8:22pm Dec 1 2009
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Owlsong couldn't help asking for no reason if she could go hunting. She just gave a grin and trotted to the forest, wondering where Bonetwist went
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8:23pm Dec 1 2009
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Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:24pm Dec 1 2009
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((New post?))
8:30pm Dec 1 2009 (last edited on 8:30pm Dec 1 2009)
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Rainwhisper walked up to a cat. "So your wounds hurt alot?" she asked, hoping that the cat would luagh and give her a happy reply like "Pshaw! Of course not!" ((Anyone? :o))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:39pm Dec 1 2009
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((Fernleaf on the other paw, that made me Lol :3)) Sunpelt followed the warriors. Lovestar nodded in agreement, "Explode, of course." She giggled, she then started padding back to her place, but before that she pas,sed beside the four cats padding out and quickly said, "I know this is a big request, since it's many apprentices you're taking out. But please try to keep them together, and don't let anyone do anything stupid." And with that she left them on their own. Sunpelt smiled, he was doing this for Lovestar. He then started padding out of the camp, and stood beside the entrance while he waited for everyone to get out first. "Where should we head to? I think Fernleaf should lead the way." He asked the warriors as he eyed the apprentices. Bonetwist chatted lazily with Twilightshine, until he heard the weird paw steps of Owlsong and then her abrupt stop. Twilightshine laughed, "I bet she likes you." He meowed to his brother and smiled. Bonetwist rolled his eyes, "Yeah right. No one here likes me. I better not fall in love, ill probably not be loved back anyway." And Twilightshine sighed, "I guess the only way for you to believe me is for her to talk to you or something," He whispered to himself.
I'm Feline♥
9:42pm Dec 1 2009
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Moonfall glared at Rainwhisker instead, "Shut up." He snorted. Then lay his head on his paw, wishing it wouldn't hurt so much.
I'm Feline♥
9:51pm Dec 1 2009
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((I put that because cats have no hands X3)) Darkenedstar watched what Lovestar did before going into the nursery. The kits must be starving by now... Shinningkit saw Darkenedstar pad into the nursery and bounded over to her, hopping over, around, and all other sorts of ways around her paws. " Mom's back! " He stomach growled and she meowed suddenly " I'm hungry! " Fernleaf thought about this for a moment before saying " I think that we should take them to the best hunting grounds around. Not sure where that is here in Sunclan territory, but I'm sure we will be able to find it. " She didn't really want to lead but didn'tthink she could screw up the leader thing to badly. Crownedlion nodded before meowing " That sounds good, but how do was keep them all together? And what are we going to do about the apprentices who dont know how to hunt yet? " Where would they take them to teach them? Would they be in a seperate group from the other hunting apprentices? So many questions... Boarfur decided he should put in his thoughts as well. " I think that we should take the apprentices who can't hunt to a clearing somewhere where somebody will teach them. I also think we should figure out how many apprentices don't know how to hunt yet. " Lightpaw and Prismpaw both watched the conversation curiously. Lightpaw didn't really understand much of it but Prismpaw was doing a pretty decent job of explaining to her what they were talking about when she got confused. ((Lol. Those two are never apart are they? X3))

5:26pm Dec 2 2009
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Sunpelt thought for a moment. Then he nodded and looked over to the apprentices. "Those of you who don't know how to hunt, gather arounf Fernleaf and she'll take you to the best place to hunt and teach you. Those who do, gather around me so me, Crownedlion, and Boarfur will hunt with you." And so the apprentices followed the instructions. Honeypaw padded over to Fernleaf, and Blizzardpaw and Thunderpaw gathered around Sunpelt. Lovestar felt the sudden need to get to her kits. Lily was there, giving them milk and attencion, but Lovestar just had to see them. Her little darlings, so so special to her. But her clan, it was all she had to take care of, and she must stay with them no matter what.
I'm Feline♥
4:07pm Dec 5 2009
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Bump Dump Lump
I'm Feline♥
4:17pm Dec 5 2009
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((Ewps. Didn't post here. Oh well...I'm guessing my rp with Xalora in it was fail because nobbody posts there anymore. Ah well, there will always be other rps...)) Fernleaf watched as some apprentices came over to ehr. This would be along day. Teaching more than one cat how to hunt at a time would be a pain... Meh, she would find a way to do it somehow. Lightpaw bounded over to Fernleaf as well as Prismpaw. The two stared up expectantly at her, as though waiting for her to tap them or something and make them instantly know how to hunt. Fernleaf turned to where she remembered the best place to hunt here waas. She flicked her tail for the apprentices she had to teach to follow her. Lightpaw and Prismpaw, of coursse, followed her excitedly.
