9:44am Dec 30 2009
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Nutstrike was walking along as normal, complimenting Prismpaw's good hunting skills and her nice catch. She had just gotten a nice fat vole. She was just about to tell Prismpaw a few tips to make herself catch more prey, when a rabbit darted past and another cat rammed into her. She yowled with alarm as she was knocked over. By the time she had gotten back on her paws, the cat was bounding away. " What the? " She sniffed around to try and figure out a little moreof what had happened. It seemed that Fallenrain had run into her while chasing that rabbit. He really needed to pay more attention to where he was going. She would have run after him, but she decided she could yell at him in camp. She was out here to hunt, not squable with another cat. She also knew that her yowl had probobly scared off a lot of the prey in the nearby area. She looked over by the lake though, and realized that some rather nice birds were there. Large and fat, just how Sunclan liked them. She wondered if she could bring one down on her own or if she would need help from another cat or two. Even though they were just birds, they had large wings and she was scared that if she grabbed onto one, it might fly up into the air with her still clinging on and staay there until she couln't hold on and fell. She then told herself to stop fantasizing about such impossible things happening. One of those birds could never hold her up in the air for that long. Prismpaw looked at Nutstrik who was watching the ducks, aas though comtemplating on how she would catch one. "Nutstrike,can I go hunt a duck with Thunderpaw? " " Uh...sure. Be carful though. These birds are big and can be quite dangerous. " Nutstrike said, padding towards a smallish duck to catch it. She knew that this one could never tak eher into the air. ((Ah....I think that Nutstrike had a fear of flying. Keep her and airplanes seperate. X3))

9:48am Dec 30 2009
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((uh...lost post?))
9:49am Dec 30 2009
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10:55am Dec 30 2009
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Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
1:01pm Dec 30 2009
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Lionpaw looked eagerly up at Crownedlion. "What are we going to do today?" She mewed. "Hunting? Fighting?" She swiped at him playfully. Stormpaw sat in teh clearing, washing his forepaws and muzzle with his tounge. He hadent seen his mentor yet today.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
1:32pm Dec 30 2009
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((swiped at HER playfully.... Now you have offended Crownedlion...)) Crownedlion shrugged, replying " First I want to see if we're going to be sent with a patrol at some time today. Not sure where the deputy is right now though. Of course, if you really want to find something to do, you can always clean out the moss in the nursery. " She smiled a little bit to herself, wondering if Lionpaw would actually do it.
5:18pm Dec 30 2009
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((LOL!)) Lovestar heard Crownedlion's reply, and she got up, thinking of how stupiud she was to not realize she had other stuff to do than sit there looking down at her kits as if they were going to dissapear if she looked at something else. "Su--" Before she could even finish saying the name of her mate, Sunpelt was already darting over towards her, "Yes?" Lovestar stared for a moment, amazed. Then smiled, "Look over the kits for a few minutes. They're still too young to go outside the nursery, so it wont be hard." And Sunpelt curled around his kits, looking up at Lovestar, "Will do!" And with that, pleased Lovestar padded out in search for Nightshadow. When she found him, "Can you take out a hunting patrol? Take Crownedlion, with her apprentice Lionpaw, and Flametouch with apprentice Stormpaw." Bonetwist smiled, "Not much either." He wondered if she was interested more in his brother or in him, and that frusterated him. What if he acted nice to her and after all she loved Twilightshine? Maybe, he'd make her love him? Bonetwist had always had a big mind and wondered everything that maybe no cat was ever thought of. "Um..." He tried to figure out a way to ask her something that would give him a hint of who she liked. "Would you like to go to check the borders with me? We could go hunting.. But a hunting patrol is already out. If you want to hunting though we can go at night. Um, however you want... Or uh if you preffer going with Twilightshine that is okay to I mean howvere you want or like I mean we have to feed the clan so you can go with both of us too but like--" Bonetwist meowed about, until Twilightshine interrupted him, "Shut up, Bonetiwst, and let her reply already." Thunderpaw smiled, and lead her out to the corner of the lake. "How about we go for that one? You that way, me the other." He pointed to one of the birds, who had a funny black feather sticking out of his head, unlike other birds. "When I attack, you come exactly at that moment and help me kill it."
I'm Feline♥
5:20pm Dec 30 2009
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Owlsong chuckled, finding Bonetwist's stammring funny. "Sure." she replied with a grin, tail swishing on the ground. "I'll go with you." the cat added. Her pelt ruffled, and then she turned around. Owlsong casted a backwards glance, "See you." she meowed, then trotting off.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:46pm Dec 30 2009
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Bonetwist wondered if she was going to do the border patrol. He guessed it was that, and he followed, and gave a worried glance back at Twilightshine, who just smiled. "Owlsong, wait, it's this way!" Bonetwist meowed, as he slowly began to pad out the entrance, "C'mon!" And grinned.
I'm Feline♥
8:49pm Dec 30 2009
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Owlsong grinned back, and followed the two toms, her tail flicking up and down in excitement. Her fur brushed against the breeze calmly...
