7:45pm Dec 8 2009
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Darkenedstar looked around in the nursery. Even with queens and kits filling some of the space, she decided that a few more cats could shelter here. She padded to the entrance, carful not to wake her sleeping ktis, and meowed " If anybody needs a dry place to sleep, there is some room in the nursery. " She padded back and curled up around her kits so they wouldn't get to cold. Starwalker had remained at Sunclan camp. The cats who were the worst off were here at the moment, so she ended up needing to stay. She was in the Medicine Cat's den, moving around from cat to cat to make sure that their wounds didn't hurt them to much and to see if they needed something to help them sleep. the normal stuff to do with injured cats. Nutstrike was in the Medicine cat's den at the moment. Her head hurt a lot from the battle still. She was glad to be in the warmth and dryness of the Medicine Cat's den. She fluffed her fur up to fight off any cold that the rain would bring and she snuggled deeper into the moss she was laying on. Shinningkit, due to her small size, was more affected by the cold than the other ckits and gladly covered herself in as much of her mother's fur as possible. Lightpaw and Prismpaw began to fall asleep and slept closly facing one another to share their warmth, Their legs were a tangled knot of limbs and paws. ((My cats do the sma ething that Prismpaw and Lightpaw are doing. X3))

7:50pm Dec 8 2009
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Posts: 1,895
((eurg....Post be gone..))
7:50pm Dec 8 2009
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8:46pm Dec 8 2009
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((Please make Starwalker put some attencion to Cinnamonpaw. She's her apprentice, c'mon, she gets ignored even when trying to help. This is the second time I say this...)) Starsong and Fallenrain exchanged a glance just before deciding to head into the nursery, and obviously Starsong cuddled between his kits and his mate. Fallenrain felt a bit of loneliness as his fast decision was to curl up in the corner. The rain started pouring down from the sky, making soothing drop sounds. Atleast there was no thunder... Cinnamonpaw was hiding below a tree, confused. She was all alone, she hadn't noticed LoveClan had left and she was with no one that could actually tell her what she should do. The rain was making her colder everytime, and she missed the warmth of her own clan. She wished she hadn't chosen medicine cat if it really ment she had to pas,s through this.... To her, it wasn't very much worth it. Sunset entered the Elder's den. half-wet. "Lunarsight?" She called and narrowed her eyes to focus in the darkness. "I'm joining the Elders Den..."
I'm Feline♥
1:01pm Dec 9 2009
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Posts: 694
((Feline, this seemed the only way I could make them not have taken part in the battle. I hope its okay. )) Lionpaw awoke suddenly. Looking around wildley for a moment, she then remembered where seh was. It was the day after teh battle, and she was going to be made an apprentice! She was so excited. She woke up her brother Stormpaw with a prod and a nudge. He got up, and yawned. Lionpaw stretched and said, "I cant wait to become an apprentice! Who do you think our mentors will be?" The talked and talked, and then padded out into the clearing together.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
4:01pm Dec 9 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((It's perfect, but the day hasn't begun yet. It's still night, because there are still a few things to do before daylight.))
I'm Feline♥
4:09pm Dec 9 2009
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Starwalker was just getting ready to lay down and get some sleep, when she began to wonder where Cnnamonpaw had gone. She had been so busy all day, she had forgotten about her own apprentice! She hoped that Cinnamonpaw was in the camp, even though she knew that her apprentice wasn't. She decided that she had to go out and find where Cinnamonpaw had gone before she went to sleep. So, quite unhappily, Starwalker got up and left her den to go out into the wetness and muck and search for the missing apprentice. She left camp without telling Darkenedstar or Starwalker, beccause she didn't want to them to get all the cats up and out into this weather just for her apprentice. She was sure she could find Cinnamonpaw anyways. Starwalker wandered for a little bit, scattering about everywhere to find the scent of her apprentice. finding one's apprentice's scent sound easy, but in this weather, the only goings were slow and miserable. She eventually found the right smell though and began to follow it so she could find Cinnamonpaw. She had a bad feeling about thisentire trip. Not just from all the water and mud, but from something else she just couldn't put her paw on.

5:42pm Dec 9 2009
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Cinnamonpaw couldn't identify the pawsteps she could here padding towards her. So, she raised her back from behind the bushes and snarled as loud as she could, making screaming fierce sounds. She was very scared, and if it was danger she should scare it away now before it could see her. She tried to back up deeper into the bushes, but the branched were starting to poke blood out of her skin. Her fur began to bristle, although it was hard now that she was completely soaked up with cold-freezing water.
I'm Feline♥
6:15pm Dec 9 2009
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Starwalker heard the growl, and was a little bit taken back by it, before deciding it would be better if she came closer to find out who was making the growl. She knew it was a cat but she couldn't identify it. After a few tense seconds of inching closer quietly, she saw the cat who had made the sound. It was a very scared and roughed up cat. She barely recognized them as her apprentice. " Cinnamonpaw? Are you okay? " She asked. She hoped that the cat didn't get hypothermia.
