8:28pm Sep 23 2009
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((Lol, alice. But okay. *waits for leaf-bare*))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:29pm Sep 23 2009
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((Oh noes, LP. D:))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:30pm Sep 23 2009
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Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:32pm Sep 24 2009
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Fallenrain smiled and led the way to the Best Hunting grounds. "Why don't we start with the hunting crouch for mice, Blackpelt?" He asked. Blizzardpaw stretched her neck and grimaced as she tucked the tick between her fangs. She closed her eyes in disgust and pulled, turning her head and then spitting the tick to the ground. It fell with saliva on the ground and swarmed in it. Blizzardpaw, without opening her eyes, stretched her paw and squashed it. She sighed and opened her eyes, then looked at Stripedface, her face dull. How could he possibly be happy to repeat this more than ten times, almost every day?! Cinnamonpaw stared at Silvertail. "How, like, exactly do you feel?" She mewed, tilting her head to the side. Her eyes wide.
I'm Feline♥
7:37pm Sep 24 2009
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Stripedface soon determined that there were no more ticks and said " Well, looks like we're done here. Go ahead and take out those tick bodies so we can do something a bit more exciting. " He padded out of the elder's den and into the center of the camp.
7:56pm Sep 24 2009
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Brackenpaw rolled onto his belly, purring contentedly. He flipped over right away and trotted out, excited for no reason. ((What time of day is it? Sundown?)) Silvertail saw her apprentce stroll out. She smiled brightly, cheered by his bright mood. Then she saw a male. "Hello." she called out. ((It can be any male is SunClan. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:15pm Sep 24 2009 (last edited on 4:15pm Sep 25 2009)
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"Hmmm.... Yea, sounds like a good idea." Blackpelt murmered. "Twilightpaw. Show me your hunting crouch. How do you think your sopossed to do it? I'll correct you if you make a mistake."
Lilly looked at Lovetsar. "What do you think of my kits?" she purred.
(In two pages can I have Blackpelt find out that she's gonna have kits?)
Name: Fawnfoot / Foxfoot
Gender: female / male
Age: Elder / Elder
Clan: LoveClan / SunClan
Other: nope, nothing
Looks: Fawnfoot Foxfoot
8:28pm Sep 24 2009
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((DJ: Nope, about sunhigh. Alice: Sure. :3)) Moonfall was pas.sing by the medicine cats den until a 'hello' stopped him. He turned his head to Silvertail, "Hello. Feeling better?" Fallenrain smiled, "Yes, and you too, Thunderpaw." Twilightpaw crouched and put his belly on the ground, then kept his tail straight up high with excitment and his paws stretched out a bit more than he should. Thunderpaw, who had no idea what the hunters crouch even ment, copied Twilightpaw.
I'm Feline♥
8:30pm Sep 24 2009
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Lovestar purred, "Beautiful!" She looked down at each one, "I think Petalkit is very pretty." ((Ill make Lovestar have her kits when Blackpelt knows she is going to have kits.))
I'm Feline♥
8:31pm Sep 24 2009
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((Also, Alice, maybe you can have one of the elders in LoveClan? It's just that SunClan would have three when LveClan none.))
I'm Feline♥
8:35pm Sep 24 2009
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((Got it.)) "A little." she replied, still sore. Silvertail gave her paw a few licks, soothing the pain a bit. Brackenpaw trotted past the medicine den, feeling the need to hunt. Maybe that would cheer him up. A little black rabbit poked its head out of its den. He dropped to a hunter's crouch, barely breathing. The rabbit detected him, but it was too late. He felt it writh impatiently, and he delivered the killing bite. Brackenpaw buried it, staring at a very young fawn. Its mother clomped away as the fawn groomed herself. He licked his muzzle, crouching low and reaching the tall gra-ss. Brackenpaw moved very, very slowly. The fawn nibbled on some plants, and yawned. He lept and the fawn tried to run, but his claws were trapped in its flesh. The tiny thing wiggled and twisted, but he bit its throat and dragged it to the rabbit. Brackenpaw unearthed it and proudly brought them back to camp.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:40pm Sep 24 2009
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(Okay. Fawnfoot can be LoveClan. And I'll have Blackpelt find out she's having kits in the next page. But for now, I g2g!) Blackpelt admired Twilightpaw's hunting crouch. "Good job, but you don't want your tail sticking up like a stick. Try to flatten it against the ground. But don't actually drag it against the ground, that'll swish up leaves." she posed in a hunting crouch, and crawled foward. Then she sat up. "You see?"
