9:03pm Sep 25 2009
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" Oh whatever. I could have sworn that every cat got an apprentice but you just do what it is you want. I'm not thinking good enough this morning to discuss something this difficult. " Darkenedstar meowed, turning her eyes back to her kits. Shinningkit, seeing the kit she had pounced on didn't play with her, looks at Blackpelt. She immediatly dropped into a rather silly crouch with her tail held high and began to stalk Blackpelt's paw.
9:10pm Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 9:11pm Sep 25 2009)
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I'm Feline♥
9:10pm Sep 25 2009
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I'm Feline♥
9:10pm Sep 25 2009
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((Isn't Starwalker in Loveclan camp? Well I'll go get her somehow O3o)) Stripedface looked around nervously and said " She's not here. I'll go get her. " Without really thinking of what he was doing or even thinking o ask if he could, Stripedface was already running at full speed towards Loveclan territory and where he asumed from scent where there camp was.
9:16pm Sep 25 2009
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((That's what I ment X3)) Blizzardpaw clenched her teeth at a nearby stick, and waited for Starwalker.
I'm Feline♥
9:20pm Sep 25 2009
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Lovestar sat and stared out of the nursery. The sun was setting and shadowing over the forest in a nice twilight. She smiled and looked down at her paws, looking for something to think about. She layed on her belly and just when she was getting comfortable... She opened her mouth wide and screamed, her eyes wide and her heart throbbing. She could have sworn it was the loudest screech she'd done. She screeched and unseathed her claws to the ground, clenching her fangs tight. ((Starwalker's gonna need Cinnamonpaw O.O))
I'm Feline♥
9:23pm Sep 25 2009
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Starwalker heard a loud scream from a cat and ran over, forgeting what she had been doing. She dashed over to Lovestar wondering what in the world was going on. Stripedface continued to run, ignoring thescent marks and the pain of one pain as a thorn jammed itself in it. He had more important things to do than worry over a small thorn.
9:29pm Sep 25 2009
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Owlpaw raced away from his mentor's side. He practically flew toward training hollow. He stumbled over to Blizzardpaw. He chuckled when he found out her dilema. "We better bring you to Starwalker." he sighed. "You can lean on my shoulder." he offered. (Owlpaw likes Blizzardpaw. ;D)
9:36pm Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 9:39pm Sep 25 2009)
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Blackpelt stared at Darkenedstar with a look of disbelief in her eyes. Then the disbelief turned into rage and fury. "What do you expect me to do?!" she screeched, wanting to claw Darkenstar's ears off. "Give up my kits? What if I told you that you had to give up yours? What would you do, huh?" Splashkit squeeled and rolled right into Blackpelt's paws. He stared up at the cat he had just bumped into. Taking note of the unsheathed claws, the bristling fur, and the snarling mouth, he sreamed and ran to his mother. "Momma! That cat wants to eat me!" he cried. My OOC is in red from now on.
9:41pm Sep 25 2009
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"My kits! My kits!!" Lovestar screeched through clenched teeth. She saw Starwalker come in, and she yowled again, "What's happening!? Starwalker! I feel too much pain!!" She yowled over and over, her eyes tight shut and her claws sharping fiercely at the moss. Cinnamonpaw ran over, looking down, horrified at Lovestar. Sunpelt, exasperated, walked from here to there infront of the nursery. He was nervous. He knew Lovestar had 8 lives yet, but he just couldn't bear anymore those yowls of pain! He sighed and dropped to the ground finally, and made himself think that she would be fine... Lovestar's first kit came out, and she held her breath for the second. Two kits squirmed on the moss, both she-kits. She though that was all, until pain shot through her again. The third kit slipped out on the moss. At the moment, she felt too much pain to bear. Her eyes closed and she fell akwardly silent... Cinnamonpaw gasped, "Lovestar! No!' She mewed, her eyes spilling tears. After an uncomfortable moment, Lovestar blinked her eyes open. Cinnamonpaw sighed with relief, "Lovestar! What happened?!" For Lovestar, now the most important thing in the whole world were the three little kits squirming for milk. She started licking the only male, her heart thumping.
I'm Feline♥
9:45pm Sep 25 2009
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Blizzardpaw rolled her eyes, "Go away, Owlpaw! Before I brake your leg!" She snarled, totally not noticing. She felt rage blaze in her, but ignoring her strong emotions on Owlpaw as she just raised her body and leaned on his shoulder, feeling more comfortable than she wanted.
