He meowed. Then Twilightpaw noticed where Blackpelt was, "Anyway, I have to train now! Bye!" And he trotted next to his mentor. "So... What are we doing today?" Bonepaw rolled his eyes. Everyone had something to do... Then he realized he had lots to do, too. He padded once again to Jackelfur, "Im sorry! Im ready for training now." Starsong stretched his front paws out of the warriors' den, then pulled the rest of his body out. He yawned and padded to the fresh-kill pile, and removed a thrush and a vole. He left them there apart from the pile. Then took another vole and padded to the nursery. He noticed Darkenedstar sleeping, and quietly left the vole. But it was too late. Eclipsekit bounced over to her father, "Daddy!" She squeaked. "Shh, let Darkenedstar sleep." He meowed and licked her between the ears, then left the den. Eclipsekit ignored and prodded her mother's nose with her paw, "Mommy! Wake up! Look at what daddy catched!"She squeaked. Blizzardpaw padded towards Stripedface, who had called her. Fallenrain and his best friend, Moonfall, called at their own apprentices. At the same moment they heard they heard Sunset call, "Owlpaw! Come on, wake up!" Starsong was reminded of his own apprentice. He padded to the apprentices' den. "Honeypaw!" He called, and put the thrush he had separated from the fresh-kill pile and brought it for Honeypaw. Honeypaw weakily opened her eyes and stared at her paw, "Nope, no honey." She muttered, then closed her eyes again. "Wake up now, Honeypaw!!" He called again, now irritated. Honeypaw woke, startled, and dragged her paws towards her mentor, her eyes still closed. "Yeah?" Starsong rolled his eyes, then dropped the thrush at her paws. "Eat it. Then meet me at the camp's entrance." He meowed. He padded out and grabbed the other vole he had separated from the pile, and ate it hungrily.
I'm Feline♥
5:08pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((DJ: You do know there are two clans, right? I mean, you saw the whole front page to know the leaders and stuff?))
I'm Feline♥
5:18pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Yeah, why do you ask?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:24pm Sep 20 2009
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Jacklefur, after waiting patiently for Bonepaw, finally got onto his feet again as his apprentice returned. " Today I think I should show you around the territory so you don't end u getting lost or something. " Nutstrike, hearing Jacklefur's plans, stopped grooming herself padded over. " Hey Jacklefur. I'm going to show Prismpaw around the territory as well. Would you mind me going with you? " Nutstrike knew that two warriors were better at keeping up with two apprentices than one warrior and one apprentice. At least with something like this. Always nice to have a few more eyes watching at one time. " Sure you can come with me. " Jacklefur replied. He wondered if they should go ahead and head out of camp or stay in for a little bit while the other mentor were out with their apprentices. He didn't like the idea of all the clans warrriors going out with their apprentices and leaving the camp unprotected. Prismpaw looked up and took a break from her own grooming to see where Nutstrike was going. She decided she should followed her mentor. She now noticed that she was much more awake than before. She never woke up this fast when she was still a kittypet. Wierd... Stripedface looked at Blizzardpaw. Once she came closse enough he said " Today I will teach you about the warrior code andsee what you already know about hunting and stuff. " He would show her around the territory tommorrow. Darkenedstar blinked, getting woken up by a tiny paw jabbing at her nose. She sleepily looked at the vole and blinked, wanting to sleep more than eat. Xalora, now finished with her morning meal, yawned and decided she would take a little nap in the sun. She found a very nice and sunny place to stretchout in before she closed her eyes and went into nap mode.

5:33pm Sep 20 2009
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((Just in case XD Because the ti tle just says LoveClan, so yeah.))
I'm Feline♥
5:58pm Sep 20 2009
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New post?
I'm Feline♥