2:06pm Sep 25 2009
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2:20pm Sep 25 2009
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Fallenrain, knowing that Thunderpaw had just copied, smiled. Twilightpaw gently put his tail down, then looked up at the mentors. "And don't drag your belly on the ground, that will swish the leaves too. Lift it up a little," And both apprentices lifted their bellies a bit, and Thunderpaw also gently put his tail down. "Very well!" Fallenrain purred. Moonfall smiled, then saw Brackenpaw bring the fresh-kill back to camp. " Look at what such great catch your apprentice has!" He meowed to Silvertail.
I'm Feline♥
3:00pm Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 4:13pm Sep 25 2009)
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Foxfoot glared at Blizzardpaw. He had only become an elder recently, and he had already gone through his fur for ticks. What annoyed him though was the fact that the apprentice hadn't even offered to take the ticks out of his fur. "Get me some fresh-kill!" he called after Blizzardpaw.
Owlpaw padded up to his mentor. "What do we do now? Do we get to practice battle-training?" he asked eagerly.
Blackpelt nodded happily. "Good job." she leaped up into a low tree and grabbed a few leafs. When she fell back down, she landed on her paws smoothly. She put a leaf a few fox-lengths from Twilightpaw, and another a few fox-lengths from Thunderpaw. "Now, pretend the leaves are your prey. You Clan is in desperate need of food, and this prey is big, fat, and juicy. Try to catch it using the hunting crouch. Fallenrain and I will correct you if you do anything wrong."
Kingkit tumbled over to Lovestar. He faced Lovetsar, and slowly opened his eyes. They were a startling alectric blue. He blinked them once, twice, three times. Dreamkit followed the scent of her brother. She opened her eyes soon after. Her eyes where amber, like her mother. ~
Fawnfoot padded out of the LoveClan elders' den. She padded over to the fresh-kill pile. she grabbed two plump rabbits, and dragged both of them over to the nursery. She threw one into the nursery. "Dinner's here!" she called. She knew it wasn't her job to feed the queens, but she had great respect for Lovestar. She had been a warrior when Lovetsar had been born. Anyway, she dragged the other rabbit to a sunny spot near a large oak tree. She sat in the sunny spot and ate her rabbit happily.
3:19pm Sep 25 2009
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4:05pm Sep 25 2009
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Brackenpaw trotted to the fresh-kill pile with pride. He flashed a quick grin to Silvertail before padding over to his den, probably to rest. Silvertail smiled back, and turned to Moonfall. "Extraordinary." she said simply, grinning at the pile of mouth-watering prey.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:50pm Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 6:09pm Sep 25 2009)
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Petalkit wriggled and shot her head right up. She opened one eye, then the other. Everything was enourmus, and tall and blurry and... She blinked her eyes lots of times ...Her mother, sister, brothers, and some other cat with a glowy cream fur. She looked around, blue eyes wide and scared. She looked at her mother, and felt her love for her. She tried to mew, but a ruffled sigh came out instead. She looked down at her paws, then sighed layed again on the warmth of her mother's belly. Sunset smiled, "Right. No, first you'll hear about the warrior code, then explore the territory, then tomorrow I promise battle training." She mewoed. "Okay, ready to hear about it, Owlpaw?" Twilightpaw smiled evily. His eyes blackened with energy, and he crouched immedietly, so good he looked like he'd done this lots of times. He wriggledhis rear in instinct and leaped, crumpling the leaves cought betweem his paws. Thunderpaw stared, then, trying to consentrate, flattened himself, and more slowly leaped on the leaves. If it could have been a real mouse, it could have run by Thunderpaw's slowness. Blizzardpaw rolled her eyes, and picked up the ticks with her paw and trotted outside, with her front paw curled grabbing the ticks. She opened a small hole close to camp and dug up the ticks there. She then arrived to the elders den with rabbit, clinging in her teeth that were biting hard with anger. She dropped it infront. "There!" She snapped, "Happy now?" Lovestar purred, "Thanks so much, Fawnfoot!" She called after her. She was such a warm-hearted cat, she couldn't wait for her kits to meet her. But even more exited to meet their father! ((Am I forgetting any cat to roleplay?))
I'm Feline♥
5:51pm Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 6:02pm Sep 25 2009)
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(Can Ash join the ebol rogues from the elemential prophecy? Just to terrorize cats? He wants revenge on SunClan for "taking" his sister. And I thought it was Sunpelt... not Sunset. And Fawnfoot is a female. x3 And I fixed Fawnfoot and Foxfoot's bio's, just saying.) Fawnfoot nodded, and when she finished her rabbit, she dozed off to sleep. Blackpelt nodded proudly. "Good job, Twilightpaw. But remember that your shadow can go over your prey, and they might run. Try to stalk up to it. And keep your feet light so that the piece of preycan't feel the vibrations of you padding toward it. It is also very important to stay downwind of your prey. And always remember:Give thanks to StarClan every time you catch prey. Got it?" Lilly purred. Her kit's had opened their eyes!
6:03pm Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 6:03pm Sep 25 2009)
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(I just edited my last post.)