2:52pm Oct 7 2009
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2:53pm Oct 7 2009
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(*Sings for post to show up*)
2:53pm Oct 7 2009
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3:48pm Oct 7 2009
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Blizzardpaw stared as her paw was wrapped. It looked funny. "Ah. I see," Shiloh mewed. "Makes sense," He added sarcastically to himself. "Anyway," He straightened himself, "We'll take care of you now, Scar. So you may as well tell us about you. Ill tell you about me after. Now go ahead, talk." ((lol, it still looks funny XD I think you should have stayed with it... XD lol))
I'm Feline♥
4:18pm Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Darkenedstar was currently laying in the nursery, giving a very unhappy Ashkit a bath. " Mom! " Ashkit whined, " I told you! I'm already clean enough! " Ashkit squirmed and struggled for freedom, failing completely. " I'll be the judege of that. " Darkenedstar purred, continuing to groom her kit. She didn't notice Blackpelt when she entered.
4:20pm Oct 7 2009
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Xalora grumbled something under her breath, shifting in her tree bed. They weren't planning on stopping their converstation. NMot for a long time. She wondered if it would be okay for her to relocate. She was too comfortable though to want to move so she remained where she was.
5:21pm Oct 7 2009
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Posts: 2,097
Scar's ear twitched. He disliked the thought of being taken care of. But oh well, a little while with older, more powerful cats never hurt anybody. Scar lied down, and began to groom himself. The bloody gash on his eye stung badly, again.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:01pm Oct 8 2009
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"Go on." Shiloh demanded, twitching his ears at the movement sound of Xalora. Eclipsekit giggled, "For some reason, you always bathe Ashkit first/only." She mewed in amusement to her mother.
I'm Feline♥
5:45pm Oct 8 2009
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Posts: 1,895
" That's because she's always the one who needs the most cleaning. Now, it's your turn. " Darkenedstar grabbed Eclipsekit, begining to lick her just as she had done to Ashkit who had slunk away, planning on going to get dirty once more.
7:08pm Oct 8 2009
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Splashkit jumped up. "What about me!" he cried. "I'm I so unimportant that I won't be cleaned?" he wailed. Then he started jumping around the den, wailing: "Momma hates me! Momma hates me!" Blackpelt padded into the nursery, and dropped the rabbit infront of Darkenedstar. Then she padded toward the back of the den, and layed down beside the large pile of acorns. Next to the little pile were the two abandoned acorns that Eclipsekit and Splashkit had been playing with. She made herself a nest made out of moss and feathers, and then layed down. You could see that her stomach was growing bigger at a rapid pace. At this rate, her kits would be born in a few days!
4:04pm Oct 9 2009
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Darkenedstar sighed, continuing her work. Spplashkit ould get her turn. She was just busy on Eclipsekit. She could only do one at a time after all. She only had one tongue.
5:17pm Oct 9 2009
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Eclipsekit tried to push her body forward, "Mommy! Look, Blackpelt brought a present!" She squeaked, and flopped her body as a huge tongue swiped over her tiny body. "Mo-om!"
I'm Feline♥
5:33pm Oct 9 2009 (last edited on 5:33pm Oct 9 2009)
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DArkenedstar dragged Eclipsekit back into place. " We can look at the rabbit later dear. Your stomach is absolutely filthy. " She nugded Eclipsekit onot her back, licking her stomach but just a bit softer than her other places had been groomed. The stomach was a sensitive area after all.
7:51pm Oct 9 2009
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"Ok, ok." Eclipsekit sighed, and wriggled a bit. ((Waiting for DJ..))
I'm Feline♥
8:01pm Oct 9 2009
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Blackpelt nodded to Eclipsekit. Splashkit jumped up and down, waitng anxiously for his turn.
8:45am Oct 10 2009
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Darkenedstar detirmined that Eclipsekit's stomach was finally clean enough and freed the kit, dragging the excited Splashkit over and begining to lick her.
9:45am Oct 10 2009
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Eclipsekit sighed, and padded to sit next to her mommy.
I'm Feline♥
10:03am Oct 10 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Hey, guys. What should I post?)) Scar licked his paws clean, gulping down the blood. Then he cleaned the gore out of his claws, and ate it all. He saw a song thrush flutter down onto a tree limb. Scar's mouth watered greedily, and he slunk silnetly to the tree. The thrush didn't see him, luckily. Scar climbed up the tree, finally reaching the branch of the bird. It was his size, so how would he kill it? It chirped something and recieved replied, still not noticing the cat. He lept, dving for it's throat. The thrush shrieked in surprise, flapping its wings and flying off. Scar held on tight, his claws dug deep into the bird's flesh. It lifeted off, but with Scar on it, the bird couldn't fly properly. So it fell, onto Shiloh.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
10:16am Oct 10 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Mabye make a few cats go to sleep or something? It shoud be late in the rp by now I thinks...))
10:18am Oct 10 2009
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Shiloh was in his own world, thinking about how rudely Scar just ignored him. He jumped in suprise as something thumped on his back, and he rolled, and backed off to stare. It was Scar on top of a crazy thrush. Shiloh grunted and landed his paw on the thrush's head, and again as he always killed with no mercy, bit at it's throat and killed it at once, blood sputtering everywhere. He dropped the trush and pushed it over to Scar, "You are such a rebellious kit." He growled, and whipped around, padding over below the Weeping Willow. Shiloh sat down, and the word LoveClan came back to his head. Maybe he should search about in the territory. With his power of fire, he flamed around the tree to wake up Xalora which was up there. "Get up now." He murmured. He thundered the sky some bit, to make it as a warning. "Let's use our powers for something, and check this territory out!" He then looked over to Xejana, making sure she wasn't sleeping.
I'm Feline♥