7:50pm Dec 19 2009
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((Omai o_o Don't kill them... SunClan needs warriors. Ill control them if you want... Slashkit! LOL! Put slash on google xD "Darkenedstar meowed, hoping her kits would end up ignoring all she just told them and get themselves hurt." Really? '-')) Starsong had been sleeping in the nursery too, since last night's rain. He woke up just now, and stared up at Darkenedstar. He got up and shook the moss off of his pelt, "Thanks. Do you want me to bring you some fresh-kill?" Eclipsekit slipped out of the nursery after Shiningkit, her paws slipping and sliding over the frozen mud and tumbling over to the sides. Her rear's weight was too much and she rolled over her head, and once she got up, her paws twisted in more confusion on the slippery mud and she slided into the elders' den. She stared up at Sunset with her tail over her face. Sunset raised her eyebrows in amusement, and pushed Eclipsekit with her paw to get her up. Sure enough, she had been the first to the elders' den. Sunset poked her head to the exit to see if any slipping kits would arrival as bad as Eclipsekit. Cinnamonpaw stared in sympathy at Starwalker as she padded out of the den, and then looked down at her clean fur. She was feeling well, and that was thanks too Starwalker.
I'm Feline♥
7:51pm Dec 19 2009
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bmp lmp jmp glmp
I'm Feline♥
7:51pm Dec 19 2009
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I'm Feline♥
9:05pm Dec 19 2009
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((Sorry. Meant, wouldn't. Sorry. I feel stupiid nao. X3 I wanna spellcheck for christmas or somethin.)) Shinningkit saw she had lost, but wouldn't give up second easily. She skidded on some frozen mud though, stumbling on her front paws and flipping over her head as she enter the elder's den, crashing into Eclipsekit upon entry. " Sure. " Darkenedstar said, wondering if she should go outside now to get a bit of stretching done, or wait a little bit for the mud to dry up nback to dirt. Prismpaw woke up, realizing it was morning. She yawned and got onto her feet before bounding outside and into the light, leaving her sister where she was, asleep. She syhook herself and stretched before looking around for something to do. Lunarsight looked at the apprentices as they slipped and fell into the den. " I'm guessing they're here for a reason. Probobly a story. What do you think Sunset? " She asked, amusment clear in her voice. ((You can control the other kits if you want to....wow....just typed half of this sentence without looking....amazing...))

3:46pm Dec 20 2009
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((LOL X3 DJ, maybe you want to control Ashkit and Splashkit? Or Dragonstar, if she hasn't left.)) Eclipsekit patted Shiningkit's head, annoyed, and got up and sat down, cleaned her fur a few times and looked up at the elders. She looked back at the entrance as Ashkit and Splashkit arrived with the same horrible rolling-on-top-of-your-littermates entrance. Starsong smiled and headed out, just to bring back the two last voles left. On his way he stopped in front of Prismpaw, "Tell Moonfall to take out a hunting patrol. Also tell him to take you, Nutstrike if she is feeling ok, Fallenrain and his apprentice Thunderpaw. If Moonfall isn't feeling well, then Nutstrike leads the patrol. Got it?" And without waiting for a reply, he headed off towards the nursery and dropped one of the voles in front of Darkenedstar. Sunset smiled, "Yup." She said as the two other kits arrived. "Tell us about WhirlClan!" Eclipsekit squeaked, "Nahhh! About the badger attack!" Splashkit squeaked. Ashkit rolled his eyes, "I just wanna know about the fighting scenes!" Sunset looked at Lunarsight, "Umm..."
I'm Feline♥
3:47pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 694
((Is it shinningkit, or are you all trying to say Shining, as in shine?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
3:55pm Dec 20 2009
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Posts: 694
((Can I control Splashkit?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
4:02pm Dec 20 2009 (last edited on 4:07pm Dec 20 2009)
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((It is spelt Shining, not Shinning. Or else you would have to pronounce it as Shin-ing, not shine-ing. And yes, you can control Splashkit, if it is ok with Panda too.))
I'm Feline♥
5:44pm Dec 20 2009
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((I'll control whatever I can. :3))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
9:26pm Dec 20 2009
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((Ashkit? :D))
I'm Feline♥
8:10am Dec 21 2009
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" I think we go with Whirlclan and then any others they want to here. the one about whirlclan is always a good choice for kits. " Lunarsight said, nudging up any kits that had yet to get back onto their paws. Shiningkit quickl returned to her paws and sat down eagerly, waiting for the story to begin. She was so eager to hear a good story that she couldn't really sit still. She kept jiggling and shifting about. Darkenedstar thanking Starsong for the vole before eating it. After that, she started to groom herself. She also started thinking about how the apprentices needed to do more c*censored*s. They needed to bring in new moss, work on fixing the camp, detick the elders, and plenty of other things. She would see if she could get some cats on those jobs after sh cleaned herself up some. Prismpaw nodded before darting off to get Moonfall. When she found him she quickly meowed " Starsong wants you to take a hunting patrol out and bring Nutstrike, Fallenrain, and Thunderpaw. " She felt proud of herself for having remembered the entire message. ((Feel free to give away the kits Felines. X3 I'm sure Darkenedstar won't mind much.)) ((...or will she....)) Lightpaw woke up and realized her sister wasn't there. Were was she? She must have woken up already and wandered off to do something. She decided she should do the same now. She rolled oto her paws and trotted out of the Apprentices den.

