4:00pm Nov 10 2009 (last edited on 4:29pm Nov 10 2009)
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I'm Feline♥
4:28pm Nov 10 2009
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((Lol X3)) Shiloh pushed off the jungling cats on his pelt, and bit hard on Silvertail's leg, just before jumping over Darkenedstar on a attack, and slashed a claw on her cheek. He screamed in alarm as he felt a bite from her on his shoulder, but he ignored the pain as it wasn't truly deep, and then he demanded a bright lightning flash on the sky with a roared thunder that would distract Darkenedstar and he pushed her to the ground, struggling to keep her pinned down. Xejana looked up at the lightning in suprise, and then she raised her forces to bring down a hard rain, soaking every cats' fur and makeing in harder to move with a heavier body. But of course, only herself, Xalora, and Shiloh appeared not to be soaked. She made a few walls of ice around the fighting scene, which had now grown bigger than the camp's size, to confuse the cats with their own reflections while fighting. Fallenrain looked up in deep sadness as he saw the sun rising up... He layed in the ground, and his eyes closed, but his heart still beated. He was exhausted, and had no forces left.
I'm Feline♥
4:28pm Nov 10 2009
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I'm Feline♥
4:46pm Nov 10 2009
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((You forgots Scar. D: Oh, well.)) Scar squeaked in horror and collapsed to the muddy ground, struggling to get up. He shook his rain-looged fur, but only to get soaked again. Sailvertail shrieked in pain, and colapsed. Brackenpaw screeched, crawling over to his mentor. "Silvertail..." he sniffled, nudging her chin upwards, trying to get her up.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:58pm Nov 12 2009
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((Oh, sorry, I thoguht he was somewhere else... (Waits patiently for Pandameg*))
I'm Feline♥
5:17pm Nov 12 2009
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((Sorry. What with all the leaves around my house lately, I've got yet another packed sceduale filled with homework, cleaning, and raking. I will try to post soon. Mabye after dinner.))
5:22pm Nov 12 2009
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((Alright ;3))
I'm Feline♥
8:29pm Nov 12 2009
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Darkenedstqar only glanced at the loud noise for a split second, but apparently that was enough time for the cat to make him move. She was pinned to the ground as she began to stuggle uriously, howling and spitting with rage. How she wished her old powers worked with this one! She could turn into a shadow cat and slip right though this cats paws!. Xalora continued her own fighting, all the while slamming rocks into any nearby cats and getting mud on any others to make movement even more difficult. Starwalker went out once more, trying to get to Fallenrain. She narroly avvoided being hit by a spine snapping rock thrown by Xalora. She found that it was to dangerous to get where Fallenrain was though, and retreated.
8:33pm Nov 12 2009
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Silvertail struggled up and dug her claws into Shiloh angrily, dragging them down furiously. Brackenpaw decided to help his mentor and limped over, sinking his long fangs into Shiloh's leg.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:05pm Nov 12 2009
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Shiloh slipped a bit by Silvertail's pull, but not by the water or mud 'cause that did not affect him. By the slip, he let go of Darkenedstar and tumbled a bit, but in less than a second slammed a paw towards her. He ignore the itch of scars on him. Moonfall grabbed Fallenrain's srcuff, and thew as smoothly as he could through the mud over to Starwalker's paws. He hoped his best friend would get better. Forgetting that in less than a second, he bravely attacked Xalora over the back. Xejana charged over to Brackenpaw and Silvertail, and slashed a paw over to them and slammed them to the floor. She made the floor of only below them with smooth ice, even more slippery with the added mud by Xalora. She tried to bite Brackenpaw's neck.
I'm Feline♥
9:11pm Nov 12 2009
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Xalora felt claws dig into her back and she swung around. If she didn't manage to claw her attacker by flipping and clawing, then she would at least have gotten them knocked off. Suddenly, mind filled with battle thoughts and such, an earthquake started. Caused by her of course, even though she had no idea how she did it. DDarknedstar tried darting away te moment she was free by then a paw went back on her again and she tripped, falling to the ground before attempting to scrable back up. She only managed to keep waliking normally because her enlarged powered claws allowed her to dig through the slippery things.
8:45am Nov 13 2009
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Silvertail shrieked in pain and agony, sliding across the ground. She groaned, in pain, and barely managed to get up. Brackenpaw bit down harder, now digging his claws in as well. He, like Silvertail, dragged them down Shiloh's flesh. Silvertail clumsily limp-crawled to the cat who had attacked her. She gathered up all the energy and power she had left and yowled a battle cry. Silvertail leaped gracefully across the air, landing hard on Shiloh's back. She bit down and pulled some fur off. "YOU. WILL. PAY!!" she shrieked, furious. Her life was slowly ebbing away. Brackenpaw grinned at his mentor's determination and used all of his power in the as.sault. Silvertail was weakening, but her claws that were in too deep and her fangs that got caught in something would not let her let go. ((Never give up! Fight for your Clan! >:O))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:18pm Nov 13 2009
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Fallenrain layed dully infront of Starwalker, eyes closed and heart slow. Xejana growled as she saw the stubborness of the warriors. She pulled Silvertail off and pinned her to the ground and Brackenpaw too, with both of her large paws. She kept them down, and froze their surrounding with ice to keep them there. Shiloh was the strongest, therefore, the only who could kill their leader. If they killed the strongest cat, the rest would be easy. Shiloh ignored completely the two determined cats to kill him, although he smiled as he felt even stronger than them. His mind focused on Darkenedstar, and he tried to pin her down again. He leaped at her back and tumbled them both to the ground, he tried to not let her stand and kept his claws over her body. "We want this forest, and there's nothing to stop us!" He growled furiously at her ear, narrowing his eyes. ((You've got the spirit!))
