6:19pm Nov 26 2009
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"I do." Twilightpaw mewed, his voice firm and almost demanding. He half-smiled and puffed his chest with pride. Bonepaw stared at Twilightpaw, studying his movements.
I'm Feline♥
6:20pm Nov 26 2009
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I'm Feline♥
6:20pm Nov 26 2009
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I'm Feline♥
6:26pm Nov 26 2009
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((I'll post as soon as I do a few thingehs felines :3))
6:33pm Nov 26 2009
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"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name, Twilightpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Twilightshine. StarClan honors your courage and yourintelligence and we welcome you as a full warrior of Sunclan. " Darkenedstar rested her muzzle on the new warriors head before turning to Bonepaw. " Bonepaw. It's your turn. I, Darkenedstar, leader of Sunclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice . He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Bonepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life? "
3:01pm Nov 27 2009
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Twilightshine dipped his head and jumped off to let Bonepaw step aside. He purred at his brother, who, before a few minutes that seemed like a hesitate, said "I do.'' ((:3))
I'm Feline♥
4:07pm Nov 27 2009
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Brackenpaw closed his eyes, smiling. Two new warriors. He gave a silent sigh and heaved himself up to sit. Brackenpaw flashed a glance at the cat carnage behind him and turned to Bonepaw. Silvertail purred happily. She would've cheered but that wasn't necessary at the moment. Scar yawned and flopped himself onto the gras,s.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:33pm Nov 27 2009 (last edited on 7:58pm Nov 29 2009)
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((I hope this isn't too sudden! XD May I create some new chars? :3 Rogue. It unnerves me that I have so...few. o_O)) Name: Nightrain (But his real name is Echowhistle) Rank: Rogue Eye colour/pelt colour: Aqua eyes, white-gray pelt Personality: It changes alot, so I'll RP it out to prevent any confusion. Gender: Male Mate: Nope, looking. Sorta... Age: Adult Other: He used to be a Clan cat. But because he's so BAD, he lies about his name. Name: Owlsong Rank: Warrior Eye colour/pelt colour: Light green eyes, tortoiseshell pelt Personality: You'll see! Gender: Female Mate: Looking, but likes Bonetwist. Age: Young adult Other: Nope. Name: Rainwhisper Rank: Med. Cat? I noticed that Cinnamonpaw's mentor was from another Clan! If not, warrior. Eye colour/pelt colour: Light green eyes, grey tabby pelt. Personality: You shall see. She's smart, though. Gender: Female Mate: Ha! Age: Young adult Other: She used to be a rogue but knows how to fend for herself. Name: Flametouch Rank: Warrior Eye colour/pelt colour: Green eyes, orange and black pelt. Personality: *is braindead* Gender: Male Mate: *ROFLS* Age: Adult Other: He is really, really fast.    
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:53pm Nov 27 2009
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"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name, Bonepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Bonetwist. StarClan honors your inteliigence and your skill in battle and we welcome you as a full warrior of Sunclan. " Darkenedstar rested her muzzle on Bonetwist's head like she had with Twilightshine. " That is all for now. Please see me or Starsong later so that we can tell you what we want you to do today. A lot of work will have to be done if we want this camp livable again. " She left her spotand went to the nursery to check on her kits quickly before going to Starsong and discusing the dutys that cats would be having today. ((I don't remember if I roleplayed this out or not, but Jacklefur is buried now. Starwalker dun it. :3 Just so you know.))
8:47pm Nov 27 2009
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((DJ, to be honest, that is SO confusing! I can barely understand how you did the BIO... Can you separate it out please?)) Bonetwist thought his name fit in perfectly, as he was very indecive and the twist represents that. He purred with pride and then left off with Twilightshine to do some cool warrior work. ((I'm so sad for Jacklefur D: He was like the first warrior, lol...))
I'm Feline♥
8:55pm Nov 27 2009
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((Yeah...well he was gsetting sorta old. If those cats hadn't goten hmim time wouldve.... We should put a freakin memorial to him on the first post. X3 First sunclan warrior EVAH*that someone actually played some*)) Darkednstar approached Starsong. He looked exausted from the fighting that had happened, even though he had slept plenty since then. She couldn't blame him though. She was probobly just as tired. Fighting Shiloh was no easy task after all, and that's what she did for most ofthe battle! " So, who should go hunting and who should stay to help put the camp back together? " She asked him.
1:53pm Nov 29 2009
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((LOL. Totally... Ill get on it....)) "I think most apprentices should go out hunting, since they have the most energy left. Warriors can stay building up the camp, since they have more experience on how to do it." Starsong meowed, quietly and slowly getting up to his paws, feeling his bones ache. He sat down, expressionless, quietly suffering from the pain.
I'm Feline♥
2:02pm Nov 29 2009
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" Okay. I think I'll see if a few Loveclan cats can go with the apprentices to watch them since they have more energy and less injuries than the Sunclan warriors. " Darkenedstar said. She saw the pain in Starsong's eyes and silently hoped he would get to feeling better soon. She went to Lovestar to see what she thought. " Hey Lovestar. " She meowed as she approached.