8:12am Dec 21 2009
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Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
2:37pm Dec 24 2009
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Moonfall nodded, "Alright. Go wait at the entrance, ill bring your mentor, Fallenrain and his apprentice." He wondered off looking for Fallenrain, Nutstrike, and Thunderpaw. He took them out of the camp to the Best Hunting Grounds. "Ill hunt farther up there, Fallenrain and Nutstrike, try to keep around this place with your apprentices. We shouldn't separate too much." And with that, Moonfall trotted to where he had pointed out. Eclipsekit cuddled next to Ashkit, and buried her nose on her tail as she waited for the stroy to begin. "I agree," Said Sunset, and so they began with the story, "A long time ago, when Sunpelt and I were leaders......"
I'm Feline♥
9:43pm Dec 27 2009
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I'm Feline♥
7:23pm Dec 28 2009
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((Sorry. Was gone to do christmasy stuff.)) Nutstrike walked along with her apprentice, feeling not all that great but doing a pretty good job of ignoring pain. She was carfull as she hutned to avoid getting her wounds poked and tstuck at by branches, throwns, and all other sorts of things. Prismpaw followed her mentor, worried about get a good deal. She didn't seem to be enjoying her outing much and she could feel her pain slightly. She decided that she had better not bring it up right now though, because Nutstrike might not want to talk about her wounds at the moment. she would let her start that type of conversation. As she hutned, she gradually got better at actually getting the prey and killing it. At first, pretty much all of the prey wriggled out from her paws or fled before she was even close. Now though, she could actually get about half the things she stalked. Lunarsight listened to the story as well, adding in extra little detail here and there, and helping to exagerate a efw of the more interesting bits of the story. After all, huge, meanacing cats with m*censored*ive teeth and claws were much more interesting to kits than a bunch of normal cats who could fight pretty well.

7:42pm Dec 28 2009
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((Christmas-sy? XD)) Ashkit blinked curiously, tail flicking up and down in excitement. She tilted her head, listening with great interest. ((Is anyone interacting with my characters? :o))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:21pm Dec 29 2009
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As Nutstrike was padding with her apprentice, Fallenrain sprinted out of the bushes in front of them just in time to hit each other. He quickly got up, but it was to late and the rabbit he was chasing hopped away. "Thanks a lot!" He hissed and bounded away,to then look back at her in sympathy when she wasn't looking. Thunderpaw sat next to him and dropped his warm fresh-kill he had just killed to the ground and digged it up. "What happened out there? I thought you hated her." Thunderpaw mewed, and looked up at his mentor in confusion. "No, I just feel sorry for-- Nevermind, why are you here? Go get more prey, they wont jump at your paws!" Fallenrain meowed, and left and awkward silence as Thunderpaw quietly got up and walked away murmuring to himself, his ears twitching in confusment. Fallenrain thought he may as well do the same, and padded away, looking again for that rabbit. ((Panda, I'm trying to get Fallenrain and Nutstrike to talk.. Help me out? :P And DJ, just get close to one of my characters and ill get more of your characters to do something. For example, Owlsong starts talking more to Bonetwist/Twilightshine.)) Thunderpaw came up behind Prismpaw, "Hey, will you help me out to hunt one of those ducks at the lake?" He asked, and tilted his head to the side.
I'm Feline♥
7:32pm Dec 29 2009
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((Sure. :3)) OWlsong got up and trotted over to Bonetwist and his brother. "Hey," she said, tail flicking up and down as if waiting for a reply. ((They're together, I presume?))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
7:37pm Dec 29 2009
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((LOL. Yes. :])) Bonetwist looked up at Owlsong and then over at Twilightshine. "Hey," Twilightshine meowed, and Bonetwisted looked over at Owlsong. "What's up?"
I'm Feline♥
8:01pm Dec 29 2009
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Posts: 2,097
"Nothing." she replied, sitting down, her white paws resting on the ground. "You guys?" she asked, lying her tail on her paws carefully.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3