7:31pm Oct 13 2009
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((Ah. I missed that X3)) Darkenedstar smiled and then heard mewls that sounded like a fight forming in the Nursery. " Well, I think that's all for now. Feel free to ask Starsong about patrols and whatnot. " She leapeddown from her seat, going to stop the commottion. Shinningkit and Ashkit were currently in a fight, rolling around on the nursery floor. Both were giving high pitched yowled as they bit at each other. Ashkit clawed Shinignkit with his small claws, scraping her tail. Shiningkit tried to leap away from Ashkit's teeth and claws, baring her teeth as she leapedback at Ashkit. The two seemed natural born fighters as theyroolled, and struggled, and fought. Darkenedstar entered the nursery and saw the two kits fighting a fight that obviously was not a play fight. She quicklysnatched them apart, holding both down with her paws. " What's this all about? " She demanded. " Ashkit bit my tail! " Shinningkit squealed trying to free herself from her mother's paw. " She's the one who's been pestering and annoying me purposly all morning! " Ashkit meowed, trying to free himself just like Shinningkit was. ((I have a feeling though two don't like each other much X3)) Fernleaf, Blossompetal, Crownedlion, Nightshadow, Warmheart, and Boarfur all came out from their various hiding spots. They sat in their regular places and waited to see what the meeting was about.

7:32pm Oct 13 2009
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7:32pm Oct 13 2009
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9:02pm Oct 13 2009
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Lovestar thought she might as well begin. "Ive recieved a sign from StarClan, with SunClan's leader. Three cats have the powers of the elements, and they want something we have. This might destroy the clans forever, and we need to fight this with SunClan. They control all elements, and eventually, someday, somewhere, and somehow, they'll show themselves, blood-thirsty, proud, who knows. But these ain't visitors, this is something this clan has never faced before." She meowed, and then sighed, looking over the group of cats. She stared, it was small. It would turn bigger with SunClan beside, but that not may be enough. Eclipsekit hid between the moss, peering over at her mother and littermates.
I'm Feline♥
8:29pm Oct 14 2009
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(Sorry, I can't post today. i'll try tomorrow. Sorry!)
2:22pm Oct 15 2009
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Fawnfoot's voice could be heard from the entrence to the elder's den. "What if it is SunClan behind this? Every cat knows that SunClan has powers."
8:27pm Oct 15 2009
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"They ain't." Lovestar replied, "I saw Darkenedstar in my dream, she was as astonished as I was. Plus, StarClan would know, and wouldn't let Darkenedstar in so they could tell me SunClan is behind this." She meowed, also trusting her own mother, and heart.
I'm Feline♥
9:13pm Oct 15 2009
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Fawnfoot sighed and rested her chin on her paws. Young cat's were so stubborn. She thought with an annoyed glance at Loevestar. SunClan might be behind this. Right? Any smart cat could see that SunClan just wanted power. Fawnfoot unsheathed her old claws. They weren't as strong as a warrior's claws, because Fawnfoot had had her claws for a long, long time. But, old or young, claws were still claws, and they could still do damage.
Blackpelt wearily krept back into the nursery, quickly flopping down in her feather- lined nest. Oh, how she wished Fallenrain was here. Splashkit's eyes were wide as her lsitened to his mother adressing the meating. For the very first time, Splashkit bristled his fur and let out a menacing snarl. All feelings of lonlieness and abandonment was gone, replaced by a sudden burst of loyalty and pride. (Splashkit's no longer going to be dramatic. But one of Blackpelt's will. ;D)
8:35pm Oct 16 2009
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Lovestar secretly rolled her eyes in her mind at Fawnfoot, not wanting anyone to notice. She could almost guess exactly what Fawnfoot must be thinking. Then, shrugging, she jumped off the highrock, and glanced around, "Anything else? Comments?" Fallenrain saw Blackpelt creep inside the nursery, making him curious to know if she was ok. He looked around, and the meeting looked over to him, so he padded inside after Blackpelt.
I'm Feline♥
8:21pm Oct 17 2009
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I'm Feline♥
4:55pm Oct 19 2009
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No one has posted for 3 days already! Is this dying?... ......
I'm Feline♥
9:22pm Oct 19 2009
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Warmheart, Fernleaf, and all the rest were mostly just thinking silently to themselves at the moment. They wondered if this was really happening, how things would end up, and plenty of other things. After all, any normal cat would be when put in such a situation.