7:01pm Nov 29 2009
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Lovesyat looked up from a licking bath. She put her paw down and stood up, then shook up her fur to fluff it up. She looked at Darkenedstar and dipped her head, "Yes?" Starsong gazed at Darkenedstar as she moved her lithe body towards the other leader. He sighed and looked down at his back, and licked his shoulder. He stood up again and padded towards the group of gossiping apprentices. Who should be gossiping actually, but they seemed too lazy now. "Are you up for some hunting?" And he looked at them as heads shot up to volunteer. Honeypaw smiled, "Yes please!"
I'm Feline♥
8:07pm Nov 29 2009
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((Done. :3 Now I shall make them live. *is itching to use new chars* I can edit if you are displeased. *bows* I think I'll let them be tired. XD)) Silvertail's flanks were heaving. She panted heavily, and she got up. Brackenpaw glanced at his mentor and went back to licking the blood that spilled out of a deep gash in his leg. Nightrain sat from a distance, watching the tired, hurt clan cats. He turned around, bored, and walked away to see if there was prey to hunt. Owlsong's ear twitched in happiness. She felt a purr. Owlsong cocked her head to him wistfully, wanting to follow but remained still. Rainwhisper looked around, and thought she heard something, but ignored it. There it was. A faint whoosh. She got up nervously and stared at where she thought the noise came from. Flametouch moaned quietly to himself and collapsed onto the gras,s. Nightrain shook the dirt out of his fur and saw a pair of gleaming, light green eyes. Rainwhisper's eyes narrowed as her glare practically burned the fur of the cat, whoever it was. Nightrain hissed, but ran off. He wondered who it was. "mouse dung." he spat to the one who interrupted his planned as,sault.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:27pm Nov 30 2009
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" Do you think you could spare a few cats to watch the apprentices while they go hunting? Your cats seem to have more energy than mine so I think they'll be able to keep up with my apprentices easier. " Darkenedstar meowed. Lightpaw and Prismpaw both jumped up atStarsong's words. " We wanna hunt! " They chimed in perfect timing. The biggest problem with them wanting to hunt though, was they had pretty much no clue what they were doing when it came to hunting. Mostly because they lived their lives as kitty pets until just a little while ago.
5:42pm Dec 1 2009
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((DJ: Awsome, thanks! :D Do you want me to just separate them all out and choose a clan for each?)) Lovestar smiled, "Of course." She twisted her body and looked over at the cats. "Brackenp--" She stopped, "Nevermind, too hurt. How about Crownedlion, Fernleaf, and Sunpelt? Boarfur too if you want." She glanced at the cats first, and sure enough they seemed healthier. Healthier than Brackenpaw, Silvertail, and the SunClan cats. Starsong smiled, "Alright then. All of you, gather around Lovestar and she'll tell you which cats will take you." He meowed with his best demanding voice which turned out a bit ragged. He snorted at his voice and padded away, looking over his back to make sure the apprentices did as he said. And they did, because Thunderpaw, Honeypaw, and Blizzardpaw padded over to Lovestar as they heard Darkenedstar's reply to whatever Lovestar said.
I'm Feline♥
5:51pm Dec 1 2009
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((Rainwhisker can't be medicine cat though. The thing that Cinnamonpaw's mentor is from another clan is a fact that was done on purpose, so that it can be even harder for the cats to live. PS. LoveClan has 7 Warriors, and SunClan 8. But LoveClan has many apprentices, so I think you should put Rainwhisker and Flametouch can go to LoveClan, and Owlsong to SunClan.))
I'm Feline♥
7:48pm Dec 1 2009
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((I'll go with whatever you set up because it confuzzles me. XD)) Brackenpaw gave a faint moan to acknowledge her relization. Silvertail curled her tail up and tried to fall asleep. Must be insomnia. Owlsong got up absentmindedly and a few steps towards the direction Bonetwist and Twilightshine were going. Her paws felt like they were lifted off of the ground and she felt like floating. Owlsong stopped aruptly and turned to her leader. "May I go hunting?" she asked, trying to make herself seem normal and not a cat in love. Rainwhisper smirked with satisfaction as she heard the rustle of escape whistle into her ears. She turned back to the cats who were hurt. Poor things! She would've helped, but knew nothing about such things. Flametouch yawned, and a tangy aroma hit him. He gagged and tasted the air. It was gone. Nightrain glared at the stinging, sour puddle he fell in. There was something broken and sharp sprinkled everywhere, and the puddle was bright yellow, with cubes of ice. "Twolegs!" he hissed, getting up. Nightrain shook the yellow liquid off his fur and headed for the forest again. ((Someone's dropped lemonade pitcher.))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:09pm Dec 1 2009
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Darkenedstar nodded to show she accepted Lovestar's chioce. " Well, I suppose we had better send them out now or they'll all explode or something of that sort. " She turned to the eager apprentices who had all bounded over at some point. " When you all set out, make sure you know how to hunt before you try it. If you don't know how to hunt, ask the warriors going with you how to do it. " Crownedlion, Fernleaf, and Boarfur paded over when they heard their names called. Great, Boarfur thought, I get to hang out with a ton of over excited apprentices all day. How lucky I am. Fernleaf on the other paw, was happy to go out with these apprentices in the woods and to teach them things about hunting.