8:40pm Sep 21 2009
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Blizzardpaw stared, "Oh. Okay. So no mouse bile?" She asked Stripedface, her gaze fixed on the dangling tick. It looked disgusting.
I'm Feline♥
8:42pm Sep 21 2009
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Omg lag stinks.
I'm Feline♥
8:42pm Sep 21 2009
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Stupid lag.
I'm Feline♥
8:48pm Sep 21 2009
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Stripedface dropped the tick on the ground, quickly crushing it was a paw before it could crawl onto any other animal. "No mouse bile will be needed if you know how to pull a tick out correctly. You won't be doing this soon though. If you pull ticks at any near time in the furture, you'll need mouse bile. Mabye today you can get a little practice if you happen to have gotten a tick in your fur somehow. " Stripedface meowed as he searched for more ticks. Lunarsight smiled and listened to the conversation. It was so great that Stripedface was teaching another cat how to pull out ticks just as good as he did.
8:52pm Sep 21 2009
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Blizzardpaw nodded. "Okay. So can I try?" She meowed. Now looking at the crunched tick in the floor, "By the way, we aren't leaving that there, right?" She knew someone would have to take out that.
I'm Feline♥
8:57pm Sep 21 2009
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" Oh course we aren't leaving it there. You get the oh so very special job of removing any crushed ticks once we're done. " Stripedface said grinning. After a bit of searching, he finally found another ticks. Lunarsight's ticks just seemed to be getting harder and harder to find for some reason. " Ok. Here's one. And remember. Don't twist. Just pull straight out from Lunarsight's pelt, otherwise the head will definatly get stuck in her skin. We wouldn't want that to happen. "
9:17pm Sep 21 2009
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((I have nothing for him to do and I have something I need to make something happen. XD something dramatic...)) Brackenpaw grumbled, it wasn't his job but he didn't protest, either. There was a bunch of overgrown leaves in front of him, and he tripped over. "Mouse dung!" he cursed, getting up and licking at the wounds that bled terribly. Brackenpaw looked around. I think cobwebs helps stop the blood. he thought, ripping some spider web off of a branch. The spider dangled in midair for a few seconds before landing on his nose. He gulped and clawed at his nose. "Get it off! Get it off!" he yelped, leaping from LoveClan to SunClan territory. He tripped over a tree root and somersaulted forward in the air. Brackenpaw landed in a heap on Loveclan terriorty, thank StarClan. Then he padded away from SunClan territory, ripping random herbs and things out of the ground. He sat down in front of a tall, pungent herb. Then he saw its roots sticking out. Brackenpaw tugged the roots out and grabbed the other herbs, bringing them back. He was fuming. Picking herbs was a medicinecat job, or at least a medicine cat apprentice job. He spat the herbs out in front of his mentor, who was sleeping and woke up coughing.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:30pm Sep 21 2009
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Blossompetal coughed and spluttered as a strong an thick cloud of herb scents overwhelmed her nose. What was the medicine cat doing?! She stepped out of the warriors den to see a normal apprentice with herbs in front of him. Why did he have herbs? Oh well. she was going hutning to avoid this smell some. Herbs were no long going be on her mind. She left the camp with a curious sister following behind. Crownedlion also looked to see what had brought that strong scent into camp. When she saw that Blossompetal was leaving camp, most likely to escape the smell, she followed. She didn't care where her sister was going so long as it was away from this scent. She also wanted to make it look sort of like she and her sister had a plan or something intstead of just leaving camp to escape a smell. Nightshadow, ho had been napping moments earlier, was woken by a strong mixture of smells. Several of which were obviously herbs that should enver be scented at the same time. He sneezed a few times and glared about, wondering what had brought that horrendous scent into camp. He was to busy wondering why a normal apprentice had done this, seeing as it wasn't hard to find the source, to see Blossompetal and Crownedlion leaving.

9:47pm Sep 21 2009
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Brackenpaw froze. He yelped. "Ahh! Don't die yet! I'll go get Starwalker! Stay!" He rushed out of the warrior's den, and lept into starwalker's den. "Silvertail is coughing! Badly!" he exclaimed, pale. Silvertail nodded and coughed more, lying on her back.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
2:20pm Sep 22 2009
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(Blackpelt is waiting for a response from Fallenrain... And cool.)
