7:38pm Dec 6 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Bonetwist slowly dropped her to the ground, and stared down at her. She was kind of beautiful, he thought. With a sigh, he backed off and let Starwalker check up on her. "She's still alive," Bonetwist pointed out. Twilightshine sighed, then grabbed him by the scruff and pulled him all the way to camp. He dropped him infront of the nursery. "Darkenedstar? There's a half-dead intruder here I found fighting with Owlsong." He called from the entrance.
I'm Feline♥
7:39pm Dec 6 2009
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bmp dmp lmp
I'm Feline♥
7:39pm Dec 6 2009
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I'm Feline♥
2:43pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 694
((I suppose it is WAY to old to join?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
3:49pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 2,097
Owlsong gave a soft moan, and her ear twitched again. Her flanks heaved, and fell. She got up shakily, and stared at them, her eyes looking fogged up. Owlsong cocked hr head to the ground and coughed, revealing somewhat bloody teeth. Her legs trembled as she gingerly picked one up, hoping she was still mobile. It was like a wisp of her life left her for a brief moment. Owlsong's eyes cleared up and glimmered as usual, she shook the blood off of her head and said to Bonetwist, "Thanks." Nightrain hissed, yowling with rage. He went limp almost immediately. Unfortunately for him, he uttered a quiet name. "Echowhistle..." Nightrain's clouded eyes opened halfway, but shut after a second. Scar turned to Shiloh after scribbling in the dirt. "What are we doing later?" he meowed. Scar's silver tabby pelt ruffled in the wind. His silvery blue eyes glittered with a hint of hope. You could tell that he wanted to kill. ((Ooooh, maybe one of the more trusted, good warriors should be Scar's DAD! :o Or maybe Nightrain! *waves fingers*))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:00pm Dec 7 2009 (last edited on 6:03pm Dec 7 2009)
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Posts: 2,220
((Go ahead, if you are semi-literate. Make your own BIO including general info and picture. You can make as much cats as you like, but all must be clan cats and Ill choose in which clan they'll be in when you have made your cats. Right now, both clans are in SunClan camp resting after a really epicbattle against some cats. So when you start Rping, the cats are currently all injured. PS. LoveClan are padding back to their clan right now.)) Shiloh looked down at his kit with pride, "Kill. Kill. Kill." He meowed, and he sat down, feeling his legs ache a bit. "Ive teached you to hunt pretty much enough. Bring me two of the fluffy mice, one normal mouse, and one of the flying creatures. Let's see if you can do that by yourself now. If you do, then from now on you will be known as you can hunt independently and well." Shiloh patted at the ground and layed his front body there, and looked straight at Scar to know if he agreed. Lovestar stood up and looked that now SunClan had to be alone with their own business, so she looked over at her resting clan below the shadows of trees. "All LoveClan cats! We must leave now." She padded around them and pushed them up to wake up. "Come on, wake." She purred and slowly woke them all up, and brought attencion to those who were not sleeping. "Fernleaf, Boarfur, Sunpelt, all of you. If you haven't eaten yet, then take a piece of fresh-kill with you to LoveClan camp." And at once Sunpelt bounded over to Lovestar. He always seem so obsessed with her. They already were mates, had beautiful kits, were in the same clan, and still he could not stop the obsession. Lovestar smiled, and then started padding out of the camp, her clan padding behind her. ...Bonetwist was actually falling in love with Owlsong...
I'm Feline♥
6:10pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 694
Name: Lionpaw Gender: Female Age: 6 Moons Clan/Rouge/Kittypet: Clan Apprentice Mate/Crush: None right now
Appearance: Green eyes, Orangeish fur with white face and underbelly Has a very long tail and good hearing Kind of like this  Personality: Energetic, smart, has a slight temper, caring, kind, loyal, brave, very curious of everything she sees, talkative
Gender: Male Age: 6 Moons Clan/Rouge/Kittypet: Clan Apprentice Mate/Crush: None Appearence: Like his sister, but instead of ginger fur, it is blue-grey with white Personality: Thoughtful, smart, loyal, gentle, a bit quiet, optimistic
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
6:11pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 694
Name: Thunderstrike or Stripeclaw Gender: Male Age: 17 Moons Clan/Rouge/Kittypet: Clan Rank: Warrior Mate/Crush: None
Appearance: With a white star on his neck/chest Personality: Reserved (only to cats he dosent know), loyal, fierce when needed but gentle otherwise, brave, smart Other: A large cat, very good sense of smell
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
6:15pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 2,220
Sunset sat beside Nightrain and Twilightshine infront of the nursery. She had something to say too. In that moment, Starsong arrived from behind her. "Don't you all stand here like your life depended on it. Twilightshine, keep him prisoner then. You knew that. Sunset, what's wrong?" And Sunset took a moment before saying, "I want to move to the Elder's den. I can't do anymore warrior duties... I've sleeped almost all day today... I'm sorry." She meowed, head down. Starsong nodded, "It's not your fault. You've served the clan very well all your life, Sunset. Been the leader of this clan once, trained many apprentices, and you brought Darkenedstar here and me too, when you called me when Darkenedstar was having trouble. She pas,sed through it alone anyway. Join Lunarsight, she'll be happy to see you." And with that, he left, and made sure the clan was moving back to life again. He even took many pieces of fresh-kill into the medicine cat den and dropped it there for the injured cats to eat.
