1:50pm Oct 11 2009
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Darkenedstar opened her own eyes to see Shiningkit starting at her let than a whisker's length from her nose. She nearly leaped back in surprise, but manage to keep herself still. She blinked sleepily, recalling her dream. It was still pretty eaarly. She she wake the others and go ahead and tell them about the profecy? Probobly. Not before she checked to make sure all of her kits were there and full. Shinningkit, definatly. Ashkit, she was there to. Splashkit, yes. And Eclipsekit. All kits were accounted for. Shiningkit, seeing his mom wake up began to squeal excitedly about her being awake. He Felt particullarly awake this morning, and awakness in a kit mean being hyper. He continued to god on about Darkenedstar waking uup happily, before spotting a small wolf spider and racing after it.
1:56pm Oct 11 2009
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I'm Feline♥
1:56pm Oct 11 2009
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I'm Feline♥
2:04pm Oct 11 2009
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((Isn't Shiningkit a she?)) Eclipsekit smiled, and jumped over next to Shiningkit. "Morning, mommy!" She squealed. ------------- Shiloh got up and stretched all four legs, smiling at his such great sleep. "Xalora!" He called, "Wake! Xejana, you too!" He kept calling. Then, preparing himself for practice, he blowed a circle of fire around him. It was short, but you could feel the hot flames. He turned wild, and turned the sky above him in abrupt thunder and lightning, then clicking it off so abrubtly. He shadowed himself with darkness, making him look like just a shadow of a rock. He turned the fire off, and very silently he creeped over Xalora using his darkness power. He knew it wouldn't work though, since powers over each other was useless.
I'm Feline♥
2:46pm Oct 11 2009
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((I'm sorry, after all the yelling of confusing the gender of Shinningkit I continued to just get more confuzled. Yes, Shinningkit is a she:S)) Darkenedstar smiled and gave each of her kits and lick on the head before meowing " I have to go tell the clan something. You can stay here for that time right? " Shinningkit nodded vigorously. " Dun worry momma! We won't leave. " Just to reinforce what she said, Shinnignkit layed down, beaming at her mother. Ashkit grumbled sleepily and shifted into a more comfortable position. Xalora woke up and leaped out of the tree, cusioning the ddrops with an upward gust f wind beneeth herself. She could tell Shiloh was trying to snek up on her and madde a rock wall come between herself and him as she smiled proudly. She had done lots of training in her sleep last night.
2:56pm Oct 11 2009
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The rock that had been thrown in between them rolled to the side. Shiloh grinned, "Our powers don't affect eachother, remember?" And with a flick of his tail, he moved over to the opposite extreme of Xalora. "Let's practice some," He purred loudly, thowing in a wall of fire between them, which soon turned to smoke without warning. It would be hard to practice like this, if powers didn't affect each other. He sighed. Then threw in a ball of fire that floated on the air, "Try to turn it off!" He called over to Xalora, and he collected all his strenght to keep the fire up even with whatever Xalora did to it.
I'm Feline♥
3:01pm Oct 11 2009
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" Kay. " Xalora first wondered if she should try fire, butremember the times where she had seen fire. Wind had help it. She would have to use dirt and stone on this one. So, she chose some particulalrly dusty dirt that would break appart when she stopped hold it together, and make it curled itself around the fire.
3:07pm Oct 11 2009
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Shiloh narrowed his eyes, and part of the fire was turning down. The dirt fell down, leaving only a smaller flame of fire. Shiloh turned it off. "Very good," He meowed, "Your turn. Ill try to destroy whatever you put in."
I'm Feline♥
3:12pm Oct 11 2009
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" Okay. " Xalaora said, putting a nicely sized rock in the air. She wondered if his powers could actually break it. They probobly woud. She just didn't know how.
3:17pm Oct 11 2009
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Shiloh was beginning to think fast. He looked up at the sky, bringing forces of the clouds, collecting energy, and he abrubtly cracked a bright lightning that shot down to the rock, pushing it down and turning it to three parted pieces. Following the lightning, a loud thunder rang through the darkened sky. With a silent click, it all swished off.
I'm Feline♥
3:29pm Oct 11 2009
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" Hm. you think those cats noticed that den was torn up yet? " Xalora asked after Shiloh was done. She was begingint o feel hugnry and planned on getting some food soon. Starwalker had spent the night in sunclan camp and was awake now. She left camp just before Darkenedstar left eh Nursery. This was unintentional of course, but still oddly timed. She made her way back to Loveclan camp and headed towards her den... Darkeendstar left the nusery with one last look at her kits. She leaped into place and yowled " All cats old neough to cats there own prey, gather for a clan meeting. " She heard mumbles and hushed meows or complaint. Nutstrike yawned wide, wondering why Darkenedstar was calling a meeting so early. She padded out of the warriors den. Lightpaqw and Crystalpaw both yawned and left the apprentice's den, going to sit where they asumed that they should. Lunarsight slowly got up and stretched, slowly padding out of the elder's den. Stripedface got up and sat down beside Nutstrike, wondering what the meeting was about. It must be important for Darkenedstar to be out sand calling it this early. Sure he had just been about to wake up anyways, but he hadn't expected this meeting. Jacklefur had already been up and trotted out of the warrior's den quickly to get to his spot in front of Darkenedstar. His fur was clean which showed he had recently groomed himself.