6:20pm Oct 20 2009
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(Sorry guys. My parents grounded me, so I can't use the computer on week days. I'll be on on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, but not on the other days. I'm not sopposed to be on right now, though. I'll replay ASAP though D:)
6:29pm Oct 20 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((I'm sorry for lack of replying to. I know I've been typing elsewhere, but this rp seems to have to much for me to post at the moment. I should be back soon. As soon as all of these projects(which my teachers gave me all together at the same time -.-)I will be back with my fullposting powers!*types on essay*))
8:59pm Oct 21 2009
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((Okay, I understand. Thanks for replying. Iv'e been kind of like that too. Try to come in weekdays as much as possible, but then on weekends please do come! PS. Good luck with the homework D;)) Lovestar dipped her head, "Alright. Double up the patrols yourselves please when you can, as we must work together on this, the deputy will be busy on many other things, too." She meowed, thinking about what should be done with the walls of the dens and so. She padded inside the nursery, looking over to Lilly, "Would you take care of my kits these days?" Shiloh longed to see the sun drown into the mountains, feeling the darkness tell him that it's time to feel the flesh smoothly cut by his claws on some cat's pelt. He could almost thrist for the blood, for the power, his future pride that would eventually make him happy. But he would always want more, and he knew that himself, and that he /could/ have it all, once cutting those cats in two, blood soaking his paws for the power.
I'm Feline♥
4:36pm Oct 22 2009
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Fernleaf nodded, decided that she was going to try and get the nursery a bit safer. It could keep a few foxes and badgers out, but those cats sounded like what the nursery was now would be absolutely nothing to them. Warmheart and Boarfur, accepting their leader's descisions, wandered away in the camp to look for weaknesses in it's defenses. After all, they had to know what needed to be fixed before they started making repairs. Xalora saw an odd look on Shiloh's face. He was feeling something and she could sense it. She wondered what it was. Was it time to go try and fight those cats? She hoped to slightly. She was getting bored.
6:29pm Oct 22 2009
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Sunpelt padded over to Fernleaf and Boarfur, "I think we should start that tomorrow." He suggested, and looked over at the sundrown, to then pad back to his den. He curled up and fell asleep, thinking of Lovestar. Appearantely his mind hasn't been very creative on the thoughts this last year since he had met Lovestar. Shiloh got up with a sprint from the ground, staring at the flaming rays of sun drop down into the mountains, the dark calling him for fight. He looked over to Xalora and Xejana, "The travel from here to there will be quite slow, so we might as well start now. We will attack first the one that he had seen first the other day,(SunClan)." Shiloh meowed, "Also, I will mark how we will attack. This'll be planned. I remind you that you keep your energies high, the fight might last the whole night and day, as we did see many cats that together could be over fifty." He then starting clawing at the ground, feeling the adrenaline flare in his soul.
I'm Feline♥
7:04pm Oct 22 2009
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Warmheart and Boarfur quickly talked to each other before Warmheart meowed " We'll just check to defenses real quick. " They padded out of camp to examine it from the outside. Fernleaf nodded, letting Warmheart and Boarfur go off to do their own thing together. She went to the warriors den along with most of the other warriors and went to sleep. Xalora nodded. She let her fur bristle slightly in anticipation. She hadn't had a decent fight against real enemies in forever! She couldn't wait. Even if she had powers and was fighting against cats who she asumed were normal, she guessed that they would probobly still put up a good fight thanks to their numbers. Back in Sunclan camp, Darkenedstar blinked herself awake. She had just gotten the kits to sleep and she herself hadn't been asleep long, and noww she was getting all nervous. She decided it was nothing and that dream was just getting to her.
7:36pm Oct 22 2009
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Lovestar curled up next to her kits, now asleep. She felt nervous too, her eyes wouldn't close, just stay open alarmed. She kept taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Until finally she felt a bit weaker in sleep, and half-closed her eyes, staring at her kits. Maybe they wouldn't survive this? Shiloh narrowed his eyes and smiled evily, the wind ruffle his fur at his flank while he padded like a true warrior directed into the bushes, scrambling through the poking thorns that opened little cuts that dripped with blood. He he opened his mouth to smell clearly his way back to the place before.
I'm Feline♥
8:14pm Oct 23 2009
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Lilly nodded. "Of corse I'll take care of them, Lovestar!" she purred. "Who wouldn't? They are so adorable! But all the same, you will have to visit them always." she smiled warmly at the kits. Blackpelt stared at Fallenrain. "Do you think it's a bad time to have kits?" she asked.She was worrying, afraid that bearing kits during the time when the cats roamed the forest was a bad thing. "What if something'll happen to me? And the kits." Griffinpaw stared up at his mentor. "Can we do battle training?" he suggested. Splashkit waited for his mother's return. "We need to protect momma." he stared at his litter-mates. "If we don't, bad stuff might happeb to her. How about we follow one of the apprenticesto the training-hollow? Then we can copy their moves and learn how to fight.Then we can protect the whole Clan! Three cats against us four, how hard can it be?"