I'm Feline♥
6:20pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((What's the name of the second cat in your first post?))
I'm Feline♥
6:20pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 694
((Oops, lol. His name is Stormpaw))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
6:25pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Okay, lol. Lionpaw and Stormpaw go to LoveClan. Crownedlion will be Lionpaw's mentor, and Flametouch will be Stormpaw's mentor. Stripeclaw will be Warrior of SunClan, and that means you can choose one smiple power for him.))
I'm Feline♥
6:28pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 694
Name: Morningflower Gender:Female
Age:14 Moons
Rank: Queen Personality: Sweet but very fierce to protect her kits, loyal, clever
History (optional): Her mate was killed by a rouge cat, has a bit of a grudge against them
Mate/Crush: Dead (look above)
 Name: Moonkit Gender: Male Clan/Rouge/Kittypet: Clan Rank: Kit Personality: Loves his mother, a bit ambitious but loyal to his clan, smart, can be sarcastic, impatient, but kind and loving also History: (look at mothers) Mate/Crush: None Appearence:  Name: Emberkit Gender: Female Clan/Rouge/Kittypet: Clan Rank: Kit Pers onality: You'll see
History: (look at mothers) Mate/Crush: None Name: Rainkit Gender: Male Clan/Rouge/Kittypet: Clan Rank: Kit Personality: You'll se History: (look at mothers) Mate/Crush: None
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
6:29pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 694
((LoveClan doesent have powers, bu SunClan does??))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
6:30pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Yup. But nothing extreme like flying.))
I'm Feline♥
6:32pm Dec 7 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 694
((Wouldnt that make them too powerful? And can you please give me some examples of powers that other cats have if you dont mind?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
6:37pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((No, because LoveClan last longer on battles. Plus, it's just a simple power that they don't use ALL the time. Usually only in battles. And apprentices and ktis don't have powers until they turn into a Warrior. Here are some examples: Darkenedstar can double her size. Nutstrike can bite harder than usual which kills quicklier. Fallenrain can make some flame with his body. Starsong has speed. Oh, and Morningflower and her kits go to LoveClan.))
I'm Feline♥
6:42pm Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 694
((Okay then, can Stripeclaw be able to make his fur (all except his belly fur) be able to turn into thorns or iron or something that is hard to bite? No, Im not sure I like that. Can I think for a bit?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
4:13pm Dec 8 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Fernleaf and Boarfur grabed some fresh kill, as did Warmheart(a chara I haven't been remembering to use) and they followed their leader. Fernleaf could hardly wait to dig into her fresh kill. She hadn't eaten in a while and her hunger certainly hadn't gone away while she was teaching those apprentices how to hunt. Lightpaw and Prismpaw both collapsed in what was left of the apprentices den. Lightpaw ached from trying to hunt right and hitting her head so many times. She doubted that Prismpaw felt much ebtter, even though her sister had done better than her. It seemed that going from their kitty pet life to this wasn't all that good. Prismpaw was collapsed next to her sister, leg hurting more than any other part of her from trying to be moved right and silently. Mabye joining a clan hadn't been her best idea ever... Stripedface streched and yawned, immediatly regreting doing so for the next few moments. Streching had made his mucsled painfully snap back into awakness after being mostly motionless all day. He lay back down and began to groom himself when a fat drop of water slapped onto his nose. Great it was going to rain soon... Just what he needed. So, after being out of the shade for just a few moments, Stripedface retreated to a nice dry spot that would keep water off of him.

7:28pm Dec 8 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((LOL, okay. You do that.)) Moonfall noticed the sky getting darker too. Rain. Again. But why? Why had the world to be so cruel? Hadn't they had enough? There wasn't much shelter, and if a cat got whitecough, or even worse, greencough.... He shivered and quickly moved over to where Stripedface was settling and layed there with him. By the time it has started truly raining, the LoveClan cats had reached LoveClan camp and were all cuddling in their warm dens. It had been a long time since they hadn't felt the warmth of their own camp... Lovestar smiled and rolled her back against her mossbed. Sunpelt joined her and they shared tongues for a while, just before falling asleep. The clan needed rest, that was for sure. And Lovestar made sure her kits were all fed up and with her again. Their precious kits.... Pantherkit, Lavakit, and Volcanokit. Lovestar would never leave their sides, exposed to the cold all alone...
I'm Feline♥