2:26pm Sep 22 2009
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Lilly poked Kingkit with her nose. He rolled over onto his sister, Dreamkit, who squeeled.
3:10pm Sep 22 2009
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Petalkit squeeled, her nose wrinkling. She still had her eyes closed. She decided that she would open them later, right now she felt sleepy and hungry. She sucked some of her mother's milk. Cinnamonpaw jumped and whirled around to see Brackenpaw, who was calling at her mentor. She widened her eyes, "She has whitecough?" She was barely made an apprentice and just by hearing 'coughing' she thought of greencough and whitecough, common sicknesses all apprentice learn. But it was impossible, no cat could get white/greencough in the ending of greenleaf! She then looked back at her mentor, "Starwalker? Let's go see Silvertail!" She was eager to know more about this sickness. Fallenrain nodded, with Thunderpaw and Twilightpaw behind. "Hunting, right? Twilightpaw told me you promised," He mewed to Blackpelt as he followed. He eyed Twilightpaw supisioucly, thinking that he might have lied to be able to hunt. Thunderpaw smiled behind, hunting sounded good... And fun! Blizzardpaw grimaced, "Oh how fun. Removing squashed ticks from the floor." She mewed sarcastically. Then she saw a tick wriggling around Lunarsight's ear. She pawed at it, "There's one!" Ewww. ((Sorry i've been writing so little. Homework/school has been occupying my brain more than I'm used to.))
I'm Feline♥
4:13pm Sep 22 2009
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" Well then grab it and pull it out. " Stripedface said simply. He himself found another tick and pulled it out quite easily. Starwalker came over to the coughing cat and said " Well I doubt it's anything serious. In fact, she hadn't coughed much really until you brought these herbs over here. I have a feeling it some sort of plant you took here. " Starwalker pawed about with theherbs that the apprentice had gathered, wondering why he had even gotten them. He had no idea what ones were safe for cats. Starwalker surpressed her own bit of coughing. She smelled something and it didn't exactly smell wonderful. After a bit of searching through the things the apprentice had brought, she found something that looked rather odd. Not wanting it in camp, since she had never seen it before and knew the pungent smell was coming from it, she took it out of camp. She was going to see if that fixed anything before checking for some sort of disease. Shinningkit finally owke up and began to run around. she wanted to find somebody to play with! So, with all certainty that this was a good idea, Shinningkit looked at the nearest kit and tackleed them playfully with a growl. It was Splashkit.

8:06pm Sep 22 2009
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Blackpelt nodded, rubbing her cheek againsts Fallenrain's. "Come on, let's go." she ran forward.
Lilly licked Petalkit's head.
8:27pm Sep 22 2009
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Silvertail's claws were out of her control, sheathing and unsheathing. "I feel weak..." she murmured, coughing a bit onto her normally nice fur. It was terribly messy and ungroomed, tossing around didn't help, either. ((Let's create an epidemic! 8D Anyone?)) Brackenpaw was sweating and shivering in fear. He toddled out of the den and collapsed in front of the fresh-kill pile. He chewed endlessly on a small chunk of mouse. Right now it was thinking time. Perhaps he had been too reckless, every time he had pas.sed by the medicine den, he had smelled some herbs. Surely those herbs were good ones. But he got angry after his fall and got reckless. Maybe it was his fault that Silvedrtail was sick?!
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:31pm Sep 22 2009
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((If you want. But Starwalker will hate you for all eternity X3))
8:35pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((XD Very true. *Gets scratch shield* If it's okay with you guys, I'll play along.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:37pm Sep 22 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Wait a second...Isn't it already bad enough that evil kittys have gone into the forest and have powers and plan on killing clan cats? ))
4:22pm Sep 23 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Bad idea for an epidemic now. Maybe after the prophecy of the elemented cats, and when Cinnamonpaw is full medicine cat and can protect SunClan. Also better when it's leafebare...))
I'm Feline♥
7:34pm Sep 23 2009
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