4:56pm Dec 5 2009
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Hoenypaw padded after Prismpaw and Lightpaw. She was very excited, and almost hopped to the hunting place. "I think it's over there!" She pointed out to the right. Her paws twitched with excitment. Sunpelt went to a good hunting place, and started hunting. He catched two squirrels and started making a pile where everyone else could start too.
I'm Feline♥
5:06pm Dec 5 2009
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((Weird pawsteps? Is that an insult? XD)) Owlsong stood still, tasting the air. Rainwhisker raised her eyebrow, but didn't say anything. She sat down beside him, tired. She yawned and curled up silently. Flametouch practically leaped to Owlsong. "Hey," he began. "What's up?" He was smiling uncontrollably, his tail swishing on the dirt-y ground. Owlsong laughed. "None of your buisness." she said, shoving him away lightly. She grinned and went back to her scenting. Flametouch shrugged and bounded away. His fiery, glaeming pelt glimmered for a second before he disappeared into the dense foliage. Nightrain glared at everything he spotted. He glared at trees, monsters, squirrels, and more. Silvertail lapped gently at the blood on her fur, flowing slowly out of her slitted wounds. Her light silver tabby pelt was splattered with dark red blood. Brackenpaw edged closer to his mentor, seeking comfort from his trusted mentor. "Areyou hurt?" he asked, licking her leg wound.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:08pm Dec 5 2009
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Boarfur and Crownedlion both caught their own prey and added it to the pile. With this many cats hunting, they would have plentty in no time. Fernleaf nodded, knowing she planned on heading that way as well. She lead the cats to a nice spot to practice hunting There was some sort of two-leg ob ject that had mouse everywhere on and around it. This would be perfect. " I'm going to need you all to pay close attention to what I do and copy it. " She looked to make sure all the apprentice were watching, before dropping into a hunting crounch, tail down and paws stpping lightly. Prismpaw copied what Fernleaf did rather well, but she would need some work on moving lighttly. She could stand there lightly, but she had trouble with any moving. Lightpaw copied Fernelaf, tail held high and feet steeping rather clumsilly. ((Poor Lightpaw X3 She can never do as good as her sister.)) Fernleaf continued her hunting crouch, looking around herself to see who needed work. " Lightpaw. Tail down. Try to be lighter on your paws or you'll scare the mice away. " She meowed quietly so she wouldn't scare off the mice on her own.

11:21am Dec 6 2009
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Honeypaw stared at Fernleaf, and wondered how being crouched to the floor will catch any mouse. Wouldn't something like jumping over it at once be better? She shook her head, confused, then tried to copy whatever Fernleaf was doing. She crouched lightly to the floor, and kept her paws light and her tail down. This felt rather uncomfortable. She did it perfectly well for a few seconds before falling to her side on the ground. She spat and shook leaves off her pelt. With a annoyed sigh, she tried again. She was trying to hard on herself. Blizzardpaw and Thunderpaw arrived to the pile with six more pieces of fresh-kill. Sunpelt then joined them with two more and dropped them to the pile. It seemed enough to him. "I think we can start bringing them back to camp," He meowed, and grabbed as much as he could under his chin, over his back, and inside his mouth. He looked hilarious, but it was the only way if everone did this. Blizzardpaw clumsily copied him, and narrowed her eyes at Thunderpaw who was staring at her in amusment.
I'm Feline♥
11:23am Dec 6 2009
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((Dj, where did you read Weird Pawsteps? XD And I'm sorry about the Xalora Rp, I never saw it again after my last post O.O))
I'm Feline♥
2:07pm Dec 6 2009
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Fernleaf watched how they did it and made notes on who needed work. " Now you do this to sneak up on the mouse if it's not close enough to just kill. Once your close enough... " Fernleaf meowed, eyes targeting a little mouse nibbling on a seed. She leaped on the mouse and quickly killed it. " You pounce and kill. " Prismpaw copied what Fernleaf did, but the mouse she tried to catch had heard her approuching and darted out of the way and to safety when she leapt at it. She growled unhappily. She didn't like doing this wrong... She tried again on a new mouse, the exact thing happening again. Lightpaw tried to do what Fernleaf did, but was way off target and landed face first. She needed more practice... ((I'm bored of making Fernleaf teach them stuff. Can we skipy this?X3)) Boarfur and Crownedlion grabed as much as theycould both hold andset off to go back to camp as well.
