8:18pm Oct 23 2009
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(What happened to the StarClan roleplay?)
11:00pm Oct 23 2009
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Sunset chuckled, "Yeah right, in the middle of the night? What you'll do Griffinpaw is sleep. Run along, I need to rest as well." She purred and flicked her tail, then dissapeared into the den. As usual Eclipsekit, she rolled her eyes, "And then we can all be leaders and rule the forest forever." She ended sarcasticaly. She layed her head on her paws and half-closed her eyes. Before Lovestar had layed beside her kits, she had nodded a grateful thanks to Lilly.
I'm Feline♥
11:00pm Oct 23 2009
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I'm Feline♥
11:01pm Oct 23 2009
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((No one went to it for like 6 days, so I deleted it.))
I'm Feline♥
9:08am Oct 24 2009
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Posts: 1,966
(Oh. And can Fallenrain reply to what Blackpelt said?)
1:26pm Oct 24 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((Darkenedstar was already back in the nursery O_o Oh well. I'm thinking Splashkit didn't see her or something...)) Xalora silently followed Shiloh. She wondered if this was agood idea. Xejana hadn't been listening to Shilh lately, and she might end up ruining this. As far as she knew, Shiloh was the leader and she and Kejana were supposed to follow his orders.
11:27am Oct 25 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Sure can. And can Xejana do what Shiloh ordered her to? ;3)) Fallenrain thought for a moment before replying. "Ill protect you and our kits," He finally meowed, "Let me take you outside the territories near the twolegplace, find you shelter, so you have the kits there. Ill come back here and fight, and visit you for these few moons to give you fresh-kill. When the nightmare is over, ill bring you back here, the kits will probably be ready to be apprenticed by then." He looked a bit worried, but determined to protect his mate. Shiloh saw the clearing again, where the cats seemed to train for battle. He thought they must be near by now.
I'm Feline♥
5:49pm Oct 25 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((I'm back! *glomps everyone* Recap, anyone?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:26pm Oct 25 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Blackpelt shook her head. "I can't do that." she replied. "What would my clanmates think of me if I deserted them in what might be the greatest battle we may fight. And Clan comes first." she sighed.
9:45pm Oct 25 2009
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Fallenrain stared at her, what was she trying to say? He sighed, "Blackpelt, you can't do anything. You can't battle, nor anything close. Actually, nether Darkenedstar can. But one thing that might be probable, is that Darkenedstar lets you take care of her kits, even if it means taking them far away for some moons. Darkenedstar needs to battle, she has to do that for the clan, and if she agrees, your need is to take care of the clan's kits, as for the clan. Love, please understand im just trying to protect you and our kits."
I'm Feline♥
7:49pm Oct 26 2009
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Posts: 1,966
Blackpelt sughed, wondering what was right. "But if we do, we need to run it by Darkenedstar first. And if she says yes, you have to visit me ANY time you can."
10:54pm Oct 26 2009 (last edited on 11:38pm Oct 27 2009)
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((Alice- What about Xejana? Play her please~? DJ- Read!)) Fallenrain smiled, feeling the need to protect her. "Of course I will. Ill come over every free moment I have, and if I don't have any free moment, then ill ask for one, and if still, then ill send a warrior to check on you and drop some fresh-kill for the whole day." He promised in a way that seemed from the buttom of his heart. "Rest now. We'll talk more about this with Darkenedstar tomorrow, ok?"
I'm Feline♥
6:12pm Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 2,097
Scar followed Shiloh. He was excited. Would they really fight a large group of cats? Hopefully it would all be okay...
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:15pm Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Ummm.... May I join?))
6:27pm Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((No, because everyone who joins, except for Alice, Panda, and me, leaves without telling, posts in tiny paragraphs that don't really reply to anything or move on to anything, or comes rarely. It has happened just way to many times.))
I'm Feline♥
6:37pm Oct 27 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Okay....... Sheesh. I dont write in tiny paragraphs! *Poofs away*))
3:19pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 1,966
(Sorry. Homework has been killing me for the past few days. :PP) Blackpelt nodded, her eyes slowly blinkin, sleep crawling into her. Xejana spit at the ground, waiting for a chance to kill some cats. (I make short posts too though. D: I have writers block ALL the time. :O)
6:09pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((But you come almost everyday :3)) Shiloh stumbled into the camp's entrance, and looked around at the quiet and dark clearing that would soon be spilling in blood. "Xejana, attack the full grown cats first, that seem to be sleeping in that den right there." He pointed with his nose to the biggest den infront of him. He thought that if he weakened the strong ones first, then the battle would be more easily won. "Xalora, help Xejana. Ill be here for those other cats that come out alerted by the noise." He whispered at last, and narrowed his eyes for battle.
I'm Feline♥
6:14pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((I'm so excited :D PS. Try to balance the battle for a long while, we don't wan't any side to lose so quickly or abruptly. You know what I mean ;3))
I'm Feline♥
6:24pm Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((Since LoveClan isn't getting attacked, there's nothing to do with Silvertail or Brackenpaw. XD)) Scar exhaled in excitement. "Can I fight, too?" he asked, eyes glimmering. Scar braced himself, ready for a hiss, insult or "no" because he was still pretty young. Maybe there was something he could do. Scar unsheathed his claws, excited by their sharpness. He sat down and watched the camp. There would be more cats, of course. Perhaps he had skills, but it was unlikely. Or maybe some sort of cool instinct. He spaced out... Silvertail sat down to wash her paws. She looked up and saw some birds flying past. Brackenpaw walked up to his mentor. "Is everything okay?" he asked, wanting to make sure that Silvertail wasn't still sick or anything. Hopefully it wasn't whitecough. Just thinking about such things sent shivers down his spines. Silvertail grinned. "I'm alright, just a bit hungry." she replied. Brackenpaw nodded and trotted over to the fresh-kill pile. He grabbed a fat rabbit and trotted back to Silvertail. Brackenpaw split it in half and gave the larger piece to his mentor. He lied down, eating but watching her. Silvertail nodded. "Thank you" and she began to eat. There was an eerie feeling lingering inside her. She tried to ignore it, but it just wouldn't go away... Brackenpaw nodded and he looked away.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3