3:42pm Dec 14 2009
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Cinnamonpaw helped Starwalker, and licked all of her body, especially on her belly. Her head was starting to droop, and soon she fell asleep and starting snoring in a quiet rythmic sound. Her fur was still wet, but not as soaked as it had been first. She sneezed in her sleep. The rain stopped slowly, and by the time of dawn it had stopped completely. There was a light fog on the forest, and it felt humid and muddy. When the sun came out completely out of the mountains, the fog was clearing out and the shine was sparkling on the little ponds, making colorful rainbows along the camp and outside. Lovestar licked Pantherkit's head, and then padded out of the nursery, breathing in the light morning air. She smiled and padded towards Sunpelt. But of course, before she could get to him, he padded quickly towards her and grinned, "Good morning!" And Lovestar sat down, but then quickly sat up again as she noticed the ground was very wet beneath her. She ignored the cold and looked again at Sunpelt, "Can you lead out a hunting patrol? Check the borders in the way." And immedietly Sunpelt nodded and padded off to the Warriors den. "Warmheart, Crowenedlion, and Blossomfur. Up for a hunting patrol?" On SunClan, Sunset got up and shivered as her flank touched the cold air after being all night warm on the moss. She wondered outside a bit, wondering if her kit was ok. She felt a bit sorry that Bonetwist and Twilightshine, her two male kits, got to be named before Cinnamonpaw. And if Starwalker was being nice to her... She probably was. Cinnamonpaw slept almost the whole morning, and on the moss, which was now soaked by the water that dropped from her fur.
I'm Feline♥
3:42pm Dec 14 2009
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I'm Feline♥
3:43pm Dec 14 2009
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I'm Feline♥
3:48pm Dec 14 2009
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((New, twisty idea! :D Maybe Owlsong's love for Bonetwist can fade away and she can start liking Twilightshine! So sad. But I'm like that. XD)) Owlsong stared weakly- and pretty much blankly - at Bonetwist, giving him a silent, grateful smile. Her ears twitched, and she got up, shakily, and trotted away. As soon as she was out of earshot, she whispered to herself, "I thought I heard something here...?" She looked around, but all there was were the forest trees, a couple of rustles underground, and a squeak of a mouse not too far away. Owlsong smelled it, barely a second before hearing it. The mouse, she imagined, was a brownish-grey colour, with a long, twirly tail. She grinned at her thoughts and went off quietly. She looked around, and spotted it. Her mouth watered and she stepped forward, carefully avoiding leaves. Two seconds later, she emerged from behind the log with a mouse in mouth. Nightrain had a scar rolling down his left eye. He couldn't open the injured eye without it bleeding or at least squirting out a drop or two of blood, along with a sting. "Prisoner!" he hissed weakly, but obviously angrily, "Never"! A fog seemed to envelop his eyes as he collapsed on the ground, opening his left eye halfway and closing his right eye halfway. They were cloudy and made him aseem like he was about to join starClan or something, but the black cat snapped back to life almost immediately. He growled, and went back to the cloudy-eyed absentminded state. It was like his crammed-away-thoughts mind was going all "GUILT TRIP! Bah ha ha!" Nightrain's eyes clouded up even more. "Echowhistle..." he moaned, his head falling onto the ground, followed by the rest of him. Inside, he knew that he uttered the "killer's" name, but he couldn't help it. Rainwhisper got up, stretched as she yawned and looked around. She had been asleep for...a while, indeed. She felt a hollow tingle sweep through her body. Rainwhisper clumsily got herself up into a proper standing position and rushed away, wondering where Loveclan went. For like, two minutes, she was curled up beside...who was it? Moonfall. Her heart raced as she thought about him, but her thoughts floated to her fat problem and she skidded to a halt, her paws collecting a clump of dirt, old roots and damp leaves. She sniffed the ground... And smelled cats, but most of the scents were washed away by the rain. However, she would be able to track them down easily. Flametouch was calmly going with Loveclan back to camp. His whiskers twitched and, suddenly, fear scent practically stuffed itself into his nostrils. He rolled his eyes and, turning around, went back to find the cat who hadn't noticed their leaving. He smelled an after-the-rain-smell-in-a-flowery-meadow kind of scent. "Rainwhisper." he said with a sigh. He saw her, sniffing the ground like a tracker. "Hey," he said, tail pointed to where the others had gone. "This way." Flametouch added as he led the grateful she-cat back to reality. He gave an inward sigh, "Squirrel." the kit pressed, trying to burn it into Shiloh's brain. "And bird." Scar, eventually, nodded to Shiloh and trotted off. He stalked a fat mouse, and quickly took its life with a swift bite to the neck. But he knew that the other creatures would probably be harder to catch. Scar unsheathed his sharp claws, and began digging a hole to shove the mouse into. Inhaling, he stared at a black squirrel, nibbling on a nut, and sitting down. He raised a paw, but stopped in midair. The squirrel froze, and slowly turned around. but it was too late, as it was already in Scar's grasp. He tossed it into the hole, and decided to make it go faster. Scar burned his gaze into the other, more grey squirrels back when he was behind and breathing on it, the squirrel cocked its head to him. It shirieked, and turned around, running. He lunged forward and bit down on the squirrel's tail. He threw it into the hole. Scar was a bit tired, but wanted to kill the bird, for his master, Shiloh. But he didn't want to be controlled! He wanted to control others! Ah, well. Scar stalked the bird as silently as he could, but it flew off. He tried again. And again. And again. Eventually, he tallied up the tries. Twenty-nine. "Well," he said, voice ragged and tired. "The thirtieth is the charm." he growled, getting up. Scar caught the bird easily and proudly unearthed the fresh-kill, and shoved it off to where Shiloh was.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
4:08pm Dec 14 2009
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Bonewtist raised an eyebrow, and then rolled his eyes and padded away, into the Warriors den. Moonfall got up almost as the same time as Rainwhisper got up, and he padded over to the prisoner, guarding him. He looked at the prisoner in disgust, and started worrying when he saw his strange acting. "Your name is Echowhistle?" He suddenly wondered out loud, and then tried not to look at his blind eyes, which creeped him out. Shiloh purred, which was more like a soft growl, and he got up to his paws. "Very well done. You'll make a great hunter..." He looked down at the squirrel, and started eating it carelessly. He knew he would die soon... He felt old and weak, his powers no longer worked, he didn't feel the same without Xalora and Xejana, all of his energy was always dead, and it was impossible to sleep. He had to make sure though that Scar learned all of the necessary before dying.
