3:02pm Mar 13 2009
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"i bet i am!" she said and ran to the apprentice den and quickly fell asleep.
3:04pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot flicked his ears in acknowledgement (I have no idea how to spell that) He walked out of the den, but he could see no apprentice in the clearing so he siged. Her walked over to the fresh kill pile and picked up a very fat mouse. He brought it back to Sagepelt. "Sorry, no apprentices awake, it looks."
3:14pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt raised her head when Foxfoot's voice spoke from the den entrance. She dipped her head in thanks and gobbled down the mouse. She licked her lips clean then turned back to the warrior. "I owe you for all the help tonight." She looked outside then to notice that it was late. "And ill tell Lovestar to let you sleep in tommorow since your out here helping me."
3:25pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot smiled. As he backed out of the den he saw. Lovestar. "Lovestar!" he called. "Sagepelt told me I could sleep in because I was out helping Sagepelt. I just wanted your permission, to make sure I could."
3:30pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart watched Foxfoot help his sister around and get her some fresh kill. He snarled low in his throat. No tom was allowed so close to his sister without his permission. Among other things, Shadeheaert was overly protective of his sister, excpecily since he could not protect Amber. He got up, about to confront the warrior. That was until he walked up to Lovestar. Shadeheart lay down to wait.
3:33pm Mar 13 2009
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(Can we pretend that Lovestar already gave him permission? I don't feel like waiting. ) Foxfoot turned around and saw Shadeheart glaring at him. Foxfoot cocked his head to lthe side. Then he narrowed his eyes. He slowly walked up to Shadeart.
3:35pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
(Sounds good, dont want to wait either.) Shadeheart stood up to confront Foxfoot. "Is their something wrong?" His voice was scathing, his eyes were sparkling dangerously.
3:38pm Mar 13 2009
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"No." Foxfoot answered. "Why were you glaring?"
3:41pm Mar 13 2009
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He scowled. "I saw you with my sister a while ago. You hurt her and your crowfood." He turned tword the medicine cats den and his anger was replaced with worry and love. "She's been hurt to much in the past." He quietly said the last part. He whirled back to Foxfoot. "Got it?"
3:46pm Mar 13 2009
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"I never hurt her!" he scowled, his neck fur bristling so he looked twice his size. "I just helped her into the medicine cat den, and brought her some fresh kill because there were no apprentices to get soem for her!"
3:53pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart turned his back on the warrior and said over his shoulder "I dont trust you." He stalked off to the medicine cats den. Sagepelt had witnessed the whole conversation from the den. Her heart clinched. It was her idea to join the clan. She never thought, until now, that Shadeheart wouold have perfered to stay a rouge. He did not like other cats, and would rather keep to himself. She said nothing to her brother only scooted over to let him lie down.
3:55pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot lowered his head. His tail sagged on the ground. His ears were flat against his head. He walked into the warriors den, and stared at nothing.
4:02pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
The next morning Sagepelt awoke to someone walkoing in the den and the delicious smell of fresh kill. She turned around and was disappointed. It was Starwalker. She dropped the mouse and dissapeared again. Sagepelt was hoping it was someone else. She needed to speak to Foxfoot. She quickly ate the mouse and tried to get up, and promptly feel. 'Darn it, im so stiff. How am I going to find Foxfoot now. She huffed and lay back down hoping someone would come in so she could ge them to help.
4:08pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot stayed away from the medicine cat's den the whole day. He knew that Sageheart would go as far as to hurt one of his Clanmates to protect his sister.
4:10pm Mar 13 2009
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(g2g. I'll be back in about an hour. I have to take my dogs out for a walk. Be back in about an hour.)
4:12pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt spent the whole day trying to get up and never succded. After another failed attempt she yowled in annoyance. The noise brought Shadeheart running. "What is it? Whats wrong?" His fur was fluffed up, and his claws were unshealthed. "Help me get up, now!" Suprised by her tone he helped.
4:15pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
4:59pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot was out hunting. He had brought down a large rabit. he had thought abouyt giving it to Sagepelt. The last time he had seen Sageheart was when he was on patrol, so Foxfoot thought that he wouldn't be with his sister. So, Foxfoot took the rabbit to Sagepelt. He saw her brother standing over her. Foxfoot froze. "Uh.... I brought this for Starwalker." he mewwed.
5:11pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelts head shot up. "Foxfoot! Finally, I need to speak with you." She gave a pointed look to her brother. "Would you mind to take the rabbit to Starwalker please, shes in her den in the back." Shadeheart gave her a hurt look. But tried to take the fresh kill.
5:17pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Foxfoot narrowed his eyes when Sage heart left the den. But then he turned back to Sagepelt. "The fresh kill was really meant for you." he told her. He layed down next to Sagepelt.