6:04pm Sep 25 2009
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((Yup. But later, like much later when the cats seriously start attacking the clans. Then he can help them on plotting to kill, like another cat that Im thinking about joining to them too. But he'll still be a normal cat, not elemented...))
I'm Feline♥
6:06pm Sep 25 2009
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((Sorry for confusing the gender XD That happens to me like, ALOT. Anyway, Sunpelt is from LoveClan. And Sunset from SunClan, just like Owlpaw ;3))
I'm Feline♥
6:07pm Sep 25 2009
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I'm Feline♥
6:19pm Sep 25 2009
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Stripedface looked away and mumbled " Somebodies a litlte bit moody... " He looked back at Blizaardpaw and said " Well now that you've done that, come over here so we can do something that I asume you will enjoy. "
6:27pm Sep 25 2009
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Blizzardpaw hissed under her breath. She sighed, and followed Stripedface. This better be fun! She growled in her thoughts. "So, what are we doing?" She tried to sound cheerful. Twilightpaw nodded, "Got it!" Both apprentices squeaked happily. Fallenrain purred, "Wanna try on real prey now?" He asked them. Both exchanged a glanced, then looked at Blackpelt, to see if she approved.
I'm Feline♥
6:34pm Sep 25 2009
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Nutstrike and Jacklefur, after having shown their apprentices over half of the territory by now, started towards the sea to show their apprentices the sea and the beach. Nutstrike also planned on showing them a crab. " Well, first, I'm going to show you something that I do for my own ammusment that you can do if it'll make you any happier. " Stripedface said, seeing the displeasure showing somewhat in his apprentice's eyes.
6:46pm Sep 25 2009
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Blackpelt nodded. (Blackpelt'll find out she's gonna have kits soon. :) Once they get back to camp.)
7:47pm Sep 25 2009
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And so Fallenrain teaches how to hunt prey, first Thunderpaw had his first attempt at a mouse, then Twilightpaw at a squirrel. Both of them got nothing, but then Thunderpaw finally got a little mouse. Twilightpaw, after that, managed to catch another one, a bit bigger. They headed back to camp, "Well done, both of you!" He cheered at them. ((*Feels sympathy for Nutstrike*)) Blizzardpaw nodded, and blinked her thanks.
I'm Feline♥
7:55pm Sep 25 2009
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Prismpaw dragged herself along and complained often about how much her paws were hurting. She could swear they were getting heavier! She continued along after her mentor, getting gradually slower. Nutstrike began to get annoyed by Prismpaw's constant complaining. How come kitty pets complained so much?! Stripedface smiled, seeing her lighten up a little bit. He turned to a tree and ran at it, leaping up when it seemed he would hit it, bouncing off of it with his aws, and doing a flip in he air before he landed, stumbling a little and laughing. " Not my best jump but fun nonetheless! Now you try! "
8:04pm Sep 25 2009
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Blizzardpaw smiled and swished her tail back and forth. She pressed her bosom to the ground, and narrowed her eyes in concentration. She shot forward, running towards the same tree, then lifted her head and pushed backwards, attempting her flip. She flipped and landed with a thomp on the ground, dirt spraying lightly. She turned around to Stripedface and hoped happily, then grinned, "That was so much fun!!"
I'm Feline♥
8:08pm Sep 25 2009
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Blackpelt turned to face Fallenrain. "I'll be right back." she purred, giving him and affectionate lick on the cheek. She padded toward the medicine cat den. Maybe Starwalker was there. She peeked into the den. "Anyone in here?" she called. Owlpaw starred at his mentor. "What's that?" he asked.
8:26pm Sep 25 2009
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Stripedface smiled and said " See? It was all worth it wasn't it? Now just to work on your technique. Landing needs some work and then we can work on adding a few things just for the heck of it. " Stripedface looked up at a different tree that was somewhat fatter than the other, running at it and leaping, kicking off of the tree. This time he did a double twist before landing.
8:38pm Sep 25 2009
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Blacpelt decided no one was there, so she padded off toward the nursery. "Darkenedstar?" she called. "Can I talk to you?"
8:47pm Sep 25 2009
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Darkenedstar looked up at Blackpelt and meowed " Yes? " She thought all the cats were out training apprentices. Oh well.
8:49pm Sep 25 2009
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"I think I'm expecting kits." she blurted out.
8:53pm Sep 25 2009
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((Cat-trobats! :D)) Blizzardpaw's eyes shone. She balanced her rear and her pupil grew wider, darkening in excitment. She flattened her ears, and constentrated as she narrowed her eyes again. She snarled and shot froward at full speed, she pushed her back legs in a jump, and tiwsted her head to flip. She made two perfect flips, but when she landed she lost her balance and twisted her front paw as she rolled and bumped to the tree. She screeched in pain as the bone in her paw cracked. Blizzardpaw screamed and licked her paw fiercely. Fallenrain dipped his head at the apprentices, and they ran off as best friends to the fresh-kill pile, gossiping about today's hunting. Sunset looked over at them, and she noticed she hadn't made sure if Owlpaw had eaten first. "Ill explain later, ok? Join Thunderpaw and Twilightpaw on eating, then come." She smiled.
I'm Feline♥
8:54pm Sep 25 2009
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" Really? Well what in the world will we do with your apprentice? " Darkenedstar asked. Mabye accepting so many cats hadn't been her best idea. Then again, she hadn't expected so many cats to want to joina clan.
8:56pm Sep 25 2009
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" Uh oh... " Stripedface said, coming over quickly. " I knew we should have worked on landings first... Just knew it... " He muttered to himself. He didn't know how to fix a broken paw. He began to feel panic. Thanks to him, his first apprentice had broken her paw! No doubt he would get blamed and punished!
8:58pm Sep 25 2009
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"Yes really. They're going to be Fallenrain's. And about the apprentice thing, can't Starsong take over? I thought that leaders, deputies, AND warriors could have apprentices, right? And also, some of the apprentices that used to be rogues, like Owlpaw, might've already learned to hunt, and to fight. All they'd need to learn about would be the warrior code and StarClan, right? That's what happeneed to me."
9:01pm Sep 25 2009
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Blizzardpaw shut her eyes tightly, and clenched her teeth. She never expected such great pain. It pulsed in her veins, and made her panick. "Starwalker!!" She yowled in pain. She had been a kittypet, she wasn't yet prepared for pains like this one. "Help! Please!!"
I'm Feline♥