I'm Feline♥
4:16pm Dec 14 2009
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At the sound of his true name, he felt a jolt of panic zap him and his fogged-up eyes cleared up immediately. "No," he said, scoffing in disbelief. "Who's that?" the inwardly panicked tom asked. 'Nightrain' began licking his bloody claws, trying to clean them. Scar grinned broadly. "Thanks," he said, devouring the bird he caught. He was tired and, after cleaning up and finishing the kill, he stretched and began grooming his fur, waiting for Shiloh to finish the squirrel. Owlsong placed it on the fresh-kill pile, as she wasn't too hungry, and began grooming her bloody, dirty pelt. Owlsong finished quick, and grabbed a small vole to eat, hoping it would fill her belly enough. ((D'awww.Poor Shiloh. D:))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:39pm Dec 14 2009
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Moonfall raised an eyebrow. "If you say so. Then what is your name? Mine is Moonfall." He meowed, as if meowing to a friend. ((Cats don't have eyebrows, but oh well. lol. And yeah, poor Shiloh..))
I'm Feline♥
5:54pm Dec 15 2009 (last edited on 6:30pm Dec 15 2009)
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"Nightrain," he replied, euqually sorta-friendly. His eyes showed distress, but his muzzle was curved in a half-smile. At the sound of a seemingly familiar yowl, his fur bristled. That was like Mama's yowl. When I killed her! he thought, extremely alarmed. His ears folded back in panic. Rainwhisper panted heavily, her paw bleeding like a freshly killed mouse. "Well aren't you going to help me?" she asked, her voice pleading but at the same time commanding. The orange cat wa scringing, the screech echoing in his ear. Flametouch's ear twitched. "No," he said curtly. "I'm supposed to go get help," he snapped. So just like that, Flametouch went off. Rainwhisper sighed, and began licking the blood, trying to make it hurt at least a little bit less. Her quick swipes barely touched the blood. Flametouch looked around. "Hmm," he murmured. Now where could our medicine cat be...? I guess in her den, he decided, trotting over.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
6:25pm Dec 15 2009
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((But LoveClan left two days ago! And Warriors aren't supposed to do a medicine cats' job, even if they actually knew how. If a cat were in pain, it is to go to the leader or the medicine cat, instead of randomly getting a Warrior to 'help'. That is why there are leaders and medicine cats for.)) Moonfall grunted. "You've got problems, don't you?" He meowed, sensing the cat's thoughts and how he acted.
I'm Feline♥
6:35pm Dec 15 2009
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Nightrain's ears flattened again. "Yes." he said flatly. The cat turned to face Moonfall. Then he began wondering. "Do you have a mate?" Nightrain asked. "I'm curious," he added.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:52pm Dec 15 2009
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((Feline, this seemed the only way I could make them not have taken part in the battle. I hope its okay. )) Lionpaw awoke suddenly. Looking around wildley for a moment, she then remembered where seh was. It was the day after teh battle, and she was going to be made an apprentice! She was so excited. She woke up her brother Stormpaw with a prod and a nudge. He got up, and yawned. Lionpaw stretched and said, "I cant wait to become an apprentice! Who do you think our mentors will be?" The talked and talked, and then padded out into the clearing together. Morningflower sighed happily. Her kits were just beginning to wake up.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
7:53pm Dec 15 2009
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Posts: 694
((Can LoveClan post in one color and SunClan post in a different one? Im kind of getting them confused))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
8:00pm Dec 15 2009
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((Hay! I was gonna ask that. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:06pm Dec 15 2009
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((lol Great minds think alike *beams thoughts* :P))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
8:42pm Dec 15 2009
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((LOL. Sure, but no bright colors like Pink, Yellow, or Green.)) Lovestar remembered that two kits were going to be apprentices and given to a mentor. She clumsily padded out of the nursery and left her kits sleeping there next to Morningflowers'. Her fur fluffed as she stood on the highrock and the cold-foggy wind faded into a warmer wind. She called to her clan, "All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the highrock! Lionpaw and Stormpaw, sit infront of me." Moonfall looked down at the prisoner, "Well, no. I haven't thought of that before, because I haven't fallen in love. But Id like to." He smiled, and then looked away, thoughtful. Without turning, he said, "Do you?"