4:23pm Oct 11 2009
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Shiloh sighed, "Yeah, probably. We better eat fast and hide, just in case. We want the battle to be a surprise, at night." And he padded into the forest, looking for the nearest prey. Cinnamonpaw followed Starwalker behind, "Is it always so busy like this?" She mewed. She was exhausted after so many births and such. Although she didn't care much, it was just out of curiousity. Moonfall, Fallenrain, Starsong, Honeypaw, Blizzardpaw, and many more cats arrived out of each's den, gathering around Darkenedstar, with curious wide-eyes. Lovestar padded out of the nursery, planning on doing the same thing Darkenedstar was doing.
I'm Feline♥
6:52pm Oct 11 2009
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" I'm sorry to get you all out here so early, but I didn't think this could wait. I got a dream from Starclan last night. There are three evil cats here that control the elements. They are likely out there, waiting to kil any cat that wanders off alone. Form now on, I want two or more cats to go out on any sort of patrol at the same time. No more going out to hunt alone just because you're bored. You need to check with me or Starsong before leaving camp from now until this threat is gone. " Daarkenedstar paused here to see her clan's reaction. Nutstrike's eyes widened. If Darkenedstar was going to such measures, these cats must be the real deal. Horrible, bloodthirsty, rougues with no goodness left in their hearts. She instinctivly wanted them dead. Stripedface had a similar reaction to Nutstrike. Why would these evil cats come here? What good would killing cats do?
9:03pm Oct 11 2009
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Starsong nodded with his eyes closed, accepting Darkenedstar's decision. Fallenrain and Moonfall stood up, "We wont let them beat us!" They cheered. Honeypaw tilted her head to one said, "What?" She murmured to herself. "What about... LoveClan? They, know?" Sunset meowed. Blizzardpaw stared in amusment. ----- Shiloh came back to the Weeping Willow tree, and dropped his catch infront of himself. It was mouse, his favorite. It was dripping with blood, showing how rudely Shiloh must've killed it. He crunched bites of it, leaning at his kill. ------ Lovestar stood above the highrock, looking over at the waking-up camp. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around me!" She called, her eyes narrowed at the sunny day. Sunpelt, of course, was the first one to come over and sit right infront. His eyes could show that he had waken up in less than seconds ago.
I'm Feline♥
10:03am Oct 12 2009
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Blackpelt waited outside of the nursery, listening to Darkenedstar. Inside the nursery, she could hear Splashkit running around tirelessly wailing something like “Momma doesn't like me! She gonna stay away and leave us all alone!” Blackpelt's tail curled up in amusement. As Darkenedstar delivered her news, Blackpelt's jaw dropped in horror. What a bad timing to have kits! Xejana explored the forest for food. She found a mouse, and grabbed it in her jaws while it was still alive. Her jaws made a very tight cage for the mouse, so it couldn't go away. By the time it was too weak to move, Xejana laid it on the ground. She tore at its flesh while it was still living. By the time Xejana was back she had two large furry mice in her jaws (Squirrels) and one normal mouse. She dropped it by Shiloh and Xalora. Lilly stared at her kits. Kingkit was busy jumping onto Petalkits tail, and Dreamkit was sleeping next to Snowkit. Foxfoot padded out of the elders' den and listened to Darkenestar's news with his pelt bristling.
4:40pm Oct 12 2009
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Petalkit wailed, "Off! Off!" She cried, and pulled her tail towards herself. "Go play with the new kits of Lovestar!" She stumbled over to sleep next to Snowkit, where it was calm and warm. Shiloh sighed, and pushed the prey out of his way, the on Xejana had offered. "I ate already."
I'm Feline♥
5:01pm Oct 12 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((I'm back! Recap?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:28pm Oct 12 2009
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((Ssplashkit is so annoying -.- I guess Darkenedstar will have to put up with it...)) Darkenedstar started to continue now that she had seen her clan's reaction. Mostly good. That was good. " Lovestar does know about this aas well. She shared the dream with me. Now, we beleive that the two clans alone will never be able to fight off these cats. We have decided that Loveclan and Sunclan will have to work together in order to survive this. " Nutstrike felt fine with this descision. Darkenedstar was a good leader and she had talked it out with Lovestar apparently at some point. She trusted Darkenedstar to lead them through this safely. Stripedface was fine with this as well. He was rather new to the clan after all, and was friendly towards Loveclan. Lunarsight, however,still held the memories of whirlclan in her mind. A clan that Sunclan had lived beside for so long. They had forced them out of their old territory and to here. She wasn't so sure she was ready to trust Loveclan.
8:04pm Oct 12 2009
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Posts: 41
((free bump))
7:16pm Oct 13 2009
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((DJ: Read ;3 And thanks for the bump, Darky :3)) Sunset stared, sharing Lunarsight's thoughts. She just bent her head in respect, accepting the decision. One thing made her fur bristle, and it was something really not good. Love. Fighting side by side, what if now a LoveClan cat fell in love with a SunClan? Or the opposite, as it had happened to her. She hoped Darkenedstar shared her thoughts. Fallenrain smiled, imagining fighting these cats side by side with another clan, and of course, as any obvious tomcat would, imagined himself in the rain mesmerizing everyone with his battle moves killing the super powered cats with a swipe of his unseathed paw. Moonfall narrowed his eyes evily, "We'll show these cats who's got the real power!" He cheered, not caring about the LoveClan thing at all. Starsong completely approved, his heart believed in Darkenedstar more than he could imagine. ((So we're all ignoring Lovestar's command to gather around? T_T))
I'm Feline♥