6:03pm Sep 20 2009
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Blizzardpaw nodded,"Okay! So what's the warrior code?" ((You don't have to repeat the whole warrior code if you don't want to X3))
I'm Feline♥
6:19pm Sep 20 2009
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((XD Okay.)) Brackenpaw yawned and got up at noon. He got a rat from the fresh-kill pile and devoured it, fur and all. The he spat out the bones. Brackenpaw gulped the meat and fur down, feeling it slip down his throat. He relized that he was hungry, very hungry. He would go hunting later, definately. Brackenpaw grabbed a vole and gulped it, headfirst, into his mouth. This time he didn't chew the food. Brackenpaw swallowed it, and threw up. Was he sick? Brackenpaw saw the vole, in good condition but covered in saliva, in front of him. Then he tore the fur off. Brackenpaw sliced it into pieces and removed the bones. He picked up a chunk and chewed it, then swallowed. he did it again and again. then he remembered that he didn't thank StarClan! How greedy. "Thank you, StarClan!" he mewed. Silvertail got up, still tasting butterfly in her mouth. It wasmildly sweet, with a hint of spicy. And the aftertaste was like roasted mouse, sour roasted mouse. She padded up to Brackenpaw. "Good afternoon." she said, yawning. Brackenpaw buried the fur and bones again, sniffing the earth and smelling meat. "Afternoon." he murmured. "It's time to hunt." she told him. "We took from the clan so we must pay back the clan." she said, gulping down a small mouse. "Okay, let's go." he said, padding into the forest with his mentor. Brackenpaw stalked a plump rabbit that had trouble hopping. It turned and saw Brackenpaw with his mouth open. The rabbit squeaked and tried to escape, but it was too late. Brackenpaw buried the rabbit and decided to try and catch a mouse. Silvertail caught a nice fat vole. She buried it and spotted a wren. Brackenpaw swiped at the mouse, it squealed a bit and then Brackenpaw stepped on its tail. He bit down on the mouse's throat before taking its life. She scratched the wren's wing while it tried to fly away. the wren chirped in terror when it couldn't fly. Silvertail buried it, too. Brackenpaw stalked the vole. He breathed silnetly and his heart was racing. The vole walked a few steps closer to Brackenpaw, who lept. He bit down on the vole and buried it. Silvertail saw the fawn bl ink. She growled as she lept. the squirrel tried to flee, but failed. Silvertail got all of her fresh-kill and padded back to camp. Brackenpaw killed a squirrel when it wagged its bushy tail, it dropped its acorn. He got all of the fresh-kill and followed Silvertail. She dumped the food on the fresh-kill pile, along with Brackenpaw. Then she padded to the warrior's den to take a nap. Brackenpaw yawned and took a small chunk of deer to chew on.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:20pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Uh-oh the page is lagging again...))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:40pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Jacklefur decided he would talk to Starsong about it. He motioned for Boneaw to stay put as he padded ovr to Starsong. " Should I stay here at camp to keep watch so the other warriors can go train their apprentices? " Stripedface began to replay all he knew about the warrior code to Vlizzardpaw. When he finished with this, he sucked in a large amount of air. He had been forgeting to breath or something while he listed the things.
6:57pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 2,097
Brackenpaw then turned to Silvertail. "What now?" he asked, stretching. "Thank you, StarClan." she finished. "Huh?" she murmured. "Now you will pick herbs." she told him before disappearing into the forest.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:02pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Why would he ick herbs? Isn't that sort of the job of the medicine cat and her apprentice?))
7:44pm Sep 20 2009
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((Panda has a point there, DJ. ;3 Warriors don't do a MC's job unless the MC askes them to.)) Starsong shook his head, "No, it's ok. Ill be here, with Stripedface. If anything happens ill send an apprentice to you." He meowed. Lazy Honeypaw would need some running. And at that moment, Honeypaw came. She panted, "Ok, im ready." Starsong stared at her. She just padded from the apprentices' den to the near camp entrance, who would feel like that in such a short walk? A kittypet, that's for sure. "Jackelfur, take Honeypaw with you. Make her run thousands of miles! She needs to get used to this. Ill use Blizzardpaw to get you if we need help on anything." Blizzardpaw was faster, after all. Blizzardpaw nodded, eyes wide. "Wow... That's just..." She was speechless.
I'm Feline♥
8:12pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 1,895
" Ok. Come on Honeypaw. We have some running to get started on. " Jacklefur meowed. He padded back to his apprentice and Nutstrike. " Ok. We can go now. We're bringing Honeypaw with us though. Starsong wants her to get some exercise. " Nustrike nodded and started to pad out of camp. Prismpaw followed close behind. Nutstrike was hppy that this time, she had a much easier apprentice to work with. Lunarsight padded out of the elder's den. She needed to tell somebody about her feelings of the moment. And she needed and aprentice to de-tick her. So she padded over to Starsong and said " I just thought I should tell you, I'm feeling rather bad at the moment. Like something bad has gotten into the territory. I thought you might like to know that. Do you have an apprentice to de-tick me? If you don't have one that knows how to do it, I'll be fine with Stripedface. He doesn't even need the bile. " Stripedface smiled and said " Now to move on to finding out what things you already know. Do you know anything about fighting? Any fighting moves you know? You can tell me about the simple things to, just so I don''t reteach them to you. "

8:19pm Sep 20 2009
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Starsong nodded, "Ill do something about it tomorrow, once night falls and all apprentices are asleep. Ill take the warriors out for a search. But today is apprentice day, warriors need their strenghs now to train their apprentices, especially if there really is something bad on the territory." He meowed, then looked over to Stripedface, "Could you, um, de-tick Lunarsight please? Blizzardpaw can wait a few seconds. Blizzardpaw doesn't know how to de-tick, Im pretty sure about that."
