6:32pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
He scowled. "Shes the only thing I have left, Fernleaf. I just dont want to lose her" His voice was a whisper. He rolled over to face her. "I guess in a way im jealus. I can see in her eyes she really likes him. She has someone special, what do I have. Tell that?" 'Im acting like a spoiled kit,' he growled to himself 'Just shut up before you say something you will really regret.'
6:42pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 4,848
((i can fix that :D)) Name: littleleaf Rank: warrior Eye color/pelt color: white with green eyes Personality: sweet, kind, but a bit shy Gender: female Look: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> Mate: kinda likes shadeheart Has an apprentice/mentor: hoping for an apprentice Age: 4 years Other: nope
6:47pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
6:48pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 1,895
"You have a wonderful life in this clan and the happines of eeing omone you love find someone else."She said.Then she leaned in and whipered"Dont tell anyone I tld you this but..i think they are going to be mates.I dont think you would want to get in between that because you know...it might make her hate you."She looked aorund to make sure no one heard.She then went back to her old position acting as though she had never told him a secret.
6:51pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 4,848
Littleleaf walked over to Shadeheart "h-hy S-shadeh-heart." She said timidly.
6:52pm Mar 13 2009 (last edited on 6:53pm Mar 13 2009)
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Posts: 443
He looked up surprised. He purred. "Hello Littleleaf."
6:53pm Mar 13 2009
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"h-hy....." She said shyly.
6:54pm Mar 13 2009
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Fernleaf watched as he darted away then went back to her own matters.
6:55pm Mar 13 2009
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Foxfoot had heard what Fernleaf was saying. He breathed a sigh. Sagepelt and he were probably going to be mates. Godd mates. He thought.
6:56pm Mar 13 2009 (last edited on 7:00pm Mar 13 2009)
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Posts: 443
He sighed. "Today has been more eventful than yesterday, almost." He looked at the white she cat, "How has your day been?" Sagepelt woke up to notice Foxfoot was missing. 'What will happen to use now, will we stay good friends, or will we be more. Maybe even mates!' She sighed dreamily at this thought. 'I hope so. I also hope Shadeheart finds someone to open him up.'
6:59pm Mar 13 2009
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Echopaw bounced up and down. "Rockpelt, would you like to take the lead?" Oakcloud asked. (g2g)
7:04pm Mar 13 2009
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"ok." rockpelt said. "well, normal, hunted, and stuff, nothing exiting." Littleleaf said, she was getting braver "my name is littleleaf, what is yours?" she asked.
7:06pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
"oh, im Shadeheart. Nice to meet you Littleleaf." He dipped his head in greeting.
7:08pm Mar 13 2009
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Littleleaf dipped her head too. "so, you want to go hunting?" she asked.
7:10pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Shaking off his fear for Sagepelt he stood up. "Sure, i'd be glad too." He already liked this she-cat. She did not try to trap him like most cats did. "Are you ready to go?" He asked already headed to the den entrance.
7:12pm Mar 13 2009
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"yup." Littleleaf said and followed him.
7:13pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
"So when do you join Loveclan?" He asked trying to start up a conversation.
7:23pm Mar 13 2009 (last edited on 7:24pm Mar 13 2009)
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"i remember, one day, i was a kit then, my mother was killed in a river, she was fishing in it, my brother and sister were coping her, i was too afraid of the water, then i heard a rumbling and befor i knew it, the water was higher and my mother and my brother and sister dissapeard. I remember crying, then lovestar found me and brang me to the clan, she called me littlekit, because i was the runt of my litter. I cant belive i still remember...." Littleleaf said, a faraway look was in her eyes "and to this day, i wounder if they are still alive...."
7:30pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Shadeheart could not belive it. Her past was a lot alike. "Im really sorry to hear that. I think their alive out their some were looking for you." He purred quietly at her. "Something a lot like that happened to us, me and Sagepelt, we never got over it." A far away look came to his eyes. "Would you like to hear what happened, it might make you feel a little better?" He asked.
7:32pm Mar 13 2009
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"yes." she said "id love to hear it."