5:22pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
"Oh, im sorry. But he probably would not have left otherwise." She pressed herself aginst him and lay her head on her paws. "I noticed you stayed away from the medicine cats den all day. You diddnt take Shadehearts words to heart did you?"
5:30pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot closed his eyes. " Your brother said to me yesterday: '"I saw you with my sister a while ago. You hurt her and your crowfood.""She's been hurt to much in the past."'. He had told m,e that I'd hurt you." Foxfoot opened his eyes. "But you know I would never hurt you, right?"
5:35pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt gasped. "He said that! Im so sorry for his behavior." She glared to were her brother dissapeared."Ill talk to him." She purred and pressed her muzzle into his shoulder. "I know you'll never hurt me."
5:40pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot purred. He rasped his tongue over Shadepelt's ear, soothing her.
5:44pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
With a tired sigh she lay aginst Foxfoot, and fell asleep purring lightly. Shadeheart watched the whole scene play and his heart hurt. He felt alone, like the warrior beside his sister took away his very soul. He sprinted into the clearing, looking for one certain cat. He found her in the warriors den grooming herself. "Hey, Fernleaf? May I talk to you?"
5:49pm Mar 13 2009
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Fernleaf looked up and said"Sure."She walked over to Shadeheart and asked"What do you want to talk about?"
5:55pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
He sat down with a sigh. Head bent. "What does Sagepelt see in Foxfoot? How can she trust him? I just feel so alone. My own sister, the one who I trust with everything, wont even hardly look at me. What do I do?" Shadeheart looked at her miserably. He wanted to die. He felt so weak and hollow. Fro the first time in his life he asked. "Please help me."
6:00pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot pressed his muzzle into Sagepelts flank. "I love you Sagepelt." he whispered. He got up, though. "I'l lget you some fresh kill." he walked over to the fresh kill pile and picked up the fatest piece of fresh kill he could see. He dragged it over to were Sagepelt layed.
6:02pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((what time is it in the rp?))
6:05pm Mar 13 2009
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(i think it's like Sunhigh.) "Tigerpaw!" Oakcloud yelled. "Are you going into hibernation?! I thought you were a cat, not a dormouse. I'm going to show you the teritory. Why dn't you go ask Rockpelt if he and Echopaw can come with us?"
6:06pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
His words surprised her. She watched him walk over to the fresh kill pile. Suddenly Foxfoot changed, he was a large smoky black tom. He turned to look at her, love shining in his eyes. She looked down at her own paws they were silver. 'This is the last time mother saw my father.' Everything changed back after that back to normal. As he dropped the prey she looked up at him. "I love you to."
6:08pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot smiled and layed his tail across her flank.
6:10pm Mar 13 2009
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Tigerpaw jumped, and said "kay!" then she went into the warrior den "wake up rockplet! can Echopaw come with us?" she asked. Rockpelt slowly got up. "sure." he mumbled. Then he went to the appentice den. "wake up echopaw, we are gonna expolore the territory with tigerpaw."
6:11pm Mar 13 2009
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Echopaw shook her head, clearing the sleep from it. "Wha...? Mommy, I don't wanna... Oh. Sorry Rockpelt. I'm coming." she answered, slightly embarrassed.
6:12pm Mar 13 2009
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"I dont know.Mabye your being a little to protective.She might just be friends with Foxfoot and you trying to get inbetween them is a bit annoying.She ightgo to him to try and get away from you or just to talk tto.We wont know until you ask her.About the trust thing,we girls kind of have this sense of knowing who to trust.Its just somthing in us.Mabye if you try to see why you should trust him instead of why Sagepelt shouldn't mabye things would be a little easier."Fernleaf was giving the best advice a girl could."Just try to let them have their time together and try to accept her choice in a friend."
6:17pm Mar 13 2009
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6:20pm Mar 13 2009
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Sagepelt let out a tires sigh and fell asleep. Hoping to be able to get out tommorow. He sighed, head still down. "I see where your coming from. Maybe she would be better off without me here." He let out a frusterated scoff. "After all one of us should be liked in the clan." He walked to his nest tail down and curled up his back to every one so no one would see his moist eyes.
6:24pm Mar 13 2009
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"come on Echopaw." rockpelt said and walked out of the den. Tigerpaw ran over to oakcloud and said "rockpelt said ok, and he is comeing!"
6:25pm Mar 13 2009
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"I dint meen that she doesnt want you here.She probobly would be torn to shreds on the inside if you just disapeered one day.he might just want some she cat time.You know,time to be alone and relax.Just lean back a little bit from her.Just dont be constantly watchin over her and such and she might be a bit appier with you if she isnt happy with you already."Fernleaf was very much trying to make this clear to him.To her what she meant was perfectly clear.Aparently it wasnt to him.
6:31pm Mar 13 2009
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(brb. dinner.)