I'm Feline♥
8:23pm Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Stripedface shrugged and padded over. he didn't mind removing ticks, even if it was an apprentices job. Suddenly, he got an idea. " Hey Blizzardpaw. Come over here. I wanna show you how to de-tick and elder. " It was a great idea in his mind. Have yetanother cat who could get rid of ticks without bile meant another cat who would never had the misfortune of accidentally tasting mouse bile. Lunarsight sat down where she was, waiting for Stripedface to de-tick her. She was actually releived that Stripedface was doing it. Most of the new apprentices here would probobly get the heads stuck in her pelt. She didn't want that to happen.
10:06pm Sep 20 2009
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Blizzardpaw grimaced, "Ticks? Yuck!" She muttered in disgust. But padded along with Stripedface into the elders' den. Her nose wrinkled as she thought of doing this.
I'm Feline♥
6:39am Sep 21 2009
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Posts: 1,895
" Well you're going to have to do it at some point and I don't want you to be so bad at it you have to use mouse bile. " Stripedface meowed. At this moment, Lunarsight began to think about how much she hated mouse bile. It made apprentices grimace and it made her pelt itch... Stripedface, seeing that Blizzardpaw was close enough to watch his technique, began to use his paw to search for some ticks. When he found one. he glanced up again to make sure she was still watching before he took a carful and obviously practiced hold on the ticks body, pulling it off of Lunarsight's pelt easily after that.
3:13pm Sep 21 2009 (last edited on 8:11pm Sep 21 2009)
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Blackpelt yawned an stared at her apprentice. "Follow me." she leaped of the rock and raced to the warriors' den. "Fallenrain?" she called. "Come on, we're ready to go!" Lilly was clamping her teeth together firmly, trying to keep all sounds for escaping. As much as she wanted to scream her brains out, she didn't want to. ~ 9I'm skipping to after she finishes kitting) Lilly's new kits hudled around her. Two were white toms, and the others were white and ginger she-cats. Snowkit, Kingkit(the white toms) and Dreamkit and Petalkit( the ginger and white she-cats).
5:26pm Sep 21 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Alice: There is already a cat in LoveClan that begins with the name Blossom. ;3 And I thought cats took the ticks out with their teeth? I read it like that in the books, I think..)) Lovestar smiled and looked down at Lilly's new kits. "They look beautiful." She purred. No matter who's the kits were, she would always be warm-hearted for kits, especialy for her own. Shiloh napped next to Xalora, now finally getting some sleep. The night had been completely restless, and he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. The food in his belly kept him warm, and that made his sleep even better.
I'm Feline♥
6:54pm Sep 21 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((That be hat I meat. Guess I didn't describe enough X3.)) Xalora continued to sleep. Her dreams were not disturbed by anything really. She just sort of dreamed that she was flying as she caught and ate birds. Wonderful dream really. Nutstrike lead the way to the nearest interesting thing known of the in the territory. The entire time she did this, Prismpaw was looking around in awe as though each and every leaf on every tree was a wonder of nature. Jacklefur smirked at what Prismpaw was doing. It was so amusing to watch a kitty pet on her first time going into the forest when she was actually being allowed to.
8:07pm Sep 21 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Did you mean, 'That is what I ment.'? It took me some time to noitce, since you wrote, 'That be hat I meat.' XD lol))
I'm Feline♥
8:16pm Sep 21 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((XD Something happened with my keyboard. I blame gravvity.))
8:28pm Sep 21 2009 (last edited on 2:18pm Sep 22 2009)
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(Lol Panda. xD I luv you. Your so funny. Anyone wanna play some of Lilly's kits? I wanna play Kingkit and Dreamkit, but the rest are free to be played.) Lilly stared at her kits. She named the white one Kingkit, because he looked exactly like his father. The same think pelt, the same shape of the head, same color of the fur. The other one, Snowkit, had shortwhite fur. She named him Snowkit because of his short white fur. She named the ginger and white she-cat Dreamkit because she looked exaclty like her sister, Dream. And petal nose was named Petalkit because of the daisy-petal shapped birthmark on her nose. The birthmark was jet black, shocking with her light colored pelt. Name: Snowkit & Kingkit /Dreamkit & Petalkit
Gender: male / female Age: Kits Clan: LoveClan Kin: Eachother, their mother, Lilly, their father, King, and their aunt, Dream. Looks:  Snowkit  Kingkit  Petalkit  Dreamkit (Can you play Fallenrain?)
8:34pm Sep 21 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Omg those pics are soo cute!! And ill play Petalkit, if you want :3 Also, what do you mean by 'Can you play Fallenrain'? At the bottom of your post,,,))
I'm Feline♥
8:36pm Sep 21 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Guess Snowkit shall be me then :3. Blizzardpaw should probobly do something. Such as watch Stripedface X3. I shall see if there is anything else I can post...))