8:45pm Mar 13 2009
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Rockpelt jumped "acK!" "sorryihavetogo!" he said realy quickly and ran over to whare dasyflower was. "your hear." she said. "i would not miss this for all the fresh-kill in the world." he said. Dasyflower pured.
8:45pm Mar 13 2009
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The pups leaped dback in fear still thinking it was Fernleaf wh did this.Fernleaf bared her teeth at them ass she let out a low snarl.Their mother was instantly off on the case of whatever had altered her pups learning experiance.She leaped onto Sagepelt with the fur on her back bristled and teeth bared to the fullest extent.
8:46pm Mar 13 2009
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Starwalker came back with a few herbs.She set them in front of Dasyflower's head."If you go through any severe pains you might want to eat thee.They will tone down the pain a good bit."
8:48pm Mar 13 2009
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"thanks." dasyflower purred. Then she started to give birth to the first kit.
8:50pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt was not expecting the wolf to leap at her.She tried to get out of the way but still being stiff, her back leg was bit instead of her neck. The mother wolf drug the shrieking she cat into the clearing. She hit the ground beside Fernleaf. "Please Starclan help us." She whispered.
8:51pm Mar 13 2009
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Starwalker watched carfully.When the kit was out she gently pulled them to Dasyflower's face so she could clean them.That was what cats do when their kits are born most of the time and Starwalker expected this to be no different.
8:52pm Mar 13 2009
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A white blure knocked the wolf down, it was Littleleaf. "ran while you still can, i will hold her off." she yelled.
8:52pm Mar 13 2009
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Dasyflower licked the kit. The kit out a small mew.
8:54pm Mar 13 2009
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Fernleaf sat down,eyeing the pups carfully.As long as they stayed at a respectable distance she did no harm but coming cloe meant a swift swipe on the nose with her claws.She was not going to just be eaten by these barely grown creatures.One of the braver ones snarled and pounced on the cat.Soon thy got into a fight.Fernleaf noticed the pup was only nippin her lightly.Nt actually hurting her.It was more like one of the play fights kits get into somtimes.There appeared to be a mix up in her identity.They had mistaked what was suposed to be their prey for a friend.A friend who wanted to play.
8:55pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
Sagepelt gasped in relief. She tried to get up but her leg gave out again. "Fernleaf run!" She yowled to the other she cat. Again she tried to get up but failed again. Her old wound broke open. That long with her newly opened leg wound prevented her from going anywere.
8:56pm Mar 13 2009
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Starwalker smiled."It seems that all will go well for the rest of your kits.If the first is alive and healthy then the rest should be no different."She knew this as well from her experiance.
8:57pm Mar 13 2009
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Littletooth's tail was in the wolfs jaws, she pulled away, part of her tail came off ((just the tip)) and she ran, there was a big gash on her left side but she didi not care, She picked up Sagepelt by the scruff and ran to camp, when she finily got there she collasped, but she fourced herself to go back.
8:59pm Mar 13 2009
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"good." dasyflower said, she had two more helphy kits ((anyone want to be one of them?)) Two females and one male. She licked them.
9:00pm Mar 13 2009
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Fernleaf did.The pup playfully chased after her yipping happily.Its tongue began to lol out.The mother snarled and let out a howl.Her raging mate burst through the trees.They were enraged that their mate had been aattacked by a cat.The huge male sped toward littleleaf silently and swiftly.He was upon her within seconds...
9:00pm Mar 13 2009 (last edited on 9:02pm Mar 13 2009)
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Posts: 443
((Ill be one ribunny123)) As soon as she caught her breath, she turned to thank Littleleaf who was already gone. Terror swept through her. Littleleaf was hurt and going back. She let out a yowl of fear right outside the camp, knowing some cat would hear her.
9:03pm Mar 13 2009
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(Uh...just so you know the camp was over an hour away by running....I dounbt they could make post dragging another cat in one post...))
9:03pm Mar 13 2009
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Littleleaf clawed at the males eyes, and maiged to caw it's eye out, blood came from the eye socet, she clawed the other one out, the wolf was blind, it screached and ran it fell into a river and drowned.
9:04pm Mar 13 2009
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((sagepelt- good ^^ wich one, the one male or one of the two females?))
9:07pm Mar 13 2009
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((I doubt any wolf is retarded enough to stay close enough to a cat after losing one eye to lose its other eye.Dont act as though it was a complete retard.))
9:08pm Mar 13 2009
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Posts: 443
((um, ill be one of the females.)) Shadeheart heard the yowl and bolted out of camp. He was horrified by Sagepelt. Blood everywere. "What happened?" He asked. "Go to the.. tree with the..rocks at the bottom. Littleleaf...and others are..being attacked by..wolves." She tried to catch her breath but Shadeheart was already gone. Fear swpt through him at the thought of Littleleaf being hurt.