I'm Feline♥
9:51pm Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 9:54pm Sep 25 2009)
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Lilly had gathered up her four kits close to her with her tail. "Oh, my, they're beautiful!" Lilly gasped. Owlpaw slowly made his way to the camp. He padded toward Starsong. He didn't want to wake Darkenedstar or anything, so he dcided that the deputy would be the best cat to go to. And since Starwalker and Cinnamonpaw weren't there... "Starsong?" he called. "Blizzardpaw hurt herself!" he called frantically.
10:02pm Sep 25 2009
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Starsong stopped talking to his apprentice, and turned to Stripedface. "Bring her! Quickly, Ill check on her. Starwalker nor Cinnamonpaw's here, so we've go no choice. Ill do my best while someone brings over Starwalker," He meowed.
I'm Feline♥
10:06pm Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 6:46pm Sep 27 2009)
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10:21pm Sep 25 2009
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((Okay.)) Suneplt padded inside the nursery, curious of the silence. His eyes glittered and he quickly padded over to the kits. Lovestar was purring thanks to Lilly. "They're beautiful!" He whispered. "What are you naming them?" He asked. Lovestar thought for a moment, "You can name the little tom." She answered. There was a kit there that looked much like Sunpelt, but didn't exactly have the four colors. He had a beautiful long fur just like Lovestar's but with a black spotted pelt like Sunpelt's. It had some parts of Lovestar's creamy fur. "Pantherkit." Meowed Sunpelt. Lovestar purred her approval, "Welcome, Pantherkit."  Lovestar then looked down at her two little she-kits. They looked exactly the same, except that one had long fur also like Lovestar's, but not quiet as long as Pantherkit's, and the other short like Sunpelt's. They both had a bright orange pelt, just like the spots on Sunpelt. "This one will be Lavakit," Lovestar pointed to the long-furred.  She then licked Lavakit's head. She then decided that she kind of wanted the names to be linked, because they were almost exactly the same. She then turned her gaze to the short-furred orange kit. "And this little beauty is Volcanokit." Lovestar smiled.  Sunpelt purred in delight, looking down at each kit. "Lavakit, Volcanokit, and Pantherkit. They'll be happy to meet Lilly's kits." He meowed.
I'm Feline♥
7:54am Sep 26 2009
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"Yea! Momma, can we play wit dem?" Kingkit squeeled. "They're too young to be played with." Lilly cuffed Kingkit's ear with a gentle, sheathed paw.
11:33am Sep 26 2009
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Darkenedstar got up, glaring at Blackpelt. One was never supposed to speak to her like that. It wasn't all that secret that her anger could be a little uncontrolable at times. She stepped forward furiously, fur bristled. " If I were you, I would ever speak to my leader again like that. " Her tail lashed back and forth. She moved herself again so that if Blackpelt got any stupid ideas, her kits would be safe. She pulled any kits that were to far to be in her small safe spot into the safe spot. " I told you that I am not able to think up something at the moment! Acting like this doesn't help at all. " Now instead of just being to tired to think clearly about this cats problem, she was to furious to even consider doing it. In fact, she probobly would just ignore Blackpelt's issue now that she had acted in this way. Starwalker grabbed herbs from her den quickly and brought them to Lovestar. She smiled as she saw the kits were named and were born safely. No problems she could really see. She just needed Lovestar to eat a few herbs to make sure hse had enough milk and all seemed like it would be well. ((Stripedface was already going to get Starwalker >.>))

9:25pm Sep 26 2009
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Sunset whirled around to see the nursery, where she could hear snarls of Blackpelt and Darkenedstar. She quickly slipped inside and stood in between them, "Darkenedstar!" She meowed in disbelief. She looked at the leader. She had thought Darkenedstar would be able to control herself as a leader and resolve problems calmly. Sunset had been leader though, she understood the stress Darkenedstar might be feeling now. She then turned to Blackpelt, "You shouldn't meow to your leader like that."She told her calmly. Then turned to Darkenedstar, "With all my respect, Darkenedstar, you know how offensive she-cats take things in such moment at being pregnant."
I'm Feline♥
9:42pm Sep 26 2009
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Darkeendstar calmed down rather quickly, though she still threw angry glares at Blackpelt. " Even so, she should have not brought my kits into it. " she meowed with anger, her tail curling around her kits. Shinningkit looked at the scene with some fear. Why did everyone have to be so angry? She was scared. It was obvious by her ex pression that she would probobly never get over bad feelings felt towards Backpelt, caused by what she had said. ((Bad Blackpelt. Scarring the mind of young kitsX3.))
10:01pm Sep 26 2009
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Sunset turned to the exit, and touched her tail-tip to Blackpelt's chest, suggesting her to go out, too. She pas.sed through the exit and glanced around the camp, wondering where the hell Owlpaw would be at the moment.
I'm Feline♥