4:55pm Dec 6 2009
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((?O, I don't know... XD Bonetwist chatted lazily with Twilightshine, until he heard the weird paw steps of Owlsong)) Nightrain turned around, and rushed back to the forest when a monster rumbled by. He crashed into Owlsong. Nightrain hissed, and scratched her shoulder. "Wha?!" she growled, turning around instinctively. Owlsong winced at the spilling blood, and slased the rogue cat. Nightrain collapsed, twitching weakly. His legs were stuck in the air, while his limp arms were curled up. Owlsong bit his hind leg, trying to get him to flee. "Leave, trespas-ser!" she yowled, eyes narrowed. Fury builded up in her as she edged closer to the cat who came outof no where. Ngihtrain hissed at her again. "NEVER!" he roared, pouncing on the female. He blocked out the sunlightn for a few seconds, and landed on Owlsong. The two skidded across the forest floor, stopping in front of Bonetwist and Twilightshine. Owlsong raked her claws across his belly.A cloud of dust rose. Nightrain mewed in pain, biting her ear, and biting down harder as she continued to atack his belly. He dug his claws into the dirt, to keep a firm grip, but the dirt was loose and he slid forward slightly, ripping her ear a bit. She hissed, but tried her best not to mind the partially severed ear with blood spurting out of it. Owlsong's claws moved as fast as lightning, back and forth, back and forth. She pressed her hind legs on his belly, and pushed them up. Owlsong was panting as she watched him soar through the air briefly. Nightrain flew off of her, landing and hitting a rock. He moaned. Nightrain trembled, scared and whimpering like a newborn kit. Owlsong trotted over, brimming with anger. Her pretty fur was bloodstained and ruffled. Her shoulder had a slash running down it, down to her pa. Nightrain's pelt was soaked with blood. He raised a weak paw, and swiped at her weakly, but missed. His limp body slid off of the rock, leaving blood. Owlsong shook the blood off of her face and shook her head. "Sorry." she murmured, pretty much silent. Her shoulder slash grew, her flesh splitting. Blood poured out. She blacked out immediately.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:50pm Dec 6 2009
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((LOL, okay um I ment like how she was padding not like a normal cat would do. X3 Panda: Yup.)) Bonetwist and Twilightshine had first stared at Owlsong in amusment, and then they had tried to get in the fight and help, but it was too late. "Fast! Take Owlsong to Starwalker- Ill take the rogue to Darkenedstar!" Twilightshine meowed demandingly and Bonetwist immedietly grabbed Owlsong by the scruff and pulled her to his side up on his back. Stumbling a few times over his own paws, he finally headed off towards the camp. "Starwalker!" He called quickly many times. Twilightshine growled at the rogue, and pushed him all the way back to camp. Sunpelt and his patrol made a neat fresh-kill pile and then a few of them stared at Bonetwist. No what?
I'm Feline♥
6:54pm Dec 6 2009
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((Really? XD Well, okay. :3)) Owlsong remained limp. Deep, deep inside, where she was not knocked out, in her heart, she thought I hear panicked voices. Is...is that Bonetwist...? And...my shoulder stings... Her ear twitched, but then she went back to being limp. Nightrain groaned, and shakily got up, staring at Twilightshine. He collapsed, but an eye (the one that wasn't pressed against the dirt) remained open. "You.." he growled. "Warrior..." he said with a ragged breath. Nightrain's head lifted slightly, but it collapsed almost immediately and his eyes were screwed shut.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:31pm Dec 6 2009
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Starwalker loked up at the cat who called her. She had just been napping to make up for her lost sleep time when she saw the injured cat. " Oh wow... " She whispered under her breath. She hadn't expected to see another cat that was this injured until those powered cats attacked the camp again. She got onto her paws quickly and padded over to see if the cat was even alive.