7:34pm Dec 9 2009
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Cinnamonpaw's fur relaxed a bit, and she looked closer to Starwalker. "Y-yes...?" She mumbled and went out of her hiding spot, looking up at her mentor with huge innocent eyes. "Both clans left me!" She started to freak out, looking around at the dull forest, her paws trembling- Barely could keep her up. "Where were you?! I don't know what to do!" She just blurted out the words, and then shivered.
I'm Feline♥
8:40pm Dec 9 2009 (last edited on 3:44pm Dec 14 2009)
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Posts: 2,097
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:21pm Dec 9 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((Ahh! DJ, don't you read the posts? It's RAINING at NIGHT. It is not daylight yet! All that cannot happen! Seriously, nether of your two last posts happened. Now wait until it is daytime, ok??? It might look like I wrote that by accident, but I didn't.))
I'm Feline♥
9:22pm Dec 9 2009
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Posts: 2,220
((When it's daytime then you can copy-paste that and post both of your two last posts again.))
I'm Feline♥
4:17pm Dec 10 2009
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Starwalker stepped closer to her apprentice and gave Cinnamonpaw a conforting lick. " I'm sorry. I was so busy caring for all the different cats, I conpletely forgot to watch you and make sure you were okay. Let's get you back to Sunclan camp before you get to hypothermic. " She hoped her apprentice wouldn't get off to badly after this. She didn't think their were many other cats coming to apprentice age who would want to be a medicine cat or would even have the skill for it. She knew thought, that any cat so roughed up, scared, and wet would almost surely get sick. She could only pray to Starclan it wouldn't happen though. She had enough stress at the moment anyways.
4:12pm Dec 11 2009
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Cinnamonpaw rubbed her head against Starwalker's flank, and then replied, "O-ok, w-where is th-the way?" She tried to balance herself, but her paws were still trembling. She tried to hide her fear and waited for Starwalker to lead way. Starspng started wonder where Starwalker was, but then he decided to not bother, medicine cats always seemed to know what they're doing. He looked once more outside the den, and then dipped his head inside the shadows of the den and chose a place to sleep on.
I'm Feline♥
4:52pm Dec 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Starwalker thanked Starclan silently as the rain began to lighten up. It was on more a downpour but more of a light shower. It would have been nicer for the rain to stop completely, buut no longer having it pounding her nose off was still an imporovment. " you don't need to think about that right now. just try to avoid stepping in to much mud and getting thorns in your paws. I'll lead you there. " Starwalker herself was shiveringby now. It wasn't often she went out into a storm for such a long period of time and she felt cold, tired, and hungry. She hoped that the way back would be faster than the way here.
5:46pm Dec 11 2009
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Cinnamonpaw clumsily followed Starwalker, her paws tripping over sticks and stones, her eyes looking down and trying to keep her focus. She slipped once, but did not fall. She was starting to feel hungry, and the way back to camp was like forever. She saw a blurry image of the camp entrance, and her paws starting moving faster.
I'm Feline♥
5:58pm Dec 11 2009
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Posts: 2,097
((I'll have to kepp it there for now, though. XD)) Nightrain yanwed, but was still brimming with anger. He collapsed on the ground tired, and fell asleep immediately. The blood on his pelt washed off, well, at least some. Raindrops touched his cheeks silently. Scar curled up, under a tree, tail wapped around his body, and fell asleep without even replyign to Shiloh. His last, murmured words were, "Mouse..." A drop of saliva touched the gras-s. Owlsong's fur was wet and matted against her skin.She shook off as much water as possible and she gave Bonetwist a weak yet grateful smile. Owlsong's legs trembled, but would not allow her to take even a pawstep ahead, so she curled up on the spot, trying her best not to complain. Rainwhisper got up from her nap, and relized that it was night, and raining! "So soon." she said, in a daze. Her whiskers twitched as she practically dragged her water-soaked body to a dry place. She had no strength right after sleeping, but managed to move a few foxlengths under a tree. She didn't even bother trying to figure out where the others went. Flametouch's pelt seemed to glow in the rainy darkness. He shook his pelt a bit, and wondered where his friends went. Even though he got a bit worried, he scooched to a dry place but continued to think about them, not even trying to sleep. Silvertail and Brackenpaw lay limp where they were, letting their fur catch and absorb raindrops. Their flanks heaved as they panted heavily, wishing they were at least mobile. The two curled up beside each other weakly and fell asleep.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:20pm Dec 11 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Starwalker lead her apprentice into camp and straight into her den, which appeared to be lettng a few drops of rain through here and ther. She would have to fx that later... First though, she had an apprentice to care for. She chose a spot for Cinnamonpaw to lay down and immedatly began to clean her in a fasion almost like how a queen would clean a wet kit. She knew that her apprentice needed to be dry and clean so she could get warm again. As she licked, she used her tail to brush a little bit of moos closer.
3:02pm Dec 14 2009
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Posts: 694
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D