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
5:21pm Dec 31 2009
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" Yes Lovestar. " Nightshadow said, getting up and padding over to Crownedlion and meowing, " Youu are to take you apprentice out with Flamethouch and his apprentice on a hunting patrol. " He went to Flamethough and said something pretty much the same. He wondered if there would be any border patrols today, or if it would be to dangerous to go all the way around the territory with those dangerous cats still out there doing Starclan knows what. Crownedlion nodded, and wen to the camp entrance to wait for Flametouch to get over here.
2:08am Jan 2 2010
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((What about Primspaw's reply?)) Bonetwist stopped and sniffed the air, wondering what was he was supposed to do on a border patrol. Remembering, "So, ill go around the border this way and refresh them, and you and Twilightshine can go the other way. Is.. I mean, is that ok?" He said, words rushing through his mind. Twilightshine smiled and rolled his eyes, "Of course. Come on, Owlsong, let's go." And he padded along the opposite way Bonetwist was heading to.
I'm Feline♥
9:58am Jan 2 2010
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Owlsong nodded and followed Twilightshine. ((I think that's it. XD))
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
8:03pm Jan 2 2010
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((No, of course not. There is much more. Talk, do something, find something, realize something, think something, whatever! Many things you could do.))
I'm Feline♥
12:40pm Jan 3 2010
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((For a second I thought you said find frogs. XD)) Flametouch scrambled back to Rainwhisper's side, waiting impatiently for Starwalker. He kind of stared at her, cringing at her clumsiness. Rainwhisper was asleep, her tail wrapped around the wounded leg protectively. She blinked twice, then got up slightly. Shifting, Rainwhisper pulled herself up to a sitting position. She gingerly tapped the ground with a paw. Her wound stung, the slight vibrations coursing up her leg was too much for it. Rainwhisper collapsed on the ground, shuddering. She murmured nothing in particular, eyes fogged up. Nightrain wondered where the tom went. He was half-asleep for a while. "Moonfall?" he meowed, looking around. "That's your name right?" he added. Owlsong breathed in the scents of outdoors, smelling the faint border marks where they were supposed to be. She wondered how Bonetwist was doing, refreshing them and all. Silvertail heaved herself up, eeling pain immediately. She ignored it as much as possible and limped to the medicine cat den, the smell of herbs in her nostrils barely surprising but very strong to her. "Starwalker?" she mewed quietly, lying down carefully. Brackenpaw went after his mentor, paws stinging. The blod stopped pouring, but the pain kept coming. He wobbled his way into Starwalker's den. Scar curled up to sleep, white paws hidden under his silver tabby tail, tipped with a snowy white colour. He closed his silvery blue eyes and went to sleep, tired for no particular reason.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
1:34pm Jan 3 2010
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Lionpaw wrinkled her nose. "Do I have to? Or-" she stopped, hearing Lovestar talking. She was going on a hunting patrol with her brother? Stormpaw heard Lovestar, but he didnt know where Flametouch was. He sat back, confused.
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
3:42pm Jan 3 2010
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((LOL. Well, you could do that too... xD)) Moonfall nodded, "Yes, I'm pretty sure it is. Are you feeling better? Where do you come from, by the way? And what were you doing on our territory?" He meowed, looking directly at Nightrain's eyes, expecting him to answer all three questions. Cinnamonpaw padded towards the waiting cats, who looked in pain. She wondered why Starwalker wasn't treating them. She took out some poppy seeds and took them to Flametouch, Rainwhisper, Brackenpaw, and Silverpelt. She gave each about four, "I'm not sure what Starwalker is doing right now, but eat these for now, I think all of you need to rest more before anything." Twilightshine refreshed all the way of the borders, and when he and Owlsong were calmly going back to meet Bonetwist, he asked, "What are you up to? I think you like one of us. But I think you must also show it, or else it'll be too late." And Twilightshine looked at Owlsong in her eyes, while padding. Cinnamonpaw then looked at Flametouch, "Wait, don't eat these. You don't seem very sick, and Lovestar is waiting for you." ((Panda, can Darkenedstar realize that Cinnamonpaw should be a full medicine cat now? I think it's getting confusing now and each clan should have their own medicine cat by now.))
I'm Feline♥
9:19pm Jan 6 2010
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I'm Feline♥
11:05pm Jan 8 2010
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I'm Feline♥
10:51am Jan 9 2010
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Flametouch nodded, giving her the poppy seeds back. He trotted back to camp. Rainwhisper edged closer to the seeds. And shoved them into her mouth, chewing them slowly. She never did like the taste of seeds. Owlsong froze at his sudden outburst. She sighed, shaknig her head. "I-I can't tell you." she murmured, sniffling. Nightrain stared at him. "Yes, I am." he said. "And I come from thje mountains." he added, flicking the tip of his tail to where the mountains were supposed to be. "And I had some...unfinished buisness to... finish." he said, eyes narrowing to slits.
Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3