I'm Feline♥
1:24pm Nov 14 2009
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" Nothing but us. " Darkenedstar hissed, pinned to the ground underneath Shiloh. She once more tried scrabbling out from unedr him, not able to do it at this time. Then she got an idea. A wonderful idea. She quickly shifted to his normal form. In her smaller sized form she managed to escape. A second later she shifted again and leaped at Shiloh, teeth bared and ready to kill.
1:30pm Nov 14 2009
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Fernleaf and Blossom petal helped with Xalora. They both attacked as best as they could, trying to fill the spot of fallen and exausted Sunclan cats. They were fresh wsarriors and would fight better against these cats, even if they had powers and Loveclan didn't. Crownedlion tried to get at Xejana, hissing angrily and doing her best and claw and bite, as well as avoiding getting harmed or stuck in the mud and ice. Starwalker quickly worked on any cats that struggled over to her. She patched up the wounds with impressive and none to gentle speed before working on preventing infections and pain. All the while she was trying to keep her pelt alive and grab and herbs in the vicinity. She didn't have enough to heal all the cats here at the moment. The ice wall surrounding the field made this entire thing even harder on her. She was most likely the most stressed cat out here, even though she didn't fight. Xalora continued to fight against the cats in the camp, getting tired as time p*censored*ed on. She couldn't keep using her poers constantly! With new cats arriving now, things were even harder for her. More targets to hit and more cats trying to claw her pelt off. Shegradually started to fight herway toward Shiloh. She needed to speak wih him about this before they got overpowered. What if more cats they didn't know about yet started to come?! They would end up dead! Shiningkit and Ashkit were both as far from the battle as they could get. Both were hiding and hoping they weren't seen by Shiloh, who they felt was quite intent upon killing them and their mother.

3:19pm Nov 14 2009
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"You've got to think more before talking!" Shiloh growled just before he felt Darkenedstar leap on him. He yowled in pain as he felt his cold blood ooz out his wounds. He tried to keep his balance enough to roll to his back. But this cat was his same size, and it was harder. He struggled to get off and glare at Darkenedstar with piercing amber-fire eyes. He lashed paws everywhere, trying to get Darkenedstar let go of her grip. His movements were getting slower, but still as strong. The sun was getting higher each time, and the sky was clearing with sunlight. Xejana's rain still came down, but the sun seemed to dry them fast when they came to ground. He hissed in fury. Xejana wouldn't work for anything in a sunny day like this. Xejana shared Shiloh's thoughts. She couldn't do anything. Her ice melted, and then the water dried, and so on. She flashed off all her powers, and focused on her fighting skills. One good thing, is that she had barely fought in the battle, so she still felt fresh for fighting. She grabbed down the cats that were slashing claws and fangs at Xalora, and she pinned them down and stabbed them to the ground. It was hard to keep all together though, but she bit hard on them and stood her ground. Lovestar looked over at the kits escaping the nursery, and she quickly grabbed them both by their scruffs and shoved them into the nursery. She later flashed her eyes at Xalora who was trying to interfere Shiloh's fight. This might be good... Hopefuly, right?
I'm Feline♥
3:27pm Nov 14 2009
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Xalora finally reached shiloh as Xjana took control of her foes. " Shiloh! We can't keep fighting! Xejana's powers don't work, there are to many cats, and I'm getting exausted! " She tried to help with Darkenedstar. She couldn't do much though. She was to tired to use her powers in strong enough amount to knock off the large cat. Darkenstar smiled to herself. They might be giving up. Just to try and convince Shiloh that leaving would be a good idea, she dug her claws in as deep as she could and bit his should, trying to tear with her teeth and claws. Blossompetal and Fernleaf found themselves taken from Xalora to fight with another cat. They fought against this cat, finding that she couldn't use her powers effectively aat the time. She was still hard to fight though. For some reason ,these cats was larger than normal as well as stronger. They wondered where they had come from in the first place.
7:17pm Nov 14 2009
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Shiloh growled at Darkenedstar, and kicked at her throat with his back leg, pushing her back. He standed and glared at Xalora, "Are you giving up? On all this? On your future!" He snarled. "Have you lost your taste of battle? We must keep this fight until we win! Or where else do you think we can go! There's twoleg places far beyond this, stretching out forever! This is the forest we want, the one and only we can live in a drink in the power of the freedom!" He looked around at the camp, and for the first time, everything was stopped and confused, and Shiloh was afraid. He looked down at his blood-soaked paws and waited for Xalora's reply. Xejana had pinned down the cats steadily, and was looking over Shiloh with pricked ears.
I'm Feline♥
12:28pm Nov 15 2009
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Scar was hidden in the shadows. He lept viciosly at Darkenedstar's head and bit down as deep as he could into her skull. Scar launched his claws at her eye sockets and his hind ones planted firmly into the dirt. Silvertail and Brackenpaw yowled, clawing at the ice. It began to melt, and their paws went numb. The two headbutted Shiloh.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
3:56pm Nov 15 2009
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" I don't ccare. If you won't stop fighting then I'll leave on my own. I personally don't think this forest is worth losing my life over when we could get some other place much easier. " At this, Xalora shook off any cats around her and did her best to make a hasty retreat. She stumbled quite a few times as she was scratched up quite badly from all those cats fighting her. Darkendstar felt a small and young cat claw at her head. There were four of them? She didn't recall that in the profecy, but she didn't think much of it at the moment. She was busy slamming them against a tree trunk to get them off. The thrashing of her head made it to where the cats claws were unable to do any serious harm to her eyes.