I'm Feline♥
5:16pm Dec 16 2009
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(Strange thing for me is, I hardly ever get the clans mixed up unless there are some new cats around. Then I get a bit confused and go to the front page for help. As for colors though, I doubt that I willl participate in that. I normally just post Sunclan and Loveclan seperatly unless the two clans are in the same plce, in whichh case it isn't as important. And I was wondering, will any cat ever develope feelings for Nutstrike again? She might be getting a tad lonely since her 'boyfriend' broke up with her and stuff and now has his ownmate that isn't her....and stuff....)) Starwalker was too busy working on Cinnamonpaw to notice much else. she was glad to see that her apprentice was getting cleaned up fast. With their combined forces, no fur would remain muddy and wet! She then shivered as she realized that she herself was still soaked from the down pour. Oh well. Her apprentice was in more need of attention than she was. She would be fine for now. Darkenedstar woke up in the nursery and began to yawn as she recalled what all might happen today and what they should work on. She quickly checked on her kits to make sure they were doing fine, and they all looked great. Still sleeping soundly, which pleased her. Her kits would now doubt be very playfull today since they had been cooped up for safety reasons so long. She knew that thispeace had better be enjoyed while it lasted. Lunarsight blinked herself awake slowly. She was surprised for a moment to see another cat in the den with her, since she had been alone in here for so long, but calmed down swiftly when she remembered why the cat was in here. She decided that she would stay in the den today because it was to muddy outside for her right now. Her paws would get all icky and she would certainly be miserable if she had to pick dirt out from inbetween her claws. Shinningkit woke up soon after she felt her mother moving. she made aa huge yawn for such a small kit and crawled out from the warmth of Darkenedstar's fur. She shook herself before getting her morning energy burst and getting quite energetic. " Moring mommy! " She mewed happily before seeing her mother's tail twitching with her amusment. Shinningkit dropped into a funny looking crouch, tail held high, as she stalked up to the taail. She was imagining the tail as a tasty little mouse. Darkenedstar watched as Shinningkit prepared to attack her tail. She continued to twitch it to go along with her kit's playing.

5:23pm Dec 16 2009
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((LoveClan and SunClan?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
5:25pm Dec 16 2009
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Lionkit and Stormkit almost bounced all the way to the highrock, thier fur shining from a through grooming. They could hardly contain thier excitement.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
5:37pm Dec 16 2009
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((None of my cats are crushing, 'cept for Owlsong, or getting crushed on, anyways. XD I'll do my SunClan cats in bold, and LoveClan in regular. Rogues in dark blue, I guess. Oh and Scar in dark red.)) Nightrain shook his head. "I would love a mate," he said. "But being a rogue, and knowing no other cat out of Clans, I can't do anything about it." was his reply. He sighed, but his plan could not unfold quite yet, anyways. So he slouched like a bored cat. Then he snapped awake, surprised. "Are you guarding the camp by watching me?" he asked in alarm, knowing that he hurt a Clan cat but... Owlsong trotted over to the prisoner, shot him a warning glance that sent shivers down his spine, and went off, fuming at the fact that a rogue attacked her randomly. Her tail was held high in pride, because she ended up winning the pathetic battle. Scar looked around, in search of something to do. "Anything you need?" he asked, waiting for a command or maybe a suggestion. His silver-furred tail was swishing back and forth expectantly. Flametouch trotted into the medicine cat den. "Starwalker?" he asked, wondering where she went. Rainwhisper just sort of lay there, cringing and hoping somecat would see ehr and drag her back to camp or something, so she would at least be in a safe place.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:41pm Dec 16 2009
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((LOL. Well I think the new warriors are too young, Moonfall already is being liked by Rainwhisper, and Fallenrain had fallen in love with Blackpelt but then she 'died' so... dramatic Fallenrain will have to go back to Nutstrike. I think it might be a good idea... And about the colors, same here. I only get mixed up with Cinnamonpaw sometimes, but that's because she's like complicated on where she is and stuff. BTW, now that Alice is not here to control Splashkit, Ashkit, are you going to control them? I can keep controlling Eclipsekit.)) Eclipsekit stared at Shiningkit, giggling. Suddenly Eclipsekit had thought, "Mommy? When are we going to be Apprentices? How old do we have to be? Are we close to being one? I can't wait! I haven't really thought much about it until daddy told us each of us would be one. It sounds fun though!" She mewed.
I'm Feline♥